Tom Macy
Co-Host of Faith Church Indy
Tom Macy has hosted 31 Episodes.
GO Time Interview: Doug Leatherman
October 27th, 2023 | 40 mins 25 secs
go, interview, missions, time
We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO Time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends.
Cut for Time: The Call
July 26th, 2023 | 14 mins 55 secs
acts, church, faith, gospel, spirit
Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.
The Call | Acts 3:11-26
July 24th, 2023 | 40 mins 24 secs
acts, church, faith, gospel, spirit
This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?
Cut For Time: Matthew 13:1-9
February 15th, 2023 | 21 mins 58 secs
cut, for, gospel, jesus, matthew, time
Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.
Spreading the Word (Matt. 13:1-23)
February 14th, 2023 | 41 mins 20 secs
bible, church, faith, family, gathering, indianapolis, sermon, spread, word
The One Sermon Series
Cut For Time: The God Who Brings Wholeness
October 26th, 2022 | 14 mins 30 secs
cut, for, gospel, matthew, time
Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.
Under His Wings (Ruth 2)
September 7th, 2021 | 38 mins 4 secs
bible, church, faith, indianapolis, sermon, under, wings
Ruth Hope in the Ordinary Sermon Series
I Am Weary O God (Proverbs 30)
August 17th, 2021 | 36 mins 16 secs
bible, church, faith, indianapolis, sermon, weary
Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series
Righteousness Exalts a Nation (Proverbs 14:34)
July 6th, 2021 | 40 mins 53 secs
bible, church, faith, indianapolis, nation, righteousness, sermon
Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series
Throwback Episode - GO Time Interview with the Singleterrys
July 3rd, 2021 | 37 mins 20 secs
Hear a few stories from her time in missions and catch up with the Janet and Andy Singleterry.
Cut for Time: Isaiah 53:4-6
March 10th, 2021 | 18 mins 41 secs
cut, for, isaiah, time
Pastor Joey gives us a few more thoughts from the scripture 53:4-6.
Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!) - Week 2
January 28th, 2021 | 29 mins 27 secs
bible, faith, grandkids, kids
From week two of Grow Classes, this is Pastor Tom's first class on "Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)"
Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)
January 14th, 2021 | 27 mins 14 secs
bible, classes, grandkids, grow, kids
From week one of Grow Classes, this is Pastor Tom's first class on "Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)"
Living Lament in a World Gone Mad (Micah 7:1-17)
September 14th, 2020 | 36 mins 3 secs
Reflect Sermon Series
Kindness (Ephesians 4:32)
June 5th, 2020 | 44 mins 56 secs
bible, church, faith, fruit, indianapolis, kindness, sermon
Fruit of the Spirit Series
Cut for Time: An Update from Tom Macy
May 27th, 2020 | 16 mins 52 secs
balance, covid-19, cut, for, time
Pastor Tom fills us in on life, ministry, and prayers for the Faith Family.