{"version":"https://jsonfeed.org/version/1","title":"Faith Church Indy","home_page_url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm","feed_url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/json","description":"Together, the people of Faith seek to connect with God, each other, and our needy world. Through biblical preaching and teaching, passionate worship, deep friendships, and a focus on loving and serving, our mission is to declare the glory of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.","_fireside":{"subtitle":"Sermons from Faith Church in Indianapolis","pubdate":"2025-03-24T09:00:00.000-04:00","explicit":false,"copyright":"2025 by Faith Church Indy","owner":"Faith Church Indy","image":"https://media24.fireside.fm/file/fireside-images-2024/podcasts/images/7/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/cover.jpg?v=2"},"items":[{"id":"ff74eb89-07b5-45c0-beea-9c7beaba66a1","title":"The Mustard Seed | Matthew 13:31-32","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/disrupted-004","content_text":"It's one of the shortest parables Jesus told, but just like its subject, this parable is packed with the power of growth. \"The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed,\" Jesus said. The kingdom starts out small, but when it grows, it grows into something no one saw coming. Join us for \"The Mustard Seed\" from Matthew 13:31-32 as once again Jesus disrupts our assumptions about the kingdom of God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s one of the shortest parables Jesus told, but just like its subject, this parable is packed with the power of growth. \u0026quot;The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed,\u0026quot; Jesus said. The kingdom starts out small, but when it grows, it grows into something no one saw coming. Join us for \u0026quot;The Mustard Seed\u0026quot; from Matthew 13:31-32 as once again Jesus disrupts our assumptions about the kingdom of God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We all love stories. Stories engage our attention and spark our imagination and often encourage reflection. Jesus’ most common form of instruction – far more than direct sermons – was storytelling, in the form of parables. \r\n\r\nLent is a season for reflection. We’ll explore the subversive stories of Jesus that – if we have ears to hear – will challenge our assumptions, cause us to reflect, and lead us reconsider what it means to know and follow Jesus. \r\n\r\nThe through-line for this series is these are all stories of reversal. They subvert our expectations and cause us to rethink what we believe about God, self, and others. \r\n\r\nThese are stories of what the Kingdom looks like here and now; we may miss where God is working now because we’re looking in the wrong way, the wrong place, with smaller expectations. Unpack the “shock value\" of the stories in their setting, identify the pattern of each to help us see where we may have similar smaller, limited visions of God's work and ways and presence. ","date_published":"2025-03-24T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ff74eb89-07b5-45c0-beea-9c7beaba66a1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41245173,"duration_in_seconds":2062}]},{"id":"c99f6707-be83-450e-ad9f-a7f78e6b2c65","title":"Cut for Time: The Good Samaritan","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-021","content_text":"Bees and Natzi's? We discuss these topics and more on this week's podcast covering Luke 10:25-37 of the Good Samaritan.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBees and Natzi\u0026#39;s? We discuss these topics and more on this week\u0026#39;s podcast covering Luke 10:25-37 of the Good Samaritan.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-03-19T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c99f6707-be83-450e-ad9f-a7f78e6b2c65.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17781695,"duration_in_seconds":1480}]},{"id":"553b79e9-3ddb-4915-bca9-d1b3ad57fd8d","title":"The Good Samaritan | Luke 10:25-37","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/disrupted-003","content_text":"One of Jesus’ most well-known parables is that of the Good Samaritan - so much so, it has even made its way into common vernacular. Jesus tells this parable in response to a leading question of “Who is my neighbor?” Join us as we study Luke 10:25-37 and see how Jesus disrupts and challenges the self-righteousness and presuppositions we have towards others.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOne of Jesus’ most well-known parables is that of the Good Samaritan - so much so, it has even made its way into common vernacular. Jesus tells this parable in response to a leading question of “Who is my neighbor?” Join us as we study Luke 10:25-37 and see how Jesus disrupts and challenges the self-righteousness and presuppositions we have towards others.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We all love stories. Stories engage our attention and spark our imagination and often encourage reflection. Jesus’ most common form of instruction – far more than direct sermons – was storytelling, in the form of parables. \r\n\r\nLent is a season for reflection. We’ll explore the subversive stories of Jesus that – if we have ears to hear – will challenge our assumptions, cause us to reflect, and lead us reconsider what it means to know and follow Jesus. \r\n\r\nThe through-line for this series is these are all stories of reversal. They subvert our expectations and cause us to rethink what we believe about God, self, and others. \r\n\r\nThese are stories of what the Kingdom looks like here and now; we may miss where God is working now because we’re looking in the wrong way, the wrong place, with smaller expectations. Unpack the “shock value\" of the stories in their setting, identify the pattern of each to help us see where we may have similar smaller, limited visions of God's work and ways and presence. ","date_published":"2025-03-17T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/553b79e9-3ddb-4915-bca9-d1b3ad57fd8d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40156389,"duration_in_seconds":2007}]},{"id":"f30ccfb2-9471-4230-99fc-9aa593f5b963","title":"Cut for Time: The Sower and The Soils","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-020","content_text":"Are we like the sower or are we the soil? We answer this question and more on this week's podcast discussing Matthew 13:1-23.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAre we like the sower or are we the soil? We answer this question and more on this week\u0026#39;s podcast discussing Matthew 13:1-23.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-03-12T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f30ccfb2-9471-4230-99fc-9aa593f5b963.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17415943,"duration_in_seconds":1449}]},{"id":"9cb54fec-cf88-481f-9c7c-ae6bf280c54a","title":"Ash Wednesday | Luke 18:9-14","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/disrupted-001","content_text":"Start this year’s Lenten season with a service of prayer, humility, and the reminder of our frailty and need of a savior.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eStart this year’s Lenten season with a service of prayer, humility, and the reminder of our frailty and need of a savior.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We all love stories. Stories engage our attention and spark our imagination and often encourage reflection. Jesus’ most common form of instruction – far more than direct sermons – was storytelling, in the form of parables. \r\n\r\nLent is a season for reflection. We’ll explore the subversive stories of Jesus that – if we have ears to hear – will challenge our assumptions, cause us to reflect, and lead us reconsider what it means to know and follow Jesus. \r\n\r\nThe through-line for this series is these are all stories of reversal. They subvert our expectations and cause us to rethink what we believe about God, self, and others. \r\n\r\nThese are stories of what the Kingdom looks like here and now; we may miss where God is working now because we’re looking in the wrong way, the wrong place, with smaller expectations. Unpack the “shock value\" of the stories in their setting, identify the pattern of each to help us see where we may have similar smaller, limited visions of God's work and ways and presence. ","date_published":"2025-03-10T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9cb54fec-cf88-481f-9c7c-ae6bf280c54a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18137777,"duration_in_seconds":906}]},{"id":"52748c00-c5a7-49b0-800f-352708dd1f24","title":"The Sower and The Soils | Matthew 13:1-23","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/disrupted-002","content_text":"For Lent, we're starting a new series in the parables - curious stories intended to slow us down, make us think, and invite us to change. And in this first parable about the parables, we see that our response to Jesus reveals something important about our hearts. Join us as we look at \"The Sower and the Soils\" from Matthew 18:1-23.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor Lent, we\u0026#39;re starting a new series in the parables - curious stories intended to slow us down, make us think, and invite us to change. And in this first parable about the parables, we see that our response to Jesus reveals something important about our hearts. Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Sower and the Soils\u0026quot; from Matthew 18:1-23.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We all love stories. Stories engage our attention and spark our imagination and often encourage reflection. Jesus’ most common form of instruction – far more than direct sermons – was storytelling, in the form of parables. \r\n\r\nLent is a season for reflection. We’ll explore the subversive stories of Jesus that – if we have ears to hear – will challenge our assumptions, cause us to reflect, and lead us reconsider what it means to know and follow Jesus. \r\n\r\nThe through-line for this series is these are all stories of reversal. They subvert our expectations and cause us to rethink what we believe about God, self, and others. \r\n\r\nThese are stories of what the Kingdom looks like here and now; we may miss where God is working now because we’re looking in the wrong way, the wrong place, with smaller expectations. Unpack the “shock value\" of the stories in their setting, identify the pattern of each to help us see where we may have similar smaller, limited visions of God's work and ways and presence. ","date_published":"2025-03-10T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/52748c00-c5a7-49b0-800f-352708dd1f24.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38435443,"duration_in_seconds":1921}]},{"id":"a8280a1c-bc20-4527-b00e-946c630761c9","title":"Cut for Time: The Appeal","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-019","content_text":"Was Nero always a bad emporer? Find out on this week's podcast as we discuss Acts 24:22-25:12.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWas Nero always a bad emporer? Find out on this week\u0026#39;s podcast as we discuss Acts 24:22-25:12.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-03-05T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a8280a1c-bc20-4527-b00e-946c630761c9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14829377,"duration_in_seconds":1233}]},{"id":"277d0d24-07d2-4bf3-bbed-3b33df3c484c","title":"The Appeal | Acts 24:22-25:12","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-071","content_text":"After a two-year delay in his case, and through multiple hearings with the governor, finally there's a light at the end of the tunnel. A new governor comes on the scene...but this guy wants ingratiate himself with the Jewish leadership, and lays plans to offer Paul up as a sacrifice to his political ambitions. What will Paul do? More importantly, how will God show up? Join us for \"The Appeal\" from Acts 24:22-25:12 and we'll watch as God pulls the levers of power to get Paul on his way to Rome!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter a two-year delay in his case, and through multiple hearings with the governor, finally there\u0026#39;s a light at the end of the tunnel. A new governor comes on the scene...but this guy wants ingratiate himself with the Jewish leadership, and lays plans to offer Paul up as a sacrifice to his political ambitions. What will Paul do? More importantly, how will God show up? Join us for \u0026quot;The Appeal\u0026quot; from Acts 24:22-25:12 and we\u0026#39;ll watch as God pulls the levers of power to get Paul on his way to Rome!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2025-03-03T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/277d0d24-07d2-4bf3-bbed-3b33df3c484c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39591622,"duration_in_seconds":1979}]},{"id":"f3193aa1-6d80-4ef6-8ef6-cb1cf1f2db7d","title":"Cut for Time: The Governor","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-018","content_text":"What happened to Acts 24:7? Find out this week as we discuss Acts 24:1-21 in this week's podcast.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat happened to Acts 24:7? Find out this week as we discuss Acts 24:1-21 in this week\u0026#39;s podcast.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-02-26T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f3193aa1-6d80-4ef6-8ef6-cb1cf1f2db7d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20128927,"duration_in_seconds":1674}]},{"id":"8c8b1447-1bde-41b7-8722-d079b03666ef","title":"The Governor | Acts 24:1-21","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-070","content_text":"The opposition is heating up! The Jewish religious authorities seize their opportunity before the Roman governor to charge Paul with sedition, a charge they know he can’t ignore. But is it true? Paul doesn’t seem to think so. Once again Luke’s readers are drawn into the courtroom drama, waiting for justice to be done. Will God act? Will he act how we want, or how we expect? Join us for “The Governor” from Acts 24:1-21 as we watch God work through his people for his glory!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe opposition is heating up! The Jewish religious authorities seize their opportunity before the Roman governor to charge Paul with sedition, a charge they know he can’t ignore. But is it true? Paul doesn’t seem to think so. Once again Luke’s readers are drawn into the courtroom drama, waiting for justice to be done. Will God act? Will he act how we want, or how we expect? Join us for “The Governor” from Acts 24:1-21 as we watch God work through his people for his glory!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2025-02-24T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8c8b1447-1bde-41b7-8722-d079b03666ef.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33001974,"duration_in_seconds":2083}]},{"id":"31bb8a03-88bd-4ff4-bd38-431751985b20","title":"Cut for Time: The Deliverance - Acts 23:23-35","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-017","content_text":"Do Jesus and Chaos go together? Find out as we discuss that and more in this week's podcast focused on Acts 23:23-35.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDo Jesus and Chaos go together? Find out as we discuss that and more in this week\u0026#39;s podcast focused on Acts 23:23-35.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-02-20T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/31bb8a03-88bd-4ff4-bd38-431751985b20.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19996181,"duration_in_seconds":1664}]},{"id":"81d269cc-a7c6-4497-9fd8-45b97a330d4b","title":"The Deliverance | Acts 23:23-35","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-069","content_text":"God has promised Paul will be his witness in Rome, but so far the steps to get there seem unclear, surprising, and even confusing. Luke allows us to see \"behind the scenes\" to encourage us that God is at work behind the scenes in our lives to care for us, advance his purposes, and deliver us. Join us as we look at \"The Deliverance\" from Acts 23:23-35.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGod has promised Paul will be his witness in Rome, but so far the steps to get there seem unclear, surprising, and even confusing. Luke allows us to see \u0026quot;behind the scenes\u0026quot; to encourage us that God is at work behind the scenes in our lives to care for us, advance his purposes, and deliver us. Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Deliverance\u0026quot; from Acts 23:23-35.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2025-02-17T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/81d269cc-a7c6-4497-9fd8-45b97a330d4b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39353908,"duration_in_seconds":1967}]},{"id":"13d90b16-ac39-4817-b492-24b2eda72916","title":"Cut for Time: The Plot","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-016","content_text":"Did you know that Paul had a cousin? Find out about this and more as we discuss Acts 23:12-22 in this week's Podcast!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDid you know that Paul had a cousin? Find out about this and more as we discuss Acts 23:12-22 in this week\u0026#39;s Podcast!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-02-12T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/13d90b16-ac39-4817-b492-24b2eda72916.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15892979,"duration_in_seconds":1322}]},{"id":"5fd71424-10bc-4189-ae66-baf4c2ad6994","title":"The Plot | Acts 23:11-22","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-068","content_text":"As if being rescued from a murderous mob three times weren't enough, now a large group of men solemnly pledge to kill Paul. But Jesus had promised Paul that he will testify about him in Rome, and God intervenes to bring the deadly scheme to light and lay the groundwork for another narrow escape. Join us for “The Plot” from Acts 23:11-22.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs if being rescued from a murderous mob three times weren\u0026#39;t enough, now a large group of men solemnly pledge to kill Paul. But Jesus had promised Paul that he will testify about him in Rome, and God intervenes to bring the deadly scheme to light and lay the groundwork for another narrow escape. Join us for “The Plot” from Acts 23:11-22.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2025-02-11T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5fd71424-10bc-4189-ae66-baf4c2ad6994.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41725304,"duration_in_seconds":2086}]},{"id":"32d2fd1d-754d-4a65-aebe-08232b206e6a","title":"Cut for Time: The Ploy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-015","content_text":"The battle commences! Are we flesh and blood only, or does our spirit live on after death? Joey tackles these tough questions in this podcast discussing Acts 22:30-23:11.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe battle commences! Are we flesh and blood only, or does our spirit live on after death? Joey tackles these tough questions in this podcast discussing Acts 22:30-23:11.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-02-06T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/32d2fd1d-754d-4a65-aebe-08232b206e6a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":12460856,"duration_in_seconds":1036}]},{"id":"9d62cd01-c98f-45e5-9412-14560299981b","title":"The Ploy | Acts 22:30-23:11","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-067","content_text":"Still on a search for answers, the tribune calls together the Jewish authorities to give them a chance to make their case against Paul. But when Paul cleverly zeroes in on the main issue, the authorities split into factions and begin arguing with each other. In the chaos, Paul is taken back to prison, where Jesus appears with a message. Join us for “The Ploy” from Acts 22:30-23:11 as we watch Jesus move Paul one step closer to Rome!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eStill on a search for answers, the tribune calls together the Jewish authorities to give them a chance to make their case against Paul. But when Paul cleverly zeroes in on the main issue, the authorities split into factions and begin arguing with each other. In the chaos, Paul is taken back to prison, where Jesus appears with a message. Join us for “The Ploy” from Acts 22:30-23:11 as we watch Jesus move Paul one step closer to Rome!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2025-02-03T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9d62cd01-c98f-45e5-9412-14560299981b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37868063,"duration_in_seconds":1893}]},{"id":"757f6b28-1bcf-44c3-ad34-778f03483dd8","title":"Cut for Time: The Tribune","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-014","content_text":"Joey challenges us with 3 important sermon questions. Hear about these in this week's podcast on The Tribune from Acts 22:22-29.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJoey challenges us with 3 important sermon questions. Hear about these in this week\u0026#39;s podcast on The Tribune from Acts 22:22-29.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-01-29T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/757f6b28-1bcf-44c3-ad34-778f03483dd8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":12965634,"duration_in_seconds":1078}]},{"id":"368211aa-9d4d-4016-babb-280305585cdc","title":"The Tribune | Acts 22:22-29","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-066","content_text":"We pick up this weekend with Paul in chains. The crowd has turned against him--again--and the authorities are getting frustrated. But when they order Paul to be beaten until he confesses his crimes, Paul appeals to his Roman citizenship to stay the proceedings. How has God prepared Paul ahead of time for this moment? And what can we learn from it? Join us for \"The Tribune\" from Acts 22:22-29!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe pick up this weekend with Paul in chains. The crowd has turned against him--again--and the authorities are getting frustrated. But when they order Paul to be beaten until he confesses his crimes, Paul appeals to his Roman citizenship to stay the proceedings. How has God prepared Paul ahead of time for this moment? And what can we learn from it? Join us for \u0026quot;The Tribune\u0026quot; from Acts 22:22-29!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2025-01-27T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/368211aa-9d4d-4016-babb-280305585cdc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40037271,"duration_in_seconds":2001}]},{"id":"b5d7ae19-6416-47c0-93aa-edc403674cb3","title":"Cut for Time: The Defense","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-013","content_text":"Paul gives his testimony in front of the Jewish crowd. Find out about this in this week's episode as we discuss Jeff's sermon the Defesne from Acts 21:37-22:22. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul gives his testimony in front of the Jewish crowd. Find out about this in this week\u0026#39;s episode as we discuss Jeff\u0026#39;s sermon the Defesne from Acts 21:37-22:22. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-01-22T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b5d7ae19-6416-47c0-93aa-edc403674cb3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15945316,"duration_in_seconds":1327}]},{"id":"fbfe4bb7-0618-43ca-97b6-dd4f27ff1f1c","title":"The Defense | Acts 21:37-22:22","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-065","content_text":"The apostle Paul has faced opposition from strangers before, but now he's in danger from his own - people he has the most in common with and who should understand him. What do we learn from Paul about facing hostility from the ones closest to us, and how does that help us as witnesses of Jesus? Join us as we look at \"The Defense\" from Acts 21:37-22:22.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe apostle Paul has faced opposition from strangers before, but now he\u0026#39;s in danger from his own - people he has the most in common with and who should understand him. What do we learn from Paul about facing hostility from the ones closest to us, and how does that help us as witnesses of Jesus? Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Defense\u0026quot; from Acts 21:37-22:22.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2025-01-20T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fbfe4bb7-0618-43ca-97b6-dd4f27ff1f1c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34749565,"duration_in_seconds":1737}]},{"id":"989ffa22-81d4-4bb9-9411-f3f31a536747","title":"Cut for Time: The Mob","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-012","content_text":"What made first service laugh so hard? Find out in this week's episode as we discuss Joey's sermon the Mob from Acts 21:27-36. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat made first service laugh so hard? Find out in this week\u0026#39;s episode as we discuss Joey\u0026#39;s sermon the Mob from Acts 21:27-36. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2025-01-16T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/989ffa22-81d4-4bb9-9411-f3f31a536747.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18416729,"duration_in_seconds":1532}]},{"id":"48aa79ce-3bb4-483c-8937-89e53c3226e5","title":"The Mob | Acts 21:27-36","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-064","content_text":"We're back in Acts, picking up where we left off! Paul is following his leaders' wishes and undergoing a purification ritual to try to signal to suspicious parties that he's really one of them, that he can be trusted. But a misunderstanding and its disastrous consequences leave Paul in chains, alone and abandoned. We'll dive into Acts 21:27-26 and watch \"The Mob\" reject Paul--and the gospel--once and for all.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re back in Acts, picking up where we left off! Paul is following his leaders\u0026#39; wishes and undergoing a purification ritual to try to signal to suspicious parties that he\u0026#39;s really one of them, that he can be trusted. But a misunderstanding and its disastrous consequences leave Paul in chains, alone and abandoned. We\u0026#39;ll dive into Acts 21:27-26 and watch \u0026quot;The Mob\u0026quot; reject Paul--and the gospel--once and for all.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2025-01-13T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/48aa79ce-3bb4-483c-8937-89e53c3226e5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44468683,"duration_in_seconds":2223}]},{"id":"9551cb4f-0b69-4b75-b977-73fe2f898842","title":"Faith for the Future","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-for-the-future","content_text":"As we've been working our way through the book of Acts, we've watched as church after church is planted, grows, and begins to flourish. As the story of Acts shifts from the churches to the church planter, now is a good time to take a break and look back. What have we discovered about being a church? What could Acts teach us for today? Join us for \"Faith for the Future\" as we look back at Acts to catch a vision for Faith going forward!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we\u0026#39;ve been working our way through the book of Acts, we\u0026#39;ve watched as church after church is planted, grows, and begins to flourish. As the story of Acts shifts from the churches to the church planter, now is a good time to take a break and look back. What have we discovered about being a church? What could Acts teach us for today? Join us for \u0026quot;Faith for the Future\u0026quot; as we look back at Acts to catch a vision for Faith going forward!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We look back at Acts to catch a vision for Faith going forward!","date_published":"2025-01-12T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9551cb4f-0b69-4b75-b977-73fe2f898842.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42863720,"duration_in_seconds":2142}]},{"id":"57875a09-5b8d-4177-ae75-8bdd307da806","title":"You Don't Have to Stay the Same | Gen. 32:22-31","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/you-dont-have-to-stay-the-same","content_text":"“This year I’m going to …” January rolls around, and many of us look at things we’d like to do better or differently. And many of us know what it’s like for our resolutions to crash on the rocks of reality. Is there hope for lasting change? Can I really become the person I want to be and God created me to be? How does God help us change? We’ll look at Genesis 32 for hope and help. You don’t have to stay the same!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“This year I’m going to …” January rolls around, and many of us look at things we’d like to do better or differently. And many of us know what it’s like for our resolutions to crash on the rocks of reality. Is there hope for lasting change? Can I really become the person I want to be and God created me to be? How does God help us change? We’ll look at Genesis 32 for hope and help. You don’t have to stay the same!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Looking to the new year as January gets closer.","date_published":"2024-12-30T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/57875a09-5b8d-4177-ae75-8bdd307da806.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":45925271,"duration_in_seconds":2296}]},{"id":"e805a29d-722a-48d8-8a5a-11a0e680209f","title":"Longing for Christmas | Luke 2:8-20","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/longing-for-home-005","content_text":"We love celebrating Christmas with our church family. At Faith, you can expect to celebrate in all of your favorite and nostalgic ways – sing carols and Christmas hymns, lighting candles, and savoring treats of the season. Join us this Christmas Eve 2024.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe love celebrating Christmas with our church family. At Faith, you can expect to celebrate in all of your favorite and nostalgic ways – sing carols and Christmas hymns, lighting candles, and savoring treats of the season. Join us this Christmas Eve 2024.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Why do we long for Christmas? Why do we look forward to the holiday, every year? We have turned the season into a celebration of family and togetherness, of gifts and nostalgia, of anxiety and family conflict. But the reality of Christmas goes much deeper, because our longing for Christmas is really our longing for someone to bring us home, to tell us we belong, to speak blessing over us, and to make things right. This year’s Advent series shows us how Christmas fulfills four of our deepest desires: for blessing, belonging, justice, and home.","date_published":"2024-12-29T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e805a29d-722a-48d8-8a5a-11a0e680209f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22415067,"duration_in_seconds":1120}]},{"id":"c20ee776-f431-4a3b-9d54-3c74fc44bc65","title":"Harmony | Luke 1:67-79","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/longing-for-home-004","content_text":"Even though we’re home, we belong, we’re blessed, we’re not yet to our final home, to the world as it should be. While we wait for Jesus' return, we serve the king and his kingdom now, moving out from our home of belonging and blessing to work for justice and righteousness around us. Join us as we look at \"Harmony\" from Luke 1:67-79.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEven though we’re home, we belong, we’re blessed, we’re not yet to our final home, to the world as it should be. While we wait for Jesus\u0026#39; return, we serve the king and his kingdom now, moving out from our home of belonging and blessing to work for justice and righteousness around us. Join us as we look at \u0026quot;Harmony\u0026quot; from Luke 1:67-79.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Why do we long for Christmas? Why do we look forward to the holiday, every year? We have turned the season into a celebration of family and togetherness, of gifts and nostalgia, of anxiety and family conflict. But the reality of Christmas goes much deeper, because our longing for Christmas is really our longing for someone to bring us home, to tell us we belong, to speak blessing over us, and to make things right. This year’s Advent series shows us how Christmas fulfills four of our deepest desires: for blessing, belonging, justice, and home.","date_published":"2024-12-23T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c20ee776-f431-4a3b-9d54-3c74fc44bc65.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35685271,"duration_in_seconds":1784}]},{"id":"68ec89eb-5b5d-4f76-a34b-050c5f81ca8a","title":"Longing for Blessing | Galatians 3:13-14, Ephesians 1:3","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/longing-for-home-003","content_text":"Every gift guide, every advertisement, and every wish list all work off the same principle: if only someone would give me some thing that perfectly met my deepest desires, then I’d be happy. I’d be at peace. We all long for blessing—and if we don’t find it in Jesus, we’ll look for it in stuff. But ultimate blessing is found in the home we’re longing for! Join us for “Longing for Blessing” as we open up Galatians 3:13-14 and Ephesians 1:3 to catch a glimpse of the blessing God has promised us.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEvery gift guide, every advertisement, and every wish list all work off the same principle: if only someone would give me some thing that perfectly met my deepest desires, then I’d be happy. I’d be at peace. We all long for blessing—and if we don’t find it in Jesus, we’ll look for it in stuff. But ultimate blessing is found in the home we’re longing for! Join us for “Longing for Blessing” as we open up Galatians 3:13-14 and Ephesians 1:3 to catch a glimpse of the blessing God has promised us.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Why do we long for Christmas? Why do we look forward to the holiday, every year? We have turned the season into a celebration of family and togetherness, of gifts and nostalgia, of anxiety and family conflict. But the reality of Christmas goes much deeper, because our longing for Christmas is really our longing for someone to bring us home, to tell us we belong, to speak blessing over us, and to make things right. This year’s Advent series shows us how Christmas fulfills four of our deepest desires: for blessing, belonging, justice, and home.","date_published":"2024-12-16T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/68ec89eb-5b5d-4f76-a34b-050c5f81ca8a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36090794,"duration_in_seconds":1743}]},{"id":"47edae0d-368d-4b8d-bcdf-1175a1cefe0d","title":"Belonging | Hosea 1:6-9, 1 Peter 2:9-10","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/longing-for-home-002","content_text":"Everyone longs to belong, not just in a social club or friend group, but to a place that feels like family and home. In the Old Testament, God made a promise to Abraham and his descendants that they would belong to him as his people, but over time and many years of disobedience, the Israelites walked away from God over and over again. We all fear losing the places we belong to, and thankfully in Jesus, we have the assurance that we belong to Him and we will never be cast out. Join us as we hear Pastor Nathan share with us from Hosea and 1 Peter about our true longing for belonging!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEveryone longs to belong, not just in a social club or friend group, but to a place that feels like family and home. In the Old Testament, God made a promise to Abraham and his descendants that they would belong to him as his people, but over time and many years of disobedience, the Israelites walked away from God over and over again. We all fear losing the places we belong to, and thankfully in Jesus, we have the assurance that we belong to Him and we will never be cast out. Join us as we hear Pastor Nathan share with us from Hosea and 1 Peter about our true longing for belonging!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Why do we long for Christmas? Why do we look forward to the holiday, every year? We have turned the season into a celebration of family and togetherness, of gifts and nostalgia, of anxiety and family conflict. But the reality of Christmas goes much deeper, because our longing for Christmas is really our longing for someone to bring us home, to tell us we belong, to speak blessing over us, and to make things right. This year’s Advent series shows us how Christmas fulfills four of our deepest desires: for blessing, belonging, justice, and home.","date_published":"2024-12-09T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/47edae0d-368d-4b8d-bcdf-1175a1cefe0d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36765376,"duration_in_seconds":1838}]},{"id":"febb4c84-6faa-4ea4-82d7-96c47bc0ecf9","title":"Home | Isaiah 55:1-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/longing-for-home-001","content_text":"Our culture has turned Christmas into a celebration of gifts and nostalgia. But the reality of it goes much deeper, because our longing for Christmas is really the longing for what we ultimately made for. Join us as we begin Advent looking at how Christmas fulfills one of our deepest desires - the longing for \"Home\" from Isaiah 55:1-9.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur culture has turned Christmas into a celebration of gifts and nostalgia. But the reality of it goes much deeper, because our longing for Christmas is really the longing for what we ultimately made for. Join us as we begin Advent looking at how Christmas fulfills one of our deepest desires - the longing for \u0026quot;Home\u0026quot; from Isaiah 55:1-9.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Why do we long for Christmas? Why do we look forward to the holiday, every year? We have turned the season into a celebration of family and togetherness, of gifts and nostalgia, of anxiety and family conflict. But the reality of Christmas goes much deeper, because our longing for Christmas is really our longing for someone to bring us home, to tell us we belong, to speak blessing over us, and to make things right. This year’s Advent series shows us how Christmas fulfills four of our deepest desires: for blessing, belonging, justice, and home.","date_published":"2024-12-02T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/febb4c84-6faa-4ea4-82d7-96c47bc0ecf9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36385216,"duration_in_seconds":1819}]},{"id":"5b83ac72-c787-4eb1-84b6-1851c75fd146","title":"Cut for Time: The Purification","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-011","content_text":"What does it look like to follow along with leading? We will discuss this and more on this weeks podcast!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat does it look like to follow along with leading? We will discuss this and more on this weeks podcast!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-11-27T10:45:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5b83ac72-c787-4eb1-84b6-1851c75fd146.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13924078,"duration_in_seconds":1158}]},{"id":"4d92f17a-ba4b-4704-834f-34f257a0b247","title":"The Purification | Acts 21:17-26","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-063","content_text":"Once again, Paul is in Jerusalem—and once again, conflict follows not far behind him. Too many Jewish believers distrust Paul for there not to be conflict. The leaders of the church have a plan to keep the peace, but will it work? Or will it backfire in their faces? Join us for “The Purification” from Acts 21:17-26!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOnce again, Paul is in Jerusalem—and once again, conflict follows not far behind him. Too many Jewish believers distrust Paul for there not to be conflict. The leaders of the church have a plan to keep the peace, but will it work? Or will it backfire in their faces? Join us for “The Purification” from Acts 21:17-26!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-11-25T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4d92f17a-ba4b-4704-834f-34f257a0b247.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43205056,"duration_in_seconds":2160}]},{"id":"2d620845-9eea-4030-b9e5-843e6dec4996","title":"Cut for Time: The Prophecy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-010","content_text":"How do you walk through suffering with friends and loved ones? Find out this and more on this week's podcast.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHow do you walk through suffering with friends and loved ones? Find out this and more on this week\u0026#39;s podcast.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-11-20T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2d620845-9eea-4030-b9e5-843e6dec4996.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14065465,"duration_in_seconds":1169}]},{"id":"fdf5666d-4b20-4201-90e5-a756ad9af4a7","title":"The Prophecy | Acts 21:1-16","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-062","content_text":"We all want to be open to God's leading. But what if it seems like God's direction is taking someone we care about - or maybe us - through pain and difficulty? Can that really be God's plan? Join us as we look at \"The Prophecy\" from Acts 21:1-16.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe all want to be open to God\u0026#39;s leading. But what if it seems like God\u0026#39;s direction is taking someone we care about - or maybe us - through pain and difficulty? Can that really be God\u0026#39;s plan? Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Prophecy\u0026quot; from Acts 21:1-16.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-11-18T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fdf5666d-4b20-4201-90e5-a756ad9af4a7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35935456,"duration_in_seconds":1796}]},{"id":"c47a8d01-7350-4406-8cd0-a82c73c0c2c4","title":"Cut For Time: The Elders","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-009","content_text":"Playing the lightning round with questions about elders, leaders, and pastors in this week's episode!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePlaying the lightning round with questions about elders, leaders, and pastors in this week\u0026#39;s episode!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-11-13T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c47a8d01-7350-4406-8cd0-a82c73c0c2c4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22871764,"duration_in_seconds":1903}]},{"id":"e74e7d8a-3710-41cd-9403-e07d47652e7d","title":"The Elders | Acts 20:17-38","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-061","content_text":"You could call it Paul’s “Farewell Tour.” As he make his way back to Jerusalem, he knows he won’t see any of these churches or these leaders again. If you had a chance to give one last speech to people you love, what would you say? Join us for “The Elders” from Acts 20:17-38 for Paul’s last words to a group of leaders and the churches they represent!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eYou could call it Paul’s “Farewell Tour.” As he make his way back to Jerusalem, he knows he won’t see any of these churches or these leaders again. If you had a chance to give one last speech to people you love, what would you say? Join us for “The Elders” from Acts 20:17-38 for Paul’s last words to a group of leaders and the churches they represent!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-11-11T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e74e7d8a-3710-41cd-9403-e07d47652e7d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38585056,"duration_in_seconds":1929}]},{"id":"ea98156f-c713-443a-8ad2-642afdb6a6f4","title":"Cut for Time: The Fall","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-008-1","content_text":"What to do in this crazy season of life? This will be discussed on this week's episode.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat to do in this crazy season of life? This will be discussed on this week\u0026#39;s episode.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-11-06T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ea98156f-c713-443a-8ad2-642afdb6a6f4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":10152987,"duration_in_seconds":843}]},{"id":"0ab0aade-db4b-46a7-9ae4-ea347f23ef09","title":"The Fall | Acts 20:7-16","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-060","content_text":"On his way back to Jerusalem, Paul uses his travel itinerary as an opportunity to connect with churches and followers of Jesus all over the Mediterranean. And knowing his time is short, in one port city he teaches all night long…so long that one of his younger hearers falls asleep and falls right out of the window. But why does Luke tell us this story? Just for a little “flavor”? Or is there a deeper reason? Join us for “The Fall” from Acts 20:7-16 for the rest of the story!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn his way back to Jerusalem, Paul uses his travel itinerary as an opportunity to connect with churches and followers of Jesus all over the Mediterranean. And knowing his time is short, in one port city he teaches all night long…so long that one of his younger hearers falls asleep and falls right out of the window. But why does Luke tell us this story? Just for a little “flavor”? Or is there a deeper reason? Join us for “The Fall” from Acts 20:7-16 for the rest of the story!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-11-04T09:30:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0ab0aade-db4b-46a7-9ae4-ea347f23ef09.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31895296,"duration_in_seconds":1594}]},{"id":"446ecbf7-23ba-4774-a022-2ed4aa8cb344","title":"Cut for Time: The Companions","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-007","content_text":"Fall colors, Luke's perspective, and perserverence in this week's episode.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFall colors, Luke\u0026#39;s perspective, and perserverence in this week\u0026#39;s episode.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-10-30T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/446ecbf7-23ba-4774-a022-2ed4aa8cb344.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14542831,"duration_in_seconds":1209}]},{"id":"63af7931-b663-408a-8636-ef3a8f7d6727","title":"The Companions | Acts 20:1-6","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-059","content_text":"Once again Paul has to flee town, facing persecution. He heads towards Jerusalem, strengthening churches he's planted and taking with him a diverse group of friends. What does this short passage tell us about the growth of the gospel and how God uses us in others' lives? Join us for \"The Companions\" from Acts 20:1-6.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOnce again Paul has to flee town, facing persecution. He heads towards Jerusalem, strengthening churches he\u0026#39;s planted and taking with him a diverse group of friends. What does this short passage tell us about the growth of the gospel and how God uses us in others\u0026#39; lives? Join us for \u0026quot;The Companions\u0026quot; from Acts 20:1-6.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-10-28T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/63af7931-b663-408a-8636-ef3a8f7d6727.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36325216,"duration_in_seconds":1816}]},{"id":"356c4dbc-1ed5-4c02-8cef-69d60d5b7632","title":"Cut for Time: The Riot","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-006","content_text":"Feeling empty and in need? Follow Christ's sweet invitation. We discuss this and more in this week's episode.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFeeling empty and in need? Follow Christ\u0026#39;s sweet invitation. We discuss this and more in this week\u0026#39;s episode.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-10-24T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/356c4dbc-1ed5-4c02-8cef-69d60d5b7632.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14550797,"duration_in_seconds":1210}]},{"id":"5a05313b-8225-4ee8-a4a7-44a200c5a157","title":"The Riot | Acts 19:21-41","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-058","content_text":"This week we see Paul's time in Ephesus come to an abrupt close with a riot triggered by the changed behavior of the believers in the area. This story gives us many insights into the culture of this thriving Greco-Roman city and the way Paul worked within it. It also provides a snapshot of Paul's time in Ephesus which included both great success and oppressive trouble. Join us as we look at this story and our own stories which are often a mix of joy and sorrow.Special Guest: Tom Waltz.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week we see Paul\u0026#39;s time in Ephesus come to an abrupt close with a riot triggered by the changed behavior of the believers in the area. This story gives us many insights into the culture of this thriving Greco-Roman city and the way Paul worked within it. It also provides a snapshot of Paul\u0026#39;s time in Ephesus which included both great success and oppressive trouble. Join us as we look at this story and our own stories which are often a mix of joy and sorrow.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Tom Waltz.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-10-21T10:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5a05313b-8225-4ee8-a4a7-44a200c5a157.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43540096,"duration_in_seconds":2176}]},{"id":"6e025ca5-e84c-4784-a241-f238b7bd1a55","title":"Interview with Kathi Small","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-podcast-small","content_text":"Today’s episode features our missionary, Kathi Small. She has been a part of Faith Church for 37 years, and joined the missions family with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM). She teaches in Guatemala at the Centeral American Theological Seminary, and is pursuing her doctorate in theological education. You’ll learn about all of this and more in this episode. \n\nTheir GO Time weekend is October 25-28th. You can find their full schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eToday’s episode features our missionary, Kathi Small. She has been a part of Faith Church for 37 years, and joined the missions family with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM). She teaches in Guatemala at the Centeral American Theological Seminary, and is pursuing her doctorate in theological education. You’ll learn about all of this and more in this episode. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eTheir GO Time weekend is October 25-28th. You can find their full schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. ","date_published":"2024-10-18T09:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6e025ca5-e84c-4784-a241-f238b7bd1a55.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43123101,"duration_in_seconds":1794}]},{"id":"467c67d2-828b-48d5-a498-e0a7b6a33b4c","title":"Cut for Time: The Sons","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-005","content_text":"As we crawl closer to Halloween, we discuss witchcraft in the early church during this week's episode.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we crawl closer to Halloween, we discuss witchcraft in the early church during this week\u0026#39;s episode.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-10-16T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/467c67d2-828b-48d5-a498-e0a7b6a33b4c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19841740,"duration_in_seconds":1651}]},{"id":"bd33ac70-6e53-49c2-9e69-b0f70fe50783","title":"The Sons | Acts 19:11-20","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-057","content_text":"The church in Ephesus is flourishing and the gospel-centered lives of the disciples there are beginning to make an impact on the surrounding culture. So much so that some see an opportunity to tap into the Jesus Movement to line their own pockets, including seven brothers all in the same trade: exorcism. But what happens when they try to use the power of Jesus to serve themselves? Join us for \"The Sons\" from Acts 19:11-20 to find out!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe church in Ephesus is flourishing and the gospel-centered lives of the disciples there are beginning to make an impact on the surrounding culture. So much so that some see an opportunity to tap into the Jesus Movement to line their own pockets, including seven brothers all in the same trade: exorcism. But what happens when they try to use the power of Jesus to serve themselves? Join us for \u0026quot;The Sons\u0026quot; from Acts 19:11-20 to find out!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-10-14T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bd33ac70-6e53-49c2-9e69-b0f70fe50783.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41965216,"duration_in_seconds":2098}]},{"id":"8b122a92-9e79-4201-8f17-ea9f2b452663","title":"Cut for Time: The Hall","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-004","content_text":"What do tyrannical teachers, coffee shops, and the church have to do with each other? We cover this, and more, during this week's episode.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat do tyrannical teachers, coffee shops, and the church have to do with each other? We cover this, and more, during this week\u0026#39;s episode.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-10-09T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8b122a92-9e79-4201-8f17-ea9f2b452663.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":11742215,"duration_in_seconds":973}]},{"id":"4382cc8e-6b68-4492-aba1-7b24d5d3a64f","title":"The Hall | Acts 19:8-10","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-056","content_text":"Though the gospel message has been authenticated and a church is beginning to take root and grow, the Way of Jesus still comes under attack. But with favorable support from Greeks nearby, Paul works so long and so effectively in Ephesus that Luke can say, without irony, that \"all Asia\" heard the gospel. What about us? And Indianapolis? Join us for \"The Hall\" from Acts 19:8-10 as this short passage inspires us to walk the way of Jesus for the sake of those wandering without Him!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThough the gospel message has been authenticated and a church is beginning to take root and grow, the Way of Jesus still comes under attack. But with favorable support from Greeks nearby, Paul works so long and so effectively in Ephesus that Luke can say, without irony, that \u0026quot;all Asia\u0026quot; heard the gospel. What about us? And Indianapolis? Join us for \u0026quot;The Hall\u0026quot; from Acts 19:8-10 as this short passage inspires us to walk the way of Jesus for the sake of those wandering without Him!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-10-07T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4382cc8e-6b68-4492-aba1-7b24d5d3a64f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34195456,"duration_in_seconds":1709}]},{"id":"41d263b1-134c-419c-a8cf-c569994df87d","title":"Cut for Time: The Baptism","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-003","content_text":"So, what does knowing Jesus actually mean? We cover this, and more, during this week's episdoe.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSo, what does \u003cem\u003eknowing\u003c/em\u003e Jesus actually mean? We cover this, and more, during this week\u0026#39;s episdoe.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-10-02T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/41d263b1-134c-419c-a8cf-c569994df87d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15983224,"duration_in_seconds":1327}]},{"id":"ffbccf77-e13e-4f41-a957-5a72583fed48","title":"The Baptism | Acts 19:1-7","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-055","content_text":"Last week we met Apollos; this week he's moved on from Ephesus. And when Paul arrives there, he runs into a dozen of Apollos's \"half-converts,\" men who have repented, but not yet believed. What happens when Paul finishes the story for them? Join us for \"The Baptism\" from Acts 19:1-7 as once again the gospel message is confirmed in people's lives!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLast week we met Apollos; this week he\u0026#39;s moved on from Ephesus. And when Paul arrives there, he runs into a dozen of Apollos\u0026#39;s \u0026quot;half-converts,\u0026quot; men who have repented, but not yet believed. What happens when Paul finishes the story for them? Join us for \u0026quot;The Baptism\u0026quot; from Acts 19:1-7 as once again the gospel message is confirmed in people\u0026#39;s lives!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-09-30T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ffbccf77-e13e-4f41-a957-5a72583fed48.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41538319,"duration_in_seconds":2058}]},{"id":"8e292cea-c544-4dc3-8a9b-7fd07a2ab313","title":"Cut for Time: The Teacher","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-002","content_text":"We time travel and answer a few questions from a passage that was preached a few weeks ago, and cover questions from this week's text: Acts 18:24-28.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe time travel and answer a few questions from a passage that was preached a few weeks ago, and cover questions from this week\u0026#39;s text: Acts 18:24-28.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-09-25T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8e292cea-c544-4dc3-8a9b-7fd07a2ab313.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18493750,"duration_in_seconds":1538}]},{"id":"a9f6523f-b15a-47a3-a048-fb33e7864d51","title":"The Teacher | Acts 18:24-28","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-054","content_text":"Though the gospel has not yet taken root in Ephesus, there's a witness to Jesus there: someone we've never met before, named Apollos. But he only knows half the story! He's helping people move toward Jesus, he can't get them all the way to Jesus. What about us? Are we just like Apollos? Join us for \"The Teacher\" from Acts 18:24-28 to wrestle with this question for yourself!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThough the gospel has not yet taken root in Ephesus, there\u0026#39;s a witness to Jesus there: someone we\u0026#39;ve never met before, named Apollos. But he only knows half the story! He\u0026#39;s helping people move toward Jesus, he can\u0026#39;t get them all the way to Jesus. What about us? Are we just like Apollos? Join us for \u0026quot;The Teacher\u0026quot; from Acts 18:24-28 to wrestle with this question for yourself!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-09-23T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a9f6523f-b15a-47a3-a048-fb33e7864d51.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39898643,"duration_in_seconds":1976}]},{"id":"965d6a75-1666-4b42-8b1b-49585f13201d","title":"Cut for Time: The Reunion","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season6-001","content_text":"What does Joey mean when he talks about \"messy\" churches and what has he learned about being a part of them? We cover this, and more on this week's episode of Cut for Time.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat does Joey mean when he talks about \u0026quot;messy\u0026quot; churches and what has he learned about being a part of them? We cover this, and more on this week\u0026#39;s episode of Cut for Time.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-09-18T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/965d6a75-1666-4b42-8b1b-49585f13201d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14373409,"duration_in_seconds":1195}]},{"id":"e7ede825-8622-4965-b388-a97d73cf4d54","title":"The Reunion | Acts 18:18-23","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-053","content_text":"In just a few short verses Luke wraps up Paul's second missionary journey, gets him home to report, and sends him off again on a reunion tour, revisiting all the churches he had helped plant on his first journey. Is there anything we can learn from this summary of Paul's activity? Join us for \"The Reunion\" from Acts 18:18-23 and we'll explore it together!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn just a few short verses Luke wraps up Paul\u0026#39;s second missionary journey, gets him home to report, and sends him off again on a reunion tour, revisiting all the churches he had helped plant on his first journey. Is there anything we can learn from this summary of Paul\u0026#39;s activity? Join us for \u0026quot;The Reunion\u0026quot; from Acts 18:18-23 and we\u0026#39;ll explore it together!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-09-16T20:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e7ede825-8622-4965-b388-a97d73cf4d54.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44605216,"duration_in_seconds":2230}]},{"id":"0ca92248-a362-4233-b774-6629433dbcad","title":"Interview with Mark and Charlene Canada","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-podcast-canada","content_text":"Today’s episode features our missionaries, Mark and Charlene Canada. They have been a part of Faith Church for 36 years, and joined the missions family 16 years ago. You’ve problably met Charlene through the Sunday morning Guest Services team, or know Mark as an elder here at Faith. You may also know them through their work with an organization called Marketplace and Development Enterprises, or MDE, and you’ll learn all about it in this episode. \n\nTheir GO Time weekend is September 21-23. You can find their full schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eToday’s episode features our missionaries, Mark and Charlene Canada. They have been a part of Faith Church for 36 years, and joined the missions family 16 years ago. You’ve problably met Charlene through the Sunday morning Guest Services team, or know Mark as an elder here at Faith. You may also know them through their work with an organization called Marketplace and Development Enterprises, or MDE, and you’ll learn all about it in this episode. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eTheir GO Time weekend is September 21-23. You can find their full schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. ","date_published":"2024-09-13T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0ca92248-a362-4233-b774-6629433dbcad.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":61166722,"duration_in_seconds":2546}]},{"id":"30e89889-262b-4b02-8459-0b1c0be09b7b","title":"Cut for Time: The Corinthians","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-059","content_text":"To sum up this episode with one word... it's academic. We talk about historical \u0026amp; chronological markers, some latin, and this historical church moment.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTo sum up this episode with one word... it\u0026#39;s \u003cem\u003eacademic\u003c/em\u003e. We talk about historical \u0026amp; chronological markers, some latin, and this historical church moment.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-09-11T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/30e89889-262b-4b02-8459-0b1c0be09b7b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18168509,"duration_in_seconds":1512}]},{"id":"4e173e2f-21af-46dd-bd9b-e13c86832e0c","title":"The Corinthians | Acts 18:1-18","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-052","content_text":"Moving on from Athens—the intellectual center of Greece—Paul heads to Corinth, into a culture more like the Vegas of the ancient world. When he’s rejected by his own people, he changes his focus to reach the Greek Corinthians. And even in the darkest, most debauched cultures, the gospel gets a hearing, and Paul ministers for a year and a half. Join us to meet “The Corinthians” from Acts 18:1-17!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMoving on from Athens—the intellectual center of Greece—Paul heads to Corinth, into a culture more like the Vegas of the ancient world. When he’s rejected by his own people, he changes his focus to reach the Greek Corinthians. And even in the darkest, most debauched cultures, the gospel gets a hearing, and Paul ministers for a year and a half. Join us to meet “The Corinthians” from Acts 18:1-17!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"\r\nThis series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-09-09T22:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4e173e2f-21af-46dd-bd9b-e13c86832e0c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40482496,"duration_in_seconds":2023}]},{"id":"e898c311-96f9-44e8-8443-d24c6ac865e4","title":"Cut for Time: The Hill","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-058","content_text":"Pastor Nathan recaps his sermon on Sunday with Pastor Joey. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Nathan recaps his sermon on Sunday with Pastor Joey. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.\r\n","date_published":"2024-09-04T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e898c311-96f9-44e8-8443-d24c6ac865e4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17504676,"duration_in_seconds":1456}]},{"id":"dfdacbd3-f51b-4d35-9219-4cc05ace520b","title":"The Hill | Acts 17:22-34","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-051","content_text":"In what may be considered as the climax of the book of Acts, we see Paul making his defense before the council at the Areopagus. In this “Paul on Trial” moment in time, Paul defends his position and his beliefs about Jesus and his Resurrection by appealing not to the Old Testament, but according to the long-held beliefs in gods throughout the Hellenistic world. What will the response be? ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn what may be considered as the climax of the book of Acts, we see Paul making his defense before the council at the Areopagus. In this “Paul on Trial” moment in time, Paul defends his position and his beliefs about Jesus and his Resurrection by appealing not to the Old Testament, but according to the long-held beliefs in gods throughout the Hellenistic world. What will the response be? \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-09-02T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dfdacbd3-f51b-4d35-9219-4cc05ace520b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34285216,"duration_in_seconds":1714}]},{"id":"b943c3f7-bb3d-4b78-b409-b5450d6c07a5","title":"Cut for Time: The Philosophers","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-057","content_text":"Joey talks more about the perspective of \"Paul on Trial\" in this text and we talk about what we learned from the evangelism survey from the past year.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJoey talks more about the perspective of \u0026quot;Paul on Trial\u0026quot; in this text and we talk about what we learned from the evangelism survey from the past year.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-08-28T06:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b943c3f7-bb3d-4b78-b409-b5450d6c07a5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21127240,"duration_in_seconds":1758}]},{"id":"06dafbcb-ad0c-40c1-b91c-095abb52174b","title":"Faith Stories - Todd \u0026 Cathy Kennedy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/kennedy","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - Trusting God in Changing Circumstances","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - Trusting God in Changing Circumstances\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2024","date_published":"2024-08-26T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/06dafbcb-ad0c-40c1-b91c-095abb52174b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37174464,"duration_in_seconds":2461}]},{"id":"d6de76a9-1dd4-4d7d-bf84-bb6a5a222caa","title":"The Philosophers | Acts 17:16-21","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-050","content_text":"This week’s passage finds Paul in the center of the glory of ancient Greece, Athens herself. But in a world where the idols grow as thick as trees in a forest, how is Paul to make headway with the gospel? And what comes next after he’s accused of introducing “foreign divinities,” the same accusation that led to Socrates’s execution all those years before? Join us this weekend for “The Philosophers” from Acts 17:16-21 as we watch Paul go toe-to-toe with the intellectual elites of his day…only to wind up in court yet again!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week’s passage finds Paul in the center of the glory of ancient Greece, Athens herself. But in a world where the idols grow as thick as trees in a forest, how is Paul to make headway with the gospel? And what comes next after he’s accused of introducing “foreign divinities,” the same accusation that led to Socrates’s execution all those years before? Join us this weekend for “The Philosophers” from Acts 17:16-21 as we watch Paul go toe-to-toe with the intellectual elites of his day…only to wind up in court yet again!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-08-26T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d6de76a9-1dd4-4d7d-bf84-bb6a5a222caa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37280416,"duration_in_seconds":1863}]},{"id":"fb75808b-758f-420d-8bff-ec78bb28fbd9","title":"Cut for Time: The Bereans","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-056","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares his discernment process over preaching this text and answers some of your questions!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares his discernment process over preaching this text and answers some of your questions!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-08-21T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fb75808b-758f-420d-8bff-ec78bb28fbd9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17854585,"duration_in_seconds":1485}]},{"id":"ceba7226-6c7a-411d-9aa1-89477c1d6d81","title":"The Bereans | Acts 17:10-15","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-049","content_text":"Once again, Paul and his team are run out of town—this time by the angry, jealous leaders of the Jewish synagogue. As they move on to the next town, they must have wondered if they would receive the same reception as before. But they’re about to be pleasantly surprised when they meet “The Bereans” in Acts 17:10-15. Join us for a new twist on the familiar story as Paul heads west!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOnce again, Paul and his team are run out of town—this time by the angry, jealous leaders of the Jewish synagogue. As they move on to the next town, they must have wondered if they would receive the same reception as before. But they’re about to be pleasantly surprised when they meet “The Bereans” in Acts 17:10-15. Join us for a new twist on the familiar story as Paul heads west!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-08-20T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ceba7226-6c7a-411d-9aa1-89477c1d6d81.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38385376,"duration_in_seconds":1919}]},{"id":"79184ec0-ae7c-4be4-a2b8-cb92416b645f","title":"Faith Stories - Lei Hong \u0026 Lisa Peng","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hongpeng","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - The Search for Substance and Significance: Our Conversion Story","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - The Search for Substance and Significance: Our Conversion Story\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2024","date_published":"2024-08-19T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/79184ec0-ae7c-4be4-a2b8-cb92416b645f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":48976224,"duration_in_seconds":3246}]},{"id":"2dc4bbfe-0fa7-4f71-a096-15ee4f06114a","title":"Cut for Time: The World-Turners","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-055","content_text":"Joey covers all of the questions you submitted on Sunday. We love the questions, keep them coming!\n","content_html":"\u003cpre\u003e\u003ccode\u003eJoey covers all of the questions you submitted on Sunday. We love the questions, keep them coming!\n\u003c/code\u003e\u003c/pre\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-08-13T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2dc4bbfe-0fa7-4f71-a096-15ee4f06114a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21861133,"duration_in_seconds":1819}]},{"id":"ac4cb684-5766-4e98-878b-5970a371effb","title":"The World-Turners | Acts 17:1-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-048","content_text":"As Paul and company move further into the Greek world, opposition continues to rise from every side. But the gospel is undaunted, even as it upends social, religious, and political systems and structures everywhere it goes. Join us this weekend for “The World-Turners” from Acts 17:1-9 as we watch the Greek world begin to turn upside-down!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs Paul and company move further into the Greek world, opposition continues to rise from every side. But the gospel is undaunted, even as it upends social, religious, and political systems and structures everywhere it goes. Join us this weekend for “The World-Turners” from Acts 17:1-9 as we watch the Greek world begin to turn upside-down!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-08-12T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ac4cb684-5766-4e98-878b-5970a371effb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37595296,"duration_in_seconds":1879}]},{"id":"9d5d6ffc-7536-4d3c-8427-aaca87e54b7f","title":"Faith Stories - Ed \u0026 Betsy Stehno","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/stehno","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - Finding Hope in God","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - Finding Hope in God\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2024","date_published":"2024-08-12T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9d5d6ffc-7536-4d3c-8427-aaca87e54b7f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43718640,"duration_in_seconds":2806}]},{"id":"eeb92c7d-38ba-4526-b952-ff3db640dbec","title":"One Worship | Eph 2:1-10","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/one-worship-2024","content_text":"We gathered for our annual One Worship service where we worship, read scripture, and celebrate decisions of baptisms as one church body, united across services. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe gathered for our annual One Worship service where we worship, read scripture, and celebrate decisions of baptisms as one church body, united across services. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We gathered for our annual One Worship service where we worship, read scripture, and celebrate decisions of baptisms as one church body, united across services. ","date_published":"2024-08-05T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/eeb92c7d-38ba-4526-b952-ff3db640dbec.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25725376,"duration_in_seconds":1286}]},{"id":"69804dbd-8c61-44a9-99f3-9204f560c4c8","title":"Faith Stories - Scott \u0026 Karen McDonald","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/mcdonald","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - Beyond Tradition: A Quaker Couple's Journey to Faith","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - Beyond Tradition: A Quaker Couple\u0026#39;s Journey to Faith\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2024","date_published":"2024-07-31T07:45:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/69804dbd-8c61-44a9-99f3-9204f560c4c8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36266352,"duration_in_seconds":2526}]},{"id":"30c18eb1-0f78-4a37-bff3-2ff646d1d6ae","title":"Cut for Time: From Sinai to Savior","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-054","content_text":"This episode is special because our Sunday preacher was Nick Carter. We work through a few questions, including what he had to cut for time on Sunday (even after 4 sessions, there was still more to include!). ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis episode is special because our Sunday preacher was Nick Carter. We work through a few questions, including what he had to cut for time on Sunday (even after 4 sessions, there was still more to include!). \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-07-31T06:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/30c18eb1-0f78-4a37-bff3-2ff646d1d6ae.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14549405,"duration_in_seconds":1210}]},{"id":"b9addcf4-c83e-4c9a-b9a7-50ee309588a6","title":"From Sinai to Savior","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/from-sinai-to-savior","content_text":"This weekend was a unique one-off event called Grow Weekend. It was an opportunity to learn alongside one another, ages 0-99, on the topic of God's covenant love from the Ten Commandments to Jesus. While recorded all 4 sessions from the weekend, we're releasing Sunday's message now and will release all of the teaching as a unit in the fall.\n\nNick continues his teaching from the weekend's topic, from Sinai to Savior, and preaches from the text Luke 4:16-21.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis weekend was a unique one-off event called Grow Weekend. It was an opportunity to learn alongside one another, ages 0-99, on the topic of God\u0026#39;s covenant love from the Ten Commandments to Jesus. While recorded all 4 sessions from the weekend, we\u0026#39;re releasing Sunday\u0026#39;s message now and will release all of the teaching as a unit in the fall.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eNick continues his teaching from the weekend\u0026#39;s topic, from Sinai to Savior, and preaches from the text Luke 4:16-21.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This weekend was a unique one-off event called Grow Weekend. It was an opportunity to learn alongside one another, ages 0-99, on the topic of God's covenant love from the Ten Commandments to Jesus. While recorded all 4 sessions from the weekend, we're releasing Sunday's message now and will release all of the teaching as a unit in the fall.","date_published":"2024-07-30T00:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b9addcf4-c83e-4c9a-b9a7-50ee309588a6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39761897,"duration_in_seconds":1724}]},{"id":"af852938-18da-42f1-b332-d7d1bda1716a","title":"Sinai to Savior | Session 3","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/sinai-to-savior-session3","content_text":"“Justice and Justification”\n\nThis is the third session of four for our Grow Weekend.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Justice and Justification”\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis is the third session of four for our Grow Weekend.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"If you were unable to attend the Grow Weekend sessions from July, you don't have to miss out. The weekend study focused on the topic of God's covenant love from the Ten Commandments to Jesus. The four sessions were designed to dig deep into God's word alongside others, specifically those we are in community with at Faith. This is why we encouraged you to attend with your community groups. ","date_published":"2024-07-28T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/af852938-18da-42f1-b332-d7d1bda1716a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":78245056,"duration_in_seconds":3912}]},{"id":"fdacf336-3d24-403d-9265-d83c23d2a91d","title":"Sinai to Savior | Session 2","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/sinai-to-savior-session2","content_text":"“Statutes and rules so righteous as all this law.”\n\nThis is the second session of four for our Grow Weekend.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Statutes and rules so righteous as all this law.”\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis is the second session of four for our Grow Weekend.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"If you were unable to attend the Grow Weekend sessions from July, you don't have to miss out. The weekend study focused on the topic of God's covenant love from the Ten Commandments to Jesus. The four sessions were designed to dig deep into God's word alongside others, specifically those we are in community with at Faith. This is why we encouraged you to attend with your community groups. ","date_published":"2024-07-28T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fdacf336-3d24-403d-9265-d83c23d2a91d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":70595296,"duration_in_seconds":3529}]},{"id":"a5f7278d-6775-410e-a78c-232426e4b3b4","title":"Sinai to Savior | Session 1","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/sinai-to-savior-session1","content_text":"“A god so near to it as the Lord our God is to us.” This is the first session of four for our Grow Weekend.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“A god so near to it as the Lord our God is to us.” This is the first session of four for our Grow Weekend.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"If you were unable to attend the Grow Weekend sessions from July, you don't have to miss out. The weekend study focused on the topic of God's covenant love from the Ten Commandments to Jesus. The four sessions were designed to dig deep into God's word alongside others, specifically those we are in community with at Faith. ","date_published":"2024-07-27T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a5f7278d-6775-410e-a78c-232426e4b3b4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":63378302,"duration_in_seconds":5280}]},{"id":"247d2ab1-e976-44ea-b018-940dd22b7625","title":"Cut for Time: The Jailer","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-053","content_text":"Pastor Jeff preached the final sermon in this subseries of Acts and puts it all into context of the larger picture. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff preached the final sermon in this subseries of Acts and puts it all into context of the larger picture. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-07-24T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/247d2ab1-e976-44ea-b018-940dd22b7625.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18621289,"duration_in_seconds":1549}]},{"id":"53e8182e-a3e4-4abb-82a6-a3612d76f542","title":"The Jailer | Acts 16:25-40","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-047","content_text":"Paul and Silas sit in prison – wrongly accused and unjustly treated for following Jesus – when God shakes the earth and opens the prison doors! Their response says a lot to us about responding to unjust treatment and persecutors. Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Jailer” from Acts 16:25-40.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul and Silas sit in prison – wrongly accused and unjustly treated for following Jesus – when God shakes the earth and opens the prison doors! Their response says a lot to us about responding to unjust treatment and persecutors. Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Jailer” from Acts 16:25-40.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-07-22T22:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/53e8182e-a3e4-4abb-82a6-a3612d76f542.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41805376,"duration_in_seconds":2090}]},{"id":"71a27ee1-7238-4547-b0aa-a6ac634592cf","title":"Faith Stories - Gabe \u0026 Mal Tyree-Short","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/short","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - Serving Together: Calling and Community","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - Serving Together: Calling and Community\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2024","date_published":"2024-07-22T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/71a27ee1-7238-4547-b0aa-a6ac634592cf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40027248,"duration_in_seconds":2336}]},{"id":"53b26454-a160-487c-9fa4-b0c6a0fbf5d4","title":"Cut for Time: The Slavegirl","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-052","content_text":"In this episode of Cut for Time, we recap the sermon and make sure Joey gets the time to sing his TMNT intro song, but also spend most of our time unpacking the sermon in the context of current events and...oof, it's challenging!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode of Cut for Time, we recap the sermon and make sure Joey gets the time to sing his TMNT intro song, but also spend most of our time unpacking the sermon in the context of current events and...oof, it\u0026#39;s challenging!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-07-17T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/53b26454-a160-487c-9fa4-b0c6a0fbf5d4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":16962097,"duration_in_seconds":1411}]},{"id":"c71ea860-85e8-4b07-8768-fcf76b5beccd","title":"The Slavegirl | Acts 16:16-24","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-046","content_text":"With progress made, Paul and his team begin their regular ministry in Philippi, meeting weekly with the Jewish women who gather to pray. But their steps are dogged by a young woman possessed by an evil spirit, shouting confusing messages about ‘God’ and ‘salvation.’ When Paul can’t stand it any more, his actions set off an explosive series of events that will quickly land him on the blacklist and in prison. Was it worth it? Join us for “The Slavegirl” from Acts 16:16-24!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWith progress made, Paul and his team begin their regular ministry in Philippi, meeting weekly with the Jewish women who gather to pray. But their steps are dogged by a young woman possessed by an evil spirit, shouting confusing messages about ‘God’ and ‘salvation.’ When Paul can’t stand it any more, his actions set off an explosive series of events that will quickly land him on the blacklist and in prison. Was it worth it? Join us for “The Slavegirl” from Acts 16:16-24!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"\r\nThis series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-07-15T23:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c71ea860-85e8-4b07-8768-fcf76b5beccd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40212736,"duration_in_seconds":2010}]},{"id":"311f0f93-4cb2-4af2-ace6-2a0512c509bb","title":"Faith Stories - Daniel \u0026 Sara Keller","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/keller","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - It's Not About the Thermostat: How God used Counseling to Heal Our Marriage.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - It\u0026#39;s Not About the Thermostat: How God used Counseling to Heal Our Marriage.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2024","date_published":"2024-07-15T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/311f0f93-4cb2-4af2-ace6-2a0512c509bb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40703232,"duration_in_seconds":2604}]},{"id":"2c53ac36-057a-460e-9444-cc125039555a","title":"Cut for Time: The Businesswoman","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-051","content_text":"It's a low-key episode of Cut for Time - Joey answers your questions as he re-caps his Sunday sermon and listen all the way to the end for some special sound bites.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s a low-key episode of Cut for Time - Joey answers your questions as he re-caps his Sunday sermon and listen all the way to the end for some special sound bites.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-07-10T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2c53ac36-057a-460e-9444-cc125039555a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15068205,"duration_in_seconds":1253}]},{"id":"563df132-5085-499d-b989-9e535ce9cd0f","title":"The Businesswoman | Acts 16:11-5","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-045","content_text":"With their mission now well underway, Paul and his team are looking for opportunities to share the gospel. They head to Philippi, a strategic city center, but without much of a Jewish presence or understanding of who God is. But that doesn’t stop God from working! Join us for “The Businesswoman” from Acts 16:11-15!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWith their mission now well underway, Paul and his team are looking for opportunities to share the gospel. They head to Philippi, a strategic city center, but without much of a Jewish presence or understanding of who God is. But that doesn’t stop God from working! Join us for “The Businesswoman” from Acts 16:11-15!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-07-08T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/563df132-5085-499d-b989-9e535ce9cd0f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33652576,"duration_in_seconds":1682}]},{"id":"d71f4cef-e77a-470c-8854-bf0707a5b61c","title":"Interview with David and Karen Bradley","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-podcast-2024-bradley","content_text":"We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO Time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends.\n\nThis episode features our missionaries, David and Karen Bradley. They live in Flordia and are partnered with the Jesus Film Project. They stepped into full-time missions work 26 years ago, after attending Faith for 11 years and being sent out to begin their time with the Jesus Film! Their GO Time weekend is July 12-15. You can find their full schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO Time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThis episode features our missionaries, David and Karen Bradley. They live in Flordia and are partnered with the Jesus Film Project. They stepped into full-time missions work 26 years ago, after attending Faith for 11 years and being sent out to begin their time with the Jesus Film! Their GO Time weekend is July 12-15. You can find their full schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"\r\nWe are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO Time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends.","date_published":"2024-07-05T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d71f4cef-e77a-470c-8854-bf0707a5b61c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":65648291,"duration_in_seconds":2733}]},{"id":"342eb009-27c8-477c-8dd9-bcf4274becc5","title":"The Call | Acts 16:5-10","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-044","content_text":"After an argument with Barnabas that sends Paul in a different direction, God seems to close doors for Paul's ministry. How do we make sense of God saying \"No\" to good things? Can the mission and the message go forward through us when we're bewildered? Join us as we look at \"The Call\" from Acts 16:6-10.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter an argument with Barnabas that sends Paul in a different direction, God seems to close doors for Paul\u0026#39;s ministry. How do we make sense of God saying \u0026quot;No\u0026quot; to good things? Can the mission and the message go forward through us when we\u0026#39;re bewildered? Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Call\u0026quot; from Acts 16:6-10.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-07-02T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/342eb009-27c8-477c-8dd9-bcf4274becc5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38685173,"duration_in_seconds":1934}]},{"id":"4e8128cd-9e55-4778-982b-8759a3b30eae","title":"Faith Stories - Jacob \u0026 Olivia Baldwin","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/jacobbaldwin","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - Trying Softer","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - Trying Softer\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Summer 2024","date_published":"2024-07-01T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4e8128cd-9e55-4778-982b-8759a3b30eae.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39680832,"duration_in_seconds":2432}]},{"id":"e4f580a1-eadf-4d16-8fe7-a52dc750b044","title":"Cut for Time: The Compromise","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-049","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares what he cut for time on Sunday that includes viewing God's word as guardrails rather than rules and how to live within them.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares what he cut for time on Sunday that includes viewing God\u0026#39;s word as guardrails rather than rules and how to live within them.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-06-26T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e4f580a1-eadf-4d16-8fe7-a52dc750b044.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17800108,"duration_in_seconds":1481}]},{"id":"e31d6cfd-d9bb-4e7a-9136-d07d7668823c","title":"The Compromise | Acts 16:1-5","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-043","content_text":"Paul and Silas are headed out, on their first missionary journey together. They’re going to visit some churches from Paul’s first trip, but after, they plan to keep going, evangelizing in new territories. To help, they recruit a young Jewish believer named Timothy. But in what looks like a complete reversal of everything he’s argued against in the last couple of chapters, Paul has Timothy circumcised! Is Paul changing his mind about the role of the Law in a believer’s life? Join us for “The Compromise” from Acts 16:1-5!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul and Silas are headed out, on their first missionary journey together. They’re going to visit some churches from Paul’s first trip, but after, they plan to keep going, evangelizing in new territories. To help, they recruit a young Jewish believer named Timothy. But in what looks like a complete reversal of everything he’s argued against in the last couple of chapters, Paul has Timothy circumcised! Is Paul changing his mind about the role of the Law in a believer’s life? Join us for “The Compromise” from Acts 16:1-5!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-06-25T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e31d6cfd-d9bb-4e7a-9136-d07d7668823c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40992736,"duration_in_seconds":2049}]},{"id":"dec7729f-ee44-46d7-8e70-38c93c626de6","title":"Faith Stories - Ruth Hubbard","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hubbard","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - When 'Good' Doesn't Feel GoodSpecial Guest: Ruth Hubbard.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - When \u0026#39;Good\u0026#39; Doesn\u0026#39;t Feel Good\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Ruth Hubbard.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Summer 2024","date_published":"2024-06-24T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dec7729f-ee44-46d7-8e70-38c93c626de6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52143168,"duration_in_seconds":3456}]},{"id":"e27fb505-da1d-47de-b2fa-7b2be6f84a88","title":"Cut for Time: The Tour","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-048","content_text":"Feeling the tension after Sunday's message? So are we... and we aren't resolving it in this episode, but it's still worth listening to! Joey anwers a few questions submitted by others and we talk about how terrifying it can be to stay in community. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFeeling the tension after Sunday\u0026#39;s message? So are we... and we aren\u0026#39;t resolving it in this episode, but it\u0026#39;s still worth listening to! Joey anwers a few questions submitted by others and we talk about how terrifying it can be to stay in community. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-06-19T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e27fb505-da1d-47de-b2fa-7b2be6f84a88.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24625891,"duration_in_seconds":2049}]},{"id":"bed645c5-c406-4043-8202-cb1562aa091f","title":"The Tour | Acts 15:36-41","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-042","content_text":"With the decision made and controversy behind them, Paul and Barnabas decide to re-visit all the churches from their previous journey. But when Barnabas wants to bring along an old companion who abandoned them the first time around, Paul refuses. How do these two men handle their conflict? More importantly, what does the Holy Spirit do in the Church when conflict can’t be resolved? Join us for “The Tour” from Acts 15:36-41!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWith the decision made and controversy behind them, Paul and Barnabas decide to re-visit all the churches from their previous journey. But when Barnabas wants to bring along an old companion who abandoned them the first time around, Paul refuses. How do these two men handle their conflict? More importantly, what does the Holy Spirit do in the Church when conflict can’t be resolved? Join us for “The Tour” from Acts 15:36-41!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-06-17T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bed645c5-c406-4043-8202-cb1562aa091f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42130336,"duration_in_seconds":2106}]},{"id":"926daf9f-128c-4e1e-986e-568f733e7e83","title":"Faith Stories - Jonathan Baker","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/baker","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - Give Me Your Eyes","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - Give Me Your Eyes\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2024","date_published":"2024-06-17T07:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/926daf9f-128c-4e1e-986e-568f733e7e83.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30257376,"duration_in_seconds":1822}]},{"id":"7d33cf4d-3616-4db5-baeb-86f258c59987","title":"Cut for Time: The Response","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-047","content_text":"Pastor Jeff answers some questions submitted by others and covers what he cut for time regarding prophets in the new testament.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff answers some questions submitted by others and covers what he cut for time regarding prophets in the new testament.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.\r\n ","date_published":"2024-06-12T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7d33cf4d-3616-4db5-baeb-86f258c59987.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26644207,"duration_in_seconds":2218}]},{"id":"6dc35c62-c2da-4ebe-8129-dd93aed0a8f4","title":"The Response | Acts 15:22-35","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-041","content_text":"The apostles address a difficult issue that could produce conflict and division. Instead, their response produces joy, unity, and encouragement. What do we learn from them, and how does the Spirit guide us in conflicts and disagreements? Join us as we look at “The Response” from Acts 15:22-35.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe apostles address a difficult issue that could produce conflict and division. Instead, their response produces joy, unity, and encouragement. What do we learn from them, and how does the Spirit guide us in conflicts and disagreements? Join us as we look at “The Response” from Acts 15:22-35.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-06-10T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6dc35c62-c2da-4ebe-8129-dd93aed0a8f4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41855296,"duration_in_seconds":2092}]},{"id":"3ba1d12e-0021-4a51-82a5-0ea176185c78","title":"Faith Stories - Josiah Foor","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/foor","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2024 - Growing Through Childhood - Seeing God in Action","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2024 - Growing Through Childhood - Seeing God in Action\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2024","date_published":"2024-06-10T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3ba1d12e-0021-4a51-82a5-0ea176185c78.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":57584928,"duration_in_seconds":2362}]},{"id":"94ac2919-2874-49f7-95a9-e5aad79ef126","title":"Faith Stories - Tirzah Rowland","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/rowland","content_text":"Find out how God is at work in our church family and the world. A Firm Foundation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFind out how God is at work in our church family and the world. A Firm Foundation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"","date_published":"2024-06-05T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/94ac2919-2874-49f7-95a9-e5aad79ef126.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21110982,"duration_in_seconds":1321}]},{"id":"c8987383-f0e5-432f-b431-c249fc8632a8","title":"Cut for Time: The Debate","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-046","content_text":"Pastor Jeff talks more about personal application of Sunday's sermon along with a few resources.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff talks more about personal application of Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon along with a few resources.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-06-05T01:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c8987383-f0e5-432f-b431-c249fc8632a8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17824959,"duration_in_seconds":1483}]},{"id":"3e00244e-fdbb-429a-9f33-e7389de4c03a","title":"The Debate | Acts 15:6-21","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-040","content_text":"The early church had to wrestle with an important issue that challenged the way they think about God, the way he works, and the kinds of people he loves. Those are still questions for us to work through! Join us as we look at \"The Debate\" from Acts 15:6-21.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe early church had to wrestle with an important issue that challenged the way they think about God, the way he works, and the kinds of people he loves. Those are still questions for us to work through! Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Debate\u0026quot; from Acts 15:6-21.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-06-03T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3e00244e-fdbb-429a-9f33-e7389de4c03a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41485216,"duration_in_seconds":2074}]},{"id":"dcd4c4e3-6b29-420c-924c-bb63f9bd5f73","title":"The Dissension | Acts 15:1-5","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-039","content_text":"They’re back! After almost two years on the road, Paul and Barnabas have returned, only to find out that the gospel they preached—that Jews and Gentiles are equally welcomed in to God’s family through faith in the Messiah—is up for debate. Do Gentiles have to become Jews before they can become Christians? Are there two families of God, or two levels of relationship with God? In this sermon, we watch the debate boil over into “The Dissension” from Acts 15:1-5.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThey’re back! After almost two years on the road, Paul and Barnabas have returned, only to find out that the gospel they preached—that Jews and Gentiles are equally welcomed in to God’s family through faith in the Messiah—is up for debate. Do Gentiles have to become Jews before they can become Christians? Are there two families of God, or two levels of relationship with God? In this sermon, we watch the debate boil over into “The Dissension” from Acts 15:1-5.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-05-29T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dcd4c4e3-6b29-420c-924c-bb63f9bd5f73.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41492896,"duration_in_seconds":2074}]},{"id":"9604bc09-8e39-45e8-bd9e-64bec578bec8","title":"Cut for Time: The Dissension","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-045","content_text":"Pastor Jeff fills in for Joey while he is out of the country and we answer a few big idea questions about the series. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff fills in for Joey while he is out of the country and we answer a few big idea questions about the series. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-05-29T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9604bc09-8e39-45e8-bd9e-64bec578bec8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14828204,"duration_in_seconds":1233}]},{"id":"87df189b-bc8b-4aa5-8a8b-3e463d47a3a6","title":"Cut for Time: The Challenge","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-044","content_text":"Jeff rounds out the subseries and helps us prep for the next one coming this Sunday!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJeff rounds out the subseries and helps us prep for the next one coming this Sunday!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-05-22T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/87df189b-bc8b-4aa5-8a8b-3e463d47a3a6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15633330,"duration_in_seconds":1300}]},{"id":"2a5852b6-e8c0-4dcb-aff4-45adc6ea48d1","title":"The Challenge | Acts 14:19-28","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-038","content_text":"Paul shares the good news of Jesus - and is almost killed for it. Instead of backing off or turning away, he heads back to the places where he faced opposition to encourage new believers to keep following Jesus in spite of opposition. Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Challenge” from Acts 14:19-28.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul shares the good news of Jesus - and is almost killed for it. Instead of backing off or turning away, he heads back to the places where he faced opposition to encourage new believers to keep following Jesus in spite of opposition. Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Challenge” from Acts 14:19-28.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"\r\nThis series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-05-20T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2a5852b6-e8c0-4dcb-aff4-45adc6ea48d1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38805376,"duration_in_seconds":1940}]},{"id":"9c9b8793-c1af-4f0b-8820-1698f04f790c","title":"Cut for Time: The Gods","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-043","content_text":"Joey shares what didn't make the cut in Sunday's sermon and he presents the gospel story trying to use only the top \"ten hundred\" words in the English language.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJoey shares what didn\u0026#39;t make the cut in Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon and he presents the gospel story trying to use only the top \u0026quot;ten hundred\u0026quot; words in the English language.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-05-15T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9c9b8793-c1af-4f0b-8820-1698f04f790c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17397482,"duration_in_seconds":1447}]},{"id":"04a38bae-9841-417e-a1eb-9ad7da5a4f68","title":"The Gods | Acts 14:8-23","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-037","content_text":"In a thoroughly pagan city with no Jewish influence, we get to watch as Paul and Barnabas work a miracle. And just like previous miracles, this one, too, engenders a faith response in the people who see it. Except this time, their faith is in the wrong gods! Join us for \"The Gods\" from Acts 14:8-23 to see how the gospel is uniquely preached in this pagan environment.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn a thoroughly pagan city with no Jewish influence, we get to watch as Paul and Barnabas work a miracle. And just like previous miracles, this one, too, engenders a faith response in the people who see it. Except this time, their faith is in the wrong gods! Join us for \u0026quot;The Gods\u0026quot; from Acts 14:8-23 to see how the gospel is uniquely preached in this pagan environment.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-05-13T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/04a38bae-9841-417e-a1eb-9ad7da5a4f68.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":45405376,"duration_in_seconds":2270}]},{"id":"2e07deed-b73e-4dea-9cc7-f540b202ce32","title":"Cut for Time: The Division","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-042","content_text":"It's another special guest on Cut for Time! Tom Waltz joins us for the podcast to review his Sunday sermon and share what he had to cut for time. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s another special guest on Cut for Time! Tom Waltz joins us for the podcast to review his Sunday sermon and share what he had to cut for time. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-05-08T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2e07deed-b73e-4dea-9cc7-f540b202ce32.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18223324,"duration_in_seconds":1516}]},{"id":"db79be5f-45c7-44c7-a2ec-be960550e7f9","title":"The Division | Acts 14:1-7","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-036","content_text":"Sunday we welcome another guest speaker to the pulpit; this time, one of our own elders: Tom Waltz! Tom will explore Acts 14:1-7 with us. And though this seems like just another every-day scene in Barnabas and Paul’s work in the Greco-Roman world, we’ll watch as their ministry and message split the town in two. Join us for “The Division” as we discover how the gospel confronts us still today!Special Guest: Tom Waltz.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSunday we welcome another guest speaker to the pulpit; this time, one of our own elders: Tom Waltz! Tom will explore Acts 14:1-7 with us. And though this seems like just another every-day scene in Barnabas and Paul’s work in the Greco-Roman world, we’ll watch as their ministry and message split the town in two. Join us for “The Division” as we discover how the gospel confronts us still today!\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Tom Waltz.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-05-06T06:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/db79be5f-45c7-44c7-a2ec-be960550e7f9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35485216,"duration_in_seconds":1774}]},{"id":"775f592d-1112-41b4-89d8-f9b27b80e364","title":"Cut for Time: The Turn","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-041","content_text":"This week's episode is a special interview with John North and Joey Woestman. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week\u0026#39;s episode is a special interview with John North and Joey Woestman. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-05-01T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/775f592d-1112-41b4-89d8-f9b27b80e364.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21154799,"duration_in_seconds":1759}]},{"id":"b0253e60-344d-488f-b2fc-793ea6961ebf","title":"The Turn | Acts 13:44-52","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-035","content_text":"We’re excited to welcome John North, the Australia National Director for Ambassadors for Christ International, to share from Acts 13:44-52, “The Turn.” Though Paul and Barnabas make it their mission to preach the gospel first to Jews in the synagogues, wherever they go, in Pisidian Antioch they experience extreme opposite responses to their message. Some Jews and devout Gentiles believe that Jesus is the Messiah—others band together to drive them from the city. Was this part of God’s plan? Join us this weekend as we watch the gospel turn to the Gentiles!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’re excited to welcome John North, the Australia National Director for Ambassadors for Christ International, to share from Acts 13:44-52, “The Turn.” Though Paul and Barnabas make it their mission to preach the gospel first to Jews in the synagogues, wherever they go, in Pisidian Antioch they experience extreme opposite responses to their message. Some Jews and devout Gentiles believe that Jesus is the Messiah—others band together to drive them from the city. Was this part of God’s plan? Join us this weekend as we watch the gospel turn to the Gentiles!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-04-29T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b0253e60-344d-488f-b2fc-793ea6961ebf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44685376,"duration_in_seconds":2234}]},{"id":"94bf5456-87ac-4335-8cf0-5b237eea41fb","title":"Cut for Time: The Message","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-040","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares what he had to cut for time on Sunday and how to present the Gospel to others in a powerful way that meets them where they're at in their journey. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares what he had to cut for time on Sunday and how to present the Gospel to others in a powerful way that meets them where they\u0026#39;re at in their journey. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-04-24T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/94bf5456-87ac-4335-8cf0-5b237eea41fb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14175051,"duration_in_seconds":1179}]},{"id":"ec4d6224-f99e-4481-bdd4-fe52654c51d6","title":"The Message | Acts 13:13-43","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-034","content_text":"The gospel expands to Asia Minor as Paul gets to share the good news of Jesus in a synagogue worship service. Join us for “The Message” from Acts 13:13-43 as we also get to hear about the God who works in his own time and unexpected ways to fulfill all his promises and good purposes.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe gospel expands to Asia Minor as Paul gets to share the good news of Jesus in a synagogue worship service. Join us for “The Message” from Acts 13:13-43 as we also get to hear about the God who works in his own time and unexpected ways to fulfill all his promises and good purposes.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-04-22T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ec4d6224-f99e-4481-bdd4-fe52654c51d6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40372576,"duration_in_seconds":2018}]},{"id":"de8ec64b-bdaf-4164-93a1-f66ced3ca4c7","title":"Cut for Time: The Prophet","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-039","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares what he cut for time on Sunday, why we're not projecting missionary journey maps during sermons, and listen all the way to the end for a \"poorly chosen analogy\" (according to Joey). ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares what he cut for time on Sunday, why we\u0026#39;re not projecting missionary journey maps during sermons, and listen all the way to the end for a \u0026quot;poorly chosen analogy\u0026quot; (according to Joey). \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"","date_published":"2024-04-17T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/de8ec64b-bdaf-4164-93a1-f66ced3ca4c7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14306008,"duration_in_seconds":1189}]},{"id":"a68bd62f-833d-4ba2-bb08-b9884185b82b","title":"The Prophet | Acts 13:4-12","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-033","content_text":"It’s begun! The first missionary journey of the first formal, official missionaries starts on the island of Cyprus. Barnabas and Saul travel the island, preaching the good news of Jesus, before ending up on the west coast in the capital city of Paphos, where the city’s governor is interested in hearing more. But there’s a magician, an astrologer, a Jewish false prophet standing in the way… Join us or “The Prophet” from Acts 13:4-12 as we watch the gospel conflict with the powers of the age!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt’s begun! The first missionary journey of the first formal, official missionaries starts on the island of Cyprus. Barnabas and Saul travel the island, preaching the good news of Jesus, before ending up on the west coast in the capital city of Paphos, where the city’s governor is interested in hearing more. But there’s a magician, an astrologer, a Jewish false prophet standing in the way… Join us or “The Prophet” from Acts 13:4-12 as we watch the gospel conflict with the powers of the age!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-04-15T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a68bd62f-833d-4ba2-bb08-b9884185b82b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41885056,"duration_in_seconds":2094}]},{"id":"f4727a7b-30eb-4831-995e-213cb1b994bc","title":"Cut for Time: The Commissioning","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-038","content_text":"Pastor Joey and Claire talk about creating a \"lifestyle\" of evangelism and what that practically looks like. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey and Claire talk about creating a \u0026quot;lifestyle\u0026quot; of evangelism and what that practically looks like. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they'll share with us some things that we didn't hear on Sunday. ","date_published":"2024-04-10T20:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f4727a7b-30eb-4831-995e-213cb1b994bc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15657228,"duration_in_seconds":1302}]},{"id":"70eb2903-d9a8-4754-b635-c4d8d802b664","title":"The Commissioning | Acts 12:25-13:3","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-032","content_text":"We’re back in Acts! After taking off for Lent, we’re picking the story back up where we left off. The church has faced trials from without and conflicts from within, followers of Jesus have been scattered across the known world, and the center of missionary activity in the Church has shifted from Jerusalem to Antioch. And it’s in Antioch that the Holy Spirit shows up, calling out two of the best teachers to start traveling to spread the gospel and plant churches among non-Jewish people. Join us for “The Commissioning” from Acts 12:25-13:3, as the gospel turns to the Gentiles!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’re back in Acts! After taking off for Lent, we’re picking the story back up where we left off. The church has faced trials from without and conflicts from within, followers of Jesus have been scattered across the known world, and the center of missionary activity in the Church has shifted from Jerusalem to Antioch. And it’s in Antioch that the Holy Spirit shows up, calling out two of the best teachers to start traveling to spread the gospel and plant churches among non-Jewish people. Join us for “The Commissioning” from Acts 12:25-13:3, as the gospel turns to the Gentiles!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This is the start of our fourth sub-series in the book of Acts. ","date_published":"2024-04-08T23:45:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/70eb2903-d9a8-4754-b635-c4d8d802b664.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36997663,"duration_in_seconds":1849}]},{"id":"466f8854-6c6f-4617-b6de-ba4bffb2c162","title":"Good Friday Service","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lamentations-007","content_text":"Our annual Good Friday service, remembering the death of our savior. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur annual Good Friday service, remembering the death of our savior. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our annual Good Friday service, remembering the death of our savior. ","date_published":"2024-04-01T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/466f8854-6c6f-4617-b6de-ba4bffb2c162.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21550336,"duration_in_seconds":1077}]},{"id":"9cb1c4ec-3298-4ff5-ae97-de51779e10ba","title":"Easter Sunday Service","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lamentations-008","content_text":"Celebrating our risen savior, Jesus! We conclude our study of Lamentations and are renewed by the good news of the gospel.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCelebrating our risen savior, Jesus! We conclude our study of Lamentations and are renewed by the good news of the gospel.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Celebrating our risen savior, Jesus! We conclude our study of Lamentations and are renewed by the good news of the gospel.","date_published":"2024-04-01T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9cb1c4ec-3298-4ff5-ae97-de51779e10ba.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30231616,"duration_in_seconds":1511}]},{"id":"2711a8cd-a253-48c2-a52f-b2112777e115","title":"Cut for Time: Restore Us To Yourself, O Lord","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-037","content_text":"We chat about how the book of Lamentations ends and our desire for resolution. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe chat about how the book of Lamentations ends and our desire for resolution. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-03-27T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2711a8cd-a253-48c2-a52f-b2112777e115.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14947972,"duration_in_seconds":1243}]},{"id":"5e720542-246e-422e-b959-3a06a8d1a994","title":"Restore Us To Yourself, O Lord","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lamentations-006","content_text":"For the first time, the suffering people speak for themselves, but there’s no “closure” – just the first steps beyond suffering in silence towards perspective and hope. How does this final poem help us identify and express our suffering? What hope is there in “raw” prayers like the one offered in Lamentations 5? Join us as we cry out “Restore us to yourself, O God.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor the first time, the suffering people speak for themselves, but there’s no “closure” – just the first steps beyond suffering in silence towards perspective and hope. How does this final poem help us identify and express our suffering? What hope is there in “raw” prayers like the one offered in Lamentations 5? Join us as we cry out “Restore us to yourself, O God.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Week 6 in our study of the book of Lamentations.","date_published":"2024-03-27T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5e720542-246e-422e-b959-3a06a8d1a994.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36348736,"duration_in_seconds":1817}]},{"id":"f4f6f951-18a3-4ff6-a032-c98c5febbae9","title":"Cut for Time: Exile No Longer","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-036","content_text":"Pastor Joey covers what he had to cut for time on Sunday and we talk more about recognizing anniversaries of losses. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey covers what he had to cut for time on Sunday and we talk more about recognizing anniversaries of losses. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-03-20T20:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f4f6f951-18a3-4ff6-a032-c98c5febbae9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":11860262,"duration_in_seconds":986}]},{"id":"50583b44-9fbf-4ebb-b8d5-0ec9c7d4879d","title":"Exile No Longer","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lamentations-005","content_text":"After the preacher’s call to prayer and his modeling of confession and repentance, we would expect the congregation to respond with their own voice, putting their grief, their guilt, and their grievance into their own prayer. But they need time, so the preacher re-narrates the siege and fall of Jerusalem, brining past pain into the light. He’s not just indulging in maudlin memories, he’s bringing the time for dwelling on the past to a close. It’s time to look to the future in hope of what God will do! Join us for “Exile No Longer” from Lamentations 4:1-22.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter the preacher’s call to prayer and his modeling of confession and repentance, we would expect the congregation to respond with their own voice, putting their grief, their guilt, and their grievance into their own prayer. But they need time, so the preacher re-narrates the siege and fall of Jerusalem, brining past pain into the light. He’s not just indulging in maudlin memories, he’s bringing the time for dwelling on the past to a close. It’s time to look to the future in hope of what God will do! Join us for “Exile No Longer” from Lamentations 4:1-22.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Week five of our Lenten series.","date_published":"2024-03-18T00:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/50583b44-9fbf-4ebb-b8d5-0ec9c7d4879d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39188416,"duration_in_seconds":1959}]},{"id":"aae49a88-dbbe-4ea3-8f0f-ecdf95733c6e","title":"Cut for Time: Pray Like This...","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-035","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares his favorite \"sad books\" or biographies on grief to help give us language to grieve in the same way.Links:A Lament for a SonA Letter of ConsolationEverything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lives I've LovedHave a Beautiful, Terrible Day!A Severe MercyA Grace Disguised","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares his favorite \u0026quot;sad books\u0026quot; or biographies on grief to help give us language to grieve in the same way.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eLinks:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"A Lament for a Son\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Professor-Emeritus-Philosophical-Theology-Wolterstorff/dp/080280294X/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BgoJfmoU-rbWJDf3gtLmqcNbMsB1n7FaB_2w43LZBSgD1VY6UMf7NMsbFgqGuFV3ZKnW492-MtfOJwiwpsi8X6PQvztVqGR2OLRR6Ww2c5Vz-sdEzEFhEpG4SOBkQp9lLYI_xz-BFV443mxa-fKwGdzRA2JhWJlE01bmor-dIUmfhHEil9noLsf2Nyc5yZAT-8jQ7TfV1O871zhnTTdoTQ.HENR2FzzCM2nSQcv49BrNzall4WJVdK37ZCvuHRQSwY\u0026amp;dib_tag=se\u0026amp;hvadid=580690356646\u0026amp;hvdev=c\u0026amp;hvlocphy=9016175\u0026amp;hvnetw=g\u0026amp;hvqmt=e\u0026amp;hvrand=539090388268116544\u0026amp;hvtargid=kwd-1344765271\u0026amp;hydadcr=8269_13500792\u0026amp;keywords=lament+for+a+son+wolterstorff\u0026amp;qid=1710527403\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eA Lament for a Son\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"A Letter of Consolation\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Letter-Consolation-Henri-J-Nouwen/dp/0060663146/ref=sr_1_1?crid=DB0BD4LPX79P\u0026amp;dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.sr2z3w8eKoGAdHtGHXjFRdc4jxwILompiL5xLYRLe9q-0BaETHgEsRh7pTmT2NYTl80TJIqEOPQk9lQZJHyE0NQu06K29CtzJSZfj-3yFBU.1DdgsDYdBJDK7uGGSB5q-o86BLMQrV2VvCD64pi3Yro\u0026amp;dib_tag=se\u0026amp;keywords=a+letter+of+consolation+by+henri+nouwen\u0026amp;qid=1710527462\u0026amp;sprefix=a+letter+of+consolation%2Caps%2C98\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eA Letter of Consolation\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lives I\u0026#39;ve Loved\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Everything-Happens-Reason-Other-Loved/dp/0399592083/ref=sr_1_1?crid=EOIQ2RF3X471\u0026amp;dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.G3cRH8A7d6Q30Aim1VzBnfsDaCR6o_wWnEED2xeK5d50UTBxh5eQ21BjHfJYYWkL3337EhQcvzv1GZhjGY75TBHG8Aa-jqAmg6SXPgmRgTtNW3NgjyUZkGqctyXmlTk_WVE7YZTnQj6tdOIT3m8P5G7tHzdzC7UIzFAU2fHXe6nJGWqyh6iPv_O6m-G2gLUpmnEtY6N-mn7eq2lQz95Bp9wc8-uIZPWxhjXWnECzJHY.dZ8tdFUcYtQBPx2ZT3klkCuqMG3fCF8xGBdjIj6_QhA\u0026amp;dib_tag=se\u0026amp;keywords=kate+bowler+everything+happens+for+a+reason\u0026amp;qid=1710527510\u0026amp;sprefix=kate+bowler+eve%2Caps%2C101\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eEverything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lives I\u0026#39;ve Loved\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day!\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Have-Beautiful-Terrible-Day-Betweens/dp/0593727673/ref=sr_1_1?crid=R4P0EUVL7W0R\u0026amp;dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LOJbB8jNOxg8UzrSF50jePW4LE5IxToopxCxqMJoHlG1zI5MKBdeVxXtyr3_8pyHVp9hmNea4RJOat5_iBuyBeQWZZhg2hrm9ldyiFd_Q7yXmwl9W3Zc0cCyJSvCNBZoq6Tq7Ya1q9XKvNh6_bdUyWR7oT5tv9vsCgjSU254UAWgo8_wvUqspn6FF4xduL4UCXpabQ0U82RPCU2BBzD4afchQ8bHDofBj48Tf4ZLFeY.C-xdaVxVae7Y8wdvlkceAERv9_Fs-6xdpMh_pKpdkCk\u0026amp;dib_tag=se\u0026amp;keywords=have+a+beautiful%2C+terrible+day+kate+bowler\u0026amp;qid=1710527540\u0026amp;sprefix=have+a+%2Caps%2C99\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eHave a Beautiful, Terrible Day!\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"A Severe Mercy\" rel=\"nofollow\" 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href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Grace-Disguised-Revised-Expanded-through/dp/0310363594/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2VQXIVIUW63KW\u0026amp;dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gPY6DeR8k8wfy3aXZZSSrUGVwkdsesc-qfbAFUZ2d5J8OfX3xgdbiPtTOybzdWDBJMm5QPnI8KIXBG5kYFe2rce1tPYldQyvfnmm5byATE9YoJJ83RxMdm6Sk8JKro87QBDLOdjDQugoALdskb9DUVtimN6ou34PQr8AZAEmvmJ4rd9yCZvoehHesZdnTDqNYgMQiBm2k6VF7VtJJPk7bG2Tw9jd9-RWZH6f9iHmAVI.yqmx8e0GkbkboXIg9e24VqHNH5EPbpVb6QJ7ppjCXHY\u0026amp;dib_tag=se\u0026amp;keywords=a+grace+disguised+by+jerry+sittser+book\u0026amp;qid=1710527630\u0026amp;sprefix=a+grace+di%2Caps%2C107\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eA Grace Disguised\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-03-13T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/aae49a88-dbbe-4ea3-8f0f-ecdf95733c6e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19346381,"duration_in_seconds":1609}]},{"id":"afae610e-4fee-4c33-8ef7-f043b51fe7ee","title":"Pray Like This... ","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lamentations-004","content_text":"After sharing his own personal reflections from his past experiences of grief, the pastor becomes preacher, shifting into sermon mode. He wants to help the congregation take responsibility for their unfaithfulness, so he models a prayer of repentance they can use. His own experience, and his own prayers, become the pattern in which the congregation can learn to express their guilt and their anger to God, in their own words. Join us as we learn to “Pray Like This…” from Lamentations 3:25-66.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter sharing his own personal reflections from his past experiences of grief, the pastor becomes preacher, shifting into sermon mode. He wants to help the congregation take responsibility for their unfaithfulness, so he models a prayer of repentance they can use. His own experience, and his own prayers, become the pattern in which the congregation can learn to express their guilt and their anger to God, in their own words. Join us as we learn to “Pray Like This…” from Lamentations 3:25-66.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Week 4 of our Lamentations Series","date_published":"2024-03-12T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/afae610e-4fee-4c33-8ef7-f043b51fe7ee.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40237696,"duration_in_seconds":2011}]},{"id":"f86963ba-346f-42c0-8223-e4fefa999251","title":"Cut for Time: The Wounded Healer","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-034","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares how he has been preparing for this series in his own time and gives an overview of our care ministry at Faith Church and how you can get the help that you need.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares how he has been preparing for this series in his own time and gives an overview of our care ministry at Faith Church and how you can get the help that you need.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-03-06T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f86963ba-346f-42c0-8223-e4fefa999251.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13861684,"duration_in_seconds":1152}]},{"id":"cf4c7d1e-5f5f-49d6-9176-b976be8a3190","title":"The Wounded Healer","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lamentations-003","content_text":"At the center of Lamentations, the focus and the structure shift. The narrator recounts his personal experience of suffering – what if felt like, and what his suffering seemed to tell him about God. But for the first time there’s hope – the narrator also remembers God’s kindness, love, and faithfulness, and he becomes a source of hope for others. It’s a patten we can emulate in our suffering. Join us as we look at “The Wounded Healer” from Lamentations 3:1-33.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAt the center of Lamentations, the focus and the structure shift. The narrator recounts his personal experience of suffering – what if felt like, and what his suffering seemed to tell him about God. But for the first time there’s hope – the narrator also remembers God’s kindness, love, and faithfulness, and he becomes a source of hope for others. It’s a patten we can emulate in our suffering. Join us as we look at “The Wounded Healer” from Lamentations 3:1-33.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Week three in our study of the book of Lamentations.","date_published":"2024-03-04T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/cf4c7d1e-5f5f-49d6-9176-b976be8a3190.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35730496,"duration_in_seconds":1786}]},{"id":"bbdf089b-9e72-49e2-ae3a-b6687e56b729","title":"Cut for Time: The Wrecked and the Wrecker","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-033","content_text":"Pastor Jeff and Claire are joined by Karl Pohl, Director of Worship to answer questions about new songs that are introduced this Lenten season.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff and Claire are joined by Karl Pohl, Director of Worship to answer questions about new songs that are introduced this Lenten season.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-02-28T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bbdf089b-9e72-49e2-ae3a-b6687e56b729.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20663982,"duration_in_seconds":1718}]},{"id":"7679d37e-35a9-4359-9600-9ddf0e2d2c0e","title":"The Wrecked and The Wrecker","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lamentations-002","content_text":"It’s one thing to suffer hurts, losses, and griefs – but what do we do when it feels like God is the one who’s caused the pain? Where do we turn? Join us as we explore how lament helps give voice to our pain in “The Wrecked and the Wrecker” from Lamentations 2.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt’s one thing to suffer hurts, losses, and griefs – but what do we do when it feels like God is the one who’s caused the pain? Where do we turn? Join us as we explore how lament helps give voice to our pain in “The Wrecked and the Wrecker” from Lamentations 2.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Week 2 in our Lenten series in our study of Lamentations 2.","date_published":"2024-02-26T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7679d37e-35a9-4359-9600-9ddf0e2d2c0e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37435456,"duration_in_seconds":1871}]},{"id":"05746347-79d1-4ba5-9ddb-04196858abaf","title":"Cut for Time: How Lonely Sits the City","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-032","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares background on the book of Lamentations because he had to cut it from the sermon and answers questions from our congregation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares background on the book of Lamentations because he had to cut it from the sermon and answers questions from our congregation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-02-21T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/05746347-79d1-4ba5-9ddb-04196858abaf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26118141,"duration_in_seconds":2174}]},{"id":"96fa6fc9-03d1-45db-a593-9015e4f33105","title":"How Lonely Sits the City","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lamentations-001","content_text":"In a world beset by griefs, how do followers of Jesus learn to faithfully and appropriately bring these griefs to God? Or are we being unfaithful when we tell God we hurt? Is God big enough to handle our pain? These questions and more are at the core of our Lenten series through Lamentations. Join us as we begin the healing process of rehearsing our griefs before God, as study Lamentations 1:1-22, “How Lonely Sits the City.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn a world beset by griefs, how do followers of Jesus learn to faithfully and appropriately bring these griefs to God? Or are we being unfaithful when we tell God we hurt? Is God big enough to handle our pain? These questions and more are at the core of our Lenten series through Lamentations. Join us as we begin the healing process of rehearsing our griefs before God, as study Lamentations 1:1-22, “How Lonely Sits the City.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Week One in our study of Lamentations, our Lenten series.","date_published":"2024-02-19T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/96fa6fc9-03d1-45db-a593-9015e4f33105.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39970336,"duration_in_seconds":1998}]},{"id":"fc220682-6c9a-48e8-9261-50e5019ffc37","title":"Ash Wednesday Service 2024","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/ash-wednesday-2024","content_text":"Start this year’s Lenten season with a service of prayer, humility, and the reminder of our frailty and need of a savior. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eStart this year’s Lenten season with a service of prayer, humility, and the reminder of our frailty and need of a savior. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Kicking off the Lamentations series and season of Lent.","date_published":"2024-02-16T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fc220682-6c9a-48e8-9261-50e5019ffc37.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17914169,"duration_in_seconds":895}]},{"id":"124fd9d6-b39d-4c42-8841-fe9a743d0b65","title":"Cut for Time: The Blasphemy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-031","content_text":"Pastor Joey just preached the final sermon of this Acts sub-series so he wraps it up for us as we transtion into the season of Lent and studying Lamentations.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey just preached the final sermon of this Acts sub-series so he wraps it up for us as we transtion into the season of Lent and studying Lamentations.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-02-14T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/124fd9d6-b39d-4c42-8841-fe9a743d0b65.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19299437,"duration_in_seconds":1604}]},{"id":"ad821da8-4c1c-473b-86cb-1661a93a0731","title":"The Blasphemy | Acts 12:20-24","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-031","content_text":"At first glance, this story seems unnecessary. Herod Agrippa has only just come on the scene, and already Luke narrates his demise? But there are fascinating contrasts between this story and the previous one—most interestingly, contrasting how the Church responds to Herod’s oppression and how the people of Tyre and Sidon respond. Ultimately, Herod’s power is nothing compared to God’s, and the Church continues to flourish in spite of opposition. So join us as we study “The Blasphemy” from Acts 12:20-25!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAt first glance, this story seems unnecessary. Herod Agrippa has only just come on the scene, and already Luke narrates his demise? But there are fascinating contrasts between this story and the previous one—most interestingly, contrasting how the Church responds to Herod’s oppression and how the people of Tyre and Sidon respond. Ultimately, Herod’s power is nothing compared to God’s, and the Church continues to flourish in spite of opposition. So join us as we study “The Blasphemy” from Acts 12:20-25!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-02-12T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ad821da8-4c1c-473b-86cb-1661a93a0731.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41095456,"duration_in_seconds":2054}]},{"id":"a9aec2ee-9c83-4901-8ef9-1ae6fee3968c","title":"Cut for Time: The Deliverance","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-030","content_text":"Pastor Joey answered rapid fire questions while under a time crunch for recording, and, of course, did a great job. Listen in to hear what others from our congregation are asking!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answered rapid fire questions while under a time crunch for recording, and, of course, did a great job. Listen in to hear what others from our congregation are asking!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.\r\n","date_published":"2024-02-07T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a9aec2ee-9c83-4901-8ef9-1ae6fee3968c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17144507,"duration_in_seconds":1426}]},{"id":"da97bbd6-504d-4847-bdb8-e6c4b7e0a5be","title":"The Deliverance | Acts 12:1-19","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-030","content_text":"After following the action to Antioch, this week we’re back in Jerusalem. Public sentiment has turned against the Jesus Movement, and local authorities aren’t above capitalizing on public opinion to bolster their own political ambitions. With one apostle killed and another imprisoned, is the church in Jerusalem about to be destroyed? What will God do next to rescue his people? Find out as we explore “The Deliverance” in Acts 12:1-19!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter following the action to Antioch, this week we’re back in Jerusalem. Public sentiment has turned against the Jesus Movement, and local authorities aren’t above capitalizing on public opinion to bolster their own political ambitions. With one apostle killed and another imprisoned, is the church in Jerusalem about to be destroyed? What will God do next to rescue his people? Find out as we explore “The Deliverance” in Acts 12:1-19!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-02-05T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/da97bbd6-504d-4847-bdb8-e6c4b7e0a5be.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41937856,"duration_in_seconds":2096}]},{"id":"dbe533a5-b250-437b-b4e5-e38b92076b71","title":"Cut For Time: The Church","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-029","content_text":"Pastor Jeff speaks on the encouragement we can receive from Barnabus and learn more about the church in Antioch.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff speaks on the encouragement we can receive from Barnabus and learn more about the church in Antioch.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-01-31T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dbe533a5-b250-437b-b4e5-e38b92076b71.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":10516838,"duration_in_seconds":874}]},{"id":"7fd4c1ce-8862-4235-9b53-e300e1df59c7","title":"The Church | Acts 11:19-30","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-029","content_text":"The good news of Messiah Jesus has spread beyond Jewish believers to the Gentiles, and now to the birth of a cross-cultural, multi-ethnic church in Antioch. That congregation becomes the center of gospel expansion to the Roman world. Why? What makes them so unique and important that we can learn from? Join us as we look at “The Church” from Acts 11:19-30.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe good news of Messiah Jesus has spread beyond Jewish believers to the Gentiles, and now to the birth of a cross-cultural, multi-ethnic church in Antioch. That congregation becomes the center of gospel expansion to the Roman world. Why? What makes them so unique and important that we can learn from? Join us as we look at “The Church” from Acts 11:19-30.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-01-29T23:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7fd4c1ce-8862-4235-9b53-e300e1df59c7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39900256,"duration_in_seconds":1994}]},{"id":"25dbd44d-4c47-43a6-b38f-ba000e6d7996","title":"Cut for Time: The Report","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-028","content_text":"Jeff and Claire stumble on new insight to the passage while having their conversation on the passage Acts 11:1-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJeff and Claire stumble on new insight to the passage while having their conversation on the passage Acts 11:1-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-01-24T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/25dbd44d-4c47-43a6-b38f-ba000e6d7996.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14352643,"duration_in_seconds":1194}]},{"id":"4b63c357-685e-4ee9-ac2c-c137364695cc","title":"The Report | Acts 11:1-18","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-028","content_text":"We hear again that God welcomes Gentiles into the community of his people. Why does this offend the Jewish believers? What convinces them that God has done something they need to accept and adjust to? And what does that have to do with us? Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Report” from Acts 11:1-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe hear again that God welcomes Gentiles into the community of his people. Why does this offend the Jewish believers? What convinces them that God has done something they need to accept and adjust to? And what does that have to do with us? Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Report” from Acts 11:1-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-01-22T23:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4b63c357-685e-4ee9-ac2c-c137364695cc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41705056,"duration_in_seconds":2085}]},{"id":"946a94a8-903e-4c99-8e28-c9c820214f79","title":"Cut for Time: The Gentiles","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-027","content_text":"Cut for Time is back from the holiday break! On Sunday, Pastor Joey promised he'd cover a few things he didn't have time to deep dive, such as speaking in tongues. Listen to his thoughts about the topic and more about what he didn't get to include in this episode!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCut for Time is back from the holiday break! On Sunday, Pastor Joey promised he\u0026#39;d cover a few things he didn\u0026#39;t have time to deep dive, such as speaking in tongues. Listen to his thoughts about the topic and more about what he didn\u0026#39;t get to include in this episode!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2024-01-17T20:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/946a94a8-903e-4c99-8e28-c9c820214f79.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19767580,"duration_in_seconds":1645}]},{"id":"c1751de0-ca1c-47f0-a71a-37526d06ef0a","title":"The Gentiles | Acts 10:34-48","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-027","content_text":"When last we looked at the adventures of the early church, we were with Peter in Caesarea, on the coast, after he experienced a revelatory vision from God teaching him that no one is outside the reach of God’s grace. Immediately after, messengers from a Roman soldier named Cornelius showed up, saying Cornelius too had received a vision with instructions to get Peter! How does the story end? Find out as the church expands to “The Gentiles” in Acts 10:34-48!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen last we looked at the adventures of the early church, we were with Peter in Caesarea, on the coast, after he experienced a revelatory vision from God teaching him that no one is outside the reach of God’s grace. Immediately after, messengers from a Roman soldier named Cornelius showed up, saying Cornelius too had received a vision with instructions to get Peter! How does the story end? Find out as the church expands to “The Gentiles” in Acts 10:34-48!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2024-01-15T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c1751de0-ca1c-47f0-a71a-37526d06ef0a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46285216,"duration_in_seconds":2314}]},{"id":"f331adf8-c206-4d55-b6b7-92e667c0a6ad","title":"Comfort One Another","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/comfort-one-another","content_text":"When the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica about the return of Jesus in 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18, he didn’t bring up that particular teaching just because he thought it was a good topic for them to brush up on—he brought it up because belief in the return of Jesus is a profound comfort to us when we are facing loss and grief. This weekend we’ll suspend resuming our Acts series to spend Sunday morning finding comfort, that we may not grieve as those without hope.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica about the return of Jesus in 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18, he didn’t bring up that particular teaching just because he thought it was a good topic for them to brush up on—he brought it up because belief in the return of Jesus is a profound comfort to us when we are facing loss and grief. This weekend we’ll suspend resuming our Acts series to spend Sunday morning finding comfort, that we may not grieve as those without hope.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"When the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica about the return of Jesus in 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18, he didn’t bring up that particular teaching just because he thought it was a good topic for them to brush up on—he brought it up because belief in the return of Jesus is a profound comfort to us when we are facing loss and grief. This weekend we’ll suspend resuming our Acts series to spend Sunday morning finding comfort, that we may not grieve as those without hope.","date_published":"2024-01-08T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f331adf8-c206-4d55-b6b7-92e667c0a6ad.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35049376,"duration_in_seconds":1752}]},{"id":"296c84aa-4c83-4f5c-b12c-e0d4ffaf0b34","title":"Redeeming the Woman at the Well","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/woman-at-the-well","content_text":"In this one-week break between Advent and the new year, we’re going to shift gears for a bit and study one of the best-known stories from Jesus’s life: his conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well near Sychar. As we peel back the layers of history and culture, we’ll come to see this interaction with fresh eyes and to find out how we, too, can engage with people who don’t know Jesus. Join us this weekend for “Redeeming the Woman at the Well” from John 4:5-30, 39!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this one-week break between Advent and the new year, we’re going to shift gears for a bit and study one of the best-known stories from Jesus’s life: his conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well near Sychar. As we peel back the layers of history and culture, we’ll come to see this interaction with fresh eyes and to find out how we, too, can engage with people who don’t know Jesus. Join us this weekend for “Redeeming the Woman at the Well” from John 4:5-30, 39!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this one-week break between Advent and the new year, we’re going to shift gears for a bit and study one of the best-known stories from Jesus’s life: his conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well near Sychar. ","date_published":"2023-12-31T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/296c84aa-4c83-4f5c-b12c-e0d4ffaf0b34.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37845598,"duration_in_seconds":1892}]},{"id":"55685c5a-954a-4ae2-b0b7-3cb07c4e4e09","title":"Why Celebrate?","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/why-christmas-week4","content_text":"This time of year we hear all kinds of messages telling us to “get in the holiday spirit” and enjoy “the hap-happiest time of the year.” Christmas comes with all kinds of hopes, desires, and expectations. Does it ever seem forced – maybe even overwhelming – with the cold weather, long nights, and everything we’re supposed to do and feel? Join us as we answer “Why Celebrate?” from Luke 2:1-14.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis time of year we hear all kinds of messages telling us to “get in the holiday spirit” and enjoy “the hap-happiest time of the year.” Christmas comes with all kinds of hopes, desires, and expectations. Does it ever seem forced – maybe even overwhelming – with the cold weather, long nights, and everything we’re supposed to do and feel? Join us as we answer “Why Celebrate?” from Luke 2:1-14.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Whether we believe in Jesus or not, almost everyone we know celebrates Christmas. But why do we celebrate? What’s it about? This year we’re going to take a more theological dive into what Christmas is about and why we need it. We’ll look at some of the big questions – Why do we even need Christmas? What’s the point? Why the incarnation? Why a virgin birth? And how does this lead us to celebration and worship? ","date_published":"2023-12-25T21:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/55685c5a-954a-4ae2-b0b7-3cb07c4e4e09.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37945385,"duration_in_seconds":1897}]},{"id":"af2037aa-6405-4c49-a232-17a2bfb07ef9","title":"Why Jesus?","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/why-christmas-eve","content_text":"Why the name \"Jesus?\" What does it mean to us and how does knowing it make us respond differently to our savior on Christmas? By listening or watching, we love that you've joined us in celebration and worship during our Christmas Eve service!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhy the name \u0026quot;Jesus?\u0026quot; What does it mean to us and how does knowing it make us respond differently to our savior on Christmas? By listening or watching, we love that you\u0026#39;ve joined us in celebration and worship during our Christmas Eve service!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"","date_published":"2023-12-25T21:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/af2037aa-6405-4c49-a232-17a2bfb07ef9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19615456,"duration_in_seconds":980}]},{"id":"c1883135-98e4-4b24-add9-bb7a77bc9c26","title":"Why the Virgin Birth?","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/why-christmas-week3","content_text":"It’s almost Christmas! And this week, we’re tackling our third big question of our “Why Christmas?” series, “Why the Virgin Birth?” There’s been a lot of confusion around this teaching over the centuries, so this week, we’re going to go back to the basics. Does it matter that Jesus was born supernaturally, without a father involved? How does this teaching relate to our salvation? And does it matter that the rest of the New Testament doesn’t really mention it? We’ll dig into all of that and more this weekend when we study Matthew 1:18-25 together!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt’s almost Christmas! And this week, we’re tackling our third big question of our “Why Christmas?” series, “Why the Virgin Birth?” There’s been a lot of confusion around this teaching over the centuries, so this week, we’re going to go back to the basics. Does it matter that Jesus was born supernaturally, without a father involved? How does this teaching relate to our salvation? And does it matter that the rest of the New Testament doesn’t really mention it? We’ll dig into all of that and more this weekend when we study Matthew 1:18-25 together!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Whether we believe in Jesus or not, almost everyone we know celebrates Christmas. But why do we celebrate? What’s it about? This year we’re going to take a more theological dive into what Christmas is about and why we need it. We’ll look at some of the big questions – Why do we even need Christmas? What’s the point? Why the incarnation? Why a virgin birth? And how does this lead us to celebration and worship? ","date_published":"2023-12-18T21:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c1883135-98e4-4b24-add9-bb7a77bc9c26.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39697696,"duration_in_seconds":1984}]},{"id":"8d13269a-19a3-4de9-a408-63e5dd467751","title":"Why the incarnation?","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/why-christmas-week2","content_text":"“Emmanuel,” one of the names given to Jesus, means “God with us.” But what does it mean for God to be with us, and for him to be with us in the person of Jesus? That’s the teaching called the “Incarnation,” and it is foundational to everything we believe about Christmas. But did Christmas have to happen this way? Join us for “Why the Incarnation?” from Luke 1:26-35!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Emmanuel,” one of the names given to Jesus, means “God with us.” But what does it mean for God to be with us, and for him to be with us in the person of Jesus? That’s the teaching called the “Incarnation,” and it is foundational to everything we believe about Christmas. But did Christmas have to happen this way? Join us for “Why the Incarnation?” from Luke 1:26-35!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Whether we believe in Jesus or not, almost everyone we know celebrates Christmas. But why do we celebrate? What’s it about? This year we’re going to take a more theological dive into what Christmas is about and why we need it. We’ll look at some of the big questions – Why do we even need Christmas? What’s the point? Why the incarnation? Why a virgin birth? And how does this lead us to celebration and worship? ","date_published":"2023-12-11T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8d13269a-19a3-4de9-a408-63e5dd467751.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42365056,"duration_in_seconds":2118}]},{"id":"e5f84937-fe9a-4f8b-bd40-7e512d9c3128","title":"Why do we need a savior?","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/why-christmas-week1","content_text":"As the calendar turns to December and our hearts turn toward Christmas, we are diving into our advent series “Why Christmas?” to take a theological look at our deep need for a savior and the gift of grace that is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The first question we’ll be taking a look at is “Why do we need a savior?” Join us as we study Luke 1:5-17 and unpack the story of creation and the hope that exists in Jesus despite our broken situation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs the calendar turns to December and our hearts turn toward Christmas, we are diving into our advent series “Why Christmas?” to take a theological look at our deep need for a savior and the gift of grace that is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The first question we’ll be taking a look at is “Why do we need a savior?” Join us as we study Luke 1:5-17 and unpack the story of creation and the hope that exists in Jesus despite our broken situation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Whether we believe in Jesus or not, almost everyone we know celebrates Christmas. But why do we celebrate? What’s it about? This year we’re going to take a more theological dive into what Christmas is about and why we need it. We’ll look at some of the big questions – Why do we even need Christmas? What’s the point? Why the incarnation? Why a virgin birth? And how does this lead us to celebration and worship? ","date_published":"2023-12-04T00:45:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e5f84937-fe9a-4f8b-bd40-7e512d9c3128.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32315296,"duration_in_seconds":1615}]},{"id":"7c6b4017-785d-4edc-8b2c-f0d947afd0e0","title":"Cut for Time: The Visions","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-026","content_text":"Listen to find out which question stumped Joey this week (is that a first on Cut for Time?!) and a few other responses to questions from listeners!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eListen to find out which question stumped Joey this week (is that a first on Cut for Time?!) and a few other responses to questions from listeners!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-11-29T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7c6b4017-785d-4edc-8b2c-f0d947afd0e0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44946251,"duration_in_seconds":1871}]},{"id":"33d68266-b295-4155-a867-e57232be02d9","title":"The Visions | Acts 10:1-33","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-026","content_text":"It’s finally happening, and yet it still comes as a shock. From this end of the story, we know it was inevitable that the good news of the kingdom would extend beyond the Jewish people. But Peter didn’t see it coming. Join us for “The Visions” from Acts 10:1-33, as we see God preparing two very different men to discover that Jesus makes them brothers.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt’s finally happening, and yet it still comes as a shock. From this end of the story, we know it was inevitable that the good news of the kingdom would extend beyond the Jewish people. But Peter didn’t see it coming. Join us for “The Visions” from Acts 10:1-33, as we see God preparing two very different men to discover that Jesus makes them brothers.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-11-27T22:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/33d68266-b295-4155-a867-e57232be02d9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":58082868,"duration_in_seconds":2419}]},{"id":"ea1a279c-ef38-4ea6-984e-b8e0aa2cfb6c","title":"Cut for Time: The Healings","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-025","content_text":"In this episdoe of Cut for Time, Joey encourages us to put this sermon into practice, and do the hard work of reflection by using our sermon discussion questions as a starting point.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episdoe of Cut for Time, Joey encourages us to put this sermon into practice, and do the hard work of reflection by using our sermon discussion questions as a starting point.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-11-22T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ea1a279c-ef38-4ea6-984e-b8e0aa2cfb6c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33650362,"duration_in_seconds":1401}]},{"id":"c7cce5ce-736e-41c4-ac4a-19c6e1ae3a92","title":"The Healings | Acts 9:32-43","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-025","content_text":"Having finished with the story of Saul (at least to this point), Luke shifts his focus back to Peter. We find Peter on a pastoral tour of little churches in little towns north of Jerusalem, preaching and ministering the good news of the kingdom of God in Messiah Jesus. Healing—and even a resurrection!—follow, as the risen and exalted Jesus is at work bringing new life to his people. And that’s not all, as Peter will soon find himself deep in a new controversy in the near future when a prominent Gentile comes to faith in Jesus. Is this where the church is going? Join us for “The Healings” as we see Peter marching toward a watershed moment in the history of the early church!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHaving finished with the story of Saul (at least to this point), Luke shifts his focus back to Peter. We find Peter on a pastoral tour of little churches in little towns north of Jerusalem, preaching and ministering the good news of the kingdom of God in Messiah Jesus. Healing—and even a resurrection!—follow, as the risen and exalted Jesus is at work bringing new life to his people. And that’s not all, as Peter will soon find himself deep in a new controversy in the near future when a prominent Gentile comes to faith in Jesus. Is this where the church is going? Join us for “The Healings” as we see Peter marching toward a watershed moment in the history of the early church!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-11-20T23:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c7cce5ce-736e-41c4-ac4a-19c6e1ae3a92.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52442271,"duration_in_seconds":2184}]},{"id":"53a1d4e7-f356-4ef1-aa8c-9860c1498663","title":"Cut for Time: The Reuinon","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-024","content_text":"What's the difference between reconciliation and forgiveness? And what was going on between Paul and the other disciples? Jeff unpacks it all in this week's episode of Cut for Time.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat\u0026#39;s the difference between reconciliation and forgiveness? And what was going on between Paul and the other disciples? Jeff unpacks it all in this week\u0026#39;s episode of Cut for Time.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-11-15T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/53a1d4e7-f356-4ef1-aa8c-9860c1498663.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20549696,"duration_in_seconds":855}]},{"id":"723bcf5f-aa5d-4740-99ee-4d657aa54f32","title":"The Reunion | Acts 9:26-31","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-024","content_text":"Saul returns to Jerusalem for the most difficult reunion ever - he wants to join the group he was trying to kill, but that group wants nothing to do with him, and the group he used to be part of wants to kill him. How is God going to work in all that mess and what will come from it? Join us this Sunday as we look at \"The Reunion\" from Acts 9:26-31.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSaul returns to Jerusalem for the most difficult reunion ever - he wants to join the group he was trying to kill, but that group wants nothing to do with him, and the group he used to be part of wants to kill him. How is God going to work in all that mess and what will come from it? Join us this Sunday as we look at \u0026quot;The Reunion\u0026quot; from Acts 9:26-31.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-11-13T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/723bcf5f-aa5d-4740-99ee-4d657aa54f32.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42738388,"duration_in_seconds":1779}]},{"id":"bbf910b1-56c6-4220-98a4-5f692f26ddbd","title":"Cut for Time: The Escape ","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-023","content_text":"It's a long episode with a lot of questions... Pastor Joey explores the theories around the three year gap he mentioned in his sermon and much more!Links:Emotionally Healthy SpiritualityGlittering Vices","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s a long episode with a lot of questions... Pastor Joey explores the theories around the three year gap he mentioned in his sermon and much more!\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eLinks:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Emotionally Healthy Spirituality\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Emotionally-Healthy-Spirituality-Impossible-Spiritually/dp/0310348498/ref=sr_1_1?crid=37OWIL7LXJMKR\u0026amp;keywords=emotionally+healthy+spirituality+book\u0026amp;qid=1699462945\u0026amp;sprefix=emotion%2Caps%2C105\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eEmotionally Healthy Spirituality\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Glittering Vices\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Glittering-Vices-Seven-Deadly-Remedies/dp/1587434407/ref=sr_1_1?crid=38QGR26MUOK84\u0026amp;keywords=glittering+vices\u0026amp;qid=1699462972\u0026amp;sprefix=glittering+v%2Caps%2C100\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eGlittering Vices\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-11-08T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bbf910b1-56c6-4220-98a4-5f692f26ddbd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44696184,"duration_in_seconds":1861}]},{"id":"e664ca5e-82ca-4d9d-82e1-5226a1c3faeb","title":"The Escape | Acts 9:19-25","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-023","content_text":"Though viewed with suspicion, Saul immediately begins explaining how everything he had hoped and dreamed for the people of Israel had been fulfilled in Jesus, the Messiah. And in what will become a pattern in his ministry, he almost immediately starts to cause trouble. Join us for “The Escape” from Acts 9:19-25, as we dig into the less-than-auspicious beginnings of this great missionary’s ministry!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThough viewed with suspicion, Saul immediately begins explaining how everything he had hoped and dreamed for the people of Israel had been fulfilled in Jesus, the Messiah. And in what will become a pattern in his ministry, he almost immediately starts to cause trouble. Join us for “The Escape” from Acts 9:19-25, as we dig into the less-than-auspicious beginnings of this great missionary’s ministry!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-11-06T22:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e664ca5e-82ca-4d9d-82e1-5226a1c3faeb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":48279344,"duration_in_seconds":2010}]},{"id":"f5adc7f9-be1c-488c-a4c4-57609062b0d5","title":"Cut for Time: The Conversion","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-022","content_text":"Pastor Joey gets a chance to cover what he cut from Sunday's sermon and we chat about the \"shift\" in the EvangelismShift program.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey gets a chance to cover what he cut from Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon and we chat about the \u0026quot;shift\u0026quot; in the EvangelismShift program.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-11-01T18:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f5adc7f9-be1c-488c-a4c4-57609062b0d5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41596543,"duration_in_seconds":1732}]},{"id":"87068f94-0a75-4f59-917b-2935ad5adaf4","title":"The Conversion | Acts 9:10-19a","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-022","content_text":"Is this the most dramatic conversion in the entire New Testament? Maybe...it's certainly the conversion with the most dramatic impact. But that was part of the plan from the beginning, as God had a plan for Saul that would send him to the ends of the earth, living and witnessing to the life of Christ. Join us for the beginning of it all with \"The Conversion\" from Acts 9:10-19!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIs this the most dramatic conversion in the entire New Testament? Maybe...it\u0026#39;s certainly the conversion with the most dramatic impact. But that was part of the plan from the beginning, as God had a plan for Saul that would send him to the ends of the earth, living and witnessing to the life of Christ. Join us for the beginning of it all with \u0026quot;The Conversion\u0026quot; from Acts 9:10-19!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-10-31T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/87068f94-0a75-4f59-917b-2935ad5adaf4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33497359,"duration_in_seconds":2092}]},{"id":"06a3ca4b-8d89-4da8-9e0f-7e67c3d52508","title":"GO Time Interview: Doug Leatherman","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-podcast-leatherman","content_text":"We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO Time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. \n\nToday’s episode features our missionary, Doug Leatherman. He are partnered with Cru and has two different roles within the organization. He has served with Cru for 33 years! His GO Time weekend is November 4-5. Find his full schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO Time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eToday’s episode features our missionary, Doug Leatherman. He are partnered with Cru and has two different roles within the organization. He has served with Cru for 33 years! His GO Time weekend is November 4-5. Find his full schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO Time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends.","date_published":"2023-10-27T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/06a3ca4b-8d89-4da8-9e0f-7e67c3d52508.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":58248958,"duration_in_seconds":2425}]},{"id":"bfe47023-faae-4fab-823a-fcb59e2ee015","title":"Cut for Time: The Persecutor","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-0021","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares what he needed to cut from his sermon and unpacks what it means for Jesus to identify with believers.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares what he needed to cut from his sermon and unpacks what it means for Jesus to identify with believers.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-10-27T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bfe47023-faae-4fab-823a-fcb59e2ee015.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38078344,"duration_in_seconds":1585}]},{"id":"d987b423-5f9a-494e-af07-6e089fa3db78","title":"The Persecutor | Acts 9:1-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-021","content_text":"Saul, the great persecutor of Jesus' followers, is literally knocked to the ground and blinded -- in order to help him see his blindness and heal his heart. What does Saul's story say to us about our need for Jesus and how God works through \"severe mercy\" in our lives? Join us as we look at \"The Persecutor\" from Acts 9:1-9.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSaul, the great persecutor of Jesus\u0026#39; followers, is literally knocked to the ground and blinded -- in order to help him see his blindness and heal his heart. What does Saul\u0026#39;s story say to us about our need for Jesus and how God works through \u0026quot;severe mercy\u0026quot; in our lives? Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Persecutor\u0026quot; from Acts 9:1-9.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-10-23T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d987b423-5f9a-494e-af07-6e089fa3db78.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":49878494,"duration_in_seconds":2077}]},{"id":"00e21bad-14a1-4b1e-8ddf-6c6061c1db26","title":"Cut for Time: The Foreigner","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-020","content_text":"Pastor Bob Blahnik shares a few things that were cut from his sermon on Sunday and we talk more about Life2Life evangelism opportunities.Special Guest: Bob Blahnik.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Bob Blahnik shares a few things that were cut from his sermon on Sunday and we talk more about Life2Life evangelism opportunities.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Bob Blahnik.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-10-18T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/00e21bad-14a1-4b1e-8ddf-6c6061c1db26.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30588421,"duration_in_seconds":1273}]},{"id":"88b9fe12-36d7-42f4-ae87-e0ede3b5823a","title":"The Foreigner | Acts 8:26-40","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-020","content_text":"So far in our study of Acts, we’ve seen the gospel shared with large groups but now, Luke shares the accounts of conversion of three individuals: a foreigner from Ethiopia, Saul, and Cornelius. These passages remind us of the need for us to look for ways to share our faith in Christ with our families, our friends, and the world around us. We are all called to “go and make disciples,” but sharing our faith with others is becoming harder to do in the world we live in. This Sunday, we will be reminded of the ABCs of life-to-life evangelism and be encouraged to go where the Spirit leads us to share the good news of Christ.Special Guest: Bob Blahnik.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSo far in our study of Acts, we’ve seen the gospel shared with large groups but now, Luke shares the accounts of conversion of three individuals: a foreigner from Ethiopia, Saul, and Cornelius. These passages remind us of the need for us to look for ways to share our faith in Christ with our families, our friends, and the world around us. We are all called to “go and make disciples,” but sharing our faith with others is becoming harder to do in the world we live in. This Sunday, we will be reminded of the ABCs of life-to-life evangelism and be encouraged to go where the Spirit leads us to share the good news of Christ.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Bob Blahnik.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-10-16T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/88b9fe12-36d7-42f4-ae87-e0ede3b5823a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51654307,"duration_in_seconds":2151}]},{"id":"a9fb7cd9-fb2a-4a77-be03-01ca00cd7f1e","title":"Cut for Time: The Power","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-019","content_text":"Pastor Jeff replies to an important question that many peole wondered about: Why did the apostles need to pray for the people to receive the Spirit?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff replies to an important question that many peole wondered about: Why did the apostles need to pray for the people to receive the Spirit?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-10-11T19:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a9fb7cd9-fb2a-4a77-be03-01ca00cd7f1e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33245929,"duration_in_seconds":1384}]},{"id":"9871d26a-4f95-4bf9-8d4f-5a22dee12b34","title":"The Power | Acts 8:9-25","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-019","content_text":"Luke has shown us God’s amazing power at work to heal, save, deliver, and change lives. Wouldn’t it be great if we could direct God’s miraculous power ourselves? But is God’s power the kind of thing we can control and manage? Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Power” from Acts 8:9-25.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLuke has shown us God’s amazing power at work to heal, save, deliver, and change lives. Wouldn’t it be great if we could direct God’s miraculous power ourselves? But is God’s power the kind of thing we can control and manage? Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Power” from Acts 8:9-25.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-10-09T22:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9871d26a-4f95-4bf9-8d4f-5a22dee12b34.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52363326,"duration_in_seconds":2181}]},{"id":"90dee98c-c42c-4920-94e0-462e127038e8","title":"Cut for Time: The Scattering","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-018","content_text":"Pastor Joey answers some questions submitted from our congregation and shares more about his application point on persecution. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answers some questions submitted from our congregation and shares more about his application point on persecution. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-10-04T18:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/90dee98c-c42c-4920-94e0-462e127038e8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30084433,"duration_in_seconds":1252}]},{"id":"d6902fd6-443e-463a-9bb4-d3af43b2a2b5","title":"The Scattering | Acts 8:1-8","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-018","content_text":"With the killing of Stephen and the opposition that follows, the Jesus Movement faces its biggest challenge yet. Almost all the believers in Jerusalem are forced to flee. Will this be the end of the church? Or a whole new beginning? Join us as we study “The Scattering” of the early church, and how God uses opposition to expand the kingdom!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWith the killing of Stephen and the opposition that follows, the Jesus Movement faces its biggest challenge yet. Almost all the believers in Jerusalem are forced to flee. Will this be the end of the church? Or a whole new beginning? Join us as we study “The Scattering” of the early church, and how God uses opposition to expand the kingdom!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-10-02T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d6902fd6-443e-463a-9bb4-d3af43b2a2b5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42587035,"duration_in_seconds":1773}]},{"id":"521cd501-eb94-4f4b-a743-a6a0a38ddb08","title":"Bible As A Whole - Talk 4","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/talk4","content_text":"Chet Wood's Grow Class - Fall 2023. The Bible as a Whole Talk 4.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eChet Wood\u0026#39;s Grow Class - Fall 2023. The Bible as a Whole Talk 4.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Chet Wood Fall 2023","date_published":"2023-10-02T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/521cd501-eb94-4f4b-a743-a6a0a38ddb08.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":59429016,"duration_in_seconds":4350}]},{"id":"1dd1c1c7-b2ab-48a1-8836-a38f01e14220","title":"Cut for Time: The Stoning","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-017","content_text":"Pastor Jeff talks about the parallels between Stephen's death and Jesus' death and we chat about the exercise of visualization that is included in this week's sermon discussion gudie.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff talks about the parallels between Stephen\u0026#39;s death and Jesus\u0026#39; death and we chat about the exercise of visualization that is included in this week\u0026#39;s sermon discussion gudie.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-09-27T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1dd1c1c7-b2ab-48a1-8836-a38f01e14220.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39022472,"duration_in_seconds":1624}]},{"id":"9b2daa22-4fae-479a-a5db-a452e901c0a6","title":"The Stoning | Acts 7:54-8:1","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-017","content_text":"Even as Stephen is being killed for being a faithful witness of Jesus, he prays for the people killing him. What enables Stephen to respond in such a Christ-like way? What do we learn from him that helps us when we’re tempted to strike back or get even? Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Stoning” in Acts 7:54-8:1.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEven as Stephen is being killed for being a faithful witness of Jesus, he prays for the people killing him. What enables Stephen to respond in such a Christ-like way? What do we learn from him that helps us when we’re tempted to strike back or get even? Join us this Sunday as we look at “The Stoning” in Acts 7:54-8:1.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-09-25T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9b2daa22-4fae-479a-a5db-a452e901c0a6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44025753,"duration_in_seconds":1833}]},{"id":"f4e8aa5a-a96a-4a7a-b55e-649a22c5c92c","title":"Cut for Time: The Speech","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-0016","content_text":"We covered a huge section of text on Sunday and asked for your questions to help us cover it all! ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe covered a huge section of text on Sunday and asked for your questions to help us cover it all! \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-09-20T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f4e8aa5a-a96a-4a7a-b55e-649a22c5c92c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37209330,"duration_in_seconds":1548}]},{"id":"4275e18d-f30e-4489-bc80-c2972187164e","title":"The Speech | Acts 7:1-53","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-016","content_text":"He’s been accused of rejecting the Law, disparaging the Temple, and blaspheming Moses—and God. Now is his chance to defend himself, but Stephen doesn’t. Instead, he goes on offense, telling the story of Israel to show how those in charge keep missing God’s work in the world. What does that have to do with us? Join us for “The Speech” from Acts 7:1-53 and find out!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHe’s been accused of rejecting the Law, disparaging the Temple, and blaspheming Moses—and God. Now is his chance to defend himself, but Stephen doesn’t. Instead, he goes on offense, telling the story of Israel to show how those in charge keep missing God’s work in the world. What does that have to do with us? Join us for “The Speech” from Acts 7:1-53 and find out!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-09-19T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4275e18d-f30e-4489-bc80-c2972187164e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":73675273,"duration_in_seconds":2302}]},{"id":"4243f307-5e85-4faf-8cb8-6863875a7ee0","title":"Cut for Time: The Accusation","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-0015","content_text":"Pastor Jeff talks about the influence of his five people, and how we can imitate others as they imitate Christ. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff talks about the influence of his five people, and how we can imitate others as they imitate Christ. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-09-13T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4243f307-5e85-4faf-8cb8-6863875a7ee0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35720929,"duration_in_seconds":1487}]},{"id":"20d0aa4c-7247-436d-bf03-0401c54ca5ca","title":"The Accusation | Acts 6:8-15","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-015","content_text":"Stephen, one of the seven chosen to meet needs in the church, faithfully serves, heals, and shares the good news of Jesus with others. Instead of blessings and recognition, Stephen's \"reward\" is hostility, arrest, and slander. What does Stephen's experience teach us about what it means to follow Jesus? Join us as we look at \"The Accusation\" from Acts 6:8-15.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eStephen, one of the seven chosen to meet needs in the church, faithfully serves, heals, and shares the good news of Jesus with others. Instead of blessings and recognition, Stephen\u0026#39;s \u0026quot;reward\u0026quot; is hostility, arrest, and slander. What does Stephen\u0026#39;s experience teach us about what it means to follow Jesus? Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Accusation\u0026quot; from Acts 6:8-15.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-09-11T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/20d0aa4c-7247-436d-bf03-0401c54ca5ca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":61802077,"duration_in_seconds":2574}]},{"id":"7bb56ae1-9099-4312-9906-ca109773257b","title":"Cut for Time: The Tables","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-014","content_text":"Pastor Jeff gives insight to studying different types of texts in personal Bible Study and answers a question from a listener. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff gives insight to studying different types of texts in personal Bible Study and answers a question from a listener. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-09-06T16:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7bb56ae1-9099-4312-9906-ca109773257b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30354572,"duration_in_seconds":1263}]},{"id":"34bd4db9-e542-4cd2-bf88-fef885499191","title":"The Tables | Acts 6:1-7","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-014","content_text":"Jesus’ new community has faced threats from oppression and corruption. Now they’re challenged by the potential for division through distraction and disunity. What does their response say to us about the new kind of community God shapes by his Spirit? Join us as we look at “The Tables” from Acts 6:1-7.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus’ new community has faced threats from oppression and corruption. Now they’re challenged by the potential for division through distraction and disunity. What does their response say to us about the new kind of community God shapes by his Spirit? Join us as we look at “The Tables” from Acts 6:1-7.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-09-03T19:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/34bd4db9-e542-4cd2-bf88-fef885499191.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":54936051,"duration_in_seconds":2288}]},{"id":"715f7d68-5c4d-47b3-be04-c9e5c3e5221f","title":"Cut for Time: The Rescue","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-013","content_text":"Pastor Joey answers some rapid light questions submitted by listeners! ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answers some rapid light questions submitted by listeners! \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-08-30T20:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/715f7d68-5c4d-47b3-be04-c9e5c3e5221f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29843765,"duration_in_seconds":1242}]},{"id":"9c993607-c56f-4406-9042-5bf8441a433f","title":"The Rescue | Acts 5:12-42","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-013","content_text":"From conflict inside the church Luke takes us to conflict outside the church, in the form of an arrest, trial, and beating of the church’s leaders by the religious authorities. Desperate to stop the Jesus-movement, they inadvertently embolden the apostles, who are thrilled that they get to suffer for the name of Jesus. What about us? Are we willing to suffer for Jesus? Join us for “The Rescue” from Acts 5:12-14, and we’ll ask ourselves what we’re willing to sacrifice for the name of Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFrom conflict inside the church Luke takes us to conflict outside the church, in the form of an arrest, trial, and beating of the church’s leaders by the religious authorities. Desperate to stop the Jesus-movement, they inadvertently embolden the apostles, who are thrilled that they get to suffer for the name of Jesus. What about us? Are we willing to suffer for Jesus? Join us for “The Rescue” from Acts 5:12-14, and we’ll ask ourselves what we’re willing to sacrifice for the name of Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-08-28T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9c993607-c56f-4406-9042-5bf8441a433f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38033529,"duration_in_seconds":2375}]},{"id":"ff28f0bf-630f-4fd0-aff5-9501a96cb3e1","title":"Cut for Time: The Field","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-0012","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares some extra info he couldn't share in his sermon on Sunday including a new vocabulary word!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares some extra info he couldn\u0026#39;t share in his sermon on Sunday including a new vocabulary word!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-08-23T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ff28f0bf-630f-4fd0-aff5-9501a96cb3e1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44459272,"duration_in_seconds":1851}]},{"id":"3bef5875-d8fb-42d3-8712-d225dccedd7d","title":"The Field | Acts 4:32-5:11","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-012","content_text":"As the early church begins to grow, some leaders are appointed because of their character and qualifications, while others try to buy their way in to leadership. But this new Jesus-movement has no room for manipulation and false piety. In this sermon, we’ll dig into Acts 4:32-5:11, the famous story of “The Field,” and consider what this story says about our church, today.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs the early church begins to grow, some leaders are appointed because of their character and qualifications, while others try to buy their way in to leadership. But this new Jesus-movement has no room for manipulation and false piety. In this sermon, we’ll dig into Acts 4:32-5:11, the famous story of “The Field,” and consider what this story says about our church, today.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-08-21T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3bef5875-d8fb-42d3-8712-d225dccedd7d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":58423096,"duration_in_seconds":2433}]},{"id":"0ead91d7-93b7-4142-8b7f-5b24bae77253","title":"Cut for Time: The Prayer","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-011","content_text":"Pastor Joey talks about the role of the Holy Spirit within the context of this week's passage (Acts 4:23-31) and answers a few texted in questions.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey talks about the role of the Holy Spirit within the context of this week\u0026#39;s passage (Acts 4:23-31) and answers a few texted in questions.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-08-16T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0ead91d7-93b7-4142-8b7f-5b24bae77253.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36414635,"duration_in_seconds":1516}]},{"id":"b73f207f-1f30-4303-92e4-68f354b7d6e5","title":"The Prayer | Acts 4:23-31","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-011","content_text":"After being explicitly told not to preach about new life in the name of Jesus, the early followers of Jesus gather to pray—not to pray for the oppression to stop, but to pray that they would be bold to proclaim Jesus in the face of opposition. Do we want that same boldness? Join us for “The Prayer” from Acts 4:23-31 as we learn what this prayer has to teach us today!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter being explicitly told not to preach about new life in the name of Jesus, the early followers of Jesus gather to pray—not to pray for the oppression to stop, but to pray that they would be bold to proclaim Jesus in the face of opposition. Do we want that same boldness? Join us for “The Prayer” from Acts 4:23-31 as we learn what this prayer has to teach us today!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-08-14T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b73f207f-1f30-4303-92e4-68f354b7d6e5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44768313,"duration_in_seconds":1864}]},{"id":"68cff0e5-6057-4732-a302-03b3641b2c66","title":"Faith Stories - Jacob and Lauren Reinking","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/reinking","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2023 ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2023 \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2023","date_published":"2023-08-14T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/68cff0e5-6057-4732-a302-03b3641b2c66.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40097214,"duration_in_seconds":2385}]},{"id":"6535ab9d-67d9-48e6-8d12-82adb1733cb2","title":"One Worship, One Baptism","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/one-worship-2023","content_text":"Our annual One Worship Service was a celebration with worship, communion and baptisms. We combined elements of the traditional and contemporary services for a unified service.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur annual One Worship Service was a celebration with worship, communion and baptisms. We combined elements of the traditional and contemporary services for a unified service.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our annual One Worship Service was a celebration with worship, communion and baptisms. We combined elements of the traditional and contemporary services for a unified service.","date_published":"2023-08-07T00:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6535ab9d-67d9-48e6-8d12-82adb1733cb2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14170859,"duration_in_seconds":885}]},{"id":"f2598b3c-76af-4669-b457-0c247538db3a","title":"Cut for Time: The Council","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-010","content_text":"Pastor Jeff answers a few questions that were submitted and we chat about the new sermon discussion questions that are available each week!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff answers a few questions that were submitted and we chat about the new sermon discussion questions that are available each week!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-08-02T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f2598b3c-76af-4669-b457-0c247538db3a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27541331,"duration_in_seconds":1146}]},{"id":"6915cf41-a4d6-4ad7-9aa5-5b73b3625a4a","title":"The Council | Acts 4:1-22","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-0010","content_text":"A good deed done in Jesus’ name leads to a message about Jesus being the promised Savior. Why does all this seem threatening to the authorities? What happens when the power and the message of the gospel clash with unbelief? And what does that have to do with us? Join us as we look at “The Council” from Acts 4:1-22.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eA good deed done in Jesus’ name leads to a message about Jesus being the promised Savior. Why does all this seem threatening to the authorities? What happens when the power and the message of the gospel clash with unbelief? And what does that have to do with us? Join us as we look at “The Council” from Acts 4:1-22.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-08-01T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6915cf41-a4d6-4ad7-9aa5-5b73b3625a4a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52184404,"duration_in_seconds":2173}]},{"id":"03ee395c-3364-4bae-b4f3-8156343f3d23","title":"Faith Stories - Brian \u0026 Brooke Hackman","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hackmans","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2023 - Back to the Basics","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2023 - Back to the Basics\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2023","date_published":"2023-07-31T11:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/03ee395c-3364-4bae-b4f3-8156343f3d23.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27700922,"duration_in_seconds":1831}]},{"id":"36f84d9c-d9c2-4903-a7e3-ae8e95fa20b0","title":"Cut for Time: The Call","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-009","content_text":"Pastor Tom points out more parallels between the Gospel of Luke and Acts, encourages us in Bible-reading habits, and reminds us of the essential content of the Gospel.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Tom points out more parallels between the Gospel of Luke and Acts, encourages us in Bible-reading habits, and reminds us of the essential content of the Gospel.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-07-26T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/36f84d9c-d9c2-4903-a7e3-ae8e95fa20b0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21516244,"duration_in_seconds":895}]},{"id":"91af714e-d6e2-49e3-b9d3-de18776851c5","title":"The Call | Acts 3:11-26","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-009","content_text":"What are the essentials of what came to be called Christianity? Following the healing of a beggar at the temple gate who was “lame form birth,” Peter addressed the gathering crowd with not only Gospel essentials, but by building a case that who Jesus is and what Jesus did is the fulfillment of the entire Jewish Scriptures. Illustrating from Abraham, Moses, Samuel, and “all the prophets” Peter declared that God’s plan of blessing for Israel and the future hope for “all the families of the earth” is centered on Jesus through his death and resurrection. Read all of Acts 3 in preparation for this message from Acts 3:11-26, The Call.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat are the essentials of what came to be called Christianity? Following the healing of a beggar at the temple gate who was “lame form birth,” Peter addressed the gathering crowd with not only Gospel essentials, but by building a case that who Jesus is and what Jesus did is the fulfillment of the entire Jewish Scriptures. Illustrating from Abraham, Moses, Samuel, and “all the prophets” Peter declared that God’s plan of blessing for Israel and the future hope for “all the families of the earth” is centered on Jesus through his death and resurrection. Read all of Acts 3 in preparation for this message from Acts 3:11-26, The Call.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-07-24T20:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/91af714e-d6e2-49e3-b9d3-de18776851c5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38798019,"duration_in_seconds":2424}]},{"id":"459b811c-aa0d-4e5e-9c8e-219b07d94cd6","title":"Go Time Interview \u0026 Update: with Mark \u0026 Alyssa Dunker","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-interview-dunker-update","content_text":"This GO time podcast is a little different than what we’ve done before. We usually interview our missionaries in the weeks leading up to their GO Time weekend and publish it just ahead of their event schedule. In this podcast, I interview Mark and Alyssa Dunker. I last interviewed them three years ago at a time when a lot of things about their ministry were up in the air, as was the whole world in 2020. Here’s a short update with the Dunkers, what they are up to next and how you can pray for them. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis GO time podcast is a little different than what we’ve done before. We usually interview our missionaries in the weeks leading up to their GO Time weekend and publish it just ahead of their event schedule. In this podcast, I interview Mark and Alyssa Dunker. I last interviewed them three years ago at a time when a lot of things about their ministry were up in the air, as was the whole world in 2020. Here’s a short update with the Dunkers, what they are up to next and how you can pray for them. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We release podcast interviews with our missionaries so you can catch up with them and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. ","date_published":"2023-07-24T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/459b811c-aa0d-4e5e-9c8e-219b07d94cd6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37048513,"duration_in_seconds":1542}]},{"id":"2735a760-fdeb-4af0-b918-31712658e0ac","title":"Cut for Time: The Beggar","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-008","content_text":"Pastor Joey shared a few things with us that he didnt get to share in his sermon, \"The Beggar.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shared a few things with us that he didnt get to share in his sermon, \u0026quot;The Beggar.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-07-24T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2735a760-fdeb-4af0-b918-31712658e0ac.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31238706,"duration_in_seconds":1300}]},{"id":"312f8ee1-e3df-462d-9221-b56cda94f461","title":"The Beggar | Acts 3:1-10","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-008","content_text":"Will wonders never cease? It seems that way, as we watch the Peter who preached in the power of the Spirit now heal in the name of the Son. The good news that the Kingdom of God has come in Jesus the Messiah is authenticated in a miraculous healing, a healing that not only restores physical health, but spiritual health as well. Join us for “The Beggar” from Acts 3:1-10!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWill wonders never cease? It seems that way, as we watch the Peter who preached in the power of the Spirit now heal in the name of the Son. The good news that the Kingdom of God has come in Jesus the Messiah is authenticated in a miraculous healing, a healing that not only restores physical health, but spiritual health as well. Join us for “The Beggar” from Acts 3:1-10!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-07-17T20:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/312f8ee1-e3df-462d-9221-b56cda94f461.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46998992,"duration_in_seconds":1957}]},{"id":"1af9ca3b-8088-4e82-bc06-82683e83400d","title":"Faith Stories - Jane Greuel","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/jane-greuel","content_text":"Faith Stories 2023 - Trusting the God of the Whys","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories 2023 - Trusting the God of the Whys\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2023","date_published":"2023-07-17T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1af9ca3b-8088-4e82-bc06-82683e83400d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30870113,"duration_in_seconds":2165}]},{"id":"dea239b1-9a54-4ea0-9439-f043ab736512","title":"Cut for Time: The Community","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-007","content_text":"Pastor Jeff talks about the early Christian community, the challenges that we experience in community and how to find yours at Faith.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff talks about the early Christian community, the challenges that we experience in community and how to find yours at Faith.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-07-12T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dea239b1-9a54-4ea0-9439-f043ab736512.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35576407,"duration_in_seconds":1481}]},{"id":"ba688eb3-da5d-47b2-a11a-e3c51c127813","title":"The Community | Acts 2:42-47","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-007","content_text":"Peter preaches the good news of Jesus' resurrection and forgiveness, and 3,000 people come to faith - now what? What do these people do together? What defines the faith community they create? And what does that mean for how we \"do\" church? Join us as we look at \"The Community\" from Acts 2:42-47.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePeter preaches the good news of Jesus\u0026#39; resurrection and forgiveness, and 3,000 people come to faith - now what? What do these people do together? What defines the faith community they create? And what does that mean for how we \u0026quot;do\u0026quot; church? Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Community\u0026quot; from Acts 2:42-47.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-07-10T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ba688eb3-da5d-47b2-a11a-e3c51c127813.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":57845289,"duration_in_seconds":2409}]},{"id":"da6af5ac-e3c0-4122-b14f-52892e2e06e9","title":"Faith Stories - Mildred Moore","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/mildred-moore","content_text":"Faith Stories 2023 - \"Dealing with Life\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories 2023 - \u0026quot;Dealing with Life\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2023","date_published":"2023-07-10T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/da6af5ac-e3c0-4122-b14f-52892e2e06e9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31615447,"duration_in_seconds":2146}]},{"id":"66e78f87-12b4-491f-a3b4-3d1179236d94","title":"Go Time Interview: Lisa Meharry","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-podcast-meharry","content_text":"Lisa Meharry works with Wycliffe Bible Translation in two different support roles. Her GO Time weekend is July 14-16. Go to faithchurchindy.com/gotime for the full schedule of events.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLisa Meharry works with Wycliffe Bible Translation in two different support roles. Her GO Time weekend is July 14-16. Go to faithchurchindy.com/gotime for the full schedule of events.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. ","date_published":"2023-07-07T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/66e78f87-12b4-491f-a3b4-3d1179236d94.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39727651,"duration_in_seconds":1654}]},{"id":"f8fc73e7-15d6-43a5-b2a3-ec77fe6d30fd","title":"Cut for Time: The Response","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-006","content_text":"Pastor Jeff talks more about baptism, and why Peter commands it as a response to hearing the first sermon of the Christian church. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff talks more about baptism, and why Peter commands it as a response to hearing the first sermon of the Christian church. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-07-05T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f8fc73e7-15d6-43a5-b2a3-ec77fe6d30fd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24837128,"duration_in_seconds":1033}]},{"id":"e5987279-dbc7-4e1e-9942-78f4a065ab9e","title":"The Response | Acts 2:36-41","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-006","content_text":"Have you ever had a sudden revelation, a change of perspective that shifted everything you thought you knew? The worshipers in Jerusalem realize they’ve gotten everything about Jesus wrong – now what? What difference does it make when we see Jesus for who he really is? Join us for “The Response” from Acts 2:36-41.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHave you ever had a sudden revelation, a change of perspective that shifted everything you thought you knew? The worshipers in Jerusalem realize they’ve gotten everything about Jesus wrong – now what? What difference does it make when we see Jesus for who he really is? Join us for “The Response” from Acts 2:36-41.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-07-03T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e5987279-dbc7-4e1e-9942-78f4a065ab9e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":49724640,"duration_in_seconds":2071}]},{"id":"b20a0354-2879-490a-ba6b-3e2b82f12cc0","title":"Cut for Time: The Sermon","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-005","content_text":"Pastor Joey answers a few questions submitted by listeners and shares some great illustrations that help us understand the passage better!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answers a few questions submitted by listeners and shares some great illustrations that help us understand the passage better!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-06-28T00:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b20a0354-2879-490a-ba6b-3e2b82f12cc0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46025615,"duration_in_seconds":1916}]},{"id":"8e564b71-420e-4971-a0d6-cec6470e5daa","title":"The Sermon | Acts 2:14-36","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-005","content_text":"With a rushing wind and tongues of fire proving that God now dwells with his people, that heaven meets earth in the brand-new church, Peter stands up to address the world-wide crowd of Jews attracted by the noise. This is how the kingdom of God begins, with the first sermon of the first church. Join us for “The Sermon” from Acts 2:14-36!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWith a rushing wind and tongues of fire proving that God now dwells with his people, that heaven meets earth in the brand-new church, Peter stands up to address the world-wide crowd of Jews attracted by the noise. This is how the kingdom of God begins, with the first sermon of the first church. Join us for “The Sermon” from Acts 2:14-36!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-06-27T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8e564b71-420e-4971-a0d6-cec6470e5daa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52296692,"duration_in_seconds":2178}]},{"id":"43eddb6b-f405-4f00-bc82-24ad1ec4cdd7","title":"Faith Stories - Cat Correll","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/catherine-correll","content_text":"Faith Stories 2023 - Trial and Error","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories 2023 - Trial and Error\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2023","date_published":"2023-06-26T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/43eddb6b-f405-4f00-bc82-24ad1ec4cdd7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22076615,"duration_in_seconds":1433}]},{"id":"fbb5ef4f-68d7-48b1-b28d-63e04e588d38","title":"Cut for Time: The Power","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-004","content_text":"Pastor Joey answers a listener's question and talks about a biblical understanding of speaking in tongues and some of our common misunderstandings regarding this gift!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answers a listener\u0026#39;s question and talks about a biblical understanding of speaking in tongues and some of our common misunderstandings regarding this gift!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-06-21T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fbb5ef4f-68d7-48b1-b28d-63e04e588d38.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39916621,"duration_in_seconds":1662}]},{"id":"157715ff-e031-4b2a-8a41-75f5de1a2aec","title":"Faith Stories - Chelsea Mohler","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/chelsea-mohler","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2023 - Mom in the Marketplace","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2023 - Mom in the Marketplace\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2023","date_published":"2023-06-19T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/157715ff-e031-4b2a-8a41-75f5de1a2aec.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32655542,"duration_in_seconds":2262}]},{"id":"f7923a0b-93c7-4d8f-895a-459bbd0f8fee","title":"The Power | Acts 2:1-13","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-004","content_text":"And now the action begins! The apostles, with their number newly refilled, are anxious to start the mission of the kingdom of God. But they can’t do this on their own. As Jesus promised, they need power—and now the power comes, and the results are astonishing. Join us for “The Power” from Acts 2:1-13!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAnd now the action begins! The apostles, with their number newly refilled, are anxious to start the mission of the kingdom of God. But they can’t do this on their own. As Jesus promised, they need power—and now the power comes, and the results are astonishing. Join us for “The Power” from Acts 2:1-13!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-06-19T08:45:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f7923a0b-93c7-4d8f-895a-459bbd0f8fee.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52916848,"duration_in_seconds":2204}]},{"id":"b8f1de45-22a3-4b2e-ae8d-2a4c045a05ee","title":"Cut for Time: The Twelve","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-003","content_text":"Pastor Joey takes us verse by verse to give us some more insight to the passage and answers a few of Claire's questions. This is a long episode, we hope that you'll stick with us!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey takes us verse by verse to give us some more insight to the passage and answers a few of Claire\u0026#39;s questions. This is a long episode, we hope that you\u0026#39;ll stick with us!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-06-14T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b8f1de45-22a3-4b2e-ae8d-2a4c045a05ee.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":67660769,"duration_in_seconds":2818}]},{"id":"7ea7a7f2-897d-44f9-9e7c-513af4414978","title":"The Twelve | Acts 1:12-26","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-003","content_text":"What a story! But why is it in our Bibles? Just for the shock value of what happened to Judas? Or is there more to the story? Join us for “The Twelve” from Acts 1:12-26, as we explore the connection this story has with Israel in the past and the kingdom of God in the future!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat a story! But why is it in our Bibles? Just for the shock value of what happened to Judas? Or is there more to the story? Join us for “The Twelve” from Acts 1:12-26, as we explore the connection this story has with Israel in the past and the kingdom of God in the future!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-06-12T23:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7ea7a7f2-897d-44f9-9e7c-513af4414978.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":64415223,"duration_in_seconds":2683}]},{"id":"2c92fd3c-19c3-4276-b343-1d41004de99c","title":"Faith Stories - Tom Waltz","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/tom-waltz","content_text":"Tom Waltz Faith Story 2023 - \"In the Early Days\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTom Waltz Faith Story 2023 - \u0026quot;In the Early Days\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2023","date_published":"2023-06-12T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2c92fd3c-19c3-4276-b343-1d41004de99c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":63015531,"duration_in_seconds":3600}]},{"id":"bdae20c2-da55-48de-a786-057df075d666","title":"Cut for Time: The Kingdom","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-002","content_text":"Pastor Jeff preached on The Kingdom from Acts 1:6-11 on Sunday. In this episode of Cut for Time, he unpacks what it looks like to live within the reign and under the ruler of this Kingdom.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff preached on The Kingdom from Acts 1:6-11 on Sunday. In this episode of Cut for Time, he unpacks what it looks like to live within the reign and under the ruler of this Kingdom.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-06-07T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bdae20c2-da55-48de-a786-057df075d666.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38997954,"duration_in_seconds":1623}]},{"id":"ff39cb53-0519-4c3c-8b0b-47d8ab801b99","title":"Faith Stories - Shirley Woolf","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/shirley-woolf","content_text":"Faith Stories 2023","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories 2023\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2023","date_published":"2023-06-06T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ff39cb53-0519-4c3c-8b0b-47d8ab801b99.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51856495,"duration_in_seconds":3648}]},{"id":"02b8f6c6-9a90-4c20-88c1-147ec764b1fb","title":"The Kingdom | Acts 1:6-11","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-002","content_text":"If Acts is the continuation of Jesus' work, that means his earthly ministry was not just a prelude to the cross, but was the pattern for his rule – graciously healing, restoring, and saving as a preview of Jesus’ ultimate victory over sin and evil. In this sermon we look at \"The Kingdom\" from Acts 1:6-11.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIf Acts is the continuation of Jesus\u0026#39; work, that means his earthly ministry was not just a prelude to the cross, but was the pattern for his rule – graciously healing, restoring, and saving as a preview of Jesus’ ultimate victory over sin and evil. In this sermon we look at \u0026quot;The Kingdom\u0026quot; from Acts 1:6-11.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-06-05T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/02b8f6c6-9a90-4c20-88c1-147ec764b1fb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":50094183,"duration_in_seconds":2086}]},{"id":"0fa82d92-3abc-4aeb-ba01-fc5de26d83e2","title":"Cut for Time: The Introduction","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season5-001","content_text":"Pastor Joey unpacks everything he had to cut from Sunday's sermon, the Introduction of our study on the Book of Acts.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey unpacks everything he had to cut from Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon, the Introduction of our study on the Book of Acts.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-05-31T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0fa82d92-3abc-4aeb-ba01-fc5de26d83e2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40165690,"duration_in_seconds":1672}]},{"id":"1d567e98-ce73-4d41-b11b-7368dd7eb99f","title":"Acts of the Spirit: The Introduction","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/acts-of-the-spirit-001","content_text":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?","date_published":"2023-05-29T14:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1d567e98-ce73-4d41-b11b-7368dd7eb99f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":56117712,"duration_in_seconds":2337}]},{"id":"d9e24d8b-af4f-473a-a450-41e7cd6254fb","title":"Cut for Time: Overcome the World","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-028","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares practical application for \"Overcoming the World\" in our daily lives. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares practical application for \u0026quot;Overcoming the World\u0026quot; in our daily lives. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-05-24T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d9e24d8b-af4f-473a-a450-41e7cd6254fb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29758096,"duration_in_seconds":1239}]},{"id":"05500d06-b49c-40d6-bead-edda00d07a60","title":"Overcome the World","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/children-of-light-and-love-week5","content_text":"The Bible pictures us living in a sinful world that tempts us and battles against the Father's work and will and life. John encourages us that as God's children we really can have victory in that fight. Join us this Sunday as we look at what it means to \"Overcome the World\" from 1 John 2:12-17 \u0026amp; 5:4-5.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Bible pictures us living in a sinful world that tempts us and battles against the Father\u0026#39;s work and will and life. John encourages us that as God\u0026#39;s children we really can have victory in that fight. Join us this Sunday as we look at what it means to \u0026quot;Overcome the World\u0026quot; from 1 John 2:12-17 \u0026amp; 5:4-5.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Children of Light and Love Series, Week 5","date_published":"2023-05-22T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/05500d06-b49c-40d6-bead-edda00d07a60.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51129832,"duration_in_seconds":2129}]},{"id":"1d8366e3-e4f1-4a46-95d3-16a1afb7c095","title":"Cut for Time: Maintain Your Confession","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-027","content_text":"Pastor Joey interviews Pastor Nathan and they dig through the passage 1 John 2:18-25 on the topic of Maintaining Your Confession.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey interviews Pastor Nathan and they dig through the passage 1 John 2:18-25 on the topic of Maintaining Your Confession.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-05-17T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1d8366e3-e4f1-4a46-95d3-16a1afb7c095.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36435814,"duration_in_seconds":1517}]},{"id":"2ef87cd5-9023-4940-90d0-04d4cf654f54","title":"Maintain Your Confession","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/children-of-light-and-love-week4","content_text":"\"Hold on!\" John says to encourage the churches in their faith in Jesus in the midst of an uncertain world. \"But how?\" Let the truth that Jesus is the true Messiah abide in you. And remember the promise of life with our Father. The joy of eternal life outweighs any uncertainties we face in this life. This sermon \"Maintain Your Confession\" is from 1 John 2:18-25. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u0026quot;Hold on!\u0026quot; John says to encourage the churches in their faith in Jesus in the midst of an uncertain world. \u0026quot;But how?\u0026quot; Let the truth that Jesus is the true Messiah abide in you. And remember the promise of life with our Father. The joy of eternal life outweighs any uncertainties we face in this life. This sermon \u0026quot;Maintain Your Confession\u0026quot; is from 1 John 2:18-25. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Children of Light and Love Series, Week 4","date_published":"2023-05-16T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2ef87cd5-9023-4940-90d0-04d4cf654f54.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":50309440,"duration_in_seconds":2095}]},{"id":"e1494ee9-bed4-410d-aac0-29df4c06c222","title":"Cut for Time: Walk in the Light","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-026","content_text":"Pastor Joey let's us know what he had to cut from his sermon and answers two questions submitted from listeners.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey let\u0026#39;s us know what he had to cut from his sermon and answers two questions submitted from listeners.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Walk in the Light Series\r\nEach week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-05-10T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e1494ee9-bed4-410d-aac0-29df4c06c222.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36592897,"duration_in_seconds":1523}]},{"id":"8cba386f-60fb-4cec-ae5a-8ae75a716c6c","title":"Walk in the Light | 1 John 1:5-10","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/children-of-light-and-love-week3","content_text":"Light and darkness, sin and righteousness, truth and lies--John uses all of these great contrasts to exhort us to \"Walk in the Light\". His argument is clear: God is light, so his followers should reflect that light. if instead we reflect darkness, are we truly his followers? In this sermon we'll tackle this question and more as we explore 1st John 1:5-10!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLight and darkness, sin and righteousness, truth and lies--John uses all of these great contrasts to exhort us to \u0026quot;Walk in the Light\u0026quot;. His argument is clear: God is light, so his followers should reflect that light. if instead we reflect darkness, are we truly his followers? In this sermon we\u0026#39;ll tackle this question and more as we explore 1st John 1:5-10!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Children of Light and Love Series, Week 3","date_published":"2023-05-08T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8cba386f-60fb-4cec-ae5a-8ae75a716c6c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42096976,"duration_in_seconds":1753}]},{"id":"bba5ba73-75fa-4e27-8fb6-c38263250266","title":"Cut for Time: Live in God's Love","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-025","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares a few great resources and books to read around the idea of small practices of sacrificial love.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares a few great resources and books to read around the idea of small practices of sacrificial love.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Children of Light and Love series, Week 2","date_published":"2023-05-03T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bba5ba73-75fa-4e27-8fb6-c38263250266.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40724949,"duration_in_seconds":1696}]},{"id":"8827d6c7-2434-4ef0-aa0c-36b992896d35","title":"Live in God's Love | 1 John 4:7-11","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/children-of-light-and-love-week2","content_text":"\"Love\"--it's a great word, a wonderful idea, a heavy burden, and a huge responsibility. If God has loved us, John writes, then we ought to love each other. But how exactly has God loved us? And how do we love others like how God loved us? We'll explore all that and more in \"Live in God's Love\" from 1 John 4:7-11!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u0026quot;Love\u0026quot;--it\u0026#39;s a great word, a wonderful idea, a heavy burden, and a huge responsibility. If God has loved us, John writes, then we ought to love each other. But how exactly has God loved us? And how do we love others like how God loved us? We\u0026#39;ll explore all that and more in \u0026quot;Live in God\u0026#39;s Love\u0026quot; from 1 John 4:7-11!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Children of Light and Love Series, Week 2","date_published":"2023-05-01T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8827d6c7-2434-4ef0-aa0c-36b992896d35.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39460674,"duration_in_seconds":2465}]},{"id":"7f710c76-c69a-4ab7-a48c-2595e27ff769","title":"Cut for Time: Share in God's Life","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-024","content_text":"Pastor Jeff reflects on the message he preached on Sunday and how it relates to what he's walking through with the passing of his brother, Brad.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff reflects on the message he preached on Sunday and how it relates to what he\u0026#39;s walking through with the passing of his brother, Brad.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-04-26T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7f710c76-c69a-4ab7-a48c-2595e27ff769.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28124178,"duration_in_seconds":1171}]},{"id":"a2ac645f-3f49-44f6-b1b3-67e52cfe3607","title":"Share in God's Life | 1 John 1:1-4","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/children-of-light-and-love-week1","content_text":"More than any other letter, 1 John talks about believers as “children of God,” often with affection and care. If we’ve come to know and share in Jesus’ resurrection life, what difference does it make in us? How do we live as children of God? In this sermon we explore what it means to “Share in God’s Life” from 1 John 1:1-4.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMore than any other letter, 1 John talks about believers as “children of God,” often with affection and care. If we’ve come to know and share in Jesus’ resurrection life, what difference does it make in us? How do we live as children of God? In this sermon we explore what it means to “Share in God’s Life” from 1 John 1:1-4.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Children of Light and Love series","date_published":"2023-04-24T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a2ac645f-3f49-44f6-b1b3-67e52cfe3607.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":49137735,"duration_in_seconds":2046}]},{"id":"da26882b-3437-4b7b-92a9-073292972a0c","title":"When Your Mission Field is Right at Home: Mark 5:1-20","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/mission-field-at-home","content_text":"Guest teacher, Bruce Dick, preaches from Mark 5:1-20.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGuest teacher, Bruce Dick, preaches from Mark 5:1-20.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Guest teacher, Bruce Dick, preaches from Mark 5:1-20.","date_published":"2023-04-21T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/da26882b-3437-4b7b-92a9-073292972a0c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":72423996,"duration_in_seconds":3016}]},{"id":"fab45832-5289-464a-9cba-fea396e114f1","title":"Jesus Alive! (Matthew 28:1-20)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-way-of-the-cross-06","content_text":"He is risen! This weekend we celebrate that the Way of the Cross does not end at the Cross, but continues through the grave and into new life! But Jesus's new life doesn't erase the suffering of the cross; to walk the Way of the Cross is to walk both in the suffering of Jesus and in his resurrection victory. Join us for \"Jesus Alive!\" from Matthew 28:1-20 as we rejoice in his victorious resurrection!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHe is risen! This weekend we celebrate that the Way of the Cross does not end at the Cross, but continues through the grave and into new life! But Jesus\u0026#39;s new life doesn\u0026#39;t erase the suffering of the cross; to walk the Way of the Cross is to walk both in the suffering of Jesus and in his resurrection victory. Join us for \u0026quot;Jesus Alive!\u0026quot; from Matthew 28:1-20 as we rejoice in his victorious resurrection!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Way of the Cross Series","date_published":"2023-04-10T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fab45832-5289-464a-9cba-fea396e114f1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28508878,"duration_in_seconds":1187}]},{"id":"e7366ca6-437e-4512-a762-959682dab2ff","title":"Cut for Time: Jesus Mocked","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-023","content_text":"We have a new host this week for Cut for Time, Dan Breitwieser, interviews Pastor Nathan following his sermon on Sunday!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe have a new host this week for Cut for Time, Dan Breitwieser, interviews Pastor Nathan following his sermon on Sunday!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-04-05T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e7366ca6-437e-4512-a762-959682dab2ff.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":45412738,"duration_in_seconds":1875}]},{"id":"7ffd7c0a-9aa5-4500-ab36-2688e742f72d","title":"Jesus Mocked (Matt 27:38-44)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-way-of-the-cross-05","content_text":"As Jesus is crucified, he is mocked and reviled by those around him. In his most vulnerable moments before death he is ridiculed by the crowd and even the robbers on the crosses next to him. A week before, crowds were shouting Hosanna, and now all Jesus hears is the taunts of the crowd. Join us this Sunday as we study Matthew 27: 38-44 and remind ourselves at the start of Holy Week that Jesus chose the Way of the Cross which includes mocking and humiliation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs Jesus is crucified, he is mocked and reviled by those around him. In his most vulnerable moments before death he is ridiculed by the crowd and even the robbers on the crosses next to him. A week before, crowds were shouting Hosanna, and now all Jesus hears is the taunts of the crowd. Join us this Sunday as we study Matthew 27: 38-44 and remind ourselves at the start of Holy Week that Jesus chose the Way of the Cross which includes mocking and humiliation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Way of the Cross Series","date_published":"2023-04-03T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7ffd7c0a-9aa5-4500-ab36-2688e742f72d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52371390,"duration_in_seconds":2181}]},{"id":"74019fbf-f290-478f-a7e2-ba07463aae0a","title":"Cut for Time: Jesus Crucified","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-022","content_text":"Pastor Joey fields questions we had submitted and gives us some info on Simon of Cyrene. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey fields questions we had submitted and gives us some info on Simon of Cyrene. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-03-29T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/74019fbf-f290-478f-a7e2-ba07463aae0a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37375518,"duration_in_seconds":1540}]},{"id":"1b382a2e-f9e2-45f5-aadb-0d33077d7277","title":"Jesus Crucified (Matt 27:27-37)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-way-of-the-cross-04","content_text":"The way of the cross leads inexorably to the cross, and this week we watch as Jesus is mockingly declared the “King of the Jews!” and forced to carry his own cross to the hill of execution. And yet every step along the way resounds with echoes of the Old Testament. Could the one mocked as king be in fact the real king of the Jews? But who would want to serve a crucified king? Join for “Jesus Crucified” from Matthew 27:27-37 as the way of the cross leads us to Calvary.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe way of the cross leads inexorably to the cross, and this week we watch as Jesus is mockingly declared the “King of the Jews!” and forced to carry his own cross to the hill of execution. And yet every step along the way resounds with echoes of the Old Testament. Could the one mocked as king be in fact the real king of the Jews? But who would want to serve a crucified king? Join for “Jesus Crucified” from Matthew 27:27-37 as the way of the cross leads us to Calvary.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"","date_published":"2023-03-27T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1b382a2e-f9e2-45f5-aadb-0d33077d7277.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51403428,"duration_in_seconds":2140}]},{"id":"f36d260f-585b-4fcd-a545-d533f0900326","title":"Cut for Time: Jesus Judged","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-021","content_text":"Pastor Joey answers a bunch of questions from the text Matthew 27:1-2, 11-26! What was Barabbas' actual name? Did Pilot give up his power or establish his power by handing Jesus over? What about verse 19?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answers a bunch of questions from the text Matthew 27:1-2, 11-26! What was Barabbas\u0026#39; actual name? Did Pilot give up his power or establish his power by handing Jesus over? What about verse 19?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-03-22T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f36d260f-585b-4fcd-a545-d533f0900326.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46184341,"duration_in_seconds":1907}]},{"id":"3424913f-2474-4abc-8e08-a7006c729fd2","title":"Jesus Judged (Matt. 27:1-2, 11-26)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/way-of-the-cross-004","content_text":"Caught between a riot and the religious rulers, Pilate has been outmaneuvered. Jesus must be condemned, if only to save his own job. Even if substituting an innocent Jesus for a guilty Barabbas offends his sense of justice, something strangely divine is taking place. Join us for “Jesus Judged” from Matthew 27:1-2, 11-26, as we walk the way of the cross with Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCaught between a riot and the religious rulers, Pilate has been outmaneuvered. Jesus must be condemned, if only to save his own job. Even if substituting an innocent Jesus for a guilty Barabbas offends his sense of justice, something strangely divine is taking place. Join us for “Jesus Judged” from Matthew 27:1-2, 11-26, as we walk the way of the cross with Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Way of the Cross Sermon Series","date_published":"2023-03-20T22:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3424913f-2474-4abc-8e08-a7006c729fd2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":48553054,"duration_in_seconds":2022}]},{"id":"47ab196a-c655-4780-b5fc-b682a2f8eeba","title":"Cut for Time: Jesus Denied","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-020","content_text":"Pastor Jeff answers a few questions about Peter's denial. Why was it essential for Peter to be told what would happen when it seems it was inevitable and he couldn't do anything about it? Why did Matthew (and all Gospel authors) include this event in his narrative?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff answers a few questions about Peter\u0026#39;s denial. Why was it essential for Peter to be told what would happen when it seems it was inevitable and he couldn\u0026#39;t do anything about it? Why did Matthew (and all Gospel authors) include this event in his narrative?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-03-15T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/47ab196a-c655-4780-b5fc-b682a2f8eeba.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37786549,"duration_in_seconds":1354}]},{"id":"02133227-fb57-4e9c-92f2-b8a0a4c63090","title":"Jesus Denied (Matt 26:69-75)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-way-of-the-cross-03","content_text":"Last week, we saw Jesus’ courage under trial by the highest authorities. In contrast, Peter fears when he’s confronted by a servant girl. What do we learn from Peter’s failure and Jesus’ faithfulness that helps us in our trials? Join us as we look at “Jesus Denied” from Matthew 26:69-75.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLast week, we saw Jesus’ courage under trial by the highest authorities. In contrast, Peter fears when he’s confronted by a servant girl. What do we learn from Peter’s failure and Jesus’ faithfulness that helps us in our trials? Join us as we look at “Jesus Denied” from Matthew 26:69-75.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Way of the Cross Series","date_published":"2023-03-12T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/02133227-fb57-4e9c-92f2-b8a0a4c63090.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52967866,"duration_in_seconds":2205}]},{"id":"a999bafa-54f1-4378-9366-58c21f95b0e8","title":"Cut for Time: Jesus Condemned","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-019","content_text":"Pastor Jeff chats about application for his sermon - what does it look like and what doesn't it look like?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff chats about application for his sermon - what does it look like and what \u003cem\u003edoesn\u0026#39;t\u003c/em\u003e it look like?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-03-08T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a999bafa-54f1-4378-9366-58c21f95b0e8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26385203,"duration_in_seconds":1082}]},{"id":"d28ffa03-ed34-4c69-bae7-fc08b4834665","title":"Jesus Condemned (Matt 26:57-68)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-way-of-the-cross-02","content_text":"In this season of Lent, we're journeying through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus's life as he walked the way of the cross. After his betrayal, Jesus is arrested and put on trial where he’s falsely accused and horribly mistreated. Why does he endure these things? And what hope or encouragement is there for us in Jesus’ response to injustice? Join us for \"Jesus Condemned\" from Matthew 26:57-68.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this season of Lent, we\u0026#39;re journeying through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus\u0026#39;s life as he walked the way of the cross. After his betrayal, Jesus is arrested and put on trial where he’s falsely accused and horribly mistreated. Why does he endure these things? And what hope or encouragement is there for us in Jesus’ response to injustice? Join us for \u0026quot;Jesus Condemned\u0026quot; from Matthew 26:57-68.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Way of the Cross Series","date_published":"2023-03-05T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d28ffa03-ed34-4c69-bae7-fc08b4834665.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":53329306,"duration_in_seconds":2221}]},{"id":"c8d7d92f-5d28-4cb6-bc14-19f25d0451bc","title":"Cut For Time: Matthew 26:47-56","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-018","content_text":"Pastor Joey answers a few questions around the application of his sermon from Sunday.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answers a few questions around the application of his sermon from Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-03-01T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c8d7d92f-5d28-4cb6-bc14-19f25d0451bc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43270658,"duration_in_seconds":1786}]},{"id":"0184bd8d-cd29-4822-a690-2ef4dcf44470","title":"Jesus Betrayed (Matt 26:47-56)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-way-of-the-cross-01","content_text":"In this season of Lent, we're going to walk through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus's life as he walked the way of the cross. It begins with a betrayal, when everything seems to spin out of control. And yet, if Jesus were not betrayed, how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled? Join us for \"Jesus Betrayed\" from Matthew 26:47-56 as we walk the way of the cross with Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this season of Lent, we\u0026#39;re going to walk through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus\u0026#39;s life as he walked the way of the cross. It begins with a betrayal, when everything seems to spin out of control. And yet, if Jesus were not betrayed, how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled? Join us for \u0026quot;Jesus Betrayed\u0026quot; from Matthew 26:47-56 as we walk the way of the cross with Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Way of the Cross Series","date_published":"2023-02-26T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0184bd8d-cd29-4822-a690-2ef4dcf44470.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":59784536,"duration_in_seconds":2490}]},{"id":"0aaad4c3-f98e-4959-b803-8dded41da872","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 13:44-58","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-017","content_text":"Pastor Jeff answers a question that was submitted and sets the intention for the Lenten season.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff answers a question that was submitted and sets the intention for the Lenten season.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-02-22T00:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0aaad4c3-f98e-4959-b803-8dded41da872.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":45838465,"duration_in_seconds":1689}]},{"id":"6e5835fa-57c0-41b5-b26b-b8c4e358f76a","title":"The Treasure (Matt 13:44-58)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-one-the-treasure","content_text":"Jesus finishes this section of teaching saying that God’s kingdom is of ultimate value. Knowing Jesus is the reality that shapes your life, makes you a blessing to others, and determines your eternal outcome. Miss Jesus and you’ve missed everything; find him and you have everything. Join us as we look at “The Treasure” from Matthew 13:44-58.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus finishes this section of teaching saying that God’s kingdom is of ultimate value. Knowing Jesus is the reality that shapes your life, makes you a blessing to others, and determines your eternal outcome. Miss Jesus and you’ve missed everything; find him and you have everything. Join us as we look at “The Treasure” from Matthew 13:44-58.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The One Sermon Series","date_published":"2023-02-19T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6e5835fa-57c0-41b5-b26b-b8c4e358f76a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":55225492,"duration_in_seconds":2300}]},{"id":"123dbb42-0561-4d97-9c3c-cf13ba36b269","title":"Cut For Time: Matthew 13:1-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-016","content_text":"In a special episode of Cut for Time, we get to hear from Pastor Tom who preached on Sunday. The last time he preached was 18 months ago and the last time he preached this sermon back in 2012, he stretched the passage over 2 Sundays - that means there was a lot that was cut for time!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn a special episode of Cut for Time, we get to hear from Pastor Tom who preached on Sunday. The last time he preached was 18 months ago and the last time he preached this sermon back in 2012, he stretched the passage over 2 Sundays - that means there was a lot that was \u003cem\u003ecut for time\u003c/em\u003e!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-02-15T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/123dbb42-0561-4d97-9c3c-cf13ba36b269.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32062412,"duration_in_seconds":1318}]},{"id":"1486f1f4-8243-405d-b466-8add6c391029","title":"Spreading the Word (Matt. 13:1-23)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/spreading-the-word","content_text":"And he told them many things in parables, saying: ‘A sower went out to sow.’ The first parable of Jesus actually called a parable is also one of the most familiar; and one of only a few that Jesus explains, and that only to his disciples, not the multitudes. Why? It’s often called The Parable of the Soils, yet Jesus calls it the parable of the sower. Hmm?? Join us for Spreading the Word as we take a fresh look at this farming illustration in Matthew 13:1-23. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAnd he told them many things in parables, saying: ‘A sower went out to sow.’ The first parable of Jesus actually called a parable is also one of the most familiar; and one of only a few that Jesus explains, and that only to his disciples, not the multitudes. Why? It’s often called The Parable of the Soils, yet Jesus calls it the parable of the sower. Hmm?? Join us for Spreading the Word as we take a fresh look at this farming illustration in Matthew 13:1-23. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The One Sermon Series","date_published":"2023-02-14T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1486f1f4-8243-405d-b466-8add6c391029.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51059603,"duration_in_seconds":2480}]},{"id":"1857d579-4713-4564-878a-924f131ad8f8","title":"Cut For Time: Matthew 12:22-32","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-015","content_text":"Joey chats about evil, the Accuser, and unpacks a loaded verse: Matthew 12:22!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJoey chats about evil, the Accuser, and unpacks a loaded verse: Matthew 12:22!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-02-08T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1857d579-4713-4564-878a-924f131ad8f8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43407342,"duration_in_seconds":1792}]},{"id":"19409be3-7bf0-49a3-b887-3c2b98d3d981","title":"The Accusation (Matt. 12:22-32)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-accusation","content_text":"At the end of their rope, unable to stop Jesus from upsetting their authority with his claims to be God himself, the Pharisees resort to the worst of all accusations against Jesus: his work has nothing to do with the Spirit of God, and everything to do with the spirit of the Accuser, the Satan. Even on the face of it, it’s a ridiculous accusation. Why would the Accuser impede his own subjects in their work? But the accusation, far from landing on Jesus, instead reveals the heart of the Pharisees themselves: they are so opposed to Jesus that they ascribe the very acts of God to Satan. What could be worse? Join us for “The Accusation” in Matthew 12:22-32.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAt the end of their rope, unable to stop Jesus from upsetting their authority with his claims to be God himself, the Pharisees resort to the worst of all accusations against Jesus: his work has nothing to do with the Spirit of God, and everything to do with the spirit of the Accuser, the Satan. Even on the face of it, it’s a ridiculous accusation. Why would the Accuser impede his own subjects in their work? But the accusation, far from landing on Jesus, instead reveals the heart of the Pharisees themselves: they are so opposed to Jesus that they ascribe the very acts of God to Satan. What could be worse? Join us for “The Accusation” in Matthew 12:22-32.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The One Sermon Series","date_published":"2023-02-06T10:45:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/19409be3-7bf0-49a3-b887-3c2b98d3d981.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40763054,"duration_in_seconds":2701}]},{"id":"931bbc10-ff7d-45aa-8b6c-f96e16e1d804","title":"Cut For Time: Matthew 12:1-14","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-014","content_text":"Pastor Joey gives more historical context to his sermon on Sunday.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey gives more historical context to his sermon on Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-02-01T18:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/931bbc10-ff7d-45aa-8b6c-f96e16e1d804.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42034434,"duration_in_seconds":1734}]},{"id":"1256727b-0e63-4ac2-b16c-eccdf2b8a9d3","title":"Something Greater (Matt. 12:1-14)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/something-greater","content_text":"Why would the religious leaders of Jesus’s day conspire to kill him over something as insignificant as a healing on the Sabbath, or over some minor foraging? Are they that committed to keeping the Sabbath? Or is something more going on here, something that strikes deeper at the claims Jesus is making, that he is The One who is more than they can possibly realize? Join us for “Something Greater” from Matthew 12:1-14 as dig into these radical claims that are bound to get Jesus killed.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhy would the religious leaders of Jesus’s day conspire to kill him over something as insignificant as a healing on the Sabbath, or over some minor foraging? Are they that committed to keeping the Sabbath? Or is something more going on here, something that strikes deeper at the claims Jesus is making, that he is The One who is more than they can possibly realize? Join us for “Something Greater” from Matthew 12:1-14 as dig into these radical claims that are bound to get Jesus killed.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The One Sermon Series","date_published":"2023-01-31T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1256727b-0e63-4ac2-b16c-eccdf2b8a9d3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39442652,"duration_in_seconds":2911}]},{"id":"74b12793-02dd-4c9a-a631-6986d3ff548e","title":"Cut For Time: Matthew 11:25-30","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-013","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares more from his study and sermon prep that he couldn't share during the sermon. He says that these five verses could have been three sermons and he had the challenge of distilling it down to one. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares more from his study and sermon prep that he couldn\u0026#39;t share during the sermon. He says that these five verses could have been three sermons and he had the challenge of distilling it down to one. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-01-26T17:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/74b12793-02dd-4c9a-a631-6986d3ff548e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34934962,"duration_in_seconds":1438}]},{"id":"510abccb-14f9-461e-bf6d-5fbb566fa814","title":"Jesus is the Good Master (Matt. 11:25-30)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/jesus-is-the-good-master","content_text":"We feel it, even if we don't want to admit it: we're all \"burdened\" by something. Whether it's concern for our futures, our children, our jobs, our performances, our grades, or our health, there's something weighing each of us down. Jesus invites us to come to him with our burdens and trade them for light burden and easy yoke of resting in him. Learn how in \"Jesus is the Good Master\" from Matthew 11:25-30!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe feel it, even if we don\u0026#39;t want to admit it: we\u0026#39;re all \u0026quot;burdened\u0026quot; by something. Whether it\u0026#39;s concern for our futures, our children, our jobs, our performances, our grades, or our health, there\u0026#39;s something weighing each of us down. Jesus invites us to come to him with our burdens and trade them for light burden and easy yoke of resting in him. Learn how in \u0026quot;Jesus is the Good Master\u0026quot; from Matthew 11:25-30!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The One Sermon Series","date_published":"2023-01-23T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/510abccb-14f9-461e-bf6d-5fbb566fa814.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35162257,"duration_in_seconds":2425}]},{"id":"183c9578-6589-42de-afa9-2733684ccfcd","title":"Cut for Time: Who Is Jesus?","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-012","content_text":"Pastor Jeff explains more into his study of Matthew 11:12, a verse that he didn't get to do a deep dive on in the sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff explains more into his study of Matthew 11:12, a verse that he didn\u0026#39;t get to do a deep dive on in the sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-01-18T06:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/183c9578-6589-42de-afa9-2733684ccfcd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23220408,"duration_in_seconds":950}]},{"id":"7240bf5a-092b-4a33-8fb8-5b62fe62cd46","title":"Who Is Jesus (Matt. 11:1-19)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/who-is-jesus","content_text":"When life doesn't turn out the way we'd hoped, it can raise questions: Jesus, why are you doing this? Why aren't things going better? Jesus encourages us to wrestle honestly with our expectations and push through to see him for who he really is – because he will not ultimately disappoint. Join us as we explore \"Who Is Jesus? from Matthew 11:1-19.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen life doesn\u0026#39;t turn out the way we\u0026#39;d hoped, it can raise questions: Jesus, why are you doing this? Why aren\u0026#39;t things going better? Jesus encourages us to wrestle honestly with our expectations and push through to see him for who he really is – because he will not ultimately disappoint. Join us as we explore \u0026quot;Who Is Jesus? from Matthew 11:1-19.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The One Sermon Series","date_published":"2023-01-17T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7240bf5a-092b-4a33-8fb8-5b62fe62cd46.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":77380704,"duration_in_seconds":2401}]},{"id":"ada8c1da-28a1-44b8-9ad7-148192071531","title":"Cut For Time: Why Are We Here?","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-011","content_text":"Pastor Joey summarizes his preaching on Colossians 1:3-14, a one-off sermon before we start our next series. He answers a question submitted by a listener and gives us a look into how he and Jeff make decisions for the benefit of the the whole church body.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey summarizes his preaching on Colossians 1:3-14, a one-off sermon before we start our next series. He answers a question submitted by a listener and gives us a look into how he and Jeff make decisions for the benefit of the the whole church body.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-01-11T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ada8c1da-28a1-44b8-9ad7-148192071531.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25626121,"duration_in_seconds":1051}]},{"id":"391bff27-8d1b-42c6-9668-54cbc6501848","title":"Why Are We Here (Col. 1:3-14)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/why-are-we-here","content_text":"Have you ever stopped to wonder why churches exist? What a church is here to accomplish? What God might want to do through any church, especially Faith Church? We'll focus in on our Core Four: Worship, Serve, Grow, and Go. That's what God calls us to, and what the Apostle Paul prayed for the churches he planted. Join us for \"Why Are We Here?\" from Colossians 1:3-14!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHave you ever stopped to wonder why churches exist? What a church is here to accomplish? What God might want to do through any church, especially Faith Church? We\u0026#39;ll focus in on our Core Four: Worship, Serve, Grow, and Go. That\u0026#39;s what God calls us to, and what the Apostle Paul prayed for the churches he planted. Join us for \u0026quot;Why Are We Here?\u0026quot; from Colossians 1:3-14!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Why Are We Here","date_published":"2023-01-09T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/391bff27-8d1b-42c6-9668-54cbc6501848.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51174888,"duration_in_seconds":2506}]},{"id":"7af67925-d63b-4fde-b345-16d6cf9dd535","title":"Cut for Time: The Feast at the End of the World","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-010","content_text":"Pastor Joey talks more about his favorite topic: food, feasts, and communion. He gives more practical application to making feasts a part of your spiritual rhythms.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey talks more about his favorite topic: food, feasts, and communion. He gives more practical application to making feasts a part of your spiritual rhythms.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2023-01-04T22:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7af67925-d63b-4fde-b345-16d6cf9dd535.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25529559,"duration_in_seconds":1062}]},{"id":"20cc1d71-de80-4eef-8111-a2c2c7e3dd9f","title":"The Feast at the End of the World (Matt. 26:26-29)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-feast-at-the-end-of-the-world","content_text":"The end of each year marks the beginning of a new one. Is it any wonder we celebrate, we throw a party, we host a feast? Jesus does the same, telling his disciples that at the end of the world, a feast will mark the beginning of new, eternal life. Join us for “The Feast at the End of the World” from Matthew 26:26-29!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe end of each year marks the beginning of a new one. Is it any wonder we celebrate, we throw a party, we host a feast? Jesus does the same, telling his disciples that at the end of the world, a feast will mark the beginning of new, eternal life. Join us for “The Feast at the End of the World” from Matthew 26:26-29!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"","date_published":"2023-01-03T17:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/20cc1d71-de80-4eef-8111-a2c2c7e3dd9f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41751888,"duration_in_seconds":1921}]},{"id":"0001f791-228b-4433-aba0-4c38a284df50","title":"Christmas Eve Sermon 2022","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/christmas-eve-2022","content_text":"Christmas Eve Sermon 2022","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eChristmas Eve Sermon 2022\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God's Promises Kept Sermon Series","date_published":"2023-01-01T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0001f791-228b-4433-aba0-4c38a284df50.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22278072,"duration_in_seconds":1080}]},{"id":"c97b7eac-c716-45ba-afa0-6d53052e9b42","title":"Cut for Time: Grace and Truth","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-009","content_text":"Pastor Jeff wraps up our Advent series and frames the holiday for us in this episode of Cut for Time.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff wraps up our Advent series and frames the holiday for us in this episode of Cut for Time.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2022-12-21T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c97b7eac-c716-45ba-afa0-6d53052e9b42.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17114430,"duration_in_seconds":712}]},{"id":"28b0f81a-6c01-4a95-b2f7-a104af89e592","title":"Grace and Truth (John 1:14-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/grace-and-truth","content_text":"John says that from Jesus’ fullness we have all received grace upon grace. It’s an image of Jesus’ incarnation like an overflowing cup that’s the source of all blessings which becomes the center of your life. Join us for “Grace and Truth” from John 1:14-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJohn says that from Jesus’ fullness we have all received grace upon grace. It’s an image of Jesus’ incarnation like an overflowing cup that’s the source of all blessings which becomes the center of your life. Join us for “Grace and Truth” from John 1:14-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God's Promises Kept Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-12-19T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/28b0f81a-6c01-4a95-b2f7-a104af89e592.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37970218,"duration_in_seconds":1934}]},{"id":"c2df441d-8bd6-4276-8a3e-bf62866c41a5","title":"Cut For Time: The Word Becomes Flesh","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-008","content_text":"We talk about what it's like to preach from a single verse, something we rarely do at Faith and Pastor Jeff has a good challenge for us this season.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe talk about what it\u0026#39;s like to preach from a single verse, something we rarely do at Faith and Pastor Jeff has a good challenge for us this season.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2022-12-14T22:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c2df441d-8bd6-4276-8a3e-bf62866c41a5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20735936,"duration_in_seconds":863}]},{"id":"b792f351-6575-4691-89c1-0fed96f56c0f","title":"The Word Became Flesh (John 1:14)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-word-became-flesh","content_text":"John has introduced us to the Word, the God who is source of all light and life and who made all things. Now this Word becomes a human. What would that look like? Why would God do that? And what difference does that make in our lives? Join us as we look at “The Word Became Flesh” from John 1:14.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJohn has introduced us to the Word, the God who is source of all light and life and who made all things. Now this Word becomes a human. What would that look like? Why would God do that? And what difference does that make in our lives? Join us as we look at “The Word Became Flesh” from John 1:14.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God's Promises Kept Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-12-12T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b792f351-6575-4691-89c1-0fed96f56c0f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39407328,"duration_in_seconds":1958}]},{"id":"3fd59d55-a2fa-42f5-8f30-b0dd8d2c8a30","title":"Cut for Time: The Light","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-007","content_text":"Pastor Jeff chats about the juggling act that was last Sunday and what he's considered since preaching now that he's had more time to sit with the passage!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff chats about the juggling act that was last Sunday and what he\u0026#39;s considered since preaching now that he\u0026#39;s had more time to sit with the passage!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2022-12-07T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3fd59d55-a2fa-42f5-8f30-b0dd8d2c8a30.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22689005,"duration_in_seconds":944}]},{"id":"a45be276-4698-461e-94e1-6716a2b5c0b7","title":"The Light (John 1:6-13)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-light","content_text":"The opening verses of the Gospel of John introduce us to Jesus without mentioning his name until verse 17. He is the eternal Word who was there \"in the beginning.\" He is the \"true Light\" shining in the dark world. He was unrecognized and unwelcomed by those for whom He came. Yet, for those who welcome Him, He offers new birth and the privilege of becoming \"children of God.\" Join us as we have the witness of John the Baptist and are introduced to the heart of why Jesus came to this world, to invite us to believe Him and receive eternal life. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe opening verses of the Gospel of John introduce us to Jesus without mentioning his name until verse 17. He is the eternal Word who was there \u0026quot;in the beginning.\u0026quot; He is the \u0026quot;true Light\u0026quot; shining in the dark world. He was unrecognized and unwelcomed by those for whom He came. Yet, for those who welcome Him, He offers new birth and the privilege of becoming \u0026quot;children of God.\u0026quot; Join us as we have the witness of John the Baptist and are introduced to the heart of why Jesus came to this world, to invite us to believe Him and receive eternal life. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God's Promises Kept Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-12-05T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a45be276-4698-461e-94e1-6716a2b5c0b7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35784624,"duration_in_seconds":1740}]},{"id":"bdf5199b-96b7-4842-be06-e9e151653a28","title":"Cut For Time: The Word","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-006","content_text":"Pastor Joey summarizes the first sermon of our Advent series and answers some really great questions submitted from listeners!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey summarizes the first sermon of our Advent series and answers some really great questions submitted from listeners!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2022-11-30T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bdf5199b-96b7-4842-be06-e9e151653a28.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25911981,"duration_in_seconds":1078}]},{"id":"ccb4281c-0521-4d11-bbae-2346a5f54eb7","title":"The Word (John 1:1-5)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-word","content_text":"In the beginning,” John says, “was the Word.” What a way to introduce the story of Jesus—by deliberately echoing the beginning of all creation. In these four weeks of Advent we’ll explore four images from John 1: the Word, the Light, the Flesh, and the Glory. Join us for “The Word” from John 1:1-5!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the beginning,” John says, “was the Word.” What a way to introduce the story of Jesus—by deliberately echoing the beginning of all creation. In these four weeks of Advent we’ll explore four images from John 1: the Word, the Light, the Flesh, and the Glory. Join us for “The Word” from John 1:1-5!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God's Promises Kept Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-11-28T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ccb4281c-0521-4d11-bbae-2346a5f54eb7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41338200,"duration_in_seconds":2033}]},{"id":"6e94f1de-0c8c-4879-91ee-cb9de29b7ee8","title":"Cut For Time: The God Who Breaks All the Rules","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-005","content_text":"Pastor Jeff summarizes what we've studied in this sermon series and answers a question about the evils and darkness at play in the world and the power that they have/don't have.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff summarizes what we\u0026#39;ve studied in this sermon series and answers a question about the evils and darkness at play in the world and the power that they have/don\u0026#39;t have.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2022-11-23T17:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6e94f1de-0c8c-4879-91ee-cb9de29b7ee8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23852811,"duration_in_seconds":993}]},{"id":"a03e0499-68a7-43b3-8348-587f578adecc","title":"The God Who Breaks All the Rules (Matt.9:9-17)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-breaks-all-the-rules","content_text":"Jesus likes hanging out with the “wrong” people, he welcomes sinners, and his disciples don’t follow the rules that define good, decent people. Jesus just doesn’t make sense as a religious leader. That’s kind of the point – and that’s good news for all of us. Join us as we look at “The God Who Breaks All The Rules” from Matthew 9:9-17.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus likes hanging out with the “wrong” people, he welcomes sinners, and his disciples don’t follow the rules that define good, decent people. Jesus just doesn’t make sense as a religious leader. That’s kind of the point – and that’s good news for all of us. Join us as we look at “The God Who Breaks All The Rules” from Matthew 9:9-17.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The God Who Draws Near Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-11-21T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a03e0499-68a7-43b3-8348-587f578adecc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":49805712,"duration_in_seconds":2283}]},{"id":"d21d68b9-d10d-4052-89c0-dbce7c7a9724","title":"Cut For Time: The God Who Heals Body and Soul","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-004","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few thoughts on Jesus' authority and our own invitation to respond to him, as well as the call on our lives to try to model the same inviation to others under our authority.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few thoughts on Jesus\u0026#39; authority and our own invitation to respond to him, as well as the call on our lives to try to model the same inviation to others under our authority.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2022-11-17T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d21d68b9-d10d-4052-89c0-dbce7c7a9724.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24789872,"duration_in_seconds":1032}]},{"id":"dfaa30dd-735a-4681-a469-a8d0000b7edb","title":"The God Who Heals Body and Soul (Matt. 9:1-8)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-heals-body-and-soul","content_text":"All of us are broken, wounded, or needy in various ways – physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually. And our awareness of our problems can lead to discouragement and even despair. Jesus meets us in that place with both encouragement and healing for all that’s wrong with us. Join us as we look at “The God Who Heals Body and Soul” from Matthew 9:1-8.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAll of us are broken, wounded, or needy in various ways – physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually. And our awareness of our problems can lead to discouragement and even despair. Jesus meets us in that place with both encouragement and healing for all that’s wrong with us. Join us as we look at “The God Who Heals Body and Soul” from Matthew 9:1-8.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The God Who Draws Near Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-11-14T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dfaa30dd-735a-4681-a469-a8d0000b7edb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40937840,"duration_in_seconds":2288}]},{"id":"54f2e2de-9553-473a-aa68-2b8a853d67fd","title":"Cut For Time: The God Who Rules Over Chaos \u0026 Evil","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-003","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.\r\n","date_published":"2022-11-09T21:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/54f2e2de-9553-473a-aa68-2b8a853d67fd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32650337,"duration_in_seconds":1359}]},{"id":"9a028b0a-64b9-49cd-a0a9-0fe3675c532c","title":"The God Who Rules Over Chaos and Evil (Matt. 8:23-34)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-rules-over-chaos-and-evil","content_text":"So far in this series, we’ve seen Jesus draw near to the outcast by healing a leper and even a Roman soldier’s servant, but how will Jesus react when his disciples feel helpless in the midst of chaos? Or what will he do as he confronts evil face to face? How would you react if you witnessed Jesus calm a storm with a rebuke, or cast out demons with a single word? Join us for “The God Who Rules Over Chaos and Evil” from Matthew 8:23-34!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSo far in this series, we’ve seen Jesus draw near to the outcast by healing a leper and even a Roman soldier’s servant, but how will Jesus react when his disciples feel helpless in the midst of chaos? Or what will he do as he confronts evil face to face? How would you react if you witnessed Jesus calm a storm with a rebuke, or cast out demons with a single word? Join us for “The God Who Rules Over Chaos and Evil” from Matthew 8:23-34!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The God Who Draws Near Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-11-08T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9a028b0a-64b9-49cd-a0a9-0fe3675c532c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38267784,"duration_in_seconds":2025}]},{"id":"aad4b7fa-36fc-42e7-b640-41b99ef2be0a","title":"Cut For Time: The God Who is Worthy of Trust","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-002","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares a little more from his study of Matthew 8:5-13 and answers two submitted questions. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares a little more from his study of Matthew 8:5-13 and answers two submitted questions. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2022-11-03T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/aad4b7fa-36fc-42e7-b640-41b99ef2be0a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25247618,"duration_in_seconds":1051}]},{"id":"c74aaa2b-aecd-47fc-85b5-f4f6b8311257","title":"The God Who Is Worthy of Trust (Matt. 8:5-13)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-is-worthy-of-trust","content_text":"As we continue in our series, “The God Who Draws Near,” we find Jesus continuing to heal. He’s healed a leper, and now a Roman soldier asks for help for a servant who is deathly ill. Will Jesus help a servant of the occupying army? Would you? Join us for “The God Who Is Worthy of Trust” from Matthew 8:5-13!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we continue in our series, “The God Who Draws Near,” we find Jesus continuing to heal. He’s healed a leper, and now a Roman soldier asks for help for a servant who is deathly ill. Will Jesus help a servant of the occupying army? Would you? Join us for “The God Who Is Worthy of Trust” from Matthew 8:5-13!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The God Who Draws Near Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-10-31T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c74aaa2b-aecd-47fc-85b5-f4f6b8311257.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":50671776,"duration_in_seconds":2463}]},{"id":"a7ee8155-49e1-4e73-967e-9fb9b9707730","title":"Cut For Time: The God Who Brings Wholeness","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season4-001","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few additional insights from Matthew 8:1-4 and connects it to some Old Testament passages to give us a better understanding of the God Who Brings Wholeness.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few additional insights from Matthew 8:1-4 and connects it to some Old Testament passages to give us a better understanding of the \u003cem\u003eGod Who Brings Wholeness\u003c/em\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.","date_published":"2022-10-26T22:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a7ee8155-49e1-4e73-967e-9fb9b9707730.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20913193,"duration_in_seconds":870}]},{"id":"6fe270ee-a0b3-496c-ac3e-c3701a1c9308","title":"The God Who Brings Wholeness (Matt. 8:1-4)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-brings-wholeness","content_text":"As Jesus finishes his message on life in his gracious kingdom, he comes down off the hillside into the reality of people’s everyday lives. In his first encounter with brokenness we see his compassion and his commitment to extend his wholeness, healing, and restoration to everyone he touches. Join us to see “The God Who Brings Wholeness” from Matthew 8:1-4.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs Jesus finishes his message on life in his gracious kingdom, he comes down off the hillside into the reality of people’s everyday lives. In his first encounter with brokenness we see his compassion and his commitment to extend his wholeness, healing, and restoration to everyone he touches. Join us to see “The God Who Brings Wholeness” from Matthew 8:1-4.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The God Who Draws Near Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-10-24T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6fe270ee-a0b3-496c-ac3e-c3701a1c9308.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42719856,"duration_in_seconds":2182}]},{"id":"d00411c8-5ea4-472a-ae59-af7cbcdf652a","title":"With Authority (Matt. 7:28-8:1)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/with-authority","content_text":"Coming off the mountain, the crowds marveled at the authority with which Jesus taught. Every other prophet or wisdom teacher or law-giver pointed to someone greater than themselves; Jesus offered himself as the foundation of life in the Kingdom of God. How do you respond to someone like that? How do we? Join us for “With Authority” from the last verses of the Sermon on the Mount, and follow along as we summarize the entirety of the sermon and hear afresh Jesus’s call on our lives.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eComing off the mountain, the crowds marveled at the authority with which Jesus taught. Every other prophet or wisdom teacher or law-giver pointed to someone greater than themselves; Jesus offered himself as the foundation of life in the Kingdom of God. How do you respond to someone like that? How do we? Join us for “With Authority” from the last verses of the Sermon on the Mount, and follow along as we summarize the entirety of the sermon and hear afresh Jesus’s call on our lives.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-10-17T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d00411c8-5ea4-472a-ae59-af7cbcdf652a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":53006459,"duration_in_seconds":2831}]},{"id":"107d1465-5f2e-43cf-a281-c2567b689ee1","title":"Two Builders (Matt. 7:24-27)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/two-builders","content_text":"We’ve come to the end. We’ve heard the words of Jesus—who is more than a philosopher of the good life, more than a sage sharing God’s wisdom, more than a prophet teaching God’s law. We’ve heard the words of the one who is the final and definitive source of God’s truth. So, decision time: will you build your life on the sure foundation of his teaching? Or turn away, and build on an unstable foundation? We’ll consider the “Two Builders” in Matthew 7:24-27. Which do you want to be?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’ve come to the end. We’ve heard the words of Jesus—who is more than a philosopher of the good life, more than a sage sharing God’s wisdom, more than a prophet teaching God’s law. We’ve heard the words of the one who is the final and definitive source of God’s truth. So, decision time: will you build your life on the sure foundation of his teaching? Or turn away, and build on an unstable foundation? We’ll consider the “Two Builders” in Matthew 7:24-27. Which do you want to be?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-10-10T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/107d1465-5f2e-43cf-a281-c2567b689ee1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41710616,"duration_in_seconds":2299}]},{"id":"1834886d-a443-416a-9e62-8ba093c95853","title":"True or False (Matt. 7:15-23)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/true-or-false","content_text":"We expect that what we see on the outside reflects what someone or something really is. But Jesus warns us to beware false prophets who look good but lead people astray. How do we know who we should listen to? And who am I listening to? Join us for “True or False” from Matthew 7:15-23","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe expect that what we see on the outside reflects what someone or something really is. But Jesus warns us to beware false prophets who look good but lead people astray. How do we know who we should listen to? And who am I listening to? Join us for “True or False” from Matthew 7:15-23\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-10-03T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1834886d-a443-416a-9e62-8ba093c95853.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44267307,"duration_in_seconds":2430}]},{"id":"c2d35a61-4cb4-4f18-a6bb-c85d60189aaa","title":"Two Paths (Matt. 7:13-14)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/two-paths","content_text":"As Jesus begins to wrap up his Sermon on the Mount, he ends with warnings: there are two ways to respond to his message. The foolish person will ignore what he says, preferring the easy path; the wise person will hear and put it into practice, regardless of the difficulty. Which path will we take? Join us as we consider the “Two Paths” Jesus lays out for us, from Matthew 7:13-14.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs Jesus begins to wrap up his Sermon on the Mount, he ends with warnings: there are two ways to respond to his message. The foolish person will ignore what he says, preferring the easy path; the wise person will hear and put it into practice, regardless of the difficulty. Which path will we take? Join us as we consider the “Two Paths” Jesus lays out for us, from Matthew 7:13-14.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-09-27T09:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c2d35a61-4cb4-4f18-a6bb-c85d60189aaa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43125979,"duration_in_seconds":2268}]},{"id":"bcd8cfc9-a96b-4f7d-a5a4-bdbb3ad1f73d","title":"Good Gifts To Those Who Ask (Matt. 7:7-12)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/good-gifts","content_text":"Jesus' picture of life in his Kingdom is profoundly beautiful and deeply challenging. I long to have that kind of life, but the more I think about it the more I see how far short I fall. What do I do? How does God help me actually experience his Kingdom? Join us for \"Good Gifts to Those Who Ask\" from Matthew 7:7-12.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus\u0026#39; picture of life in his Kingdom is profoundly beautiful and deeply challenging. I long to have that kind of life, but the more I think about it the more I see how far short I fall. What do I do? How does God help me actually experience his Kingdom? Join us for \u0026quot;Good Gifts to Those Who Ask\u0026quot; from Matthew 7:7-12.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-09-22T07:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bcd8cfc9-a96b-4f7d-a5a4-bdbb3ad1f73d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42767688,"duration_in_seconds":2210}]},{"id":"a8a0dd02-a96b-41fc-a163-933f6eac4e9c","title":"The Art of Spiritual Discernment (Matt. 7:1-6)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-art-of-discernment","content_text":"With some of his most well-known, pithy sayings, Jesus instructs us in the art of spiritual discernment. If we judge unfairly, we too will be judged unfairly. How can we point out others’ faults if we’re unaware of our own? And is there ever a place for measuring others? Join us for “The Art of Spiritual Discernment” as we explore Jesus’s teaching in this critical area!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWith some of his most well-known, pithy sayings, Jesus instructs us in the art of spiritual discernment. If we judge unfairly, we too will be judged unfairly. How can we point out others’ faults if we’re unaware of our own? And is there ever a place for measuring others? Join us for “The Art of Spiritual Discernment” as we explore Jesus’s teaching in this critical area!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-09-12T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a8a0dd02-a96b-41fc-a163-933f6eac4e9c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46846894,"duration_in_seconds":2461}]},{"id":"3ce33cb4-dd8e-49b0-a9e0-b81a79092884","title":"A Restful Heart (Matt. 6:25-34)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/a-restful-heart","content_text":"If I don’t rely on money or stuff for security and identity, life gets scary. How do I know things will turn out the way they should? Can I really trust God? Because lots of things go wrong. But Jesus invites us into a life of confidence and peace trusting in the Father’s goodness and care. Join us as we look at “A Restful Heart” from Matthew 6:25-34.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIf I don’t rely on money or stuff for security and identity, life gets scary. How do I know things will turn out the way they should? Can I really trust God? Because lots of things go wrong. But Jesus invites us into a life of confidence and peace trusting in the Father’s goodness and care. Join us as we look at “A Restful Heart” from Matthew 6:25-34.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-09-08T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3ce33cb4-dd8e-49b0-a9e0-b81a79092884.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39546530,"duration_in_seconds":2184}]},{"id":"ff6c64c7-315f-41c5-a068-8e64886f797d","title":"Either/Or (Matt. 6:19-24)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/either-or","content_text":"In a passage that serves both to wrap up the previous discussion—what kind of reward are you looking for, the kind that comes from God or from people?—and introduces the next section—what kind of riches do you want, the kind that wastes away or the kind that lasts forever?—Jesus shifts gears into talking about how his call to “greater righteousness” applies to the stuff of this world. What should the disciple’s relationship to money be? Join us for “Either/Or” from Matthew 6:19-24, where we’ll see Jesus’s radical call to be wholly oriented toward God, even in how we think about our stuff.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn a passage that serves both to wrap up the previous discussion—what kind of reward are you looking for, the kind that comes from God or from people?—and introduces the next section—what kind of riches do you want, the kind that wastes away or the kind that lasts forever?—Jesus shifts gears into talking about how his call to “greater righteousness” applies to the stuff of this world. What should the disciple’s relationship to money be? Join us for “Either/Or” from Matthew 6:19-24, where we’ll see Jesus’s radical call to be wholly oriented toward God, even in how we think about our stuff.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-08-29T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ff6c64c7-315f-41c5-a068-8e64886f797d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":48528607,"duration_in_seconds":2609}]},{"id":"241ea9f2-5e10-455d-b145-940ee40507d9","title":"Fasting for Compliments (Matt. 6:16-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fasting-for-compliments","content_text":"Calling us to “greater righteousness” in how we live out the habits that draw us closer to God, Jesus rounds out this trio of personal pieties with a discussion of fasting. Why are we tempted to make ourselves look bad in order to look good? Whose praise are we seeking? Join us for “Fasting for Compliments” from Matthew 6:16-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCalling us to “greater righteousness” in how we live out the habits that draw us closer to God, Jesus rounds out this trio of personal pieties with a discussion of fasting. Why are we tempted to make ourselves look bad in order to look good? Whose praise are we seeking? Join us for “Fasting for Compliments” from Matthew 6:16-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundation Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-08-22T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/241ea9f2-5e10-455d-b145-940ee40507d9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43346966,"duration_in_seconds":2310}]},{"id":"25091c43-f000-437f-b92e-09c27de7c894","title":"The Heart of Prayer (Matt. 6:7-15)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-heart-of-prayer","content_text":"Prayer is conversation – talking with and listening to our heavenly Father. It connects us with God and keeps us walking in his ways. Jesus shows us how to avoid hypocrisy and instead trust in God, offering simple and heartfelt prayer. Join us for \"The Heart of Prayer\" from Matthew 6:7-15.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePrayer is conversation – talking with and listening to our heavenly Father. It connects us with God and keeps us walking in his ways. Jesus shows us how to avoid hypocrisy and instead trust in God, offering simple and heartfelt prayer. Join us for \u0026quot;The Heart of Prayer\u0026quot; from Matthew 6:7-15.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-08-15T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/25091c43-f000-437f-b92e-09c27de7c894.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38847316,"duration_in_seconds":2115}]},{"id":"dd102037-bbe0-4c20-9d0e-fa56aee6548c","title":"Faith Stories - John \u0026 Jenni Mohr","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/john-jenni-mohr","content_text":"Service and Sovereignty","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eService and Sovereignty\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2022","date_published":"2022-08-15T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dd102037-bbe0-4c20-9d0e-fa56aee6548c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23459353,"duration_in_seconds":1772}]},{"id":"9165b927-561d-4e54-be90-510f460a143d","title":"Ministering in a Spiritual Desert - Cetola Seminar","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/ministering-in-a-desert","content_text":"How do you keep your soul healthy when you live, work, and play in an environment that is hostile to Christianity—or worse, dismissive and negligent? What sort of practices do you need to sustain your faith? Join David and Emily as they share from personal experience about the value of personal soul care in ministry.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHow do you keep your soul healthy when you live, work, and play in an environment that is hostile to Christianity—or worse, dismissive and negligent? What sort of practices do you need to sustain your faith? Join David and Emily as they share from personal experience about the value of personal soul care in ministry.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"GO Time 2022","date_published":"2022-08-15T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9165b927-561d-4e54-be90-510f460a143d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":69685728,"duration_in_seconds":3164}]},{"id":"d66ab71e-d8e8-41c5-9098-e7ea90a92a82","title":"GO Time Interview: David \u0026 Emily Cetola","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-interview-cetola","content_text":"Today’s episode features our missionaries, David \u0026amp; Emily Cetola. They are currently serving in Forli, Italy with TEAM - the evangelical alliance mission. They are currently in town for their GO Time weekend, their events will run through August 15. Check out their schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eToday’s episode features our missionaries, David \u0026amp; Emily Cetola. They are currently serving in Forli, Italy with TEAM - the evangelical alliance mission. They are currently in town for their GO Time weekend, their events will run through August 15. Check out their schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. ","date_published":"2022-08-09T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d66ab71e-d8e8-41c5-9098-e7ea90a92a82.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46496177,"duration_in_seconds":1935}]},{"id":"eab3ca13-05ff-457e-a7ec-28cb3eea9451","title":"Faith Stories - Brian Greuel","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/brian-greuel","content_text":"Twists and Turns in Understanding God's Plan","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTwists and Turns in Understanding God\u0026#39;s Plan\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2022","date_published":"2022-08-08T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/eab3ca13-05ff-457e-a7ec-28cb3eea9451.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32559573,"duration_in_seconds":2426}]},{"id":"a827281a-eaaf-4cce-ba6c-05109a991999","title":"Praying for Praise (Matt. 6:5-6)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/praying-for-praise","content_text":"As we near the very center of the Sermon on the Mount, we find Jesus giving instruction on how to pray. What does whole-person righteousness look like when applied to prayer, and how do we avoid the temptation to parade our righteousness for others to see? We’ll tackle those questions and more in “Praying for Praise” from Matthew 6:5-6!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we near the very center of the Sermon on the Mount, we find Jesus giving instruction on how to pray. What does whole-person righteousness look like when applied to prayer, and how do we avoid the temptation to parade our righteousness for others to see? We’ll tackle those questions and more in “Praying for Praise” from Matthew 6:5-6!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-08-08T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a827281a-eaaf-4cce-ba6c-05109a991999.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42799416,"duration_in_seconds":2410}]},{"id":"bc182978-81d3-49ce-bc69-751d8ec15be1","title":"Worthy (Ephesians 4:1-6)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/worthy","content_text":"We all know sad examples of people who didn’t live up to their promises or values. We can all see ways we do that, too. If God has poured out his love on us, called us his children, adopted us into his family, joined us together as a new kind of community, what difference does that make in how we live? In worship we look at \"Worthy\" from Ephesians 4:1-6.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe all know sad examples of people who didn’t live up to their promises or values. We can all see ways we do that, too. If God has poured out his love on us, called us his children, adopted us into his family, joined us together as a new kind of community, what difference does that make in how we live? In worship we look at \u0026quot;Worthy\u0026quot; from Ephesians 4:1-6.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"One Worship 2022","date_published":"2022-08-02T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bc182978-81d3-49ce-bc69-751d8ec15be1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29953582,"duration_in_seconds":1945}]},{"id":"240f5b90-1812-4853-8242-f3459ce5b442","title":"Our People Group: Missionary Kids - Tebbe GO Time Seminar","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/tebbe-seminar","content_text":"Hear Dan and Michelle share their expertise from years of ministering to (and raising!) missionary kids. MKs are a unique people group all their own, and their experience can help us better care for the MKs we know and love.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHear Dan and Michelle share their expertise from years of ministering to (and raising!) missionary kids. MKs are a unique people group all their own, and their experience can help us better care for the MKs we know and love.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"GO Time 2022","date_published":"2022-07-25T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/240f5b90-1812-4853-8242-f3459ce5b442.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":78127008,"duration_in_seconds":3775}]},{"id":"f70e5de2-146a-4547-ba0e-8d5ac6cd7a18","title":"Giving and Recognition (Matt. 6:1-4) ","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/giving-and-recognition","content_text":"Jesus highlights the danger of performative righteousness - doing good in order to be seen and admired. Jesus has come to set us free to be right in the right kind of way, doing good and trusting God for the results and the recognition. Join us as we look at \"Giving and Recognition\" from Matthew 6:1-4.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus highlights the danger of performative righteousness - doing good in order to be seen and admired. Jesus has come to set us free to be right in the right kind of way, doing good and trusting God for the results and the recognition. Join us as we look at \u0026quot;Giving and Recognition\u0026quot; from Matthew 6:1-4.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-07-25T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f70e5de2-146a-4547-ba0e-8d5ac6cd7a18.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40614773,"duration_in_seconds":2270}]},{"id":"5611c463-bbd2-477e-bfc9-fec8bb6c4ad0","title":"Faith Stories - Amy Chen","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/amy-chen","content_text":"Where's God When It's Raining Cats and Dogs?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhere\u0026#39;s God When It\u0026#39;s Raining Cats and Dogs?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2022","date_published":"2022-07-25T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5611c463-bbd2-477e-bfc9-fec8bb6c4ad0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26353671,"duration_in_seconds":2068}]},{"id":"dfcca85d-2d8e-4233-91e5-a30e3d9814fe","title":"GO Time Interview: Dan and Michelle Tebbe","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-interview-tebbe","content_text":"This episode features our missionaries, Dan \u0026amp; Michelle Tebbe. They are currently living in the Chicago area during a year-long furlough following the last 8 years in Indonesia serving with One Challenge International. Their GO Time events are this weekend, July 23 and 24th. Check out their schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis episode features our missionaries, Dan \u0026amp; Michelle Tebbe. They are currently living in the Chicago area during a year-long furlough following the last 8 years in Indonesia serving with One Challenge International. Their GO Time events are this weekend, July 23 and 24th. Check out their schedule of events on our website: faithchurchindy.com/gotime.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. ","date_published":"2022-07-19T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dfcca85d-2d8e-4233-91e5-a30e3d9814fe.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34368645,"duration_in_seconds":2145}]},{"id":"8d9fa6b7-7599-4aaf-92f5-944d13a1159b","title":"Perfect Holiness (Matt. 5:48)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/perfect-holiness","content_text":"Rounding out and summarizing these six heart-level interpretations of Old Testament Law, Jesus calls his followers to perfect holiness. But what exactly does he mean by “perfect”? Is he laying an unbearable burden on our shoulders? Or calling us to whole-person, integrated righteousness? Join us for “Perfect Holiness,” as we dig into the kind of righteousness Jesus calls us to in Matthew 5:48.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eRounding out and summarizing these six heart-level interpretations of Old Testament Law, Jesus calls his followers to perfect holiness. But what exactly does he mean by “perfect”? Is he laying an unbearable burden on our shoulders? Or calling us to whole-person, integrated righteousness? Join us for “Perfect Holiness,” as we dig into the kind of righteousness Jesus calls us to in Matthew 5:48.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-07-18T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8d9fa6b7-7599-4aaf-92f5-944d13a1159b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41560001,"duration_in_seconds":2267}]},{"id":"0195858f-23f7-43bb-9c96-167fbdebc9a4","title":"Faith Stories - Steve Shambaugh","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/steve-shambaugh","content_text":"The Kansas City Angels","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Kansas City Angels\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2022","date_published":"2022-07-18T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0195858f-23f7-43bb-9c96-167fbdebc9a4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24425409,"duration_in_seconds":1723}]},{"id":"0c0f86d6-e2a7-4017-9516-013e9e8ea980","title":"Greater Love (Matt. 5:43-48)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-love","content_text":"To wrap up his call to greater righteousness, Jesus focuses on love—not just love for those who already love us, but love for even those who hate us, who attack and revile us. This is greater righteousness at its highest and most virtuous. Join us for “Greater Love” as we examine Jesus’s high calling to love!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTo wrap up his call to greater righteousness, Jesus focuses on love—not just love for those who already love us, but love for even those who hate us, who attack and revile us. This is greater righteousness at its highest and most virtuous. Join us for “Greater Love” as we examine Jesus’s high calling to love!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-07-12T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0c0f86d6-e2a7-4017-9516-013e9e8ea980.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44543926,"duration_in_seconds":2392}]},{"id":"efec82eb-903c-453b-b238-b6d126d907f9","title":"Faith Stories - Isaac Sanmiguel","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/isaac-sanmiguel","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2022","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2022\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2022","date_published":"2022-07-12T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/efec82eb-903c-453b-b238-b6d126d907f9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18480224,"duration_in_seconds":1274}]},{"id":"224d8a1d-89f8-4ea9-a1cf-67155f44f31d","title":"Lex Virtutis (Matt. 5:38-42)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lex-virutis","content_text":"In one of the best known sections of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus appears to tell us not to resist evil, not to stand up to injustice, to accommodate unjust authorities, and to give even to the point of bankrupting ourselves. But is that really how we should apply his wisdom? Join us for “Lex Virtutis”—the Law of Virtue—as we explore how the disciples of Jesus “righteous-ize” an unjust world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn one of the best known sections of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus appears to tell us not to resist evil, not to stand up to injustice, to accommodate unjust authorities, and to give even to the point of bankrupting ourselves. But is that really how we should apply his wisdom? Join us for “Lex Virtutis”—the Law of Virtue—as we explore how the disciples of Jesus “righteous-ize” an unjust world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-07-06T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/224d8a1d-89f8-4ea9-a1cf-67155f44f31d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32840326,"duration_in_seconds":2346}]},{"id":"b0b1b0a9-c9b7-4681-a2a8-0586343926cb","title":"Faith Stories - Ruth Van Reken","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/vanreken","content_text":"When God Calls You to Walk Outside Your Carefully-Constructed Boxes","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen God Calls You to Walk Outside Your Carefully-Constructed Boxes\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2022","date_published":"2022-06-30T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b0b1b0a9-c9b7-4681-a2a8-0586343926cb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":77311373,"duration_in_seconds":3205}]},{"id":"80c3076a-c646-4108-af8e-f888ff20af4a","title":"Tried and True (Matthew 5:33-37)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/triedandtrue","content_text":"Jesus now addresses the topics of oaths and truth-telling. Are we literally not to swear oaths? And why are honesty and reliability so important for God’s people? Join us this Sunday as we look at “Tried and True” from Matthew 5:33-37.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus now addresses the topics of oaths and truth-telling. Are we literally not to swear oaths? And why are honesty and reliability so important for God’s people? Join us this Sunday as we look at “Tried and True” from Matthew 5:33-37.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-06-29T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/80c3076a-c646-4108-af8e-f888ff20af4a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":50934638,"duration_in_seconds":2121}]},{"id":"e69978d3-3d19-4df1-8ed9-0215516f1a2a","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 5:31-32","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-029","content_text":"In our final Cut for Time episode this season, Pastor Joey wraps up the mini-series \"You Are Not Your Own\" and answers your questions on divorce and re-marriage. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn our final Cut for Time episode this season, Pastor Joey wraps up the mini-series \u0026quot;You Are Not Your Own\u0026quot; and answers your questions on divorce and re-marriage. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In our final Cut for Time episode this season, Pastor Joey wraps up the mini-series \"You Are Not Your Own\" and answers your questions on divorce and re-marriage. \r\n","date_published":"2022-06-20T22:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e69978d3-3d19-4df1-8ed9-0215516f1a2a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":48317006,"duration_in_seconds":3016}]},{"id":"b881e6f1-5e8c-4a9e-8321-fc2a7fea82ca","title":"Faith Stories - Marina Andrews","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/andrews","content_text":"Finding Safety","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFinding Safety\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2022","date_published":"2022-06-20T13:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b881e6f1-5e8c-4a9e-8321-fc2a7fea82ca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21495395,"duration_in_seconds":1751}]},{"id":"fb22a56e-5019-448b-8e29-9a7907801294","title":"Unadulterated (Matt. 5:31-32)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/unadulterated","content_text":"As if Jesus’s teaching on sex and lust wasn’t difficult enough, his position on divorce isn’t any easier! How do we understand what Jesus says here with what he also says in chapter 19? What’s the heart behind these words? Join us for “Unadulterated” from Matthew 5:31-32 as we tackle yet another of Jesus’s profoundly counter-cultural lessons!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs if Jesus’s teaching on sex and lust wasn’t difficult enough, his position on divorce isn’t any easier! How do we understand what Jesus says here with what he also says in chapter 19? What’s the heart behind these words? Join us for “Unadulterated” from Matthew 5:31-32 as we tackle yet another of Jesus’s profoundly counter-cultural lessons!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-06-20T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fb22a56e-5019-448b-8e29-9a7907801294.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51085212,"duration_in_seconds":2747}]},{"id":"d63ee32f-71c9-4d05-87f0-465b8fe35e92","title":"The Path of a Disciple: Hash GO Time Seminar","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hash-2022","content_text":"The Path of a Disciple: Helping People Grow in the Relationship with Jesus — In this hybrid-format seminar, Jacob and Becca Hash will share the philosophy of discipleship they use in Poland and give us practical tools and steps for recognizing where people are in their relationship with Jesus and helping them take the next step on their Path of Discipleship. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Path of a Disciple: Helping People Grow in the Relationship with Jesus — In this hybrid-format seminar, Jacob and Becca Hash will share the philosophy of discipleship they use in Poland and give us practical tools and steps for recognizing where people are in their relationship with Jesus and helping them take the next step on their Path of Discipleship. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"GO Time 2022","date_published":"2022-06-20T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d63ee32f-71c9-4d05-87f0-465b8fe35e92.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":80200656,"duration_in_seconds":4067}]},{"id":"8e5b5e71-348d-4734-acfa-5d942c0336c2","title":"Cut for Time: 1 Cor 6:12-7:5","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-028","content_text":"Pastor Joey covers your tough questions about godly living, the pursuit of God's design in sexual ethics, and how to talk about this with others.Links:The Great Sex Rescue By Sheila Wray GregoirePeople to Be Loved by Preston SprinkleHoly Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher YuanIs God Anti-Gay? By Sam AllberryWashed and Waiting by Wesley Hill","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey covers your tough questions about godly living, the pursuit of God\u0026#39;s design in sexual ethics, and how to talk about this with others.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eLinks:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"The Great Sex Rescue By Sheila Wray Gregoire\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+great+sex+rescue\u0026amp;crid=23BUHYHIB955D\u0026amp;sprefix=the+great+sex%2Caps%2C162\u0026amp;ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_13\"\u003eThe Great Sex Rescue By Sheila Wray Gregoire\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"People to Be Loved by Preston Sprinkle\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/People-Be-Loved-Homosexuality-Issue/dp/0310519659/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1Q7VJQDQ8GPU5\u0026amp;keywords=people+to+be+loved+by+preston+sprinkle\u0026amp;qid=1655311592\u0026amp;sprefix=people+to+be%2Caps%2C92\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003ePeople to Be Loved by Preston Sprinkle\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Holy Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Holy-Sexuality-Gospel-Desire-Relationships/dp/0735290911/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3LU8H5EBT3MUQ\u0026amp;keywords=holy+sexuality+and+the+gospel+by+christopher+yuan\u0026amp;qid=1655311615\u0026amp;sprefix=holy+sexual%2Caps%2C94\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eHoly Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Is God Anti-Gay? By Sam Allberry\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/God-anti-gay-Questions-Christians-Ask/dp/1908762314/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BP1Y7A6YY43I\u0026amp;keywords=is+god+anti-gay+by+sam+allberry\u0026amp;qid=1655311666\u0026amp;sprefix=is+God+%2Caps%2C95\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eIs God Anti-Gay? By Sam Allberry\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Washed and Waiting by Wesley Hill\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Washed-Waiting-Reflections-Faithfulness-Homosexuality/dp/0310534194/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HHW9J6DLBSLZ\u0026amp;keywords=washed+and+waiting+wesley+hill\u0026amp;qid=1655311727\u0026amp;sprefix=washed+and+wai%2Caps%2C102\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eWashed and Waiting by Wesley Hill\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey covers your tough questions about godly living, the pursuit of God's design in sexual ethics, and how to talk about this with others.","date_published":"2022-06-15T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8e5b5e71-348d-4734-acfa-5d942c0336c2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":68822576,"duration_in_seconds":4298}]},{"id":"2e8b8297-98d8-4426-811a-0f39a3785570","title":"GO Time Interview: Jacob and Becca Hash","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-interview-hash","content_text":"Jacob and Becca Hash share about their own walks with the Lord and how that has transformed their ministry over the last year in Poland. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJacob and Becca Hash share about their own walks with the Lord and how that has transformed their ministry over the last year in Poland. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jacob and Becca Hash share about their own walks with the Lord and how that has transformed their ministry over the last year in Poland. ","date_published":"2022-06-13T16:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2e8b8297-98d8-4426-811a-0f39a3785570.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35162126,"duration_in_seconds":2195}]},{"id":"7595253b-ab8f-4076-9525-eb9f76bb63ac","title":"Faith Stories - Jenna Woestman","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-stories-woestman","content_text":"Nothing to See Here","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eNothing to See Here\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2022","date_published":"2022-06-13T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7595253b-ab8f-4076-9525-eb9f76bb63ac.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34388631,"duration_in_seconds":2795}]},{"id":"7aca03e7-c2a9-4010-b1e9-e66e67e1dba1","title":"You Are Not Your Own (1 Cor. 6:12-7:5)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/you-are-not-your-own","content_text":"As the gospel spread throughout the Roman world, the earliest Christians had to think through how Jesus’s teaching—including about sex and sexuality—applied in an “anything goes” world. Join us for “You Are Not Your Own” from 1st Corinthians 6:12-7:5, as we see how the Apostle Paul applies Jesus’s words in a pagan world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs the gospel spread throughout the Roman world, the earliest Christians had to think through how Jesus’s teaching—including about sex and sexuality—applied in an “anything goes” world. Join us for “You Are Not Your Own” from 1st Corinthians 6:12-7:5, as we see how the Apostle Paul applies Jesus’s words in a pagan world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundation Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-06-13T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7aca03e7-c2a9-4010-b1e9-e66e67e1dba1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41208393,"duration_in_seconds":2598}]},{"id":"83b4bc06-93e3-4f6a-bd53-f1ff03ff6a40","title":"Cut For Time: Matthew 5:27-30, Episode Two","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-027","content_text":"Pastor Joey answers the questions you submitted following his sermon on Sunday. It's a long episode! Buckle up!Links:Let's Talk about...Sex \u0026amp; Intimacy — The next panel and group discussion is Let's Talk About Sex and Intimacy. Attend one of the two events:\r\n\r\nMarried Edition // Wednesday, July 20th at 7PM\r\nJenn Breitwieser's Home - 3012 Rollshore Ct, Carmel 46033\r\n\r\nSingles Edition // Saturday, July 30th at 10AM\r\nAnn Benson's Home - 7471 Blue Creek Dr W, Indy 46256","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answers the questions you submitted following his sermon on Sunday. It\u0026#39;s a long episode! Buckle up!\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eLinks:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Let\u0026#39;s Talk about...Sex \u0026amp; Intimacy\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://faithchurchindy.com/event/lets-talk-about-2/\"\u003eLet\u0026#39;s Talk about...Sex \u0026amp; Intimacy\u003c/a\u003e \u0026mdash; The next panel and group discussion is Let's Talk About Sex and Intimacy. Attend one of the two events:\r\n\r\nMarried Edition // Wednesday, July 20th at 7PM\r\nJenn Breitwieser's Home - 3012 Rollshore Ct, Carmel 46033\r\n\r\nSingles Edition // Saturday, July 30th at 10AM\r\nAnn Benson's Home - 7471 Blue Creek Dr W, Indy 46256\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey answers the questions you submitted following his sermon on Sunday. It's a long episode! Buckle up!","date_published":"2022-06-07T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/83b4bc06-93e3-4f6a-bd53-f1ff03ff6a40.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":70479649,"duration_in_seconds":4400}]},{"id":"98aa3983-2686-47c6-af04-cc93ca99ea1a","title":"Don't Look Now (Matt. 5:27-30)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/dont-look-now","content_text":"Now that we’ve understood the foundation of Jesus’s teaching about marriage, sex, and sexuality, we can turn to the text of Matthew 5:27-30 to see what Jesus has to say about the heart issue behind adultery--it’s about lust. It’s not enough to just resist the behavior. Jesus wants our hearts, too. Join us for “Don’t Look Now!” as we explore the source, the symptoms, and the solution to lust. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eNow that we’ve understood the foundation of Jesus’s teaching about marriage, sex, and sexuality, we can turn to the text of Matthew 5:27-30 to see what Jesus has to say about the heart issue behind adultery--it’s about lust. It’s not enough to just resist the behavior. Jesus wants our hearts, too. Join us for “Don’t Look Now!” as we explore the source, the symptoms, and the solution to lust. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-06-06T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/98aa3983-2686-47c6-af04-cc93ca99ea1a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43941331,"duration_in_seconds":2825}]},{"id":"6dbae417-7b53-43fe-bfd1-362763044cd5","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 5:27-30","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-026b","content_text":"Pastor Joey answers the questions you texted in from his sermon on Sunday! It's a longer episode that has definitely not been cut for time, but it's worth the listen!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answers the questions you texted in from his sermon on Sunday! It\u0026#39;s a longer episode that has definitely not been cut for time, but it\u0026#39;s worth the listen!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey answers the questions you texted in from his sermon on Sunday! It's a longer episode that has definitely not been cut for time, but it's worth the listen!","date_published":"2022-06-01T20:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6dbae417-7b53-43fe-bfd1-362763044cd5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":50532022,"duration_in_seconds":3154}]},{"id":"5e9d8837-43bf-4e84-bf25-69145032ccd7","title":"The Old Way (Matt. 5:27-30)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-old-way","content_text":"Just a few paragraphs into the Sermon on the Mount, and already Jesus is getting offensive. Anger is one thing, but now he dares to talk about lust? And divorce? Doesn’t Jesus know that these are private issues? Yes, he does—which is why he talks about them, and why we’ll spend a few extra weeks in these verses. We examine the assumptions about sex and sexuality that Jesus’s listeners bring to the conversation, and contrast them with our assumptions today. We examine “The Old Way” from Matthew 5:27-30 to get our bearings from the Bible’s teaching on this topic!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJust a few paragraphs into the Sermon on the Mount, and already Jesus is getting offensive. Anger is one thing, but now he dares to talk about lust? And divorce? Doesn’t Jesus know that these are private issues? Yes, he does—which is why he talks about them, and why we’ll spend a few extra weeks in these verses. We examine the assumptions about sex and sexuality that Jesus’s listeners bring to the conversation, and contrast them with our assumptions today. We examine “The Old Way” from Matthew 5:27-30 to get our bearings from the Bible’s teaching on this topic!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-05-31T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5e9d8837-43bf-4e84-bf25-69145032ccd7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44990346,"duration_in_seconds":2880}]},{"id":"285c284d-4b6e-4720-9805-feaeb44c4488","title":"Skinners - GO Time Grow Class Presentation","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/skinners-grow-class","content_text":"Ministry Presentation","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMinistry Presentation\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"GO Time 2022","date_published":"2022-05-31T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/285c284d-4b6e-4720-9805-feaeb44c4488.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51284694,"duration_in_seconds":4268}]},{"id":"17118571-5296-4674-b4b1-ad7963ddb9b4","title":"Bridge or Barrier: Skinners GO Time Seminar","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/bridge-or-barrier","content_text":"Building Relationships with Anyone, Anywhere","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBuilding Relationships with Anyone, Anywhere\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"GO Time 2022","date_published":"2022-05-31T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/17118571-5296-4674-b4b1-ad7963ddb9b4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":66207000,"duration_in_seconds":4454}]},{"id":"ebd31c79-dcb8-4fbf-89a3-82e0f879dcaf","title":"Rage, Resentment and Reconciliation (Matt. 5:21-26)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/rage-resentment-and-reconciliation","content_text":"Jesus' kingdom is marked by peace in our hearts and living at peace with others. So anger, resentment, and scorn are heart postures that must be acknowledged and dealt with. Join us for \"Rage, Resentment, and Reconciliation\" from Matthew 5:21-26.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus\u0026#39; kingdom is marked by peace in our hearts and living at peace with others. So anger, resentment, and scorn are heart postures that must be acknowledged and dealt with. Join us for \u0026quot;Rage, Resentment, and Reconciliation\u0026quot; from Matthew 5:21-26.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-05-23T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ebd31c79-dcb8-4fbf-89a3-82e0f879dcaf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33017282,"duration_in_seconds":2244}]},{"id":"9fd278a0-bcb6-46d0-8a57-fe30adf91727","title":"GO Time Interview: Joy and Dave Skinner","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-2022-skinner","content_text":"This episode features our missionaries, Joy and Dave Skinner. They live in South Africa and serve with Operation Mobilization. They have been doing vocational ministry for 40 years. Dave has been a part of our missions family since he was a child when his parents were a part of Faith missions family. Together, Joy and Dave have been teamed up with the missions family for 31 years now. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis episode features our missionaries, Joy and Dave Skinner. They live in South Africa and serve with Operation Mobilization. They have been doing vocational ministry for 40 years. Dave has been a part of our missions family since he was a child when his parents were a part of Faith missions family. Together, Joy and Dave have been teamed up with the missions family for 31 years now. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing podcast interviews with our missionaries prior to their GO Time weekend, so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event. The purpose of our podcast is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. Take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. ","date_published":"2022-05-21T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9fd278a0-bcb6-46d0-8a57-fe30adf91727.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28679516,"duration_in_seconds":1790}]},{"id":"4f00bc46-8e69-4e70-a480-73bf981ee0b2","title":"Greater Righteousness (Matt 5:17-20)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-righteousness","content_text":"“I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill!” With these words, Jesus places himself at the pinnacle of revelation, the consummation of expectations and the conclusion of the whole Old Testament story. He’s not here to do a radical new thing, to throw away everything that came before. No, he’s here to finish what God started a long, long time ago. But finishing God’s work means new, intensified requirements for his people. Join us for Jesus’s call to “Greater Righteousness” in Matthew 5:17-20!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill!” With these words, Jesus places himself at the pinnacle of revelation, the consummation of expectations and the conclusion of the whole Old Testament story. He’s not here to do a radical new thing, to throw away everything that came before. No, he’s here to finish what God started a long, long time ago. But finishing God’s work means new, intensified requirements for his people. Join us for Jesus’s call to “Greater Righteousness” in Matthew 5:17-20!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-05-16T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4f00bc46-8e69-4e70-a480-73bf981ee0b2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38458280,"duration_in_seconds":2284}]},{"id":"802ad595-e2f0-426d-ae13-6b2a15e4c84b","title":"The Witness of Kingdom People (Matt. 5:13-16)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-witness-of-kingdom-people","content_text":"Jesus has pictured a people whose values stand out from the normal way of life in this world. What happens when Jesus' followers live out Kingdom values in their ordinary lives? And what does that look like? Join us for \"The Witness of Kingdom People\" from Matthew 5:13-16.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus has pictured a people whose values stand out from the normal way of life in this world. What happens when Jesus\u0026#39; followers live out Kingdom values in their ordinary lives? And what does that look like? Join us for \u0026quot;The Witness of Kingdom People\u0026quot; from Matthew 5:13-16.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-05-09T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/802ad595-e2f0-426d-ae13-6b2a15e4c84b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34947683,"duration_in_seconds":2261}]},{"id":"710ebbdd-7043-412b-ad88-1ef72819751c","title":"The Happy State (Matt. 5:2-12)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-happy-state","content_text":"In an intentional echo of Psalm 1, the Sermon on the Mount begins by describing true human flourishing in relationship with God. We’re familiar with the picture: meekness, mercy, purity, peacemaking. But are these “beatitudes” promises of blessing from God for good behavior? Or descriptions of the happy state of those who live wisely? Join us as we explore Matthew 5:2-12!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn an intentional echo of Psalm 1, the Sermon on the Mount begins by describing true human flourishing in relationship with God. We’re familiar with the picture: meekness, mercy, purity, peacemaking. But are these “beatitudes” promises of blessing from God for good behavior? Or descriptions of the happy state of those who live wisely? Join us as we explore Matthew 5:2-12!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-05-02T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/710ebbdd-7043-412b-ad88-1ef72819751c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33745265,"duration_in_seconds":2148}]},{"id":"666ac969-efe4-404e-9d30-27a5ef16d36b","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 5:1-2","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-025","content_text":"Pastor Joey answers a few questions submitted by a listener and introduces the new series to us!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey answers a few questions submitted by a listener and introduces the new series to us!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey answers a few questions submitted by a listener and introduces the new series to us!","date_published":"2022-04-28T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/666ac969-efe4-404e-9d30-27a5ef16d36b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31105157,"duration_in_seconds":1942}]},{"id":"5a9bc7e6-20eb-4797-b2df-645ffcd434d4","title":"Setting the Foundation (Matt. 5:1-2)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/setting-the-foundation","content_text":"For the first few centuries after the first Easter, the Church used Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount as its manual for discipleship. What does a follower of Jesus look like? How are they to live? What should they value? Why? These questions and more are answered in the Sermon on the Mount. For the next six months, we will walk through this famous sermon, building our own Kingdom Life. Join us as we set the foundation for our study—and for our life in the kingdom!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor the first few centuries after the first Easter, the Church used Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount as its manual for discipleship. What does a follower of Jesus look like? How are they to live? What should they value? Why? These questions and more are answered in the Sermon on the Mount. For the next six months, we will walk through this famous sermon, building our own Kingdom Life. Join us as we set the foundation for our study—and for our life in the kingdom!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Foundations Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-04-25T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5a9bc7e6-20eb-4797-b2df-645ffcd434d4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34321157,"duration_in_seconds":2291}]},{"id":"3e7a2db2-f9d2-47f3-9348-b634ee0c9aef","title":"Good Friday 2022","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/good-friday-2022","content_text":"A service reflecting on the sacrifice and suffering of Christ.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eA service reflecting on the sacrifice and suffering of Christ.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Promised Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-04-20T11:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3e7a2db2-f9d2-47f3-9348-b634ee0c9aef.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15614400,"duration_in_seconds":664}]},{"id":"92861c98-fa0e-44c7-984d-5598eb2a3ea0","title":"The World Turned Upside Down (Matt. 28:1-10)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-world-turned-upside-down","content_text":"Have you ever had something happen that upended your life and how you saw things? Sometimes that happens in a scary or threatening way. But what if the worrisome, regrettable, or ruined things in your life were suddenly transformed? Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and look at “The World Turned Upside Down” from Matthew 28:1-10.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHave you ever had something happen that upended your life and how you saw things? Sometimes that happens in a scary or threatening way. But what if the worrisome, regrettable, or ruined things in your life were suddenly transformed? Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and look at “The World Turned Upside Down” from Matthew 28:1-10.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Promised Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-04-20T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/92861c98-fa0e-44c7-984d-5598eb2a3ea0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27394784,"duration_in_seconds":1753}]},{"id":"73755aef-ca96-41c9-a050-8b7d32ff311e","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 21:1-14","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-024","content_text":"Listen to Pastor Jeff share more thoughts from his sermon on Sunday and how he prepares for Holy Week.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eListen to Pastor Jeff share more thoughts from his sermon on Sunday and how he prepares for Holy Week.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Listen to Pastor Jeff share more thoughts from his sermon on Sunday and how he prepares for Holy Week. ","date_published":"2022-04-15T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/73755aef-ca96-41c9-a050-8b7d32ff311e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23780436,"duration_in_seconds":1484}]},{"id":"aebca2c2-a9e2-4781-82fa-17374dcb04ac","title":"The Humble King (Matt. 21:1-14)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-humble-king","content_text":"God’s people are looking for the king who will come in power to destroy their enemies and bring in a reign of peace. Jesus enters Jerusalem - the center of religious and political power - to shouts of praise and acclamation. But what kind of King is he? How will he use his power? Join us as we look at “The Humble King\" from Matthew 21:1-14","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGod’s people are looking for the king who will come in power to destroy their enemies and bring in a reign of peace. Jesus enters Jerusalem - the center of religious and political power - to shouts of praise and acclamation. But what kind of King is he? How will he use his power? Join us as we look at “The Humble King\u0026quot; from Matthew 21:1-14\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Promised Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-04-11T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/aebca2c2-a9e2-4781-82fa-17374dcb04ac.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37876792,"duration_in_seconds":2307}]},{"id":"ffd39159-f6a6-45ba-9fb9-20a58dcbd2e7","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 4:8-11","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-023","content_text":"Pastor Nathan and Pastor Joey sit down to discuss the sermon on Sunday. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Nathan and Pastor Joey sit down to discuss the sermon on Sunday. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Nathan and Pastor Joey sit down to discuss the sermon on Sunday. ","date_published":"2022-04-06T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ffd39159-f6a6-45ba-9fb9-20a58dcbd2e7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21393443,"duration_in_seconds":1336}]},{"id":"82dcd0fe-a86e-4b50-ac1e-9c9a0690fd00","title":"The Test of the Servant (Matt. 4:8-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-test-of-the-servant","content_text":"In this third and final test that the adversary puts in front of Jesus, he again is asking Jesus the question, “What type of Son of God will you be?” Specifically, Satan shows Jesus the kingdoms of the world and subliminally asks Jesus, “Are you the type of Son of God who is willing to suffer?” Join us to study Matthew 4:8-11 to see how Jesus responds to Satan, and how he demonstrates his willingness to suffer to fulfill his purpose as the Son of God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this third and final test that the adversary puts in front of Jesus, he again is asking Jesus the question, “What type of Son of God will you be?” Specifically, Satan shows Jesus the kingdoms of the world and subliminally asks Jesus, “Are you the type of Son of God who is willing to suffer?” Join us to study Matthew 4:8-11 to see how Jesus responds to Satan, and how he demonstrates his willingness to suffer to fulfill his purpose as the Son of God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Promised Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-04-04T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/82dcd0fe-a86e-4b50-ac1e-9c9a0690fd00.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30921592,"duration_in_seconds":2043}]},{"id":"e2d60a4e-cf6d-4038-bc7d-212231e12fe5","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 4:5-7","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-022","content_text":"Pastor Joey talks about dessert times in our lives and how we are to live and rest in God. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey talks about dessert times in our lives and how we are to live and rest in God. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey talks about dessert times in our lives and how we are to live and rest in God. ","date_published":"2022-03-30T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e2d60a4e-cf6d-4038-bc7d-212231e12fe5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14505142,"duration_in_seconds":905}]},{"id":"0cab1523-f0a1-425c-86af-626976f29596","title":"The Temple Temptation (Matt. 4:5-7)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-temple-temptation","content_text":"At the height of the temple, the next temptation comes. The devil continues his schemes to get Jesus to abuse his relationship with God by putting God to the test. “If God cares for you, he’ll save you! That’s what Psalm 91 says. So throw yourself off and prove that God loves you!”\n\nJesus responds with Scripture of his own, and a lesson for us. How do we resist “The Temple Temptation”? Join us to find out!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAt the height of the temple, the next temptation comes. The devil continues his schemes to get Jesus to abuse his relationship with God by putting God to the test. “If God cares for you, he’ll save you! That’s what Psalm 91 says. So throw yourself off and prove that God loves you!”\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eJesus responds with Scripture of his own, and a lesson for us. How do we resist “The Temple Temptation”? Join us to find out!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Promised Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-03-28T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0cab1523-f0a1-425c-86af-626976f29596.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":47948584,"duration_in_seconds":2201}]},{"id":"48566532-7519-4f2e-810c-bdc37b5aeeef","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 4:1-4","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-021","content_text":"Pastor Joey gives us the big picture of the temptation narrative from Matthew and spends time talking about spiritual hunger.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey gives us the big picture of the temptation narrative from Matthew and spends time talking about spiritual hunger.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey gives us the big picture of the temptation narrative from Matthew and spends time talking about spiritual hunger.","date_published":"2022-03-23T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/48566532-7519-4f2e-810c-bdc37b5aeeef.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19655393,"duration_in_seconds":1226}]},{"id":"83e54b41-840b-4190-aa39-3c6def0d9511","title":"The Trial of the Son (Matt. 4:1-4)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-trial-of-the-son","content_text":"Immediately following his baptism, the Spirit of God leads the Son of God into the wilderness, where his qualifications for ministry will be tested. Will Jesus succeed where Adam failed? Where Moses failed? Where Israel failed? And if he succeeds, what does that mean for us? Join us for “The Trial of the Son,” from Matthew 4:1-4, the first of three sermons on the temptations of Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eImmediately following his baptism, the Spirit of God leads the Son of God into the wilderness, where his qualifications for ministry will be tested. Will Jesus succeed where Adam failed? Where Moses failed? Where Israel failed? And if he succeeds, what does that mean for us? Join us for “The Trial of the Son,” from Matthew 4:1-4, the first of three sermons on the temptations of Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Promised Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-03-21T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/83e54b41-840b-4190-aa39-3c6def0d9511.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":57274768,"duration_in_seconds":2625}]},{"id":"565a4092-a118-4f7e-b6df-3a9748fb0750","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 3:1-6, 13-17","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-020","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares what he picked up from a few commentaries during sermon prep that he couldn't share during the sermon. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares what he picked up from a few commentaries during sermon prep that he couldn\u0026#39;t share during the sermon. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares what he picked up from a few commentaries during sermon prep that he couldn't share during the sermon. ","date_published":"2022-03-16T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/565a4092-a118-4f7e-b6df-3a9748fb0750.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":16069746,"duration_in_seconds":1003}]},{"id":"4efc8ce9-dc9a-4525-8877-26b08b44a8d3","title":"Help is On the Way (Matt. 3:1-6, 13-17)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/help-is-on-the-way","content_text":"Matthew wants us to see how Jesus is the good news that God is fulfilling all his promises to save, rescue, and restore all that’s gone wrong with us. But it’s only when we see how much of a mess we’re in that Jesus really becomes good news to us. Join us for “Help Is On The Way” from Matthew 3:1-6, 13-17.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMatthew wants us to see how Jesus is the good news that God is fulfilling all his promises to save, rescue, and restore all that’s gone wrong with us. But it’s only when we see how much of a mess we’re in that Jesus really becomes good news to us. Join us for “Help Is On The Way” from Matthew 3:1-6, 13-17.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Promised Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-03-14T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4efc8ce9-dc9a-4525-8877-26b08b44a8d3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41523568,"duration_in_seconds":1975}]},{"id":"76a20292-d357-4e85-9767-94d31b6c89f0","title":"Cut for Time: Matthew 2:1-18","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-019","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares some more insight on the season of lent and what he's intentionally focusing on for Lenten practices.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares some more insight on the season of lent and what he\u0026#39;s intentionally focusing on for Lenten practices.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares some more insight on the season of lent and what he's intentionally focusing on for Lenten practices.","date_published":"2022-03-09T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/76a20292-d357-4e85-9767-94d31b6c89f0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19728066,"duration_in_seconds":1231}]},{"id":"9fcc51e6-8a7f-4ef0-ba74-8c0f83ccd84d","title":"The Redeemer and King (Matt. 2:1-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-redeemer-and-king","content_text":"For Lent this year, we'll follow the early chapters of Matthew's gospel to see how Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises to save and redeem. We see the good news of Jesus’ faithfulness to God's purposes in contrast to our failures. Join us as we look at \"The Redeemer and King\" from Matthew 2:1-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor Lent this year, we\u0026#39;ll follow the early chapters of Matthew\u0026#39;s gospel to see how Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises to save and redeem. We see the good news of Jesus’ faithfulness to God\u0026#39;s purposes in contrast to our failures. Join us as we look at \u0026quot;The Redeemer and King\u0026quot; from Matthew 2:1-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As Promised Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-03-07T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9fcc51e6-8a7f-4ef0-ba74-8c0f83ccd84d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38465872,"duration_in_seconds":1804}]},{"id":"213272a9-f731-4ac7-a5d7-6ce7f1837e8c","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 6:11-18","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-018","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares more insight to enhance the reading of this passage and talks a bit about Ash Wednesday and Lent. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares more insight to enhance the reading of this passage and talks a bit about Ash Wednesday and Lent. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares more insight to enhance the reading of this passage and talks a bit about Ash Wednesday and Lent. ","date_published":"2022-03-02T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/213272a9-f731-4ac7-a5d7-6ce7f1837e8c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13713211,"duration_in_seconds":855}]},{"id":"015b6249-af8e-41ef-a11e-fa79dd4a5f0b","title":"In The Cross (Gal. 6:11-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/in-the-cross","content_text":"Paul ends his letter with a final reminder and appeal - outward identifiers of 'righteousness' may look impressive but they come from bad motives and lead to destructive ends. It's only in the cross that our hearts are freed, that we know peace, mercy and love, and that we experience the life God wants for us. Join us for \"In the Cross\" from Galatians 6:11-18","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul ends his letter with a final reminder and appeal - outward identifiers of \u0026#39;righteousness\u0026#39; may look impressive but they come from bad motives and lead to destructive ends. It\u0026#39;s only in the cross that our hearts are freed, that we know peace, mercy and love, and that we experience the life God wants for us. Join us for \u0026quot;In the Cross\u0026quot; from Galatians 6:11-18\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-02-28T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/015b6249-af8e-41ef-a11e-fa79dd4a5f0b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39605680,"duration_in_seconds":1847}]},{"id":"20af559d-8a49-490b-aa5e-06d6fe913720","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 6:6-10","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-017","content_text":"Pastor Joey challenges us to \"think Christianly\" and what that looks like in a normal day. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey challenges us to \u0026quot;think Christianly\u0026quot; and what that looks like in a normal day. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey challenges us to \"think Christianly\" and what that looks like in a normal day. ","date_published":"2022-02-23T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/20af559d-8a49-490b-aa5e-06d6fe913720.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15793926,"duration_in_seconds":985}]},{"id":"05601e74-ed79-4349-8628-75bba22bf4f0","title":"Doing Good (Gal. 6:6-10)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/doing-good","content_text":"As Paul wraps up his letter to the churches in south Galatia, he may be getting a sense that what he’s just written is going to need some explanation…so he makes a point to remind the churches that they need to set aside funds to supply the teachers they need. In a paragraph about the wise use of resources, Paul makes a profound connection: if self-giving love is at the heart of the message, it should also be at the heart of the messengers. Join us for “Doing Good” from Galatians 6:6-10!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs Paul wraps up his letter to the churches in south Galatia, he may be getting a sense that what he’s just written is going to need some explanation…so he makes a point to remind the churches that they need to set aside funds to supply the teachers they need. In a paragraph about the wise use of resources, Paul makes a profound connection: if self-giving love is at the heart of the message, it should also be at the heart of the messengers. Join us for “Doing Good” from Galatians 6:6-10!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-02-21T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/05601e74-ed79-4349-8628-75bba22bf4f0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33854152,"duration_in_seconds":2445}]},{"id":"cacf8d68-588e-4f98-a518-62123fb0dcee","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 6:1-5","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-016","content_text":"Pastor Joey dives into the greek translation to look at verbs and gain new understanding from the text on Sunday!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey dives into the greek translation to look at verbs and gain new understanding from the text on Sunday!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey dives into the greek translation to look at verbs and gain new understanding from the text on Sunday!","date_published":"2022-02-16T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/cacf8d68-588e-4f98-a518-62123fb0dcee.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14960067,"duration_in_seconds":933}]},{"id":"d49115e4-c1ff-4475-8ba1-7f28b2c3d77e","title":"The Messiah's Law (Gal. 6:1-5)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-messiahs-law","content_text":"With his admonition to all within the church to freely choose loving service to others, Paul knows that realistically, it’s going to take time to and effort to work that out. So he follows up that admonition with instruction that all communities must learn: how to be mutually support and individually responsible, at the same time! Some of us want to go it alone, others want everyone else to do the work—but neither approach fulfills “The Messiah’s Law,” which we’ll study from Galatians 6:1-5.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWith his admonition to all within the church to freely choose loving service to others, Paul knows that realistically, it’s going to take time to and effort to work that out. So he follows up that admonition with instruction that all communities must learn: how to be mutually support and individually responsible, at the same time! Some of us want to go it alone, others want everyone else to do the work—but neither approach fulfills “The Messiah’s Law,” which we’ll study from Galatians 6:1-5.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-02-14T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d49115e4-c1ff-4475-8ba1-7f28b2c3d77e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51645808,"duration_in_seconds":2279}]},{"id":"e93d6703-d8fe-4118-95f1-760c8f094a19","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 5:13-26","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-015","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares what he wished he could have elaborated on in Sunday's sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares what he wished he could have elaborated on in Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares what he wished he could have elaborated on in Sunday's sermon.","date_published":"2022-02-09T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e93d6703-d8fe-4118-95f1-760c8f094a19.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19399010,"duration_in_seconds":1211}]},{"id":"628f91d3-3dc7-4453-94fc-a41f5b27e8e7","title":"Practices of (Dis)Unity (Gal. 5:13-26)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/practices-of-disunity","content_text":"Paul has made his case, clearly, against dividing the church in Galatia along ethnic lines. And he’s argued persuasively that the gospel demands such unity. But what does that unity look like in practice? And what practices actually lead to disunity? Join us for “Practices of (Dis)Unity” from Galatians 5:13-26!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul has made his case, clearly, against dividing the church in Galatia along ethnic lines. And he’s argued persuasively that the gospel demands such unity. But what does that unity look like in practice? And what practices actually lead to disunity? Join us for “Practices of (Dis)Unity” from Galatians 5:13-26!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-02-09T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/628f91d3-3dc7-4453-94fc-a41f5b27e8e7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":49125976,"duration_in_seconds":2202}]},{"id":"88a481c2-67a7-4138-a570-4b7476665de3","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 5:7-12","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-014","content_text":"Pastor Joey gives us a pre-cut for time and shares some personal reflection from his own sermon application. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey gives us a pre-cut for time and shares some personal reflection from his own sermon application. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey gives us a pre-cut for time and shares some personal reflection from his own sermon application. ","date_published":"2022-02-02T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/88a481c2-67a7-4138-a570-4b7476665de3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":11568482,"duration_in_seconds":721}]},{"id":"7fd056c7-868c-4d69-abb4-09bd18d3e3a8","title":"Cutting In (Gal. 5:7-12)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cutting-in","content_text":"He’s not pulling his punches any longer. As Paul begins to wrap up his letter, challenging the Galatian believers to cut off the rival teachers and adopt the Spirit-filled lifestyle that leads to unity, he doesn’t hold back from condemning those who truncate the gospel. Though we aren’t facing the same situation as these first-century believers, are there ways we short the gospel as well? Join us for “Cutting In” from Galatians 5:7-12!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHe’s not pulling his punches any longer. As Paul begins to wrap up his letter, challenging the Galatian believers to cut off the rival teachers and adopt the Spirit-filled lifestyle that leads to unity, he doesn’t hold back from condemning those who truncate the gospel. Though we aren’t facing the same situation as these first-century believers, are there ways we short the gospel as well? Join us for “Cutting In” from Galatians 5:7-12!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-01-31T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7fd056c7-868c-4d69-abb4-09bd18d3e3a8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":50048968,"duration_in_seconds":2212}]},{"id":"f0dafef5-5e55-479e-a8f0-f5c1fc58f878","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 5:1-6","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-013","content_text":"Pastor Jeff encourages us to live in the freedom of Christ, looks ahead to the rest of the book, and challenges us to apply the text to our lives. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff encourages us to live in the freedom of Christ, looks ahead to the rest of the book, and challenges us to apply the text to our lives. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff encourages us to live in the freedom of Christ, looks ahead to the rest of the book, and challenges us to apply the text to our lives. ","date_published":"2022-01-25T21:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f0dafef5-5e55-479e-a8f0-f5c1fc58f878.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14000658,"duration_in_seconds":873}]},{"id":"9ac79385-6e08-4f8f-a9d8-eb742babd94e","title":"Only Faith (Gal. 5:1-6)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/only-faith","content_text":"The Apostle Paul tells us that it will never be through our obedience that we can know we are God’s children. The hope of righteousness is for those who through the Spirit wait for it with a faith working through love. Join us as we look at “Only Faith” from Galatians 5:1-6.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Apostle Paul tells us that it will never be through our obedience that we can know we are God’s children. The hope of righteousness is for those who through the Spirit wait for it with a faith working through love. Join us as we look at “Only Faith” from Galatians 5:1-6.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-01-24T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9ac79385-6e08-4f8f-a9d8-eb742babd94e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44927616,"duration_in_seconds":2204}]},{"id":"b53e12f6-2de8-42b7-b2c6-16bbea14b86a","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 4:21-5:1","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-012","content_text":"Pastor Jeff explains why he was pressed for time and what he wished he could have spent more time on or clarified in his sermon in the Galatians 4:21-5:1 section.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff explains why he was pressed for time and what he wished he could have spent more time on or clarified in his sermon in the Galatians 4:21-5:1 section.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff explains why he was pressed for time and what he wished he could have spent more time on or clarified in his sermon in the Galatians 4:21-5:1 section.","date_published":"2022-01-19T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b53e12f6-2de8-42b7-b2c6-16bbea14b86a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":16318206,"duration_in_seconds":1018}]},{"id":"3d14adaa-e5f6-47eb-83d6-27116a37822b","title":"You Deserve Better (Gal. 4:21-5:1)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/you-deserve-better","content_text":"Some in Galatia are spreading the message that keeping the old covenant laws is what “really” makes you a child of God. The Apostle Paul wants Christians to see where that leads, and he points them to what God really wants for them. Join us for “You Deserve Better” from Galatians 4:21 – 5:1!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSome in Galatia are spreading the message that keeping the old covenant laws is what “really” makes you a child of God. The Apostle Paul wants Christians to see where that leads, and he points them to what God really wants for them. Join us for “You Deserve Better” from Galatians 4:21 – 5:1!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-01-17T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3d14adaa-e5f6-47eb-83d6-27116a37822b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28282864,"duration_in_seconds":2209}]},{"id":"ef04d8b9-c6f9-420c-9512-ddd70b53a941","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 4:12-20","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-011","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares on the purpose of the sermon on Sunday and how the passage from Sunday prompts us to praise Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares on the purpose of the sermon on Sunday and how the passage from Sunday prompts us to praise Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares on the purpose of the sermon on Sunday and how the passage from Sunday prompts us to praise Jesus.","date_published":"2022-01-12T20:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ef04d8b9-c6f9-420c-9512-ddd70b53a941.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20014942,"duration_in_seconds":1249}]},{"id":"8247d8a8-31aa-4f4d-9945-b4284e464b28","title":"With Friends Like These... (Gal. 4:12-20)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/with-friends-like-these","content_text":"As the Apostle Paul approaches the climax of his letter to the churches in Galatia, he appeals to them to remember their friendship with him. Should they consider him an enemy because he is being a good friend? And what does this personal aside have to do with Paul’s overall argument in this letter? Join us for “With Friends Like These…” from Galatians 4:12-20!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs the Apostle Paul approaches the climax of his letter to the churches in Galatia, he appeals to them to remember their friendship with him. Should they consider him an enemy because he is being a good friend? And what does this personal aside have to do with Paul’s overall argument in this letter? Join us for “With Friends Like These…” from Galatians 4:12-20!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-01-10T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8247d8a8-31aa-4f4d-9945-b4284e464b28.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":49397896,"duration_in_seconds":2321}]},{"id":"2fd5c34f-7a78-4d18-b17a-11780e7c112a","title":"Cut For Time: Galatians 4:8-11","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-010","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares what he wished he could have included in Sunday's sermon and gives us a tool for the new year.Links:What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything At AllBible Reading Plan for Shirkers and Slackers","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares what he wished he could have included in Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon and gives us a tool for the new year.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eLinks:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything At All\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://annvoskamp.com/2022/01/what-to-do-when-you-dont-feel-like-doing-anything-at-all-how-to-stop-procrastination/\"\u003eWhat To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything At All\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Bible Reading Plan for Shirkers and Slackers\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://faithchurchindy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/bible-reading-plan.pdf\"\u003eBible Reading Plan for Shirkers and Slackers\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares what he wished he could have included in Sunday's sermon and gives us a tool for the new year.","date_published":"2022-01-05T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2fd5c34f-7a78-4d18-b17a-11780e7c112a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13238384,"duration_in_seconds":826}]},{"id":"aa320795-0d0b-46e8-adbf-c65710bdf182","title":"No Going Back (Gal. 4:8-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/no-going-back","content_text":"Paul reminds his readers that they are all children of God through faith in the work of Christ. But instead of growing in the liberty with which Christ has set them free, they have slipped back into old bondage. Join us for “No Going Back” from Galatians 4:8-11 as we see how remembering God's work in our past directs our lives in the present.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul reminds his readers that they are all children of God through faith in the work of Christ. But instead of growing in the liberty with which Christ has set them free, they have slipped back into old bondage. Join us for “No Going Back” from Galatians 4:8-11 as we see how remembering God\u0026#39;s work in our past directs our lives in the present.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-01-03T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/aa320795-0d0b-46e8-adbf-c65710bdf182.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37791088,"duration_in_seconds":1903}]},{"id":"34db4902-94ed-40d3-afcc-97feac9f15b9","title":"From Slaves to Sons (Gal. 4:1-7)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/from-slaves-to-sons","content_text":"In a beautifully packed, Trinitarian paragraph, the Apostle Paul wants his readers to internalize their adoption as sons in the family of God. It’s our “sonship” — our status as first-born inheritors of the promise — that serves as the foundation for intimacy and communion with God. Join us for “From Slaves to Sons” from Galatians 4:1-7 as we examine how Paul’s ancient vision gives fresh life to us today!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn a beautifully packed, Trinitarian paragraph, the Apostle Paul wants his readers to internalize their adoption as sons in the family of God. It’s our “sonship” — our status as first-born inheritors of the promise — that serves as the foundation for intimacy and communion with God. Join us for “From Slaves to Sons” from Galatians 4:1-7 as we examine how Paul’s ancient vision gives fresh life to us today!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2022-01-01T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/34db4902-94ed-40d3-afcc-97feac9f15b9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":47058520,"duration_in_seconds":2200}]},{"id":"72fa32ce-d74b-499c-aa2e-fb18e6d34bfa","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 4:1-7","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-009","content_text":"Pastor Joey preached on Sunday and rebooted our series in Galatians following the break we took for Advent. We begin again in chapter 4, verse 1. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey preached on Sunday and rebooted our series in Galatians following the break we took for Advent. We begin again in chapter 4, verse 1. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey preached on Sunday and rebooted our series in Galatians following the break we took for Advent. We begin again in chapter 4, verse 1. ","date_published":"2021-12-29T09:30:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/72fa32ce-d74b-499c-aa2e-fb18e6d34bfa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13443401,"duration_in_seconds":839}]},{"id":"6107743d-b47b-442c-8550-393cb397a889","title":"2021 Christmas Eve Sermon","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/2021-christmas","content_text":"Coming home for Christmas Recap","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eComing home for Christmas Recap\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Coming home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-12-26T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6107743d-b47b-442c-8550-393cb397a889.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":16682904,"duration_in_seconds":928}]},{"id":"19599da4-2152-437e-a221-45a269598de0","title":"Finally Home (Revelation 21:1-7, 22-27)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/finally-home","content_text":"One day heaven and earth will be reunited. We will live in unity and peace with God, with others, and with creation, and we will know the fulfillment of our longings for love, goodness, and purpose. Join us as we see in Revelation 21 what it be like when we are Finally Home and how we live here and now in light of that future.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOne day heaven and earth will be reunited. We will live in unity and peace with God, with others, and with creation, and we will know the fulfillment of our longings for love, goodness, and purpose. Join us as we see in Revelation 21 what it be like when we are Finally Home and how we live here and now in light of that future.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Coming home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-12-20T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/19599da4-2152-437e-a221-45a269598de0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":47456872,"duration_in_seconds":2165}]},{"id":"a6c6170c-d74f-46fc-a63c-9262b076fc0b","title":"Homeward Bound (Hebrews 13:11-15)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/homeward-bound","content_text":"In the great story of the Bible, we begin coming “home” when we come to Jesus. But even those of us who have walked with Jesus for decades still feel a sense of restlessness, of homelessness. Why? Because no home here will last forever—we seek a home that is to come. So what do we do in the meantime? Join us for “Homeward Bound” from Hebrews 13:11-15!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the great story of the Bible, we begin coming “home” when we come to Jesus. But even those of us who have walked with Jesus for decades still feel a sense of restlessness, of homelessness. Why? Because no home here will last forever—we seek a home that is to come. So what do we do in the meantime? Join us for “Homeward Bound” from Hebrews 13:11-15!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Coming home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-12-13T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a6c6170c-d74f-46fc-a63c-9262b076fc0b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39514168,"duration_in_seconds":1801}]},{"id":"9f127f91-3350-4ddb-bb92-5996b1c56107","title":"Home-Making (Gen. 11:1-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/home-making","content_text":"Having lost their original home, humanity turned to making a home for themselves, a home where they could try to reclaim what they’d lost in the curse. Their attempt to build a tower to commune with God—on their terms, not his—failed, with disastrous results. Join us for “Home-Making” from Genesis 11:1-9, as we see how our longing for a home often leads us in fruitless directions.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHaving lost their original home, humanity turned to making a home for themselves, a home where they could try to reclaim what they’d lost in the curse. Their attempt to build a tower to commune with God—on their terms, not his—failed, with disastrous results. Join us for “Home-Making” from Genesis 11:1-9, as we see how our longing for a home often leads us in fruitless directions.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Coming Home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-12-06T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9f127f91-3350-4ddb-bb92-5996b1c56107.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":50793040,"duration_in_seconds":2366}]},{"id":"1a30e3d3-7f17-4fba-8743-30449d7f2198","title":"Our First Home (Gen. 1:1-5, 26-31)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/our-first-home","content_text":"Advent begins. In this season, we’ll prepare for Christmas by looking at Jesus’ birth in the larger story of the whole Bible. Many of us feel a sense of weariness, disconnection, and emptiness. We long for home – for the safety, identity, and love that God made us to know and share. Join us as we look at Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31 and “Our First Home.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAdvent begins. In this season, we’ll prepare for Christmas by looking at Jesus’ birth in the larger story of the whole Bible. Many of us feel a sense of weariness, disconnection, and emptiness. We long for home – for the safety, identity, and love that God made us to know and share. Join us as we look at Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31 and “Our First Home.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Coming Home for Christmas Advent 2021","date_published":"2021-11-29T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1a30e3d3-7f17-4fba-8743-30449d7f2198.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44032288,"duration_in_seconds":2136}]},{"id":"27e448e6-80bd-41f8-91a5-bf015d262f5f","title":"Cut For Time: Galatians 3:23-29","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-008","content_text":"Pastor Joey does a Geeky Greek segment and gives us an Advent preview.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey does a Geeky Greek segment and gives us an Advent preview.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey does a Geeky Greek segment and gives us an Advent preview.","date_published":"2021-11-24T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/27e448e6-80bd-41f8-91a5-bf015d262f5f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15825327,"duration_in_seconds":987}]},{"id":"799abddb-cea3-4a71-a879-007c4bd29d78","title":"Before-And-After (Gal. 3:23-29)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/before-and-after","content_text":"Paul wraps up his long explanation of how Abraham gets his one world-wide family by telling an astounding and astoundingly dense before-and-after story. We were locked up and under guard—until Jesus came!—but now we are sons and daughters of God. Join us for a deep dive into “Before-And-After” from Galatians 3:23-29!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul wraps up his long explanation of how Abraham gets his one world-wide family by telling an astounding and astoundingly dense before-and-after story. We were locked up and under guard—until Jesus came!—but now we are sons and daughters of God. Join us for a deep dive into “Before-And-After” from Galatians 3:23-29!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Galatians No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-11-22T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/799abddb-cea3-4a71-a879-007c4bd29d78.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":48114040,"duration_in_seconds":2258}]},{"id":"58dbb5c5-d70f-4e72-90d5-2a7706b47f38","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 3:15-22","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-007","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares what he prepared to preach on verses 19 \u0026amp; 20 (which he ultimately cut for time) and why he felt it was not worth keeping in Sunday's sermon. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares what he prepared to preach on verses 19 \u0026amp; 20 (which he ultimately cut for time) and why he felt it was not worth keeping in Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares what he prepared to preach on verses 19 \u0026 20 (which he ultimately cut for time) and why he felt it was not worth keeping in Sunday's sermon. ","date_published":"2021-11-17T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/58dbb5c5-d70f-4e72-90d5-2a7706b47f38.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14402317,"duration_in_seconds":898}]},{"id":"2127a4cc-0832-445d-82c8-bbde5092824e","title":"Why Then The Law? (Gal. 3:15-22)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/why-then-the-law","content_text":"If the law could never deliver on the life it promised, why did God give the law to Moses in the first place? What was the point, if God had already promised a world-wide inheritance to Abraham’s family? And what does all this have to do with brand-new Galatian believers in Jesus? Find out when we explore “Why Then the Law?” From Galatians 3:15-22!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIf the law could never deliver on the life it promised, why did God give the law to Moses in the first place? What was the point, if God had already promised a world-wide inheritance to Abraham’s family? And what does all this have to do with brand-new Galatian believers in Jesus? Find out when we explore “Why Then the Law?” From Galatians 3:15-22!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Galatians No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-11-15T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2127a4cc-0832-445d-82c8-bbde5092824e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32865400,"duration_in_seconds":2291}]},{"id":"a33d6ea2-a5d1-4a3f-a4af-fc9fc64ff126","title":"Feast of St. Willibrord","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/feast-of-st-willibrord","content_text":"If you couldn't make it to Sunday's feast celebration, you may have missed out on good food, but we've curated the storytelling for you in podcast form!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIf you couldn\u0026#39;t make it to Sunday\u0026#39;s feast celebration, you may have missed out on good food, but we\u0026#39;ve curated the storytelling for you in podcast form!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"If you couldn't make it to Sunday's feast celebration, you may have missed out on good food, but we've curated the storytelling for you in podcast form!","date_published":"2021-11-10T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a33d6ea2-a5d1-4a3f-a4af-fc9fc64ff126.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37914336,"duration_in_seconds":2364}]},{"id":"8e8fa80d-5d45-45f2-b46b-d39d6a1d1f76","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 3:10-14","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-006","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares more on the language Paul used regarding \"curses\" and his prayer for our congregation within this passage. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares more on the language Paul used regarding \u0026quot;curses\u0026quot; and his prayer for our congregation within this passage. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares more on the language Paul used regarding \"curses\" and his prayer for our congregation within this passage. ","date_published":"2021-11-10T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8e8fa80d-5d45-45f2-b46b-d39d6a1d1f76.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14813154,"duration_in_seconds":924}]},{"id":"a8c54121-1afd-4ffb-84da-4eb630e815fa","title":"Redeemed From the Curse (Gal. 3:10-14)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/redeemed-from-the-curse","content_text":"If we think that what defines us as God’s people is doing the things that he commands and avoiding the bad things that pagans do, we’re in real trouble – we are “under a curse.” Law-keeping righteousness condemns us. Join us as we see the good news of how we’re “Redeemed from the Curse” by faith in Christ in Galatians 3:10-14.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIf we think that what defines us as God’s people is doing the things that he commands and avoiding the bad things that pagans do, we’re in real trouble – we are “under a curse.” Law-keeping righteousness condemns us. Join us as we see the good news of how we’re “Redeemed from the Curse” by faith in Christ in Galatians 3:10-14.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Galatians No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-11-08T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a8c54121-1afd-4ffb-84da-4eb630e815fa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37550328,"duration_in_seconds":2073}]},{"id":"8fa3f1f6-7df2-4a1a-b4b3-4b351e46a466","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 3:1-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-005","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares more from his sermon prep that he wasn't able to on Sunday and asks us to consider some tough questions about the divisions in the church. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares more from his sermon prep that he wasn\u0026#39;t able to on Sunday and asks us to consider some tough questions about the divisions in the church. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares more from his sermon prep that he wasn't able to on Sunday and asks us to consider some tough questions about the divisions in the church. ","date_published":"2021-11-02T22:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8fa3f1f6-7df2-4a1a-b4b3-4b351e46a466.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":16854917,"duration_in_seconds":1052}]},{"id":"c302a65f-88d6-4645-9794-036d2696aae5","title":"The Family of Faith (Gal. 3:1-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/family-of-faith","content_text":"In the social and cultural world of the Galatians, the question, “who is included in the family of the God of Israel?” profoundly impacted Jewish and Gentile Christians alike. Jewish Christians wanted, and Gentile Christians needed to know “who are the true children of Abraham?” Paul’s answer? “Those who have faith.” Join us as we explore “The Family of Faith” from Galatians 3:1-9!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the social and cultural world of the Galatians, the question, “who is included in the family of the God of Israel?” profoundly impacted Jewish and Gentile Christians alike. Jewish Christians wanted, and Gentile Christians needed to know “who are the true children of Abraham?” Paul’s answer? “Those who have faith.” Join us as we explore “The Family of Faith” from Galatians 3:1-9!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Galatians No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-11-01T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c302a65f-88d6-4645-9794-036d2696aae5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35699368,"duration_in_seconds":2316}]},{"id":"34dafd4f-cf83-4910-9e9d-c585aae201e6","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 1:15-21","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-004","content_text":"Pastor Jeff gives us some insight to verses 1:17-1:19 that he felt he didn't have enough time to teach from on Sunday.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff gives us some insight to verses 1:17-1:19 that he felt he didn\u0026#39;t have enough time to teach from on Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff gives us some insight to verses 1:17-1:19 that he felt he didn't have enough time to teach from on Sunday.","date_published":"2021-10-26T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/34dafd4f-cf83-4910-9e9d-c585aae201e6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19249952,"duration_in_seconds":1201}]},{"id":"0036f1be-9058-4e22-a2f2-221019964762","title":"Crucified With Christ (Gal. 2:15-21)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/crucified-with-christ","content_text":"In Christ, we give up every old way of being identified as God’s people – moralistic law-keeping, national identity, ethnic boundaries. By God’s free grace we experience new life, identity, and community. And all that is received and lived out through faith in the faithfulness of Jesus. Join us as we look at “Crucified with Christ” from Galatians 2:15-21.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Christ, we give up every old way of being identified as God’s people – moralistic law-keeping, national identity, ethnic boundaries. By God’s free grace we experience new life, identity, and community. And all that is received and lived out through faith in the faithfulness of Jesus. Join us as we look at “Crucified with Christ” from Galatians 2:15-21.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Galatians No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-10-25T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0036f1be-9058-4e22-a2f2-221019964762.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31446712,"duration_in_seconds":2248}]},{"id":"1ec8f4a5-cdd0-49cf-a6de-34782361ab42","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 1:11-2:14","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-003","content_text":"Joey tells us more of the story... and reflects on his own sermon preparation and application from Sunday.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJoey tells us more of the story... and reflects on his own sermon preparation and application from Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Joey tells us more of the story... and reflects on his own sermon preparation and application from Sunday.","date_published":"2021-10-20T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1ec8f4a5-cdd0-49cf-a6de-34782361ab42.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15675300,"duration_in_seconds":978}]},{"id":"bce143b2-1ab4-4b2c-8e9d-4cad4ad4d86c","title":"Let Me Tell You A Story (Gal. 1:11-2:14)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/let-me-tell-you-a-story","content_text":"The Apostle Paul almost never gives us autobiographical details, so it’s significant that he includes such an extended narrative of his early ministry days. Why does he include it? What’s he trying to prove? And how does that help us understand his arguments in Galatians? Join us for “Let Me Tell You A Story…” from Galatians 1:11-2:14!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Apostle Paul almost never gives us autobiographical details, so it’s significant that he includes such an extended narrative of his early ministry days. Why does he include it? What’s he trying to prove? And how does that help us understand his arguments in Galatians? Join us for “Let Me Tell You A Story…” from Galatians 1:11-2:14!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Galatians No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-10-18T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bce143b2-1ab4-4b2c-8e9d-4cad4ad4d86c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44944312,"duration_in_seconds":3035}]},{"id":"399b851b-e67c-4d76-b4b1-cd4828376be9","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 1:6-10","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-002","content_text":"Pastor Joey gives us a challenge for the duration of our time in this series studying the book of Galatians and re-caps his sermon from Sunday, \"If you can't please everyone...\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey gives us a challenge for the duration of our time in this series studying the book of Galatians and re-caps his sermon from Sunday, \u0026quot;If you can\u0026#39;t please everyone...\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey gives us a challenge for the duration of our time in this series studying the book of Galatians and re-caps his sermon from Sunday, \"If you can't please everyone...\"","date_published":"2021-10-13T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/399b851b-e67c-4d76-b4b1-cd4828376be9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13421985,"duration_in_seconds":837}]},{"id":"c9bea419-42d0-4258-8dd3-94a019904925","title":"If You Can't Please Everyone (Gal. 1:6-10)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/if-you-cant-please-everyone","content_text":"You’re just a people-pleaser, Paul! That’s why you’re making it easy for these Gentiles to follow Jesus without adhering to the Judaism of which Jesus is a part!” It’s an accusation that stings, because it’s one Paul made himself, back when he was a devout Pharisee. But is he really giving in to public pressure, or fighting for the purity of the gospel? Join us for “If You Can’t Please Everyone…” from Galatians 1:10!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eYou’re just a people-pleaser, Paul! That’s why you’re making it easy for these Gentiles to follow Jesus without adhering to the Judaism of which Jesus is a part!” It’s an accusation that stings, because it’s one Paul made himself, back when he was a devout Pharisee. But is he really giving in to public pressure, or fighting for the purity of the gospel? Join us for “If You Can’t Please Everyone…” from Galatians 1:10!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Galatians No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-10-11T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c9bea419-42d0-4258-8dd3-94a019904925.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36838888,"duration_in_seconds":2524}]},{"id":"84b97056-92ea-4456-9dfd-4b81a8a974cf","title":"Cut for Time: Galatians 1:1-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season3-001","content_text":"Pastor Joey gives us some additional context for reading and understanding the book of Galatians and shares what he was reminded of while prepping for his sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey gives us some additional context for reading and understanding the book of Galatians and shares what he was reminded of while prepping for his sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey gives us some additional context for reading and understanding the book of Galatians and shares what he was reminded of while prepping for his sermon.","date_published":"2021-10-06T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/84b97056-92ea-4456-9dfd-4b81a8a974cf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":12939310,"duration_in_seconds":807}]},{"id":"83c6f69f-7237-487d-aad0-2daddad7f1e0","title":"No Other Gospel (Gal. 1:1-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/no-other-gospel","content_text":"Unlike any others of his letters, in this letter to the Galatians Paul gets right to the point: “I’m astounded that you’ve given up on the gospel! What happened!?” As we begin this study through the entire letter, we’ll begin to uncover the reasons behind Paul’s astonishment, and we’ll look at just exactly what Paul says the gospel really is. Join us for “No Other Gospel” from Galatians 1:1-9!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eUnlike any others of his letters, in this letter to the Galatians Paul gets right to the point: “I’m astounded that you’ve given up on the gospel! What happened!?” As we begin this study through the entire letter, we’ll begin to uncover the reasons behind Paul’s astonishment, and we’ll look at just exactly what Paul says the gospel really is. Join us for “No Other Gospel” from Galatians 1:1-9!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Galatians - No Other Gospel Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-10-04T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/83c6f69f-7237-487d-aad0-2daddad7f1e0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35412712,"duration_in_seconds":2390}]},{"id":"d91cdeb4-fd49-41d2-b680-219b564b018e","title":"The Ultimate Dream Team (John 4:31-38)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-ultimate-dream-team","content_text":"Mark Slaughter taught from this verse in his keynote titled, \"The Ultimate Dream Team.\" How are you called to be a part of the global team that God is building? Are you called to pray, care, give, or go? Prayerfully consider how God is calling you now, in this season, to be a part of the team.Special Guest: Mark Slaughter.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMark Slaughter taught from this verse in his keynote titled, \u0026quot;The Ultimate Dream Team.\u0026quot; How are you called to be a part of the global team that God is building? Are you called to pray, care, give, or go? Prayerfully consider how God is calling you now, in this season, to be a part of the team.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Mark Slaughter.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"GO Time Sermon","date_published":"2021-09-27T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d91cdeb4-fd49-41d2-b680-219b564b018e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40092168,"duration_in_seconds":2063}]},{"id":"fabf7782-35fd-414d-af8e-f7e8a945e241","title":"Ordinary Greatness (Ruth 4)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/ordinary-greatness","content_text":"Ruth 4 records the striking reversal of fortune of all the major characters in this story. But it’s no miracle; it’s the quiet faithfulness of God through the acts of greatness of ordinary people. Join us for “Ordinary Greatness” from Ruth 4, as we see God work in incredible ways through ordinary people.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eRuth 4 records the striking reversal of fortune of all the major characters in this story. But it’s no miracle; it’s the quiet faithfulness of God through the acts of greatness of ordinary people. Join us for “Ordinary Greatness” from Ruth 4, as we see God work in incredible ways through ordinary people.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Ruth Hope in the Ordinary Sermon series","date_published":"2021-09-20T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fabf7782-35fd-414d-af8e-f7e8a945e241.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28840792,"duration_in_seconds":1999}]},{"id":"3919568c-987c-48f9-85c3-5136b7ba1518","title":"GO Time - Interview with Jenn \u0026 Isaac Stough","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-stough","content_text":"This episode features our missionaries, Jenn \u0026amp; Isaac Stough. They live in Barcelona and serve with Youth for Christ. They have been doing vocational ministry for 5 years and have been partnered with the Faith Miissiioons Family for 2 years. They have a lot of stories to share and some exciting news about what’s to come in the next year! The Stough’s hybrid seminar is on Monday, September 20th at 7 pm.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis episode features our missionaries, Jenn \u0026amp; Isaac Stough. They live in Barcelona and serve with Youth for Christ. They have been doing vocational ministry for 5 years and have been partnered with the Faith Miissiioons Family for 2 years. They have a lot of stories to share and some exciting news about what’s to come in the next year! The Stough’s hybrid seminar is on Monday, September 20th at 7 pm.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing five podcasts prior to our 2021 global outreach conference. The purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to meet our missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. \r\n\r\nWe’re purposefully rolling out these episodes before GO Time so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event or hear from them during their seminar. ","date_published":"2021-09-18T18:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3919568c-987c-48f9-85c3-5136b7ba1518.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38817917,"duration_in_seconds":2423}]},{"id":"e10dd2f5-fb38-4f30-940c-b98183aade7b","title":"GO Time - Interview with Tom \u0026 Julie Meiner","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-meiner","content_text":"This episode features our missionaries, Tom \u0026amp; Julie Meiner. They currently live in Florida and they have been a part of the Faith Missions Family for 25 years, and were members at Faith before being called to missions. In the episode you’ll hear how God used the lottery to convince them to raise support, and they share some encouraging stories oof what God is up to around the world though the Jesus Film project! The Meiner’s hybrid seminar is on Sunday, September 27th at 7 pm.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis episode features our missionaries, Tom \u0026amp; Julie Meiner. They currently live in Florida and they have been a part of the Faith Missions Family for 25 years, and were members at Faith before being called to missions. In the episode you’ll hear how God used the lottery to convince them to raise support, and they share some encouraging stories oof what God is up to around the world though the Jesus Film project! The Meiner’s hybrid seminar is on Sunday, September 27th at 7 pm.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing five podcasts prior to our 2021 global outreach conference. The purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to meet the missionaries and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I strongly encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. \r\n\r\nWe’re purposefully rolling out these episodes before GO Time so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event or hear from them during their seminar. ","date_published":"2021-09-17T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e10dd2f5-fb38-4f30-940c-b98183aade7b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35801277,"duration_in_seconds":2235}]},{"id":"df0a0826-0201-45f9-9a1d-f5470e8baf3c","title":"GO Time - Interview with Ruth Hubbard","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-hubbard","content_text":"Today’s episode features our missionary, Ruth Hubbard. Ruth has been a part of our Faith Missions Family for the last 20 years. She spent 14 years partnered with Wycliiffe Bible Translation, and in the last 6 years has been on staff with Intervarsity. As you listen, I hope that Ruth’s passion and enthusiasm for the the younger generations comes through and you are encouraged by her message of hope for the future Church. Ruth’s hybrid seminar is Sunday, September 26th at 6:30.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eToday’s episode features our missionary, Ruth Hubbard. Ruth has been a part of our Faith Missions Family for the last 20 years. She spent 14 years partnered with Wycliiffe Bible Translation, and in the last 6 years has been on staff with Intervarsity. As you listen, I hope that Ruth’s passion and enthusiasm for the the younger generations comes through and you are encouraged by her message of hope for the future Church. Ruth’s hybrid seminar is Sunday, September 26th at 6:30.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing five podcasts prior to our 2021 global outreach conference. The purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to meet missionaries to you and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I strongly encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. \r\n\r\nWe’re purposefully rolling out these episodes before GO Time so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event or hear from them during their seminar. \r\n","date_published":"2021-09-14T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/df0a0826-0201-45f9-9a1d-f5470e8baf3c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51372726,"duration_in_seconds":3209}]},{"id":"54acd1bc-8b52-43ec-811d-3c925071c01a","title":"Hope of Rescue (Ruth 3)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hope-of-rescue","content_text":"It’s wonderful when God answers prayer by acting directly or miraculously to bring about good outcomes. But what if he more commonly works in and through people to accomplish his purposes? And what if that might include us? Join us as we see what that looks like in Ruth chapter 3 as we consider “The Hope of Rescue.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt’s wonderful when God answers prayer by acting directly or miraculously to bring about good outcomes. But what if he more commonly works in and through people to accomplish his purposes? And what if that might include us? Join us as we see what that looks like in Ruth chapter 3 as we consider “The Hope of Rescue.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Ruth: Hope in the Ordinary Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-09-13T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/54acd1bc-8b52-43ec-811d-3c925071c01a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26143432,"duration_in_seconds":2444}]},{"id":"c2db0b2b-adec-4dfa-b610-642616ecd975","title":"GO Time - Interview with Cindy Irwin","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-irwin","content_text":"Today’s episode features our missionary, Cindy Irwin. She has been doing vocational ministry and partnered with the Faith Missions Family for 35 years and was in Pakistan up until 8 years ago. As you listen to the podcast, you’ll be able to hear her heart for immigrants and refugees and we’ll have the privilege of learning from her in her seminar on Friday, September 24th. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eToday’s episode features our missionary, Cindy Irwin. She has been doing vocational ministry and partnered with the Faith Missions Family for 35 years and was in Pakistan up until 8 years ago. As you listen to the podcast, you’ll be able to hear her heart for immigrants and refugees and we’ll have the privilege of learning from her in her seminar on Friday, September 24th. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We are releasing five podcasts prior to our 2021 Global Outreach Conference. The purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to meet missionaries to you and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I strongly encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. \r\n\r\nWe’re purposefully rolling out these episodes before GO Time so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event or hear from them during their seminar. ","date_published":"2021-09-10T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c2db0b2b-adec-4dfa-b610-642616ecd975.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30104237,"duration_in_seconds":1879}]},{"id":"1e65b4d6-a2fc-4ed7-92b5-3179b267a8eb","title":"Under His Wings (Ruth 2)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/under-his-wings","content_text":"The dramatic Biblical story of Ruth continues, almost written in the form of a 4 Act screen play ready for filming. Act 2, the second chapter finds the two widows, Naomi and Ruth, now in Bethlehem from Moab. What hope does a widowed Moabite woman have in a tight knit Jewish town that is filled with danger for a foreigner? From a human perspective, prospects are dim, yet in God’s grace, she finds favor and acceptance as we meet another main character, Boaz. Join us for an examination of Ruth 2, Under His Wings.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe dramatic Biblical story of Ruth continues, almost written in the form of a 4 Act screen play ready for filming. Act 2, the second chapter finds the two widows, Naomi and Ruth, now in Bethlehem from Moab. What hope does a widowed Moabite woman have in a tight knit Jewish town that is filled with danger for a foreigner? From a human perspective, prospects are dim, yet in God’s grace, she finds favor and acceptance as we meet another main character, Boaz. Join us for an examination of Ruth 2, Under His Wings.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Ruth Hope in the Ordinary Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-09-07T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1e65b4d6-a2fc-4ed7-92b5-3179b267a8eb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25925872,"duration_in_seconds":2284}]},{"id":"f9cba619-f78f-47a3-ad83-9024f7f8d898","title":"GO Time - Interview with Mark Slaughter","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-slaughter","content_text":"Today’s episode features our missionary, Mark Slaughter. He has been preaching the gospel for 44 years, been in vocational ministry for 37 years, and has spent 32 of them partnered with intervarsity and our faith missions family. One reason why we’re rolling out this podcast first is because Mark shares a few timely prayer requests that pertain to this very week that the podcast is published. \n\nIn the podcast, he mentions his two podcasts. One is not open to the public, but the other one is linked below! Check it out!\nMark co-hosts a podcast with the National Day of Prayer Task Force called, \"Love Beyond\". This is part of NDP's \"United in Love\" initiative of mobilizing prayer, care (service, etc.), and sharing the gospel across the USA... mobilizing believers toward awakening. They alternate co-hosts and interview ministry leaders across America, offering ways people can pray and serve. \n\nMark is also a part of the \"A Conversation with a Mentor\" (Lausanne's YLGen global podcast on mentoring) and you can check it out here.Links:Love Beyond Podcast — Mark co-hosts a podcast with the National Day of Prayer Task Force called, \"Love Beyond\". This is part of NDP's \"United in Love\" initiative of mobilizing prayer, care (service, etc.), and sharing the gospel across the USA... mobilizing believers toward awakening. They alternate co-hosts and interview ministry leaders across America, offering ways people can pray and serve. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eToday’s episode features our missionary, Mark Slaughter. He has been preaching the gospel for 44 years, been in vocational ministry for 37 years, and has spent 32 of them partnered with intervarsity and our faith missions family. One reason why we’re rolling out this podcast first is because Mark shares a few timely prayer requests that pertain to this very week that the podcast is published. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eIn the podcast, he mentions his two podcasts. One is not open to the public, but the other one is linked below! Check it out!\u003cbr\u003e\nMark co-hosts a podcast with the National Day of Prayer Task Force called, \u0026quot;\u003ca href=\"https://www.unitedinlove.org/listen/love-beyond-podcast\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eLove Beyond\u003c/a\u003e\u0026quot;. This is part of NDP\u0026#39;s \u0026quot;United in Love\u0026quot; initiative of mobilizing prayer, care (service, etc.), and sharing the gospel across the USA... mobilizing believers toward awakening. They alternate co-hosts and interview ministry leaders across America, offering ways people can pray and serve. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eMark is also a part of the \u0026quot;A Conversation with a Mentor\u0026quot; (Lausanne\u0026#39;s YLGen global podcast on mentoring) and you can check it out \u003ca href=\"https://info.lausanne.org/en/pages/conversations-with-a-mentor-podcast\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eLinks:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Love Beyond Podcast\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.unitedinlove.org/listen/love-beyond-podcast\"\u003eLove Beyond Podcast\u003c/a\u003e \u0026mdash; Mark co-hosts a podcast with the National Day of Prayer Task Force called, \"Love Beyond\". This is part of NDP's \"United in Love\" initiative of mobilizing prayer, care (service, etc.), and sharing the gospel across the USA... mobilizing believers toward awakening. They alternate co-hosts and interview ministry leaders across America, offering ways people can pray and serve. \u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e","summary":"\r\nWe are releasing five podcasts prior to our 2021 global outreach conference. The purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to meet missionaries to you and hear what they’re up to. They will also share a few ways you can be partnering with them in prayer. I strongly encourage you to take time to pray for each missionary when the episode ends. \r\n\r\nWe’re purposefully rolling out these episodes before GO Time so you can catch up with them before you see them at an event or hear from them during their seminar. ","date_published":"2021-09-07T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f9cba619-f78f-47a3-ad83-9024f7f8d898.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40580065,"duration_in_seconds":2499}]},{"id":"d4d102bf-1db2-4cf5-83de-8c4c43c329d3","title":"Welcoming the Nations Among Us Luncheon","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/welcoming-the-nations","content_text":"How can we engage, love, and serve our neighbors with cultural differences and language barriers? Matt Soerens leads us through a discussion.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHow can we engage, love, and serve our neighbors with cultural differences and language barriers? Matt Soerens leads us through a discussion.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Mosaic Event 2021","date_published":"2021-08-31T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d4d102bf-1db2-4cf5-83de-8c4c43c329d3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":54534937,"duration_in_seconds":5172}]},{"id":"b3e3b2e6-f8a4-46ca-9a59-0362a5f73bac","title":"Hope in Suffering (Ruth 1)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hope-in-suffering","content_text":"The story of Ruth is a glimpse into what God is doing to accomplish his good purposes, not despite the choices of people, but through them. When all things appear hopeless, God is faithful. It’s a message for those who doubt whether God is in control, whether God is good, and whether faithfulness to do what is right is worth it in hard times. Join us as we look at “Hope in Suffering” from Ruth chapter 1.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe story of Ruth is a glimpse into what God is doing to accomplish his good purposes, not despite the choices of people, but through them. When all things appear hopeless, God is faithful. It’s a message for those who doubt whether God is in control, whether God is good, and whether faithfulness to do what is right is worth it in hard times. Join us as we look at “Hope in Suffering” from Ruth chapter 1.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Ruth - Hope in the Ordinary Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-08-30T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b3e3b2e6-f8a4-46ca-9a59-0362a5f73bac.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23114440,"duration_in_seconds":2104}]},{"id":"5ec4a35c-8d08-43ce-887e-a9b2299ae83b","title":"Wisdom Personified (Proverbs 31:10-31)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/wisdom-personified","content_text":"The writers of Proverbs have given us wisdom for relationships, work, family, community, money, possessions, perspective on life, and more. But how does that all fit together? What does wisdom look like actually lived out? Join us for the last sermon in our Proverbs series, as we look at “Wisdom Personified” from Proverbs 31:10-31.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe writers of Proverbs have given us wisdom for relationships, work, family, community, money, possessions, perspective on life, and more. But how does that all fit together? What does wisdom look like actually lived out? Join us for the last sermon in our Proverbs series, as we look at “Wisdom Personified” from Proverbs 31:10-31.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-08-23T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5ec4a35c-8d08-43ce-887e-a9b2299ae83b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21830224,"duration_in_seconds":1888}]},{"id":"3d773ca9-a88c-4f2c-96f6-3d205ce40da6","title":"Faith Stories - Charlie and Loraine Kelley","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/kelley","content_text":"From Pennsylvania to Afghanistan and beyond, Charlie and Loraine Kelley's journey has been filled with unexpected turns. Some were welcomed, others not so much, but all have been used by God as the couple has ministered to those in need of medical attention and those who provide it. The Kellys share their faith story, \"Surprises on the Journey\" ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFrom Pennsylvania to Afghanistan and beyond, Charlie and Loraine Kelley\u0026#39;s journey has been filled with unexpected turns. Some were welcomed, others not so much, but all have been used by God as the couple has ministered to those in need of medical attention and those who provide it. The Kellys share their faith story, \u0026quot;Surprises on the Journey\u0026quot; \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Surprises on the Journey","date_published":"2021-08-17T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3d773ca9-a88c-4f2c-96f6-3d205ce40da6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27398167,"duration_in_seconds":2336}]},{"id":"7bd6a5df-c192-423a-8253-4dacc4b0b12f","title":"I Am Weary O God (Proverbs 30)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/i-am-weary-o-god","content_text":"Agur is an unknown writer except for this one chapter in Proverbs 30, yet he shares a confession of his weariness and need for wisdom beyond himself. This dependence on God and the requests he makes call to mind many of the appeals of the Lord’s Prayer – our need for God’s wisdom, our need for protection from evil, and our dependence on God for basic needs. Join us as Pastor Tom preaches from Proverbs 30.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAgur is an unknown writer except for this one chapter in Proverbs 30, yet he shares a confession of his weariness and need for wisdom beyond himself. This dependence on God and the requests he makes call to mind many of the appeals of the Lord’s Prayer – our need for God’s wisdom, our need for protection from evil, and our dependence on God for basic needs. Join us as Pastor Tom preaches from Proverbs 30.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-08-17T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7bd6a5df-c192-423a-8253-4dacc4b0b12f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29519272,"duration_in_seconds":2176}]},{"id":"fed58993-7b89-47cf-9116-455733a74a08","title":"Faith Stories - Alex Choi","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-stories-choi","content_text":"Living in the Storm","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLiving in the Storm\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Summer 2021","date_published":"2021-08-09T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fed58993-7b89-47cf-9116-455733a74a08.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29169227,"duration_in_seconds":2173}]},{"id":"ccd2abd9-bc29-433d-bfc8-7f5e8dcdbcff","title":"The Way of Wisdom in Community (Proverbs 18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-way-of-wisdom-in-community","content_text":"We continue our study of the book of Proverbs as Mark Dunker teaches from Proverbs 18:1-8, 12-21. Special Guest: Mark Dunker.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue our study of the book of Proverbs as Mark Dunker teaches from Proverbs 18:1-8, 12-21. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Mark Dunker.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-08-09T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ccd2abd9-bc29-433d-bfc8-7f5e8dcdbcff.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24269272,"duration_in_seconds":1850}]},{"id":"24301e8c-cdb2-477c-817a-0ae90b3b4cdf","title":"Anger, Self-Control \u0026 Wisdom (Proverbs 16:18-20, 32-33","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/anger-self-control-and-wisdom","content_text":"Let's focus on peace and unity – with God and especially each other. Our words and actions are too easily harsh and angry. What does Proverbs 16 have to say about our speech and how to interact with one another? How do we step aside, check our pride and motivations, and speak with self-control? We need to learn this now, more than ever, because it seems like our culture is too comfortable with the quick cancellation or harsh response.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLet\u0026#39;s focus on peace and unity – with God and especially each other. Our words and actions are too easily harsh and angry. What does Proverbs 16 have to say about our speech and how to interact with one another? How do we step aside, check our pride and motivations, and speak with self-control? We need to learn this now, more than ever, because it seems like our culture is too comfortable with the quick cancellation or harsh response.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-08-02T16:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/24301e8c-cdb2-477c-817a-0ae90b3b4cdf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17709504,"duration_in_seconds":987}]},{"id":"6a33692b-d505-4df4-8a70-56c40454685d","title":"Faith Story - Peter \u0026 Joyce Vickery","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-stories-vickery","content_text":"Our Ever Faithful Father Faith Stories Summer 2021","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur Ever Faithful Father Faith Stories Summer 2021\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our Ever Faithful Father","date_published":"2021-07-26T09:45:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6a33692b-d505-4df4-8a70-56c40454685d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":39639664,"duration_in_seconds":2872}]},{"id":"ab99751d-e2e3-4104-b0e9-cf2be1f6bcdc","title":"The Way of Wisdom with Words (Proverbs 15:1-10)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-way-of-wisdom-with-words","content_text":"We need God’s wisdom to navigate how we communicate and listen in a world where many are shouting at or talking over each other. Proverbs 15 gives us wisdom so we can have godly interactions in our daily lives with a heart pointed towards the Father. Join us as we study The Way of Wisdom with Words from Proverbs 15:1-10.Special Guest: Curtis Coston.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe need God’s wisdom to navigate how we communicate and listen in a world where many are shouting at or talking over each other. Proverbs 15 gives us wisdom so we can have godly interactions in our daily lives with a heart pointed towards the Father. Join us as we study The Way of Wisdom with Words from Proverbs 15:1-10.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Curtis Coston.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-07-26T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ab99751d-e2e3-4104-b0e9-cf2be1f6bcdc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37212024,"duration_in_seconds":1905}]},{"id":"0842b4c4-2262-4a45-aab5-1272f49acfd2","title":"God's New Old House (Proverbs 24:1-6)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gods-new-old-house","content_text":"Anyone who has tried to build their own house knows that such a project involves a lot of work – and a lot of decisions. As it turns out, God is also building a house with his people. In this house project, God himself does the work but he also involves his people in so many important decisions. If God is building a house, what difference does this make to our life decisions?Special Guest: Nick Perrin.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAnyone who has tried to build their own house knows that such a project involves a lot of work – and a lot of decisions. As it turns out, God is also building a house with his people. In this house project, God himself does the work but he also involves his people in so many important decisions. If God is building a house, what difference does this make to our life decisions?\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Nick Perrin.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-07-19T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0842b4c4-2262-4a45-aab5-1272f49acfd2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30758632,"duration_in_seconds":2120}]},{"id":"25686a0d-a6a8-4a23-95e2-d3a341f0953b","title":"The Christian Pursuit of Justice Needs to Proceed From God's Wisdom (Proverbs 11:1-7)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/christian-pursuit-of-justice","content_text":"Join us as we study Proverbs 11:1-7, and hear from our guest preacher, Jules Martinez.Special Guest: Jules Martinez.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJoin us as we study Proverbs 11:1-7, and hear from our guest preacher, Jules Martinez.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Jules Martinez.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-07-12T10:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/25686a0d-a6a8-4a23-95e2-d3a341f0953b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32964520,"duration_in_seconds":2386}]},{"id":"fbacffeb-280d-432c-a2c1-92c549247e85","title":"Faith Story - Troy \u0026 Laura Hawkins","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hawkins","content_text":"Daily Bread - Faith Stories Summer 2021","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDaily Bread - Faith Stories Summer 2021\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Daily Bread","date_published":"2021-07-12T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fbacffeb-280d-432c-a2c1-92c549247e85.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43065208,"duration_in_seconds":3169}]},{"id":"325ac0e7-bbe4-407e-8db6-8cb06c4fa051","title":"Righteousness Exalts a Nation (Proverbs 14:34)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/righteousness-exalts-a-nation","content_text":"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. - Proverbs 14:34\nStarting with Proverbs 10, a long chain of proverbs contrast the wise and the foolish, the righteous and the wicked, poor and rich, good and evil. But this one is somewhat unique in that it speaks not of the individual, but of a nation, a tribe, an ethnic group, any people group. As Americans celebrate 245 years as a nation on July 4, this proverb definitely applies. Is the United States of America characterized by national righteousness? What sin is a reproach to our country? How does the church and individual believers contribute to the direction of our nation?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eRighteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. - Proverbs 14:34\u003cbr\u003e\nStarting with Proverbs 10, a long chain of proverbs contrast the wise and the foolish, the righteous and the wicked, poor and rich, good and evil. But this one is somewhat unique in that it speaks not of the individual, but of a nation, a tribe, an ethnic group, any people group. As Americans celebrate 245 years as a nation on July 4, this proverb definitely applies. Is the United States of America characterized by national righteousness? What sin is a reproach to our country? How does the church and individual believers contribute to the direction of our nation?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-07-06T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/325ac0e7-bbe4-407e-8db6-8cb06c4fa051.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13023808,"duration_in_seconds":2453}]},{"id":"a8eea5a8-c069-4776-9311-60562982c896","title":"Throwback Episode - GO Time Interview with the Singleterrys","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-singleterry-interview-throwback","content_text":"Did you miss our GO Time podcasts from the fall? We're releasing the five interviews over the next few months. In this episode, you'll hear a few stories from her in missions and catch up with Janet and Andy Singleterry.\n\nThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDid you miss our GO Time podcasts from the fall? We\u0026#39;re releasing the five interviews over the next few months. In this episode, you\u0026#39;ll hear a few stories from her in missions and catch up with Janet and Andy Singleterry.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the \u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003elink\u003c/a\u003e below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear a few stories from her time in missions and catch up with the Janet and Andy Singleterry.","date_published":"2021-07-03T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a8eea5a8-c069-4776-9311-60562982c896.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35889695,"duration_in_seconds":2240}]},{"id":"76274b46-2f50-4f5c-a978-58fc5370c341","title":"Faith Stories - Nathan Kingsley","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-stories-kingsley","content_text":"Sanctification in the Ordinary","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSanctification in the Ordinary\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Sanctification in the Ordinary","date_published":"2021-06-28T11:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/76274b46-2f50-4f5c-a978-58fc5370c341.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18930629,"duration_in_seconds":3496}]},{"id":"fcf345a3-78a9-4a8c-b02d-ccc956171bcb","title":"Wisdom is Better Than Jewels (Proverbs 8)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/wisdom-is-better-than-jewels","content_text":"Throughout the Proverbs \"Lady Wisdom\" constantly calls out to us, inviting us, welcoming us to rejoice in her good treasures. Why is wisdom personified this way? And why do we humans love folly so much? Why do we need to be persuaded like this to attain wisdom? The Lord is full of wisdom and all he does is wise. To be wise, therefore, is fully to bear the image of God and to be imitators of his ways.Special Guest: Nicholas Piotrowski.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThroughout the Proverbs \u0026quot;Lady Wisdom\u0026quot; constantly calls out to us, inviting us, welcoming us to rejoice in her good treasures. Why is wisdom personified this way? And why do we humans love folly so much? Why do we need to be persuaded like this to attain wisdom? The Lord is full of wisdom and all he does is wise. To be wise, therefore, is fully to bear the image of God and to be imitators of his ways.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Nicholas Piotrowski.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-06-28T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fcf345a3-78a9-4a8c-b02d-ccc956171bcb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":76242304,"duration_in_seconds":1906}]},{"id":"2bfd2031-fa32-492f-aae5-7750a4a5d8e7","title":"Faith Stories - Jose Luis \u0026 Franny Bolivar","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/bolivar","content_text":"Jose Luis and Franny Bolivar from Iglesia de Fé will share their story, \"Jesus Renews.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJose Luis and Franny Bolivar from Iglesia de Fé will share their story, \u0026quot;Jesus Renews.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus Renews","date_published":"2021-06-21T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2bfd2031-fa32-492f-aae5-7750a4a5d8e7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":74593836,"duration_in_seconds":1855}]},{"id":"6fd99e83-32b0-4e2d-9d08-9ba92b92bfca","title":"Wisdom and Folly (Proverbs 1:1-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/wisdom-and-folly","content_text":"Solomon tells us, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7). A wise person fears, obeys, and reverences the Lord; a fool despises God’s instruction and cannot be told what to do. The wise person is wise because s/he has started at the starting place – the attitude of their heart. Join us as we start a new series in Proverbs with “Wisdom and Folly” from Proverbs 1.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSolomon tells us, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7). A wise person fears, obeys, and reverences the Lord; a fool despises God’s instruction and cannot be told what to do. The wise person is wise because s/he has started at the starting place – the attitude of their heart. Join us as we start a new series in Proverbs with “Wisdom and Folly” from Proverbs 1.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Proverbs the Way of Wisdom Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-06-21T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6fd99e83-32b0-4e2d-9d08-9ba92b92bfca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":73776064,"duration_in_seconds":1844}]},{"id":"526c2518-7475-4933-bd94-0804743bf0b5","title":"Throwback Episode - GO Time Interview with Mark and Alyssa","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-mark-and-alyssa-interview-throwback","content_text":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Mark and Alyssa.\n\nThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Mark and Alyssa.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Mark and Alyssa.\r\n\r\n","date_published":"2021-06-18T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/526c2518-7475-4933-bd94-0804743bf0b5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41920402,"duration_in_seconds":2502}]},{"id":"ee706443-7e88-4b29-8a76-24dcf75e780b","title":"Cut for Time: James 5:13-20","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-216","content_text":"Pastor Jeff wraps up our time in James and gives us context for our new series in Proverbs that starts on Sunday.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff wraps up our time in James and gives us context for our new series in Proverbs that starts on Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff wraps up our time in James and gives us context for our new series in Proverbs that starts on Sunday.","date_published":"2021-06-17T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ee706443-7e88-4b29-8a76-24dcf75e780b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18605218,"duration_in_seconds":1161}]},{"id":"18047483-738d-4ea3-b217-f62e17220bc4","title":"Faith Stories - Dan \u0026 Jenn Breitwieser","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/breitwieser","content_text":"The last few years have brought two shocking medical diagnoses that turned life upside down for Dan and Jenn Breitwieser and their young family. As they continue to navigate uncertainty, they're learning to trust in the goodness of God in new ways. Dan and Jenn Breitwieser share their story, \"Deep Waters, Deeper Faith.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe last few years have brought two shocking medical diagnoses that turned life upside down for Dan and Jenn Breitwieser and their young family. As they continue to navigate uncertainty, they\u0026#39;re learning to trust in the goodness of God in new ways. Dan and Jenn Breitwieser share their story, \u0026quot;Deep Waters, Deeper Faith.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Deep Waters, Deeper Faith","date_published":"2021-06-14T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/18047483-738d-4ea3-b217-f62e17220bc4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":87597076,"duration_in_seconds":2180}]},{"id":"d242d62c-0836-4724-bc1d-899b5efbe156","title":"Radical Faith (James 5:13-20","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/radical-faith","content_text":"In his letter James has called us to a radical faith in a great God. We are to live by the wisdom that comes from above. Living and active faith will be seen in how we live – and in how we respond to all kinds of situations in our lives. Join us as we look at the last message in our series, “Radical Faith,” from James 5:13-20.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn his letter James has called us to a radical faith in a great God. We are to live by the wisdom that comes from above. Living and active faith will be seen in how we live – and in how we respond to all kinds of situations in our lives. Join us as we look at the last message in our series, “Radical Faith,” from James 5:13-20.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"James Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-06-14T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d242d62c-0836-4724-bc1d-899b5efbe156.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":80773504,"duration_in_seconds":2019}]},{"id":"e9142d33-e771-4654-a067-5aa7fadccab7","title":"Cut for Time: James 5:7-12","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-215","content_text":"Bob Blahnik gives us some more insight to his sermon from Sunday, \"Be Patient.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBob Blahnik gives us some more insight to his sermon from Sunday, \u0026quot;Be Patient.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Bob Blahnik gives us some more insight to his sermon from Sunday, \"Be Patient.\"","date_published":"2021-06-09T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e9142d33-e771-4654-a067-5aa7fadccab7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":10729116,"duration_in_seconds":669}]},{"id":"492b4d97-f10c-4961-9726-e48d38665fa4","title":"Faith Stories - Ellie Hathaway","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-stories-hathaway","content_text":"On more than one occasion, Ellie Hathaway has found her life taking an unexpected turn, whether it's a sudden job change or finding herself stuck on a toll road with no cash. Learn how the unexpected has taught Ellie to find strength in the phrase \"Not my will, but His.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn more than one occasion, Ellie Hathaway has found her life taking an unexpected turn, whether it\u0026#39;s a sudden job change or finding herself stuck on a toll road with no cash. Learn how the unexpected has taught Ellie to find strength in the phrase \u0026quot;Not my will, but His.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Not my will, but His","date_published":"2021-06-07T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/492b4d97-f10c-4961-9726-e48d38665fa4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":75065263,"duration_in_seconds":1867}]},{"id":"bbd0aa16-b10b-4b38-a044-d62cf547a0e4","title":"Be Patient (James 5:7-12)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/be-patient","content_text":"In 5:7-12, James gives us two main ways that we can develop patience especially when we face trials and suffering. He also shares two rather ugly responses that we demonstrate when we are impatient. To learn these truths from the wisdom of James’ words, we will need to wait patiently for this Sunday’s message.Special Guest: Bob Blahnik.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn 5:7-12, James gives us two main ways that we can develop patience especially when we face trials and suffering. He also shares two rather ugly responses that we demonstrate when we are impatient. To learn these truths from the wisdom of James’ words, we will need to wait patiently for this Sunday’s message.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Bob Blahnik.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"James Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-06-07T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bbd0aa16-b10b-4b38-a044-d62cf547a0e4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":78525184,"duration_in_seconds":1963}]},{"id":"506c3161-5e60-4a4b-afc7-9ff8630fbda8","title":"Throwback Episode - GO Time Interview with Kathi Small","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-small-interview-throwback","content_text":"Did you miss our GO Time podcasts from the fall? We're releasing the five interviews over the next few months. In this episode, you'll hear a few stories from her in missions and catch up with Kathi Small.\n\nThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDid you miss our GO Time podcasts from the fall? We\u0026#39;re releasing the five interviews over the next few months. In this episode, you\u0026#39;ll hear a few stories from her in missions and catch up with Kathi Small.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the \u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003elink\u003c/a\u003e below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear a few stories from her time in missions and catch up with Kathi Small.\r\n","date_published":"2021-06-02T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/506c3161-5e60-4a4b-afc7-9ff8630fbda8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33848986,"duration_in_seconds":2112}]},{"id":"cb6efab0-85f1-4f3d-867c-3bc6c02a1b75","title":"Faith-Centered Living (James 4:13-5:6)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-centered-living","content_text":"James doesn’t pull any punches in his letter, and especially not when he is addressing the rich and the wealthy in the midst of the church. He is not condemning the act of having wealth, but rather he is condemning the acts and attitudes that flow from having wealth and riches that lead to pride and self-dependance. He is urging and pleading his readers to humble themselves before God and realize that true faith means having true dependance on God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJames doesn’t pull any punches in his letter, and especially not when he is addressing the rich and the wealthy in the midst of the church. He is not condemning the act of having wealth, but rather he is condemning the acts and attitudes that flow from having wealth and riches that lead to pride and self-dependance. He is urging and pleading his readers to humble themselves before God and realize that true faith means having true dependance on God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"James Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-05-31T09:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/cb6efab0-85f1-4f3d-867c-3bc6c02a1b75.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":95665984,"duration_in_seconds":2391}]},{"id":"bb216f3c-469a-461d-b6f1-0d042f79c11d","title":"Hope for Our Conflicts (James 4:1-12)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/james-4-1-12","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"James 4:1-12 Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-05-24T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bb216f3c-469a-461d-b6f1-0d042f79c11d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26500264,"duration_in_seconds":1963}]},{"id":"62cbc5cf-df98-48b3-9021-e8dd71782d8f","title":"Cut for Time: James 3:13-18","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-214","content_text":"The this episode of Cut for Time, Pastor Joey talks more about his ordination process and how suffering well leads to wisdom.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe this episode of Cut for Time, Pastor Joey talks more about his ordination process and how suffering well leads to wisdom.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The this episode of Cut for Time, Pastor Joey talks more about his ordination process and how suffering well leads to wisdom.","date_published":"2021-05-19T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/62cbc5cf-df98-48b3-9021-e8dd71782d8f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20698378,"duration_in_seconds":1292}]},{"id":"a090d5a6-e9f4-49c6-b844-0efc5ab72e56","title":"Wisdom Worth Sharing (James 3:13-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/wisdomworthsharingjames313-18","content_text":"Hey everybody! Got an opinion you’re just dying for others to hear? Do you know the solution to all the world’s problems? If people just listened to you, would their lives be immeasurably better? If so, step forward! Let’s see how wise your wisdom really is — does it come from above? Is it characterized by gentleness and meekness? If your life shows humility, then you’re just the person we’re looking for! \n\nMaybe that’s a bit over-stated, but not by much. James invites us to consider how our so-called “wisdom” really plays out in our lives. If we’re living according to heavenly wisdom, our lives will show humility and gentleness. If our lives don’t show humility, well, then…where does our “wisdom” really come from?\n\nJoin us for “Wisdom Worth Sharing” from James 3:13-18!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHey everybody! Got an opinion you’re just dying for others to hear? Do you know the solution to all the world’s problems? If people just listened to you, would their lives be immeasurably better? If so, step forward! Let’s see how wise your wisdom really is — does it come from above? Is it characterized by gentleness and meekness? If your life shows humility, then you’re just the person we’re looking for! \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eMaybe that’s a bit over-stated, but not by much. James invites us to consider how our so-called “wisdom” really plays out in our lives. If we’re living according to heavenly wisdom, our lives will show humility and gentleness. If our lives don’t show humility, well, then…where does our “wisdom” really come from?\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eJoin us for “Wisdom Worth Sharing” from James 3:13-18!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"James 3:13-18 Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-05-17T11:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a090d5a6-e9f4-49c6-b844-0efc5ab72e56.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51419851,"duration_in_seconds":2141}]},{"id":"1074a7c8-9c58-4dcb-adba-317819af61dc","title":"Cut for Time: James 3:1-12","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-212","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares application of this passage to his own life and challenges us to do the same. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares application of this passage to his own life and challenges us to do the same. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares application of this passage to his own life and challenges us to do the same. ","date_published":"2021-05-12T09:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1074a7c8-9c58-4dcb-adba-317819af61dc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13211286,"duration_in_seconds":823}]},{"id":"ad693b1e-8da5-4719-9251-d809f303e07a","title":"The Weight of Our Words (James 3:1-12)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/weight-of-our-words","content_text":"James has told us our actions should reflect what we claim to believe; now he says something similar about our words. Words aren’t just random sounds or empty air, they are powerful and potentially dangerous –because they show what we really love. Join us as we look at “The Weight of Our Words” from James 3:1-12.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJames has told us our actions should reflect what we claim to believe; now he says something similar about our words. Words aren’t just random sounds or empty air, they are powerful and potentially dangerous –because they show what we really love. Join us as we look at “The Weight of Our Words” from James 3:1-12.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"James Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-05-10T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ad693b1e-8da5-4719-9251-d809f303e07a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22959664,"duration_in_seconds":1713}]},{"id":"b51ca7e9-e446-4985-ac06-2838330c8e27","title":"Throwback Episode - GO Time Interview with the Shrums","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-shrum-interview-throwback","content_text":"Did you miss our GO Time podcasts from the fall? We're releasing the five interviews over the next few months. In this episode, you'll hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Jeff and Peg Shrum.\n\nThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDid you miss our GO Time podcasts from the fall? We\u0026#39;re releasing the five interviews over the next few months. In this episode, you\u0026#39;ll hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Jeff and Peg Shrum.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the \u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003elink\u003c/a\u003e below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Peg and Jeff Shrum.","date_published":"2021-05-08T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b51ca7e9-e446-4985-ac06-2838330c8e27.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31785577,"duration_in_seconds":1982}]},{"id":"9d2751e8-09d8-49a9-bb12-d9adbf6f670e","title":"Cut for Time: James 2:14-26","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-211","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things that he had to cut from Sundays sermon studying James 2:14-26.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few things that he had to cut from Sundays sermon studying James 2:14-26.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things that he had to cut from Sundays sermon studying James 2:14-26.","date_published":"2021-05-05T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9d2751e8-09d8-49a9-bb12-d9adbf6f670e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17503896,"duration_in_seconds":1092}]},{"id":"9a740cec-6212-4490-8bf8-81782abe1e19","title":"Real Faith (James 2:14-26)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/real-faith","content_text":"\"By grace have you been saved through faith,\" Paul assures us. By his grace, God offers to us the gift of his rescue, forgiveness, and new life; and that offer is founded on what Jesus did for us. By faith, we accept or receive that gift. But how does the Bible describe this faith? What is faith? What is involved, what does it look like? Join us as we look at “Real Faith” from James 2:14-26.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u0026quot;By grace have you been saved through faith,\u0026quot; Paul assures us. By his grace, God offers to us the gift of his rescue, forgiveness, and new life; and that offer is founded on what Jesus did for us. By faith, we accept or receive that gift. But how does the Bible describe this faith? What is faith? What is involved, what does it look like? Join us as we look at “Real Faith” from James 2:14-26.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"James Practicing Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-05-03T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9a740cec-6212-4490-8bf8-81782abe1e19.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":70615744,"duration_in_seconds":1765}]},{"id":"990efccc-0276-4672-a6ad-2517b1ce73c9","title":"Cut for Time: James 2:1-13","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-210","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares a bit on his upcoming sabbatical (just four weeks away!) and is vulnerable about his own sin nature in categorizing people and by doing so, challenges us to look at our own hearts and see what needs to change.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares a bit on his upcoming sabbatical (just four weeks away!) and is vulnerable about his own sin nature in categorizing people and by doing so, challenges us to look at our own hearts and see what needs to change.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares a bit on his upcoming sabbatical (just four weeks away!) and is vulnerable about his own sin nature in categorizing people and by doing so, challenges us to look at our own hearts and see what needs to change.","date_published":"2021-04-28T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/990efccc-0276-4672-a6ad-2517b1ce73c9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19821807,"duration_in_seconds":1237}]},{"id":"18ebfe4b-25ed-4473-92b3-e7eda418ea4e","title":"Doing the Word in Church (James 2:1-13)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/doing-the-word-in-church","content_text":"After telling his readers to be doers of the message of the gospel, not just hearers of it, James begins to give some concrete examples of how. And he strikes right at the heart of worship: the Sunday morning service, in which the well-dressed and socially significant are given prominence and honor, while the poorly-dressed and socially insignificant are relegated to wherever they can find room.\n\nBut does this really fulfill the royal law of Scripture, to “love your neighbor as yourself”? Join us for “Doing the Word in Church,” as we dig in to James 2:1-13 to confront our own quick judgments with Jesus’s mercy.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter telling his readers to be doers of the message of the gospel, not just hearers of it, James begins to give some concrete examples of how. And he strikes right at the heart of worship: the Sunday morning service, in which the well-dressed and socially significant are given prominence and honor, while the poorly-dressed and socially insignificant are relegated to wherever they can find room.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eBut does this really fulfill the royal law of Scripture, to “love your neighbor as yourself”? Join us for “Doing the Word in Church,” as we dig in to James 2:1-13 to confront our own quick judgments with Jesus’s mercy.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"James Practicing Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-04-26T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/18ebfe4b-25ed-4473-92b3-e7eda418ea4e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":82298944,"duration_in_seconds":2057}]},{"id":"44aa4a7a-cad8-4cf4-8626-d0852c816ded","title":"Cut for Time: James 1:19-27","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-209","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares a sneak peak behind his sermon prep for the week and an illustration he had to cut for time. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares a sneak peak behind his sermon prep for the week and an illustration he had to cut for time. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares a sneak peak behind his sermon prep for the week and an illustration he had to cut for time. ","date_published":"2021-04-21T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/44aa4a7a-cad8-4cf4-8626-d0852c816ded.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14174907,"duration_in_seconds":884}]},{"id":"b4e98552-87dd-441e-a6c6-ab93b0bdd565","title":"Doers of the Word (James 1:19-27)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/doers-of-the-word","content_text":"After telling us to “trust the process,” James shifts his attention to our reception of the Word of God, implanted in us. We can’t just listen to the Word, we need to be doers of the Word, practicing faith like a doctor practices medicine or a lawyer practices law. How? Join us for “Doers of the Word” from James 1:19-27.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter telling us to “trust the process,” James shifts his attention to our reception of the Word of God, implanted in us. We can’t just listen to the Word, we need to be doers of the Word, practicing faith like a doctor practices medicine or a lawyer practices law. How? Join us for “Doers of the Word” from James 1:19-27.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"James Practicing Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-04-19T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b4e98552-87dd-441e-a6c6-ab93b0bdd565.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":79545664,"duration_in_seconds":1988}]},{"id":"f7091b5f-2bb0-42e1-b4e3-f8407a98fc78","title":"What's Next for the Cluffs?","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cluff-interview","content_text":"As a follow up to our GO Time podcast interview, we have a short chat with Joe to hear about what's next for his family and how we can join them in prayer. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs a follow up to our GO Time podcast interview, we have a short chat with Joe to hear about what\u0026#39;s next for his family and how we can join them in prayer. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"As a follow up to our GO Time podcast interview, we have a short chat with Joe to hear about what's next for his family and how we can join them in prayer. ","date_published":"2021-04-16T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f7091b5f-2bb0-42e1-b4e3-f8407a98fc78.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19584155,"duration_in_seconds":1222}]},{"id":"15fafb3a-4dde-440d-a10d-4746984937c4","title":"Cut for Time: James 1:1-18","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-208","content_text":"Pastor Jeff preached this past Sunday and not only preached through a longer passage, he also had to introduce our new series. This means that he had a lot of content that he wasn't able to get to in the sermon. Listen to what he needed to cut for time.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff preached this past Sunday and not only preached through a longer passage, he also had to introduce our new series. This means that he had a lot of content that he wasn\u0026#39;t able to get to in the sermon. Listen to what he needed to cut for time.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff preached this past Sunday and not only preached through a longer passage, he also had to introduce our new series. This means that he had a lot of content that he wasn't able to get to in the sermon. Listen to what he needed to cut for time.","date_published":"2021-04-14T15:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/15fafb3a-4dde-440d-a10d-4746984937c4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13795939,"duration_in_seconds":860}]},{"id":"9649f958-0e54-44f9-92d1-3193c77f3e08","title":"Trust the Process (James 1:1-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/trust-the-process","content_text":"We start a new series in the book of James, “Practicing Faith.” Faith in Jesus isn’t just something we know, it’s something we do – we put our faith into practice. We start in James 1:1-18 where James shows us how faith helps us see our trials differently, and how God helps us respond differently. Join us for “Trust the Process” from James 1:1-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe start a new series in the book of James, “Practicing Faith.” Faith in Jesus isn’t just something we know, it’s something we do – we put our faith into practice. We start in James 1:1-18 where James shows us how faith helps us see our trials differently, and how God helps us respond differently. Join us for “Trust the Process” from James 1:1-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"James Practicing Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-04-12T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9649f958-0e54-44f9-92d1-3193c77f3e08.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":82388224,"duration_in_seconds":2059}]},{"id":"a8ab64ab-a51f-48e8-ae14-20d62c594071","title":"Cut for Time: Isaiah 55:1-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-207","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares what he had to cut from his sermon on Easter Sunday and summarized our time in Isaiah over the past few months.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares what he had to cut from his sermon on Easter Sunday and summarized our time in Isaiah over the past few months.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares what he had to cut from his sermon on Easter Sunday and summarized our time in Isaiah over the past few months.","date_published":"2021-04-07T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a8ab64ab-a51f-48e8-ae14-20d62c594071.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":16088415,"duration_in_seconds":1004}]},{"id":"edc0fb6e-5d36-42e6-939e-39f2842a9cdb","title":"The Servant's Feast (Isaiah 55:1-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-servants-feast","content_text":"Water! Wine! Milk! Bread! We’ve got what you’re looking for! No cost to you, it’s already paid for!” Using the cadence and language of an Ancient Near Eastern market vendor, Isaiah calls us to a feast with God, to enjoy the blessings of God’s love for his people. The invitation will soon end, so come now, while God is near! Join us for your invitation to “The Servant’s Feast” from Isaiah 55:1-9.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWater! Wine! Milk! Bread! We’ve got what you’re looking for! No cost to you, it’s already paid for!” Using the cadence and language of an Ancient Near Eastern market vendor, Isaiah calls us to a feast with God, to enjoy the blessings of God’s love for his people. The invitation will soon end, so come now, while God is near! Join us for your invitation to “The Servant’s Feast” from Isaiah 55:1-9.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Servant Who Saves Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-04-06T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/edc0fb6e-5d36-42e6-939e-39f2842a9cdb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28535304,"duration_in_seconds":1423}]},{"id":"2226c664-2595-4cac-bd97-c3afc9350e5c","title":"Good Friday 2021 (Isaiah 53:3-6)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/good-friday-2021","content_text":"On Good Friday we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We’ll hear the accounts of his last supper (and share communion), and of his betrayal, trials, suffering, and death that our sins deserved.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn Good Friday we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We’ll hear the accounts of his last supper (and share communion), and of his betrayal, trials, suffering, and death that our sins deserved.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Servant Who Saves Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-04-06T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2226c664-2595-4cac-bd97-c3afc9350e5c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":12906936,"duration_in_seconds":673}]},{"id":"ba99d8ed-87cd-4cc5-a598-f42800347bee","title":"Cut for Time: Isaiah 54:1-8","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-season2-006","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few more thoughts from the text on Sunday in the context of Holy Week.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few more thoughts from the text on Sunday in the context of Holy Week.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few more thoughts from the text on Sunday in the context of Holy Week.","date_published":"2021-03-31T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ba99d8ed-87cd-4cc5-a598-f42800347bee.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15176945,"duration_in_seconds":947}]},{"id":"6305784f-cf77-4911-8ce9-bc98b9006fe4","title":"The Joy of the Servant's People (Isaiah 54:1-8)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-joy-of-the-servants-people","content_text":"Isaiah has shown us how the Servant of the Lord would be crushed and killed – because of the sins of God's people. But the point is not to berate or shame God's people; though we are guilty and our sins are shameful, God wants us to know us to know even more restoration, confidence, and hope in Him. Join us as we see “The Joy of the Servant’s People” from Isaiah 54:1-8.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIsaiah has shown us how the Servant of the Lord would be crushed and killed – because of the sins of God\u0026#39;s people. But the point is not to berate or shame God\u0026#39;s people; though we are guilty and our sins are shameful, God wants us to know us to know even more restoration, confidence, and hope in Him. Join us as we see “The Joy of the Servant’s People” from Isaiah 54:1-8.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Servant who Saves Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-03-29T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6305784f-cf77-4911-8ce9-bc98b9006fe4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":76499584,"duration_in_seconds":1912}]},{"id":"2ed4a649-2bbd-4a27-81cd-210c233bee62","title":"Cut for Time: Isaiah 53:10-12","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-205","content_text":"Pastor Joey walks us through application of his sermon by way of sermon discussion questions.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey walks us through application of his sermon by way of sermon discussion questions.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey walks us through application of his sermon by way of sermon discussion questions.","date_published":"2021-03-24T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2ed4a649-2bbd-4a27-81cd-210c233bee62.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14025749,"duration_in_seconds":874}]},{"id":"54448f51-f5e9-45fe-a653-f59dfb4841ee","title":"The Satisfied Servant (Isaiah 53:10-12)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-satisfied-servant","content_text":"At the end of it all, was it worth it? For the Servant, the answer is a resounding “yes!” Even though he was stricken, smitten, afflicted, pierced, crushed, punished, and wounded, Isaiah 53:10-12 teaches us that the Servant was satisfied with what saving his people cost him. Join us as we read Isaiah 53:10-12 together and see “The Satisfied Servant.” ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAt the end of it all, was it worth it? For the Servant, the answer is a resounding “yes!” Even though he was stricken, smitten, afflicted, pierced, crushed, punished, and wounded, Isaiah 53:10-12 teaches us that the Servant was satisfied with what saving his people cost him. Join us as we read Isaiah 53:10-12 together and see “The Satisfied Servant.” \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Servant Who Saves Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-03-22T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/54448f51-f5e9-45fe-a653-f59dfb4841ee.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41785392,"duration_in_seconds":2059}]},{"id":"c840d8d1-de5e-4a2b-b5ab-3476ab4e4b93","title":"Cut for Time: Isaiah 53:7-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-204","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares what he learned while prepping his latest sermon and gives us a few thoughts to walk away with.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares what he learned while prepping his latest sermon and gives us a few thoughts to walk away with.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares what he learned while prepping his latest sermon and gives us a few thoughts to walk away with.","date_published":"2021-03-17T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c840d8d1-de5e-4a2b-b5ab-3476ab4e4b93.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":11613124,"duration_in_seconds":724}]},{"id":"8d1bf286-2540-431e-ac49-9f5503866e91","title":"Willing Submission (Isaiah 53:7-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/willing-submission","content_text":"We rounded the corner on this five-part Servant Song, reading how Jesus, the Servant, stepped in front of us to take the wounding that brings us healing.\n\nWe’re continuing our march toward Easter focusing on the Isaiah 53:7-9, where we discover that Jesus was no passive participant in God’s plan to rescue the world. He willingly submitted himself to God’s plan, exchanging our rebellious wills for his submissive will. Join us for “Willing Submission” as we find rest for our rebellions in Jesus’s submission.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe rounded the corner on this five-part Servant Song, reading how Jesus, the Servant, stepped in front of us to take the wounding that brings us healing.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eWe’re continuing our march toward Easter focusing on the Isaiah 53:7-9, where we discover that Jesus was no passive participant in God’s plan to rescue the world. He willingly submitted himself to God’s plan, exchanging our rebellious wills for his submissive will. Join us for “Willing Submission” as we find rest for our rebellions in Jesus’s submission.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Servant Who Saves Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-03-15T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8d1bf286-2540-431e-ac49-9f5503866e91.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":90017344,"duration_in_seconds":2250}]},{"id":"6c950d16-cd00-4bca-a231-c608f1796932","title":"Throwback Episode - GO Time Interview with the Cluffs","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-cluff-interview-throwback","content_text":"Did you miss our GO Time podcasts from the fall? We're releasing the five interviews over the next few months. In this episode, you'll hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Joe and Kim Cluff.\n\nThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDid you miss our GO Time podcasts from the fall? We\u0026#39;re releasing the five interviews over the next few months. In this episode, you\u0026#39;ll hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Joe and Kim Cluff.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the \u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003elink\u003c/a\u003e below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Joe and Kim Cluff.\r\n","date_published":"2021-03-13T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6c950d16-cd00-4bca-a231-c608f1796932.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38716060,"duration_in_seconds":2416}]},{"id":"11840d6a-ab70-44aa-963e-d99c0b4b37c1","title":"Fill your Cup // Faith Over Fear by Brenda Soderstrom","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fill-your-cup-teaching","content_text":"We recorded Brenda Soderstrom's teaching on Faith Over Fear from Fill Your Cup back in February. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe recorded Brenda Soderstrom\u0026#39;s teaching on Faith Over Fear from Fill Your Cup back in February. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We recorded Brenda Soderstrom's teaching on Faith Over Fear from Fill Your Cup back in February. ","date_published":"2021-03-11T21:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/11840d6a-ab70-44aa-963e-d99c0b4b37c1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":83511378,"duration_in_seconds":2087}]},{"id":"2302a932-41f7-47ef-9fc1-626e166e4ae8","title":"Cut for Time: Isaiah 53:4-6","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-203","content_text":"Pastor Joey gives us a few more thoughts from the scripture 53:4-6.\n\nLinks: \n\nEvery Moment Holy\n\nArticle: Growing My Faith in the Face of Death by Timothy Keller","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey gives us a few more thoughts from the scripture 53:4-6.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eLinks: \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Every-Moment-Holy-Pocket-Size/dp/1951872029/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1\u0026keywords=every+moment+holy\u0026qid=1615388093\u0026sr=8-1\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eEvery Moment Holy\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/03/tim-keller-growing-my-faith-face-death/618219/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eArticle:\u003c/a\u003e Growing My Faith in the Face of Death by Timothy Keller\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey gives us a few more thoughts from the scripture 53:4-6.","date_published":"2021-03-10T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2302a932-41f7-47ef-9fc1-626e166e4ae8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17960038,"duration_in_seconds":1121}]},{"id":"804a9072-9dac-4a45-b943-d7eb6354e865","title":"Substitute Suffering (Isaiah 53:4-6)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/substitute-suffering","content_text":"The centerpiece and middle part of the five-part Servant Song that is Isaiah 52:13-53:12 brings to the foreground the Servant’s suffering. He was indeed characterized by grief and sorrow, as 53:3 taught, but those sorrows were not his own: they were ours, which he lifted off of us and placed on himself. Carrying our sins and sorrows made him our substitute, the one who suffered on our behalf, the one whose suffering saved us and brought us peace.\n\nJoin us as we dive into “Substitute Suffering” from Isaiah 53:4-6 and see how all of our griefs, all of our sins, and all of our defects are healed at the cross of Jesus Christ.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe centerpiece and middle part of the five-part Servant Song that is Isaiah 52:13-53:12 brings to the foreground the Servant’s suffering. He was indeed characterized by grief and sorrow, as 53:3 taught, but those sorrows were not his own: they were ours, which he lifted off of us and placed on himself. Carrying our sins and sorrows made him our substitute, the one who suffered on our behalf, the one whose suffering saved us and brought us peace.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eJoin us as we dive into “Substitute Suffering” from Isaiah 53:4-6 and see how all of our griefs, all of our sins, and all of our defects are healed at the cross of Jesus Christ.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Servant Who Saves Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-03-08T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/804a9072-9dac-4a45-b943-d7eb6354e865.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":78611584,"duration_in_seconds":1965}]},{"id":"b668f8d4-d031-4c06-9ddf-d44789f61008","title":"Cut for Time: Isaiah 52:13-53:3","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-202","content_text":"Cut for Time is back for Season 2! Our pastors are looking forward to sitting down, answering some questions, and sharing a few things from behind the scenes of sermon prep. Pastor Joey shares some application forIsaiah 52:13-53:3 and some tells us about his sermon prep process.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCut for Time is back for Season 2! Our pastors are looking forward to sitting down, answering some questions, and sharing a few things from behind the scenes of sermon prep. Pastor Joey shares some application forIsaiah 52:13-53:3 and some tells us about his sermon prep process.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Cut for Time is back for Season 2! Our pastors are looking forward to sitting down, answering some questions, and sharing a few things from behind the scenes of sermon prep. Pastor Joey shares some application for Isaiah 52:13-53:3 and some tells us about his sermon prep process.","date_published":"2021-03-03T09:15:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b668f8d4-d031-4c06-9ddf-d44789f61008.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17049377,"duration_in_seconds":1064}]},{"id":"cf817d7a-b426-4629-88d1-6e35b096a408","title":"The Insignificant Savior (Isaiah 52:13-53:3)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-insignificant-savior","content_text":"As we begin studying the last of the Servant Songs in Isaiah, we are immediately disoriented by the sight of a supremely exalted Servant so disfigured by suffering that those who see this Suffering Servant cringe in horror, asking, “is this guy even human anymore?” So unfathomable is the wisdom of God that this Servant was despised, rejected, and considered insignificant.\n\nBut in his untold suffering comes our unearned salvation and his unending exaltation! So join us as we study “The Insignificant Savior” in Isaiah 52:13-53:3.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we begin studying the last of the Servant Songs in Isaiah, we are immediately disoriented by the sight of a supremely exalted Servant so disfigured by suffering that those who see this Suffering Servant cringe in horror, asking, “is this guy even human anymore?” So unfathomable is the wisdom of God that this Servant was despised, rejected, and considered insignificant.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eBut in his untold suffering comes our unearned salvation and his unending exaltation! So join us as we study “The Insignificant Savior” in Isaiah 52:13-53:3.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Suffering Servant Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-03-01T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/cf817d7a-b426-4629-88d1-6e35b096a408.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":80593984,"duration_in_seconds":2014}]},{"id":"2b59e103-aeba-43c5-b64f-399802c2b4b2","title":"Cut for Time: Isaiah 50:4-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-201","content_text":"Cut for Time is back for Season 2! Our pastors are looking forward to sitting down, answering some questions, and sharing a few things from behind the scenes of sermon prep. Pastor Jeff shares some application for Isaiah 50:4-9 and some thoughts on Lent.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCut for Time is back for Season 2! Our pastors are looking forward to sitting down, answering some questions, and sharing a few things from behind the scenes of sermon prep. Pastor Jeff shares some application for Isaiah 50:4-9 and some thoughts on Lent.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Cut for Time is back for Season 2! Our pastors are looking forward to sitting down, answering some questions, and sharing a few things from behind the scenes of sermon prep.","date_published":"2021-02-23T23:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2b59e103-aeba-43c5-b64f-399802c2b4b2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13802046,"duration_in_seconds":861}]},{"id":"a13cfa97-eb79-499f-8541-cfed60053c59","title":"The Faithful Disciple (Isaiah 50:4-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-faithful-disciple","content_text":"As we enter into the Christian season of Lent leading up to Easter, we focus on what it took for the Father to rescue and reconcile us to himself. We see Jesus’ obedience in place of our failure, and the terrible price he willingly paid out of love for us. We see the Servant of God who hears and speaks God's words, faithfully obeys God, and persists by faith in the face of opposition. Join us as we look at “The Faithful Disciple” from Isaiah 50:4-9.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we enter into the Christian season of Lent leading up to Easter, we focus on what it took for the Father to rescue and reconcile us to himself. We see Jesus’ obedience in place of our failure, and the terrible price he willingly paid out of love for us. We see the Servant of God who hears and speaks God\u0026#39;s words, faithfully obeys God, and persists by faith in the face of opposition. Join us as we look at “The Faithful Disciple” from Isaiah 50:4-9.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Servant Who Saves Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-02-22T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a13cfa97-eb79-499f-8541-cfed60053c59.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":74501824,"duration_in_seconds":1862}]},{"id":"bd42c017-01cb-4008-a81d-134be3ff69dc","title":"Ash Wednesday Sermon (Isaiah 49:5-7)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/ash-wednesday-2021","content_text":"Start this year’s Lenten season with a service of prayer, humility, and the reminder of our frailty and need of a savior.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eStart this year’s Lenten season with a service of prayer, humility, and the reminder of our frailty and need of a savior.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Servant Who Saves Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-02-18T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bd42c017-01cb-4008-a81d-134be3ff69dc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30587584,"duration_in_seconds":764}]},{"id":"0d65872c-e36a-45fa-872d-d2d35e5e3982","title":"Family (Re)Gathering (Isaiah 49:8-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/family-regathering","content_text":"We wrap up our series looking at the Heart of God for Weary People by focusing in on Isaiah 49, an incredible passage in which God gathers together his family. No distance is too far, no location too remote, no logistics too complicated for God’s family (re)gathering, as Zion, the city of God, revels in the reunion, and God’s people rest in his comfort and compassion. Join us for “Family (Re)Gathering” from Isaiah 49:8-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe wrap up our series looking at the Heart of God for Weary People by focusing in on Isaiah 49, an incredible passage in which God gathers together his family. No distance is too far, no location too remote, no logistics too complicated for God’s family (re)gathering, as Zion, the city of God, revels in the reunion, and God’s people rest in his comfort and compassion. Join us for “Family (Re)Gathering” from Isaiah 49:8-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Heart of God for Weary People","date_published":"2021-02-15T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0d65872c-e36a-45fa-872d-d2d35e5e3982.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":77705344,"duration_in_seconds":1942}]},{"id":"86a2b333-d0ad-4b35-b905-a68321b0d9cb","title":"I Will Carry You (Isaiah 46:3-4)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/i-will-carry-you","content_text":"When you can’t carry yourself, who will carry you? It’s a question not many of us willingly face, worried that our answer will inevitably be “no one.” But what if you knew that you’ve never not been carried? What if you heard God saying to you “from before your birth I carried you…and until your gray hairs I will carry you”? Join us for “I Will Carry You” from God’s great promise in Isaiah 46:3-4.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen you can’t carry yourself, who will carry you? It’s a question not many of us willingly face, worried that our answer will inevitably be “no one.” But what if you knew that you’ve never not been carried? What if you heard God saying to you “from before your birth I carried you…and until your gray hairs I will carry you”? Join us for “I Will Carry You” from God’s great promise in Isaiah 46:3-4.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Heart of God for Weary People","date_published":"2021-02-08T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/86a2b333-d0ad-4b35-b905-a68321b0d9cb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":65281024,"duration_in_seconds":1632}]},{"id":"5217008c-28db-42bd-9d39-072fc638c27a","title":"Strong Hope for Tough Times (Isaiah 45:18-25)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/strong-hope-for-tough-times","content_text":"When things seem overwhelming or out of control, we want to know things aren’t all out of control, that there’s a plan, that there’s someone in charge who knows what they’re doing. In this section of Isaiah 45:18-25, we hear God's encouraging reminders that bring “Strong Hope for Tough Times.” ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen things seem overwhelming or out of control, we want to know things aren’t all out of control, that there’s a plan, that there’s someone in charge who knows what they’re doing. In this section of Isaiah 45:18-25, we hear God\u0026#39;s encouraging reminders that bring “Strong Hope for Tough Times.” \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God's Heart for Weary People Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-02-01T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5217008c-28db-42bd-9d39-072fc638c27a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37255320,"duration_in_seconds":1882}]},{"id":"0bcb98f5-c81c-4c2c-bd49-8ca68482a672","title":"Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!) - Week 2","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/opening-the-bible-2","content_text":"From week two of Grow Classes, this is Pastor Tom's first class on \"Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFrom week two of Grow Classes, this is Pastor Tom\u0026#39;s first class on \u0026quot;Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"From week two of Grow Classes, this is Pastor Tom's first class on \"Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)\"","date_published":"2021-01-28T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0bcb98f5-c81c-4c2c-bd49-8ca68482a672.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28348684,"duration_in_seconds":1767}]},{"id":"32445782-7a25-40f9-bf5c-d14f486f0b6f","title":"Renewed Confidence (Isaiah 44:1-8","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/renewed-confidence","content_text":"When we’re weary and worried about what’s going on and the future is uncertain, it’s easy to lose hope and feel like giving up. Join us as we discover “Renewed Confidence” from Isaiah 44:1-8.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen we’re weary and worried about what’s going on and the future is uncertain, it’s easy to lose hope and feel like giving up. Join us as we discover “Renewed Confidence” from Isaiah 44:1-8.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Heart of God For Weary People Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-01-25T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/32445782-7a25-40f9-bf5c-d14f486f0b6f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":74255104,"duration_in_seconds":1856}]},{"id":"0e39cc52-fc63-45c9-8a52-e76017cfa337","title":"I Am With You (Isaiah 43:1-7","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/i-am-with-you","content_text":"In one of the most intimate passages in the Jewish Scriptures, comfort comes to Israel through God’s special relationship with them. That relationship grounds their security in the face of difficulty, and their ultimate hope in the future. Does God’s relationship with us give us the same security and hope? Join us for “I Am With You” from Isaiah 43:1-7.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn one of the most intimate passages in the Jewish Scriptures, comfort comes to Israel through God’s special relationship with them. That relationship grounds their security in the face of difficulty, and their ultimate hope in the future. Does God’s relationship with us give us the same security and hope? Join us for “I Am With You” from Isaiah 43:1-7.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God's Heart for Weary People Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-01-18T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0e39cc52-fc63-45c9-8a52-e76017cfa337.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":78146944,"duration_in_seconds":1953}]},{"id":"fd8fcd08-cf8d-4f49-9307-bf7979d0ecae","title":"Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/opening-the-bible","content_text":"From week one of Grow Classes, this is Pastor Tom's first class on \"Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFrom week one of Grow Classes, this is Pastor Tom\u0026#39;s first class on \u0026quot;Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"From week one of Grow Classes, this is Pastor Tom's first class on \"Opening the Bible with Your Kids (or Grandkids!)\"","date_published":"2021-01-14T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fd8fcd08-cf8d-4f49-9307-bf7979d0ecae.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26208383,"duration_in_seconds":1634}]},{"id":"929c483d-67d8-48dd-8b76-9a028ec0f95d","title":"The Servant Appears (Isaiah 42:1-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-servant-appears","content_text":"To encourage his people, God tells them a servant is coming! Who is this servant? What is he like? What will he do? And how does that bring comfort to God’s people? Join us to dig into these questions in “The Servant Appears” from Isaiah 42:1-9.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eTo encourage his people, God tells them a servant is coming! Who is this servant? What is he like? What will he do? And how does that bring comfort to God’s people? Join us to dig into these questions in “The Servant Appears” from Isaiah 42:1-9.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God's Heart for Weary People Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-01-11T11:15:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/929c483d-67d8-48dd-8b76-9a028ec0f95d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":93372544,"duration_in_seconds":2334}]},{"id":"3d64eedb-30e2-442e-888f-0a32771d6f6c","title":"Renewed Strength (Isaiah 40:27-31)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/renewed-strength","content_text":"Weary? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Ever wonder “Where is God?” or “What is he doing in this?” Life is hard, but things seem harder when we can’t make sense of what’s going on. God doesn’t promise to explain things to us, but he does promise “Strength for the Weary.” Join us as we look together at Isaiah 40:27-31.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWeary? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Ever wonder “Where is God?” or “What is he doing in this?” Life is hard, but things seem harder when we can’t make sense of what’s going on. God doesn’t promise to explain things to us, but he does promise “Strength for the Weary.” Join us as we look together at Isaiah 40:27-31.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Heart of God for Weary People Sermon Series","date_published":"2021-01-07T11:45:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3d64eedb-30e2-442e-888f-0a32771d6f6c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46114368,"duration_in_seconds":1920}]},{"id":"da9207f6-2241-486c-8cc4-8242cad572b8","title":"Christmas Eve (Philippians 2:1-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/christmas-unity","content_text":"Christmas Eve is here! We're recapping our Advent series (Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Recreation).","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eChristmas Eve is here! We\u0026#39;re recapping our Advent series (Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Recreation).\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus Our Unity Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-12-28T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/da9207f6-2241-486c-8cc4-8242cad572b8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":9882880,"duration_in_seconds":710}]},{"id":"33956acb-3a24-47d7-9ecd-0a522862ed7c","title":"Comfort, Comfort (Isaiah 40:1-5)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/comfort-comfort","content_text":"Weary? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Literally can’t even? \n\nWe start a new series going through Isaiah 40-49. God's people are worn out and discouraged from his severe discipline. Of course, not all weariness comes from sinful suffering, so the message of God's comfort, strength, and hope is an encouragement to us. Because when we see God for who he really is, we are comforted and strengthened, our hearts are changed, our perspective shifts, and we respond with joy. Join us as we look at Isaiah 40:1-5 and the message: “Comfort my people.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWeary? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Literally can’t even? \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eWe start a new series going through Isaiah 40-49. God\u0026#39;s people are worn out and discouraged from his severe discipline. Of course, not all weariness comes from sinful suffering, so the message of God\u0026#39;s comfort, strength, and hope is an encouragement to us. Because when we see God for who he really is, we are comforted and strengthened, our hearts are changed, our perspective shifts, and we respond with joy. Join us as we look at Isaiah 40:1-5 and the message: “Comfort my people.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Heart of God for Weary People Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-12-28T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/33956acb-3a24-47d7-9ecd-0a522862ed7c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25492408,"duration_in_seconds":1884}]},{"id":"d0df3981-9617-42d4-b396-b35f34cb8595","title":"Eternally Reunited (Philippians 2:9-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/eternally-reunited","content_text":"We wrap up our deep dive in the Apostle Paul’s call to church unity in Philippians 2:1-11 by focusing on the last three verses. Here we see Paul setting our unity in its future context: one day every knee will bow before Jesus and every tongue will confess that He is Lord!\n\nCan we embody that kind of unity now, in this fallen world? Can we be unified in the midst of our division and diversity? Yes, by God’s grace, which we’ll explore in “Eternally Reunited” from Philippians 2:9-11.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe wrap up our deep dive in the Apostle Paul’s call to church unity in Philippians 2:1-11 by focusing on the last three verses. Here we see Paul setting our unity in its future context: one day every knee will bow before Jesus and every tongue will confess that He is Lord!\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eCan we embody that kind of unity now, in this fallen world? Can we be unified in the midst of our division and diversity? Yes, by God’s grace, which we’ll explore in “Eternally Reunited” from Philippians 2:9-11.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus Our Unity Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-12-21T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d0df3981-9617-42d4-b396-b35f34cb8595.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":86721664,"duration_in_seconds":2168}]},{"id":"11968999-c4c6-4cc2-a77c-d0db417acf5d","title":"Redeemed in Unity (Philippians 2:1-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/redeemed-in-unity","content_text":"During Advent, we focus on one passage through the lens of the Bible storyline: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Recreation. We’re spending time in Philippians 2:1-11 to see how God's triune nature as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit means we were created for oneness, a unity that was broken at the fall, made possibly by the cross, and will one day be made new in eternity. \n\nWe look to the cross to see how Jesus’ reconciling work is the only foundation for lasting unity. Join us for “Redeemed in Unity” as we focus in on Philippians 2:5-8.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDuring Advent, we focus on one passage through the lens of the Bible storyline: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Recreation. We’re spending time in Philippians 2:1-11 to see how God\u0026#39;s triune nature as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit means we were created for oneness, a unity that was broken at the fall, made possibly by the cross, and will one day be made new in eternity. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eWe look to the cross to see how Jesus’ reconciling work is the only foundation for lasting unity. Join us for “Redeemed in Unity” as we focus in on Philippians 2:5-8.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus Our Unity Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-12-14T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/11968999-c4c6-4cc2-a77c-d0db417acf5d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":76922944,"duration_in_seconds":1923}]},{"id":"b42625e5-4b7b-4ef9-a58a-e7df853dcd21","title":"Fallen into Disunity (Philippians 2:1-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fallen-into-disunity","content_text":"We look inside ourselves, at the self-centeredness and selfishness that poison our attempts at unity. Join us for “Fallen into Disunity” as we focus in on Philippians 2:3-4.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe look inside ourselves, at the self-centeredness and selfishness that poison our attempts at unity. Join us for “Fallen into Disunity” as we focus in on Philippians 2:3-4.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus Our Unity Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-12-07T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b42625e5-4b7b-4ef9-a58a-e7df853dcd21.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":78712384,"duration_in_seconds":1967}]},{"id":"9c3ae194-a6f3-49ea-96c0-e09202cd1947","title":"Created For Unity (Philippians 2:1-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/created-for-unity","content_text":"During Advent, we step back from our normal walk through a book or theme to do a deep dive into one passage, four times, looking at it through the lense of the whole-Bible storyline: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Recreation. We’re focusing on Philippians 2:1-11, that great hymn to Jesus to see how the essential oneness of God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — means we were created for oneness, a unity that was broken at the fall, made possibly by the cross, and will one day be made new in eternity.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDuring Advent, we step back from our normal walk through a book or theme to do a deep dive into one passage, four times, looking at it through the lense of the whole-Bible storyline: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Recreation. We’re focusing on Philippians 2:1-11, that great hymn to Jesus to see how the essential oneness of God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — means we were created for oneness, a unity that was broken at the fall, made possibly by the cross, and will one day be made new in eternity.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jesus Our Unity Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-11-30T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9c3ae194-a6f3-49ea-96c0-e09202cd1947.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":88815424,"duration_in_seconds":2220}]},{"id":"69f088a3-f46c-4eb5-8a36-8c0a83d13e91","title":"Love Without Parting (John 11:17-27)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/love-without-parting","content_text":"Jesus’ “I am” statements show how he is the God who is the answer to what we made for: satisfaction for our hunger, light for our darkness, direction for our wandering, connection for our isolation, and more. But death brings an end to all those things. Finally, we long for life and love that do not end. Join us as we see in John 11:17-27 how Jesus is the resurrection and the life – not just when we die, but here and now.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus’ “I am” statements show how he is the God who is the answer to what we made for: satisfaction for our hunger, light for our darkness, direction for our wandering, connection for our isolation, and more. But death brings an end to all those things. Finally, we long for life and love that do not end. Join us as we see in John 11:17-27 how Jesus is the resurrection and the life – not just when we die, but here and now.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What Do You Want Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-11-23T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/69f088a3-f46c-4eb5-8a36-8c0a83d13e91.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":74689984,"duration_in_seconds":1867}]},{"id":"85cf6fb3-1ec6-47af-b91d-c05c433f5319","title":"To Be Led (John 10:11-21)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/to-be-led","content_text":"Jesus describes himself as “the good shepherd” in John 10:11-21. Even though we may bristle at the idea of being sheep who need to be led, we do want leaders who aren’t using us for their own gain. And we want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Join us as we explore how Jesus satisfies our real desire “To Be Led.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus describes himself as “the good shepherd” in John 10:11-21. Even though we may bristle at the idea of being sheep who need to be led, we do want leaders who aren’t using us for their own gain. And we want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Join us as we explore how Jesus satisfies our real desire “To Be Led.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What Do You Want Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-11-16T08:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/85cf6fb3-1ec6-47af-b91d-c05c433f5319.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30862504,"duration_in_seconds":2133}]},{"id":"c7350b95-4416-4ddb-8777-9b7895303c28","title":"To Touch Transcendence (John 14:1-7)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/to-touch-transcendence","content_text":"One of my favorite disciples is Thomas. Not because of his doubts (though I certainly resonate with those) but because of how earnestly he followed Jesus. He wanted to be connected to something bigger than himself, to know that his life meant something, to encounter ultimate reality. In pursuing transcendence, Thomas shows us one of the fundamental drives of the human heart and elicits a promise from Jesus never before thought possible: “You can know the Father.” You can touch transcendence. Join us as we explore Thomas’s desire and Jesus’s response in John 14:1-7.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOne of my favorite disciples is Thomas. Not because of his doubts (though I certainly resonate with those) but because of how earnestly he followed Jesus. He wanted to be connected to something bigger than himself, to know that his life meant something, to encounter ultimate reality. In pursuing transcendence, Thomas shows us one of the fundamental drives of the human heart and elicits a promise from Jesus never before thought possible: “You can know the Father.” You can touch transcendence. Join us as we explore Thomas’s desire and Jesus’s response in John 14:1-7.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What Do You Want Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-11-09T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c7350b95-4416-4ddb-8777-9b7895303c28.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":88568704,"duration_in_seconds":2214}]},{"id":"f603e434-b3bd-45d6-a0f9-0a310eb86749","title":"To Be Fed (John 6:32-51)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/to-be-fed","content_text":"We all know what hunger is like – we long to be satisfied and want no more. But not matter how often we eat we will always get hungry again. Jesus uses our experience of physical hunger to point to how he satisfies what our souls long for. Join us as we look at what we want when we want “To Be Filled” from John 6:32-51.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe all know what hunger is like – we long to be satisfied and want no more. But not matter how often we eat we will always get hungry again. Jesus uses our experience of physical hunger to point to how he satisfies what our souls long for. Join us as we look at what we want when we want “To Be Filled” from John 6:32-51.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What Do You Want Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-11-02T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f603e434-b3bd-45d6-a0f9-0a310eb86749.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":77005504,"duration_in_seconds":1925}]},{"id":"d7552202-1516-4fe8-8442-e809fe2d67d8","title":"To Be Connected (John 15:1-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/to-be-connected","content_text":"What do we want when we want to be connected? We’re made to be part of something bigger than ourselves. And we all long for a life that matters, that makes a difference. Join us as we explore John 15:1-11 and see how life with Jesus answers those needs and fills us with joy!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat do we want when we want to be connected? We’re made to be part of something bigger than ourselves. And we all long for a life that matters, that makes a difference. Join us as we explore John 15:1-11 and see how life with Jesus answers those needs and fills us with joy!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What Do You Want Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-10-26T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d7552202-1516-4fe8-8442-e809fe2d67d8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":82210624,"duration_in_seconds":2055}]},{"id":"26652683-d289-47b3-a7ba-25f581092cfc","title":"To See (John 8:12-20)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/to-see","content_text":"John, in recounting the stories of Jesus’ life, speaks often of light and darkness, culminating in Jesus’ powerful proclamation: “I am the Light of the World!” How does Jesus’ declaration of his divinity drive at the deepest desires of our hearts? Join us for “To See,” from John 8:12-20, as we turn our gaze on the Light of the World.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJohn, in recounting the stories of Jesus’ life, speaks often of light and darkness, culminating in Jesus’ powerful proclamation: “I am the Light of the World!” How does Jesus’ declaration of his divinity drive at the deepest desires of our hearts? Join us for “To See,” from John 8:12-20, as we turn our gaze on the Light of the World.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What Do You Want Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-10-19T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/26652683-d289-47b3-a7ba-25f581092cfc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":88468864,"duration_in_seconds":2211}]},{"id":"fb19f289-cdab-4bca-8af1-db4b3992a30b","title":"To Be Let In (John 10:1-10)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/to-be-let-in","content_text":"Jesus said, “I am the door of the sheep.” How does a door answer our deep needs and longings? Maybe it’s better to ask, “What do we want when we want to be let in?” Join us as we look at the answer to that question from John 10:1-10.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus said, “I am the door of the sheep.” How does a door answer our deep needs and longings? Maybe it’s better to ask, “What do we want when we want to be let in?” Join us as we look at the answer to that question from John 10:1-10.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What Do You Want Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-10-12T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fb19f289-cdab-4bca-8af1-db4b3992a30b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":76838464,"duration_in_seconds":1920}]},{"id":"8f0d1fb8-fdc7-4c8f-b782-2a1dd0c011ca","title":"What Do You Want (John 1:35-29)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/what-do-you-want","content_text":"The first time Jesus speaks in the gospel of John he asks a question: “What do you want?” What are you seeking? In other words, what are you looking for? It’s a question that continues to resonate with us today. What are we seeking? And where do we find it? What do we want when we want intimacy? Jesus said, “I am the vine.” What do we want when we want to see? Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” What do we want when we want transcendence? Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Join us in this series as we study all the times in John when Jesus said, “I am …”, and we discover in these statements the answer to Jesus’ question: “what do you want?”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe first time Jesus speaks in the gospel of John he asks a question: “What do you want?” What are you seeking? In other words, what are you looking for? It’s a question that continues to resonate with us today. What are we seeking? And where do we find it? What do we want when we want intimacy? Jesus said, “I am the vine.” What do we want when we want to see? Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” What do we want when we want transcendence? Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Join us in this series as we study all the times in John when Jesus said, “I am …”, and we discover in these statements the answer to Jesus’ question: “what do you want?”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What Do You Want Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-10-05T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8f0d1fb8-fdc7-4c8f-b782-2a1dd0c011ca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":61509184,"duration_in_seconds":1537}]},{"id":"1095ee00-b8de-45be-b369-46147434f376","title":"GO Time - Interview with Mark and Alyssa","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-mark-and-alyssa-interview","content_text":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Mark and Alyssa.\n\nThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Mark and Alyssa.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Mark and Alyssa.","date_published":"2020-10-02T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1095ee00-b8de-45be-b369-46147434f376.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40078306,"duration_in_seconds":2502}]},{"id":"ec48836b-76bb-4d66-969d-1e3ee57ff3c0","title":"Look, See and Go","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/look-see-go","content_text":"We're studying John 4:35 and learning what it means to \"Look, See, and Go.\"Special Guest: Joe Cluff.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re studying John 4:35 and learning what it means to \u0026quot;Look, See, and Go.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Joe Cluff.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"GO Time 2020","date_published":"2020-09-28T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ec48836b-76bb-4d66-969d-1e3ee57ff3c0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":87423424,"duration_in_seconds":2185}]},{"id":"471b7cf5-db05-4622-a107-5f2f85d04824","title":"GO Time - Interview with the Shrums","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-shrum-interview","content_text":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Jeff and Peg Shrum.\n\nThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Jeff and Peg Shrum.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Jeff and Peg Shrum.","date_published":"2020-09-26T20:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/471b7cf5-db05-4622-a107-5f2f85d04824.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31785577,"duration_in_seconds":1982}]},{"id":"5485446b-b854-4422-9e06-dc4e44fd5c57","title":"GO Time - Interview with Kathi Small","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-small-interview","content_text":"The purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear a few stories from her time in missions and catch up with Kathi Small.\r\n","date_published":"2020-09-24T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5485446b-b854-4422-9e06-dc4e44fd5c57.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33848986,"duration_in_seconds":2112}]},{"id":"c83cafcb-4acc-46de-bcad-75b5f67c9246","title":"GO Time - Interview with the Singleterrys","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-singleterry-interview","content_text":"The purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Andy and Janet Singleterry.","date_published":"2020-09-22T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c83cafcb-4acc-46de-bcad-75b5f67c9246.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35889695,"duration_in_seconds":2240}]},{"id":"c01de890-beaf-4c87-82aa-4f208b3335d5","title":"GO Time - Interview with the Cluffs","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/go-time-cluff-interview","content_text":"Hear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Joe and Kim Cluff.\n\nThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \n\nOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \n\nReady to commit support? Follow the link below to join their support team:\nhttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHear a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Joe and Kim Cluff.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eThe purpose of our GO Time podcast series is to introduce our missionaries to you and to share a few stories from their time in missions. Hopefully these stories are an encouragement to you, and prompt you to praise God for the work He is doing in and through our missionaries. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eOn this podcast, we’ll also encourage you to prayerfully consider joining their support team - this could look like financial or prayer support, or just even signing up for regular updates. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eReady to commit support? Follow the \u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003elink\u003c/a\u003e below to join their support team:\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://faithliveitout.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/0843f958-c577-4607-829e-309b883e7bfb\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Here a few stories from their time in missions and catch up with Joe and Kim Cluff.","date_published":"2020-09-22T07:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c01de890-beaf-4c87-82aa-4f208b3335d5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38716060,"duration_in_seconds":2416}]},{"id":"00b5150b-ccfb-44f5-9415-f13d602860d9","title":"The Lord Delights in Steadfast Love (Micah 7:18-20)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-lord-delights-in-steadfast-love","content_text":"In spite of our failure to honor God, walk humbly with him, and love others faithfully, God remembers his promise to show mercy, forgiveness and kindness to us. As the recipients of those blessings, we are the people who reflect what he is like to others. Join us as we see how “The Lord Delights in Steadfast Love” from Micah 7:18-20.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn spite of our failure to honor God, walk humbly with him, and love others faithfully, God remembers his promise to show mercy, forgiveness and kindness to us. As the recipients of those blessings, we are the people who reflect what he is like to others. Join us as we see how “The Lord Delights in Steadfast Love” from Micah 7:18-20.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-09-21T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/00b5150b-ccfb-44f5-9415-f13d602860d9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":69486784,"duration_in_seconds":1737}]},{"id":"68de61bd-2e5a-48fc-bce3-a61ad7cb0e32","title":"Living Lament in a World Gone Mad (Micah 7:1-17)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/living-lament","content_text":"With all the injustices Micah saw and preached against, you have to wonder how he maintained his faith in a just and all-powerful God. Couldn’t God do something about all of this? It drives Micah to lament. And yet, somehow, he evidences an incredible hope: “as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation.” How do we live lament in a world gone mad? Join us as we learn from Micah’s example in Micah 7:1-17.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWith all the injustices Micah saw and preached against, you have to wonder how he maintained his faith in a just and all-powerful God. Couldn’t God do something about all of this? It drives Micah to lament. And yet, somehow, he evidences an incredible hope: “as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation.” How do we live lament in a world gone mad? Join us as we learn from Micah’s example in Micah 7:1-17.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-09-14T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/68de61bd-2e5a-48fc-bce3-a61ad7cb0e32.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42065640,"duration_in_seconds":2163}]},{"id":"aa62d640-41d2-4c16-b78b-372e6b16b031","title":"God's Tough Love (Micah 6:9-16)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gods-tough-love","content_text":"God has saved, guided, and cared for his people, and shown them how to live – but they’ve rejected him and his ways. How does God show justice and mercy to people who don’t know either one? Join us as we look at “God's Tough Love” from Micah 6:9-16.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGod has saved, guided, and cared for his people, and shown them how to live – but they’ve rejected him and his ways. How does God show justice and mercy to people who don’t know either one? Join us as we look at “God\u0026#39;s Tough Love” from Micah 6:9-16.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-09-08T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/aa62d640-41d2-4c16-b78b-372e6b16b031.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27487672,"duration_in_seconds":1833}]},{"id":"95a889cb-c036-427b-bb8a-f55ae37f3213","title":"What Does God Command (Micah 6:1-8)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/what-does-god-command","content_text":"In one of the most concise summaries of how God's covenant people should behave in the Old Testament, Micah gives us a beautiful picture of life with God. Justice, humility, and mercy. Join us as we ask and answer the question, “What Does God Command” from Micah 6:1-8.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn one of the most concise summaries of how God\u0026#39;s covenant people should behave in the Old Testament, Micah gives us a beautiful picture of life with God. Justice, humility, and mercy. Join us as we ask and answer the question, “What Does God Command” from Micah 6:1-8.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-08-31T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/95a889cb-c036-427b-bb8a-f55ae37f3213.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":76349824,"duration_in_seconds":1908}]},{"id":"2eb186ed-0fc9-475f-b7a6-85e1050ba5cb","title":"Faith Stories - Kara","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/kara","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories","date_published":"2020-08-27T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2eb186ed-0fc9-475f-b7a6-85e1050ba5cb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38373279,"duration_in_seconds":1594}]},{"id":"f2c45f8f-4641-4515-b673-0b40e2f6466c","title":"Dominance and Dependence (Micah 5:7-15)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/dominance-and-dependence","content_text":"In two back-to-back prophecies, Micah predicts both Israel’s absolute dominance and total humiliation. How can these two images, these two prophecies of Israel’s future go together? We explore Micah 5:7-15 together, “Dominance and Dependence,” and see how God exalts and humbles, vindicates and purifies his people.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn two back-to-back prophecies, Micah predicts both Israel’s absolute dominance and total humiliation. How can these two images, these two prophecies of Israel’s future go together? We explore Micah 5:7-15 together, “Dominance and Dependence,” and see how God exalts and humbles, vindicates and purifies his people.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-08-24T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f2c45f8f-4641-4515-b673-0b40e2f6466c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":45779040,"duration_in_seconds":2207}]},{"id":"bca1472c-6d49-482b-9995-6ad863c1c0e7","title":"Faith Stories - Eric West","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/west","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories","date_published":"2020-08-19T18:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bca1472c-6d49-482b-9995-6ad863c1c0e7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38975005,"duration_in_seconds":2556}]},{"id":"7ab90d22-71b6-4860-ae5b-11fc68150cd6","title":"The Great Reversal (Micah 4:6-5:6)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-great-reversal","content_text":"Micah continues to point God’s people to hope in a glorious future in which greatness will come out of weakness, and restoration follows rejection. But this message comes in the immediate context of threats, loss, and judgment. And in those trials there’s hope – not in power or military might, but in Israel’s good shepherd. Join us for “The Great Reversal” from Micah 4:7–5:6.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMicah continues to point God’s people to hope in a glorious future in which greatness will come out of weakness, and restoration follows rejection. But this message comes in the immediate context of threats, loss, and judgment. And in those trials there’s hope – not in power or military might, but in Israel’s good shepherd. Join us for “The Great Reversal” from Micah 4:7–5:6.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-08-17T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7ab90d22-71b6-4860-ae5b-11fc68150cd6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37426608,"duration_in_seconds":1953}]},{"id":"660e7e7e-25bb-4104-8905-b023ff16c97d","title":"Faith Stories - John Hansen","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hansen","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories","date_published":"2020-08-11T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/660e7e7e-25bb-4104-8905-b023ff16c97d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":16330443,"duration_in_seconds":987}]},{"id":"ed8d49f7-d9f7-4020-9533-ed4dd43be207","title":"I've Seen Better Days (Micah 4:1-5)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/ive-seen-better-days","content_text":"From judgment, to hope, and back to judgment; this cycle runs throughout Micah’s prophetic letter. But in this short section, 4:1-5, the prophet ascends as high as poetry can take him envisioning the future glory of God in his deliverance of the people of Israel. Join us for “I’ve Seen Better Days” as we explore the hope of Israel’s deliverance.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFrom judgment, to hope, and back to judgment; this cycle runs throughout Micah’s prophetic letter. But in this short section, 4:1-5, the prophet ascends as high as poetry can take him envisioning the future glory of God in his deliverance of the people of Israel. Join us for “I’ve Seen Better Days” as we explore the hope of Israel’s deliverance.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-08-10T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ed8d49f7-d9f7-4020-9533-ed4dd43be207.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":70140544,"duration_in_seconds":1753}]},{"id":"9bcaa482-17cc-43e4-91b2-b30667b3930e","title":"Faith Stories - Joe Cluff","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cluff","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2020","date_published":"2020-08-05T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9bcaa482-17cc-43e4-91b2-b30667b3930e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26786644,"duration_in_seconds":1776}]},{"id":"e8368707-2c0b-45ab-a708-c9d56c94c487","title":"Justice, Truth and Power (Micah 3:1-12)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/justice-truth-power","content_text":"In Micah 3, the prophet critiques the nation’s rulers with some of the most shocking language in the Bible. They pervert justice, fill the city with violence, and destroy the people. Worse, the religious leaders side with these wealthy oppressors, instead of defending the vulnerable and reflecting God’s justice and mercy. But there is hope that God will give strength to those who follow his word and that he will judge and remove the unjust leaders. Join us as we look at “Justice, Truth, and Power” from Micah 3:1-12.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Micah 3, the prophet critiques the nation’s rulers with some of the most shocking language in the Bible. They pervert justice, fill the city with violence, and destroy the people. Worse, the religious leaders side with these wealthy oppressors, instead of defending the vulnerable and reflecting God’s justice and mercy. But there is hope that God will give strength to those who follow his word and that he will judge and remove the unjust leaders. Join us as we look at “Justice, Truth, and Power” from Micah 3:1-12.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-08-03T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e8368707-2c0b-45ab-a708-c9d56c94c487.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24706936,"duration_in_seconds":1715}]},{"id":"04c3e56c-5d7f-4403-b303-f2cda502459d","title":"Break Out (Micah 2:1-13)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/break-out","content_text":"In chapter 1, Micah pictured how sin spreads out like an infection. Now we see how it pops up in everyday life, among people who don’t think they have a problem – even while they take advantage of others and use God’s word to justify themselves. But God promises there is healing and deliverance for his people. Join us for “Break Out,” from Micah 2:1-13.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn chapter 1, Micah pictured how sin spreads out like an infection. Now we see how it pops up in everyday life, among people who don’t think they have a problem – even while they take advantage of others and use God’s word to justify themselves. But God promises there is healing and deliverance for his people. Join us for “Break Out,” from Micah 2:1-13.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-07-27T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/04c3e56c-5d7f-4403-b303-f2cda502459d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26864920,"duration_in_seconds":1862}]},{"id":"eb54e08a-a9f6-464f-a0f4-c87c6a40ba48","title":"Faith Stories - Mark","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/mark","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2020","date_published":"2020-07-22T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/eb54e08a-a9f6-464f-a0f4-c87c6a40ba48.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":27769045,"duration_in_seconds":1826}]},{"id":"920a591b-83b2-4b50-a91c-db69c0fb6faf","title":"Infectious Sins (Micah 1:1-16)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/infectious-sins","content_text":"Micah begins his prophecy portraying God—like a parent who cares most passionately about their own child’s behavior—as a judge of the nations, beginning with his own people. The sin of his people, from the capital cities down to the rural towns, cannot go unaddressed, even if the most extreme measures must be used: exile. Is there any hope? Join us for “Infectious Sins,” from Micah 1:1-16.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMicah begins his prophecy portraying God—like a parent who cares most passionately about their own child’s behavior—as a judge of the nations, beginning with his own people. The sin of his people, from the capital cities down to the rural towns, cannot go unaddressed, even if the most extreme measures must be used: exile. Is there any hope? Join us for “Infectious Sins,” from Micah 1:1-16.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-07-22T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/920a591b-83b2-4b50-a91c-db69c0fb6faf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36290824,"duration_in_seconds":1976}]},{"id":"e94f6faa-9331-4bb7-a893-13a3a66a8102","title":"What Does God Require (Micah 1-7)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/what-does-god-require","content_text":"We begin a new series in the book of Micah. Micah lived during troubling times of moral and religious decline, political instability, and social change and injustice. Even though God’s people are judged for their part in these wrongs, the LORD promises that justice, mercy, peace, and righteousness will flourish under the Messiah’s rule. Join us as we begin our introduction to Micah, “What does God require?”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe begin a new series in the book of Micah. Micah lived during troubling times of moral and religious decline, political instability, and social change and injustice. Even though God’s people are judged for their part in these wrongs, the LORD promises that justice, mercy, peace, and righteousness will flourish under the Messiah’s rule. Join us as we begin our introduction to Micah, “What does God require?”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Reflect Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-07-13T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e94f6faa-9331-4bb7-a893-13a3a66a8102.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30471048,"duration_in_seconds":1885}]},{"id":"0979a013-103a-4971-95ce-e011c4b7754a","title":"Faith Stories - Jim \u0026 Nancy Fair","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fair","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories","date_published":"2020-07-11T10:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0979a013-103a-4971-95ce-e011c4b7754a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23774331,"duration_in_seconds":1543}]},{"id":"7df4f0f2-63db-4f54-a0a8-d5b6f8c565c4","title":"Faith Stories - Randy and Alison Ollis","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/ollis","content_text":"Faith Stories Summer 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Stories Summer 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories ","date_published":"2020-07-07T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7df4f0f2-63db-4f54-a0a8-d5b6f8c565c4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":49232014,"duration_in_seconds":3200}]},{"id":"d2f124fd-0950-4d28-a710-61d734c501e9","title":"Self-Control (1 Corinthians 9:19-27)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/self-control","content_text":"We've all discovered the need for more self-control over the last few months. How is this last 'flavor' of the fruit of the Spirit similar to and different from self-restraint, delayed gratification, or biting your tongue? Join us as we look at \"self-control\" in 1 Corinthians 9:19-27.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;ve all discovered the need for more self-control over the last few months. How is this last \u0026#39;flavor\u0026#39; of the fruit of the Spirit similar to and different from self-restraint, delayed gratification, or biting your tongue? Join us as we look at \u0026quot;self-control\u0026quot; in 1 Corinthians 9:19-27.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Series","date_published":"2020-07-06T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d2f124fd-0950-4d28-a710-61d734c501e9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":11078152,"duration_in_seconds":1718}]},{"id":"fbebc45f-b918-48b9-a445-0f9b5e2f9df0","title":"Gentleness (James 3:13-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gentleness","content_text":"Long before social media addiction came around, Paul listed gentleness as one of the Fruit of the Spirit. Carrying the idea of “not being overly impressed with your own self-importance,” this fruit hits us where it hurts: our temptation to let everyone know how important we are. Join us as we study Gentleness from James 3:13-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLong before social media addiction came around, Paul listed gentleness as one of the Fruit of the Spirit. Carrying the idea of “not being overly impressed with your own self-importance,” this fruit hits us where it hurts: our temptation to let everyone know how important we are. Join us as we study Gentleness from James 3:13-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Series","date_published":"2020-06-26T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fbebc45f-b918-48b9-a445-0f9b5e2f9df0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32400472,"duration_in_seconds":2286}]},{"id":"4124ee9a-fc1e-420f-95c3-46fcdafbc763","title":"Faithfulness (Matthew 25:14-30)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faithfulness","content_text":"We all know what faithfulness is, right? But contained in the idea of “faithfulness” are virtues like reliability, courage, and endurance. So how do we grow in faithfulness? Tune in as we explore Matthew 25:14-30 in “Faithfulness”.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe all know what faithfulness is, right? But contained in the idea of “faithfulness” are virtues like reliability, courage, and endurance. So how do we grow in faithfulness? Tune in as we explore Matthew 25:14-30 in “Faithfulness”.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Series","date_published":"2020-06-19T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4124ee9a-fc1e-420f-95c3-46fcdafbc763.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35902096,"duration_in_seconds":2401}]},{"id":"4c649227-0ed5-4cc3-a0ad-82f497865c67","title":"Faith Stories - Joely Pinkston","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/pinkston","content_text":"Comfort is the stealer of growth - Faith Stories for June 21, 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eComfort is the stealer of growth - Faith Stories for June 21, 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2020","date_published":"2020-06-18T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4c649227-0ed5-4cc3-a0ad-82f497865c67.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19280165,"duration_in_seconds":1291}]},{"id":"f5f135fd-961a-4b9d-9898-9b60fa00b49a","title":"Goodness (2 Peter 1:3-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/goodness","content_text":"We might talk about good friends, a good job, a good car or tool, good teachers, good leaders, or a good cause. But what makes something “good”? And is that kind of goodness different from the fruit of the Spirit that the apostle Paul mentions? Join us as look at “Goodness” from 2 Peter 1:3-9.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe might talk about good friends, a good job, a good car or tool, good teachers, good leaders, or a good cause. But what makes something “good”? And is that kind of goodness different from the fruit of the Spirit that the apostle Paul mentions? Join us as look at “Goodness” from 2 Peter 1:3-9.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Series","date_published":"2020-06-12T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f5f135fd-961a-4b9d-9898-9b60fa00b49a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32902480,"duration_in_seconds":2151}]},{"id":"a5bb164b-c16b-458d-9550-32f544805020","title":"Faith Stories - Amy Boyle","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/boyle","content_text":"Who's I Am - Faith Stories for June 14, 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWho\u0026#39;s I Am - Faith Stories for June 14, 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2020","date_published":"2020-06-12T10:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a5bb164b-c16b-458d-9550-32f544805020.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22785172,"duration_in_seconds":1459}]},{"id":"5c2ef4ce-60ab-43c4-8821-459ca0055b1f","title":"Faith Stories - James and Kari","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/james-and-kari","content_text":"June 7, 2020","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJune 7, 2020\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories ","date_published":"2020-06-05T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5c2ef4ce-60ab-43c4-8821-459ca0055b1f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23491086,"duration_in_seconds":1941}]},{"id":"c7ee8d4f-f0e0-4f27-bd6e-2cbed02675f5","title":"Kindness (Ephesians 4:32)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/kindness","content_text":"“Be kind to one another” may be heard most often by mothers of squabbling children, the same as “be nice.” Certainly that is included, but kindness is more than that. Our call to kindness is to be modeled after the kindness of God toward us. Join us for a look at Ephesians 4:25-32 and 1 Peter 2:1-3 as we consider the fifth of nine flavors of the fruit of the Spirit - Kindness.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Be kind to one another” may be heard most often by mothers of squabbling children, the same as “be nice.” Certainly that is included, but kindness is more than that. Our call to kindness is to be modeled after the kindness of God toward us. Join us for a look at Ephesians 4:25-32 and 1 Peter 2:1-3 as we consider the fifth of nine flavors of the fruit of the Spirit - Kindness.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Series","date_published":"2020-06-05T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c7ee8d4f-f0e0-4f27-bd6e-2cbed02675f5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15252232,"duration_in_seconds":2696}]},{"id":"908c5583-b9ac-42b0-a37c-2f69f53a745f","title":"Patience (James 5:7-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/patience","content_text":"Patience: we all pray for it, but none of us want to go through what it takes to grow in it. At the very least, we don’t want to do the long, hard work of developing patience…we want it now! But James tells us that patience can be ours if we understand our present in light of our future. Join us for “Patience” from James 5:7-11!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePatience: we all pray for it, but none of us want to go through what it takes to grow in it. At the very least, we don’t want to do the long, hard work of developing patience…we want it now! But James tells us that patience can be ours if we understand our present in light of our future. Join us for “Patience” from James 5:7-11!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Series","date_published":"2020-05-29T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/908c5583-b9ac-42b0-a37c-2f69f53a745f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37160830,"duration_in_seconds":2308}]},{"id":"b3b8ed7c-52ca-4e68-9e45-1cde10ca5f0f","title":"Cut for Time: An Update from Tom Macy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-037","content_text":"Pastor Tom fills us in on life, ministry, and prayers for the Faith Family.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Tom fills us in on life, ministry, and prayers for the Faith Family.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Tom fills us in on life, ministry, and prayers for the Faith Family.","date_published":"2020-05-27T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b3b8ed7c-52ca-4e68-9e45-1cde10ca5f0f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":16213230,"duration_in_seconds":1012}]},{"id":"e0c04bbf-9512-4ac8-a9d7-a934aa5f9885","title":"Peace (Philippians 4:4-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/peace","content_text":"As we grow in the fruit of the Spirit, one flavor we will grow in is peace. What does peace that flows from the Spirit look like? Is it peace with God, peace with others, or both? Join us as we study Philippians 4:4-9.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we grow in the fruit of the Spirit, one flavor we will grow in is peace. What does peace that flows from the Spirit look like? Is it peace with God, peace with others, or both? Join us as we study Philippians 4:4-9.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Series","date_published":"2020-05-22T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e0c04bbf-9512-4ac8-a9d7-a934aa5f9885.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31993792,"duration_in_seconds":2125}]},{"id":"fef747b3-98b9-4261-8754-b587c8314705","title":"Cut for Time: An Update from some Faith Kids","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-036","content_text":"We interview 3 kids - Karis Ho, Callie Saefkow, and Johnny Derksen - in this episode of Cut For Time. They share their thoughts on what's going on in the world and what life has been like. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe interview 3 kids - Karis Ho, Callie Saefkow, and Johnny Derksen - in this episode of Cut For Time. They share their thoughts on what\u0026#39;s going on in the world and what life has been like. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We interview 3 kids - Karis Ho, Callie Saefkow, and Johnny Derksen - in this episode of Cut For Time. They share their thoughts on what's going on in the world and what life has been like. ","date_published":"2020-05-21T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fef747b3-98b9-4261-8754-b587c8314705.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13463444,"duration_in_seconds":838}]},{"id":"49f68b59-fa2f-4dee-9b9d-12ceb1c525f7","title":"Joy (1 Peter 1:1-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fruit-joy","content_text":"We all face struggles, doubts, challenges, and discouragement – maybe more now than ever. How does the Holy Spirit grow the fruit of joy in all our circumstances? Join us as we look at “Joy” from 1 Peter 1:1-9.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe all face struggles, doubts, challenges, and discouragement – maybe more now than ever. How does the Holy Spirit grow the fruit of joy in all our circumstances? Join us as we look at “Joy” from 1 Peter 1:1-9.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Series","date_published":"2020-05-15T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/49f68b59-fa2f-4dee-9b9d-12ceb1c525f7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36176976,"duration_in_seconds":2248}]},{"id":"e45774ea-9dce-410d-a6ac-0675c469901a","title":"Cut for Time: An Interview with Kendra Carter","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-035","content_text":"Kendra Carter, Director of Kids Ministry, shares about life and ministry and what we're looking forward to this summer.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eKendra Carter, Director of Kids Ministry, shares about life and ministry and what we\u0026#39;re looking forward to this summer.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Kendra Carter, Director of Kids Ministry, shares about life and ministry and what we're looking forward to this summer.","date_published":"2020-05-13T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e45774ea-9dce-410d-a6ac-0675c469901a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":20877360,"duration_in_seconds":1303}]},{"id":"2daefccc-82d2-42ea-857f-7652135002e8","title":"Love (1 Corinthians 13)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/love","content_text":"“Love” is probably one of the most used and abused words. What does love really look like? Is it a feeling, a choice, an action? Join us as we begin looking at the fruit of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 13.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Love” is probably one of the most used and abused words. What does love really look like? Is it a feeling, a choice, an action? Join us as we begin looking at the fruit of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 13.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Series","date_published":"2020-05-08T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2daefccc-82d2-42ea-857f-7652135002e8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37037407,"duration_in_seconds":2307}]},{"id":"cad9dd04-1a54-47a9-b790-bd7413bc3f8f","title":"Cut for Time: An Interview with the Shambaughs","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-034","content_text":"We interview Steve and Ann Marie Shambaugh on family life, parenting, and the balancing act they're managing right now.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe interview Steve and Ann Marie Shambaugh on family life, parenting, and the balancing act they\u0026#39;re managing right now.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We interview Steve and Ann Marie Shambaugh on family life, parenting, and the balancing act they're managing right now.","date_published":"2020-05-07T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/cad9dd04-1a54-47a9-b790-bd7413bc3f8f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18170703,"duration_in_seconds":1134}]},{"id":"ffefe409-712c-4660-b2b1-9b4edf7bbd4b","title":"Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fruit-of-the-spirit","content_text":"We're studying the fruit that the spirit produces.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re studying the fruit that the spirit produces.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fruit of the Spirit Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-05-01T19:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ffefe409-712c-4660-b2b1-9b4edf7bbd4b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37304314,"duration_in_seconds":2322}]},{"id":"3cf381cb-7fbb-4be4-a52e-6dee3d03d927","title":"Cut for Time: Life Centers in Indy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-033","content_text":"We interview Becky Lawrence, center director at the Life Center in Hamilton Co. She shares ways for us to to partner with and pray for their ministry.\n\nInterested in serving? Go to their website: https://lifecenters.com/","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe interview Becky Lawrence, center director at the Life Center in Hamilton Co. She shares ways for us to to partner with and pray for their ministry.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eInterested in serving? Go to their website: \u003ca href=\"https://lifecenters.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ehttps://lifecenters.com/\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We interview Becky Lawrence, center director at the Life Center in Hamilton Co. She shares ways for us to to partner with and pray for their ministry.","date_published":"2020-04-29T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3cf381cb-7fbb-4be4-a52e-6dee3d03d927.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19243218,"duration_in_seconds":1201}]},{"id":"d698181f-31c1-49a7-b07c-a724d65385fc","title":"Walk By the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/walk-by-the-spirit","content_text":"Walk by the Spirit.” “Be led by the Spirit.” “Keep in step with the Spirit.” In just a short few verses, the Apostle Paul builds a word-cloud of analogies to describe the relationship between each believer and the Holy Spirit. As we grow to be more like Jesus, how does God empower us, and what’s our responsibility? Join us for “Walk by the Spirit” from Galatians 5:16-26!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWalk by the Spirit.” “Be led by the Spirit.” “Keep in step with the Spirit.” In just a short few verses, the Apostle Paul builds a word-cloud of analogies to describe the relationship between each believer and the Holy Spirit. As we grow to be more like Jesus, how does God empower us, and what’s our responsibility? Join us for “Walk by the Spirit” from Galatians 5:16-26!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Life in the Spirit Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-04-24T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d698181f-31c1-49a7-b07c-a724d65385fc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":36197813,"duration_in_seconds":2249}]},{"id":"18bf2504-b2b2-4002-81ab-47c776414252","title":"Cut for Time: An Update from Joey Woestman","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-032","content_text":"Pastor Joey gives us an update on life, ministry, and the mission of Faith.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey gives us an update on life, ministry, and the mission of Faith.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey gives us an update on life, ministry, and the mission of Faith.","date_published":"2020-04-22T18:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/18bf2504-b2b2-4002-81ab-47c776414252.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29807965,"duration_in_seconds":1861}]},{"id":"514035fd-dd04-47a6-9aa0-972648186962","title":"Life In The Spirit (Galatians 5:25)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/life-in-th-spirit","content_text":"This weekend we begin a new series, “Life in the Spirit.” How does the Holy Spirit help us grow? What does growth as Christians look like? Over the next twelve weeks we’ll focus on Galatians 5:25, “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit” and take our time learning about the fruit of the Spirit. Join us for “Life in the Spirit”!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis weekend we begin a new series, “Life in the Spirit.” How does the Holy Spirit help us grow? What does growth as Christians look like? Over the next twelve weeks we’ll focus on Galatians 5:25, “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit” and take our time learning about the fruit of the Spirit. Join us for “Life in the Spirit”!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Life in the Spirit Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-04-17T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/514035fd-dd04-47a6-9aa0-972648186962.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34396827,"duration_in_seconds":2120}]},{"id":"0b19b2b1-1adc-4ca0-99e1-3406dfd61231","title":"Cut for Time: An Update from Jeff Schultz","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-031","content_text":"Pastor Jeff updates us on his health and his new normal.\n\nPrayer Requests for Jeff and his family:\n\n\nFor Isabel, our high school junior – like with many students, pray for connection with others, ability to focus on online school, cancelled college visits, upcoming AP and standardized college tests.\nFor Amelia – frustration at not being able to work (furloughed from school admin role in Washington Township)\nFor Jeff – recovery of strength, re-entering full-time ministry\nFor all of us – finding the new “normal” rhythms of work, ministry, family, etc.\n","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff updates us on his health and his new normal.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003ePrayer Requests for Jeff and his family:\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cul\u003e\n\u003cli\u003eFor Isabel, our high school junior – like with many students, pray for connection with others, ability to focus on online school, cancelled college visits, upcoming AP and standardized college tests.\u003c/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003eFor Amelia – frustration at not being able to work (furloughed from school admin role in Washington Township)\u003c/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003eFor Jeff – recovery of strength, re-entering full-time ministry\u003c/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003eFor all of us – finding the new “normal” rhythms of work, ministry, family, etc.\u003c/li\u003e\n\u003c/ul\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff updates us on his health and his new normal.","date_published":"2020-04-15T22:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0b19b2b1-1adc-4ca0-99e1-3406dfd61231.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17621632,"duration_in_seconds":1099}]},{"id":"5374177f-267e-4453-9997-51bfb33f6882","title":"Death Interrupted (Matthew 28)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/death-interrupted-sermon","content_text":"The “way things normally go” gets interrupted by Jesus – which can be frightening and unsettling. But he interrupts to bring hope and victory into our lives and our world. Join us this Sunday for worship as we celebrate “Death Interrupted” from Matthew 28!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe “way things normally go” gets interrupted by Jesus – which can be frightening and unsettling. But he interrupts to bring hope and victory into our lives and our world. Join us this Sunday for worship as we celebrate “Death Interrupted” from Matthew 28!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Interrupted Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-04-15T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5374177f-267e-4453-9997-51bfb33f6882.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":18227656,"duration_in_seconds":1302}]},{"id":"2d994c44-016c-4d59-a8ce-a66e1382b229","title":"Cut for Time: For Such a Time as This","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-029","content_text":"In this episode of Cut for Time, we interviewed Nick Carter, entrepreneur and CEO of Market Wagon. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode of Cut for Time, we interviewed Nick Carter, entrepreneur and CEO of Market Wagon. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this episode of Cut for Time, we interviewed Nick Carter, entrepreneur and CEO of Market Wagon. ","date_published":"2020-04-08T22:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2d994c44-016c-4d59-a8ce-a66e1382b229.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18871351,"duration_in_seconds":1177}]},{"id":"10ae77aa-467d-4e29-81fb-19b7aef6ba75","title":"Good Friday 2020","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/good-friday-2020","content_text":"“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow…” We explored these words from Lamentations 1:12 at the beginning of Lent; we return to these words on Good Friday to explore the depths of Jesus’ sorrow—and love—on our behalf.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow…” We explored these words from Lamentations 1:12 at the beginning of Lent; we return to these words on Good Friday to explore the depths of Jesus’ sorrow—and love—on our behalf.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Interrupted Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-04-08T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/10ae77aa-467d-4e29-81fb-19b7aef6ba75.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":7454325,"duration_in_seconds":441}]},{"id":"c71fb3d6-8ec6-4be7-bdda-d05adfd02098","title":"Love Sees, Feels \u0026 Acts (Luke 7:1-17)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/love-sees-feels-and-acts","content_text":"COVID-19 will be an interruption to “life as usual” for weeks to come. Jesus was often interrupted in his ministry with crises; he didn't respond in anger, anxiety, or even a need to fix it all quickly. We're learning from Jesus to answer the question: How should we respond to this coronavirus interruption and other intrusions?\n\nWe’re looking at Luke 7:11-17 where Jesus is interrupted by – and interrupts – a funeral. He notices those who are grieving, enters others’ pain, and brings healing and hope.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCOVID-19 will be an interruption to “life as usual” for weeks to come. Jesus was often interrupted in his ministry with crises; he didn\u0026#39;t respond in anger, anxiety, or even a need to fix it all quickly. We\u0026#39;re learning from Jesus to answer the question: How should we respond to this coronavirus interruption and other intrusions?\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eWe’re looking at Luke 7:11-17 where Jesus is interrupted by – and interrupts – a funeral. He notices those who are grieving, enters others’ pain, and brings healing and hope.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Interrupted Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-04-03T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c71fb3d6-8ec6-4be7-bdda-d05adfd02098.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28775396,"duration_in_seconds":1870}]},{"id":"cd9e309e-f302-4743-af70-5b12032b8304","title":"Indy's Table - A Community Response to COVID-19","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-027","content_text":"In this episode of Cut for Time, we interview John Hobleman and Elli Jones. They are managing a new project, Indy's Table, to serve their local zip code during the COVID-19 crisis.\n\nHere are the links we mentioned during the show: \n\nIndy's Table Main Website\n[Neidhammer Home Website](www.neidhammer.com)\nGo Fund Me Link\n[Indy's Table Facebook Page](www.facebook.com/Indys-Table-A-Community-Response-to-Covid-19-101162648209012/)","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode of Cut for Time, we interview John Hobleman and Elli Jones. They are managing a new project, Indy\u0026#39;s Table, to serve their local zip code during the COVID-19 crisis.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eHere are the links we mentioned during the show: \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https://indychamber.com/news/member-news/indys-table-a-community-response-to-covid-19/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eIndy\u0026#39;s Table Main Website\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n[Neidhammer Home Website](\u003ca href=\"http://www.neidhammer.com\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ewww.neidhammer.com\u003c/a\u003e)\u003cbr\u003e\n\u003ca href=\"https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/indys-table\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eGo Fund Me Link\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\n[Indy\u0026#39;s Table Facebook Page](\u003ca href=\"http://www.facebook.com/Indys-Table-A-Community-Response-to-Covid-19-101162648209012/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003ewww.facebook.com/Indys-Table-A-Community-Response-to-Covid-19-101162648209012/\u003c/a\u003e)\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this episode of Cut for Time, we interview John Hobleman and Elli Jones. They are managing a new project, Indy's Table, to serve their local zip code during the COVID-19 crisis.","date_published":"2020-04-01T22:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/cd9e309e-f302-4743-af70-5b12032b8304.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23577658,"duration_in_seconds":1471}]},{"id":"369165dc-af3b-463b-b82e-b155296c08de","title":"Sleeping Through the Struggle","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/interrupted-002","content_text":"This weekend we're studying Mark 4:35-41. A familiar story to all of us, but now we're studying it with the new perspective of interruptions. Pastors Joey and Nathan discuss the passage and use it to apply what we're working through in this season. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis weekend we\u0026#39;re studying Mark 4:35-41. A familiar story to all of us, but now we\u0026#39;re studying it with the new perspective of interruptions. Pastors Joey and Nathan discuss the passage and use it to apply what we\u0026#39;re working through in this season. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This weekend we're studying Mark 4:35-41. A familiar story to all of us, but now we're studying it with the new perspective of interruptions. Pastors Joey and Nathan discuss the passage and use it to apply what we're working through in this season. ","date_published":"2020-03-27T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/369165dc-af3b-463b-b82e-b155296c08de.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34890240,"duration_in_seconds":2180}]},{"id":"b04d4cf9-fec9-40b7-ad3a-91409463c21c","title":"Gratitude \u0026 Generosity: Remedies for Anxiety","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-026","content_text":"In this week's episode of Cut for Time, we interview Melissa Ho, a mom to three girls and wife to Caleb. Melissa has training in clinical family counseling and talks on anxiety and some simple remedies to try. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this week\u0026#39;s episode of Cut for Time, we interview Melissa Ho, a mom to three girls and wife to Caleb. Melissa has training in clinical family counseling and talks on anxiety and some simple remedies to try. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In this week's episode of Cut for Time, we interview Melissa Ho, a mom to three girls and wife to Caleb. Melissa has training in clinical family counseling and talks on anxiety and some simple remedies to try. ","date_published":"2020-03-26T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b04d4cf9-fec9-40b7-ad3a-91409463c21c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":22530814,"duration_in_seconds":1406}]},{"id":"45a7e099-fa31-47ff-81ff-875eae0f1a1a","title":"Anxious and Troubled","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/interrupted-001","content_text":"Pastor Joey takes a look at Luke 10:38-42, the story of Martha and Mary that we all know well. There are two interruptions in this story; Jesus interrupting Martha and Mary's day and Martha interrupting Jesus as he is teaching. Both are important to study and learn from. Join our pastors Joey and Nathan as they discuss the passage and give us practical ways to apply the text to our lives today.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey takes a look at Luke 10:38-42, the story of Martha and Mary that we all know well. There are two interruptions in this story; Jesus interrupting Martha and Mary\u0026#39;s day and Martha interrupting Jesus as he is teaching. Both are important to study and learn from. Join our pastors Joey and Nathan as they discuss the passage and give us practical ways to apply the text to our lives today.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Week one in our new mini-series, Interrupted.","date_published":"2020-03-20T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/45a7e099-fa31-47ff-81ff-875eae0f1a1a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34517705,"duration_in_seconds":2155}]},{"id":"ae6f6ef5-3d0f-46eb-bb62-0aee231de042","title":"Cut for Time: Being a Non-Anxious Presence","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-025","content_text":"It's a special episode of Cut for Time this week. We interview Jen Derksen on being a non-anxious presence during this challenging time. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIt\u0026#39;s a special episode of Cut for Time this week. We interview Jen Derksen on being a non-anxious presence during this challenging time. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It's a special episode of Cut for Time this week. We interview Jen Derksen on being a non-anxious presence during this challenging time. ","date_published":"2020-03-18T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ae6f6ef5-3d0f-46eb-bb62-0aee231de042.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":26669903,"duration_in_seconds":1664}]},{"id":"e3a924a3-f7ca-40e6-8d43-7aa75eef6482","title":"Despair and Hope (Lamentations 3:1-33)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lamentations-despair-and-hope","content_text":"We all experience loss and pain in life. Just as important as the wounds we suffer are the messages we take from them about God, life, ourselves, and others. How do we move through losses and griefs so that we don’t end up protective, bitter, distanced, and doubtful, but hopeful, worshipful, and confident?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe all experience loss and pain in life. Just as important as the wounds we suffer are the messages we take from them about God, life, ourselves, and others. How do we move through losses and griefs so that we don’t end up protective, bitter, distanced, and doubtful, but hopeful, worshipful, and confident?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We all experience loss and pain in life. Just as important as the wounds we suffer are the messages we take from them about God, life, ourselves, and others. How do we move through losses and griefs so that we don’t end up protective, bitter, distanced, and doubtful, but hopeful, worshipful, and confident?","date_published":"2020-03-14T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e3a924a3-f7ca-40e6-8d43-7aa75eef6482.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31389912,"duration_in_seconds":3094}]},{"id":"2c947807-6722-42cf-b2ca-dc95af4f4449","title":"Cut for Time: Lamentations 2","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-024","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares a few additional thoughts from Lamentations 2 and processing grief. \n\nIt was at this point that Bilbo stopped. Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterwards were as nothing compared to it. He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait. At any rate after a short halt go on he did.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares a few additional thoughts from Lamentations 2 and processing grief. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eIt was at this point that Bilbo stopped. Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterwards were as nothing compared to it. He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait. At any rate after a short halt go on he did.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares a few additional thoughts from Lamentations 2 and processing grief. ","date_published":"2020-03-11T14:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2c947807-6722-42cf-b2ca-dc95af4f4449.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":22525814,"duration_in_seconds":1405}]},{"id":"4b1477e0-9108-4dea-ac41-47ae2cdcb1b9","title":"Comfort from the Destroyer (Lamentations 2)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/comfort-from-the-destroyer","content_text":"For the people of Israel to move into and begin to process their grief requires the courage to name their emotions, to identify the source of their lament. In this passage, the writer of Lamentations intensifies the expression of his own grief while calling the people of Jerusalem to turn in prayer to find comfort in God, their destroyer. How does God comfort us in our sorrow today when we feel that he could have done something differently to alleviate our sorrow? Join us as we learn to name our griefs before God from our study of Lamentations 2, “Comfort from the Destroyer.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFor the people of Israel to move into and begin to process their grief requires the courage to name their emotions, to identify the source of their lament. In this passage, the writer of Lamentations intensifies the expression of his own grief while calling the people of Jerusalem to turn in prayer to find comfort in God, their destroyer. How does God comfort us in our sorrow today when we feel that he could have done something differently to alleviate our sorrow? Join us as we learn to name our griefs before God from our study of Lamentations 2, “Comfort from the Destroyer.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Lamentations Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-03-09T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4b1477e0-9108-4dea-ac41-47ae2cdcb1b9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33445816,"duration_in_seconds":2785}]},{"id":"249668b9-eeba-4eed-aa29-cb004e2d38cd","title":"Cut for Time: Lamentations 1","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-023","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few additional thoughts on loss, loneliness, and lament, specifically with regards to community. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few additional thoughts on loss, loneliness, and lament, specifically with regards to community. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few additional thoughts on loss, loneliness, and lament, specifically with regards to community. ","date_published":"2020-03-04T16:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/249668b9-eeba-4eed-aa29-cb004e2d38cd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":21508634,"duration_in_seconds":1342}]},{"id":"eff8c3dc-1aa3-47c8-bd62-5937f6cbd6a4","title":"Loss Loneliness and Lament (Lamentations 1)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/loss-loneliness-and-lament","content_text":"Lamentations is an extended poetic reflection on the destruction of Jerusalem, the exile of God’s people, and all the loss, horror, and confusion that went with those events. While the message of the gospel is joy and peace, it’s also healthy to grieve over losses, sorrows, and sin, especially as we head towards Easter. We see how our brokenness brings destruction and alienation as a people who mourns the difference between life as it is and the life of the world to come. And we long for a savior who offers hope. Join us as we look at “Loss, Loneliness, and Lament” from Lamentations 1.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLamentations is an extended poetic reflection on the destruction of Jerusalem, the exile of God’s people, and all the loss, horror, and confusion that went with those events. While the message of the gospel is joy and peace, it’s also healthy to grieve over losses, sorrows, and sin, especially as we head towards Easter. We see how our brokenness brings destruction and alienation as a people who mourns the difference between life as it is and the life of the world to come. And we long for a savior who offers hope. Join us as we look at “Loss, Loneliness, and Lament” from Lamentations 1.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Look on My Sorrow Lamentations Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-03-02T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/eff8c3dc-1aa3-47c8-bd62-5937f6cbd6a4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":83721089,"duration_in_seconds":2615}]},{"id":"fd85a1d5-2567-45fe-9ca2-69629aad5543","title":"Remember That You Are Dust","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/remember-that-you-are-dust","content_text":"Starting the Lenten season with a service of remembrance hosted by Art@Faith. With the application of ashes, we recognize our frailty and our need for a savior.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eStarting the Lenten season with a service of remembrance hosted by \u003ca href=\"mailto:Art@Faith\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eArt@Faith\u003c/a\u003e. With the application of ashes, we recognize our frailty and our need for a savior.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Ash Wednesday Service","date_published":"2020-02-27T15:30:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fd85a1d5-2567-45fe-9ca2-69629aad5543.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":6363600,"duration_in_seconds":1067}]},{"id":"6482cfab-3b43-426e-a13d-d4c7206a3799","title":"Cut for Time: Blessed to be a Blessing","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-021","content_text":"Stephen Camp guest hosts Cut for Time and interviews Pastor Nathan. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eStephen Camp guest hosts Cut for Time and interviews Pastor Nathan. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Stephen Camp guest hosts Cut for Time and interviews Pastor Nathan. ","date_published":"2020-02-26T22:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6482cfab-3b43-426e-a13d-d4c7206a3799.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":14068886,"duration_in_seconds":878}]},{"id":"955046f5-7016-4c23-a66e-ea4b18d077dd","title":"Blessed to be a Blessing (Psalm 67)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/blessed-to-be-a-blessing","content_text":"Why do we end our worship services with a benediction and commissioning rather than just saying “you are dismissed”? The character of God and the news of the Gospel empowers us to be sent out into the world. Benediction/Commissioning is the final form we will be studying in our series, and it gives us reason to pause and praise God for his goodness and his blessings.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhy do we end our worship services with a benediction and commissioning rather than just saying “you are dismissed”? The character of God and the news of the Gospel empowers us to be sent out into the world. Benediction/Commissioning is the final form we will be studying in our series, and it gives us reason to pause and praise God for his goodness and his blessings.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Transformation Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-02-24T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/955046f5-7016-4c23-a66e-ea4b18d077dd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":75179049,"duration_in_seconds":2348}]},{"id":"0b58bd0d-f4c6-443e-b940-25b30392affa","title":"Cut for Time: The Word of God","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-020","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few additional thoughts and things he had to cut for time on Sunday.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few additional thoughts and things he had to cut for time on Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few additional thoughts and things he had to cut for time on Sunday.","date_published":"2020-02-19T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0b58bd0d-f4c6-443e-b940-25b30392affa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":16448906,"duration_in_seconds":1027}]},{"id":"dead52b3-831c-4ce5-aeb7-9d66e298c98a","title":"The Word of God (Psalm 1)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-word-of-god","content_text":"Why do we focus so much on the Bible in our worship? We sing it, pray it, pray for it, read it, preach and hear it. What do we hope to accomplish? How does God’s word shape us together as God’s people? Join us for “The Word of God” from Psalm 1.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhy do we focus so much on the Bible in our worship? We sing it, pray it, pray for it, read it, preach and hear it. What do we hope to accomplish? How does God’s word shape us together as God’s people? Join us for “The Word of God” from Psalm 1.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Transformation Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-02-17T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dead52b3-831c-4ce5-aeb7-9d66e298c98a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":42237576,"duration_in_seconds":2534}]},{"id":"972921f1-06da-4cd1-8348-709eeaba1ce3","title":"Cut for Time: Offerings","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-019","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few more thoughts on the element of offerings. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few more thoughts on the element of offerings. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few more thoughts on the element of offerings. ","date_published":"2020-02-12T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/972921f1-06da-4cd1-8348-709eeaba1ce3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":17457574,"duration_in_seconds":1089}]},{"id":"85afe6d5-5804-4e4e-9a06-0591cb86d138","title":"Offerings (Psalm 66)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/offerings","content_text":"The Law required sacrifices for unholy people to approach a holy God. But in Psalm 66, we see the writer going far beyond what was required, in an expression of lavish generosity. We know we don’t offer sacrifices to draw near to God (much less to get something from him). And God doesn’t need anything. So why is giving a part of our worship? Join us as we look at “Offerings” from Psalm 66.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Law required sacrifices for unholy people to approach a holy God. But in Psalm 66, we see the writer going far beyond what was required, in an expression of lavish generosity. We know we don’t offer sacrifices to draw near to God (much less to get something from him). And God doesn’t need anything. So why is giving a part of our worship? Join us as we look at “Offerings” from Psalm 66.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Transformation Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-02-10T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/85afe6d5-5804-4e4e-9a06-0591cb86d138.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":88999945,"duration_in_seconds":2780}]},{"id":"17cf857c-8053-412c-a859-4c7c5711f072","title":"Cut for Time: Pray With Me","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-018","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares some thoughts on prayer that he had to cut for time on Sunday. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares some thoughts on prayer that he had to cut for time on Sunday. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares some thoughts on prayer that he had to cut for time on Sunday. ","date_published":"2020-02-05T19:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/17cf857c-8053-412c-a859-4c7c5711f072.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":18800058,"duration_in_seconds":1172}]},{"id":"85b1e77b-323d-4615-9d74-86b95d8b18fd","title":"Pray With Me (Psalm 73)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/pray-with-me","content_text":"Every week in this transFORMation series we’ve said that what we do when we worship does something to us. But how does listening to someone else pray shape me, when they’re doing all the talking? Join us for “Pray With Me” from Psalm 73!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEvery week in this transFORMation series we’ve said that what we do when we worship does something to us. But how does listening to someone else pray shape me, when they’re doing all the talking? Join us for “Pray With Me” from Psalm 73!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Transformation Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-02-03T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/85b1e77b-323d-4615-9d74-86b95d8b18fd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":69673807,"duration_in_seconds":2177}]},{"id":"8dfab98c-dfe4-4a75-b73b-d0f18f8a1c01","title":"Cut for Time: Gospel Images","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-017","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares more about communion and baptism and answers a few of our questions!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares more about communion and baptism and answers a few of our questions!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares more about communion and baptism and answers a few of our questions!","date_published":"2020-01-29T20:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8dfab98c-dfe4-4a75-b73b-d0f18f8a1c01.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":16866863,"duration_in_seconds":1051}]},{"id":"462a945b-4f1b-44ff-bf73-2cbc6ef79836","title":"Gospel Images (Psalm 133)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gospel-images","content_text":"One of the best indicators of a church’s health is their sense of unity — are we here for the same reasons, pursuing the same goals, growing together? We consider the role that Baptism and Communion play in unifying our church as we study Psalm 133 in “Gospel Images.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOne of the best indicators of a church’s health is their sense of unity — are we here for the same reasons, pursuing the same goals, growing together? We consider the role that Baptism and Communion play in unifying our church as we study Psalm 133 in “Gospel Images.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Transformation Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-01-27T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/462a945b-4f1b-44ff-bf73-2cbc6ef79836.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":85632079,"duration_in_seconds":2675}]},{"id":"f2ff037a-df6f-4fdd-a435-16a5278c70cc","title":"Cut for Time: Confession and Assurance","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-016","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things from Sunday's sermon that he needed to cut for time.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few things from Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon that he needed to cut for time.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things from Sunday's sermon that he needed to cut for time.","date_published":"2020-01-22T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f2ff037a-df6f-4fdd-a435-16a5278c70cc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":13263929,"duration_in_seconds":828}]},{"id":"74f556a3-6b5e-4f72-ba5a-beea17cceebf","title":"Confession and Assurance (Psalm 32)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/confession-and-assurance","content_text":"If Jesus has already paid for all our sins, why do we confess our sins? Confession isn’t about getting God to forgive us; it’s speaking the truth to ourselves and God about the way we really are. Confession frees us and confession grows us. But it’s only in the security of God’s covenant faithfulness that we are safe to be honest. That’s why we also need to also be reassured of God’s unfailing love and forgiveness to humble people who confess their failing and their need. Join us as we look at “Confession and Assurance” from Psalm 32.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIf Jesus has already paid for all our sins, why do we confess our sins? Confession isn’t about getting God to forgive us; it’s speaking the truth to ourselves and God about the way we really are. Confession frees us and confession grows us. But it’s only in the security of God’s covenant faithfulness that we are safe to be honest. That’s why we also need to also be reassured of God’s unfailing love and forgiveness to humble people who confess their failing and their need. Join us as we look at “Confession and Assurance” from Psalm 32.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Transformation Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-01-20T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/74f556a3-6b5e-4f72-ba5a-beea17cceebf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":82560079,"duration_in_seconds":2579}]},{"id":"b8b85d7c-4fa6-4731-8784-df991e815a0e","title":"Cut for Time: The Gospel Proclamation","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-015","content_text":"We chat about the gospel proclammation and Jeff shares more on how he is a \"bad preacher,\" and so are the rest of us. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe chat about the gospel proclammation and Jeff shares more on how he is a \u0026quot;bad preacher,\u0026quot; and so are the rest of us. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things that he needed to cut for time on Sunday. ","date_published":"2020-01-15T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b8b85d7c-4fa6-4731-8784-df991e815a0e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":14656750,"duration_in_seconds":915}]},{"id":"02879eea-4830-450c-9bac-7558783c84c8","title":"Gospel Proclamation (Psalm 103)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gospel-proclamation","content_text":"We all believe some kind of gospel – something that gives us identity, hope, purpose, morality – and we’re all shaped by the gospel we believe. So, every week in worship we remind ourselves of the really good news of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. Join us as we look at “Gospel Proclamation” from Psalm 103.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe all believe some kind of gospel – something that gives us identity, hope, purpose, morality – and we’re all shaped by the gospel we believe. So, every week in worship we remind ourselves of the really good news of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. Join us as we look at “Gospel Proclamation” from Psalm 103.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Transformation Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-01-13T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/02879eea-4830-450c-9bac-7558783c84c8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":78902863,"duration_in_seconds":2465}]},{"id":"deefacdf-76e6-460e-b55a-78e6e094cdb9","title":"Cut for Time: The Call to Worship","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-014","content_text":"We just started a new series called Transformation. We spend this podcast talking more about worship, what it looks like for each person, and our heart behind it. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe just started a new series called Transformation. We spend this podcast talking more about worship, what it looks like for each person, and our heart behind it. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We just started a new series called Transformation. We spend this podcast talking more about worship, what it looks like for each person, and our heart behind it. ","date_published":"2020-01-08T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/deefacdf-76e6-460e-b55a-78e6e094cdb9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":15025469,"duration_in_seconds":938}]},{"id":"81ddebbe-2c9f-4c9d-b1f4-7682e2a4635b","title":"The Call to Worship (Psalm 95:1-7)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-call-to-worship","content_text":"“First we form our forms, then our forms form us.” In other words, every time we gather to worship, what we do in our worship actually shapes us, forms us into a certain kind of worshiper, a specific kind of person. For the next eight weeks, we’ll explore together how our worship shapes us, why we choose the worship forms we choose, and what we (and God) are actually doing when we worship. Join us for our “Transformation” series, “The Call to Worship”, from Psalm 95!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“First we form our forms, then our forms form us.” In other words, every time we gather to worship, what we do in our worship actually shapes us, forms us into a certain kind of worshiper, a specific kind of person. For the next eight weeks, we’ll explore together how our worship shapes us, why we choose the worship forms we choose, and what we (and God) are actually doing when we worship. Join us for our “Transformation” series, “The Call to Worship”, from Psalm 95!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Transformation Sermon Series","date_published":"2020-01-06T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/81ddebbe-2c9f-4c9d-b1f4-7682e2a4635b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":74574415,"duration_in_seconds":2330}]},{"id":"10748d42-ae88-4423-9540-05159a128ea6","title":"From Groans to Glory (Romans 8:18-30)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/from-groans-to-glory","content_text":"The coming of Jesus our Messiah points us to a future hope we have of spending eternity with our God. But how do we wrestle with the tension of still living in this sinful world? Our bodies groan together with all creation as we await the 2nd Advent of Jesus. In Romans 8 we will see how these groanings lead us to patience, hope, and rejoicing as we anticipate the future glory we have in Christ. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe coming of Jesus our Messiah points us to a future hope we have of spending eternity with our God. But how do we wrestle with the tension of still living in this sinful world? Our bodies groan together with all creation as we await the 2nd Advent of Jesus. In Romans 8 we will see how these groanings lead us to patience, hope, and rejoicing as we anticipate the future glory we have in Christ. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"O Come Let Us Adore Him Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-12-31T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/10748d42-ae88-4423-9540-05159a128ea6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":35024448,"duration_in_seconds":2358}]},{"id":"bae97af8-e772-4d86-9184-1557d96d2995","title":"Christmas Eve","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/christmas-eve-worship","content_text":"From creation to fallen, from redemption to eternity - we were made to worship Him. Join us for a Christmas Eve recap of O Come Let Us Adore Him.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFrom creation to fallen, from redemption to eternity - we were made to worship Him. Join us for a Christmas Eve recap of O Come Let Us Adore Him.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"O Come Let Us Adore Him Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-12-31T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bae97af8-e772-4d86-9184-1557d96d2995.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":11143200,"duration_in_seconds":684}]},{"id":"8f0dc806-221c-4169-9d33-daf9652a6ccc","title":"Eternal Worship (Colossians 1:13-23)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/eternal-worship","content_text":"We were created for worship, but we rebelled and turned away to worship other things. Yet God is reconciling all things to himself through Christ. What does that include? What will that look like in a new heavens and earth? And how does that shape our lives as worship here and now? Join us for “Eternal Worship,” the fourth part of our Advent Series, Come Let Us Adore Him.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe were created for worship, but we rebelled and turned away to worship other things. Yet God is reconciling all things to himself through Christ. What does that include? What will that look like in a new heavens and earth? And how does that shape our lives as worship here and now? Join us for “Eternal Worship,” the fourth part of our Advent Series, Come Let Us Adore Him.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"O Come Let Us Adore Him Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-12-23T15:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8f0dc806-221c-4169-9d33-daf9652a6ccc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37190640,"duration_in_seconds":2254}]},{"id":"5413e8d5-f954-4dbb-bfe1-63b526ecd0d4","title":"Redeemed Worship (Colossians 1:15-23)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/redeemed-worship","content_text":"Well, we know how we got here. We were made to worship, but we refused to believe that God deserved to be worship most over all. We didn’t stop being worshipers, we just started worshiping other things. This week we’ll examine Colossians 1:15-23 again to see how God, in Jesus, moved into the world to recapture the wonder in our hearts, to turn us back to worship of him. Join us for “Redeemed Worship,” the third part of our Advent Series, “Come Let Us Adore Him.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWell, we know how we got here. We were made to worship, but we refused to believe that God deserved to be worship most over all. We didn’t stop being worshipers, we just started worshiping other things. This week we’ll examine Colossians 1:15-23 again to see how God, in Jesus, moved into the world to recapture the wonder in our hearts, to turn us back to worship of him. Join us for “Redeemed Worship,” the third part of our Advent Series, “Come Let Us Adore Him.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"O Come Let Us Adore Him Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-12-16T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5413e8d5-f954-4dbb-bfe1-63b526ecd0d4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":77349543,"duration_in_seconds":2416}]},{"id":"8aa82098-36cf-4fe2-a80c-ac477b6283f3","title":"Fallen Worship (Colossians 1:15-23)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fallen-worship","content_text":"“What happened?” That’s the big question facing us as we explore Colossians 1:15-23 this weekend. The first stanza of this great poem reminded us that we were made to worship God in perfect harmony with him. But the second stanza talks about death, evil, the need for peace, alienation, and hostility. What happened to put us in this mess? Are we stuck there forever? Join us for “Fallen Worship”, the second part of our Advent Series, “Come Let Us Adore Him”.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“What happened?” That’s the big question facing us as we explore Colossians 1:15-23 this weekend. The first stanza of this great poem reminded us that we were made to worship God in perfect harmony with him. But the second stanza talks about death, evil, the need for peace, alienation, and hostility. What happened to put us in this mess? Are we stuck there forever? Join us for “Fallen Worship”, the second part of our Advent Series, “Come Let Us Adore Him”.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"O Come Let Us Adore Him Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-12-09T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8aa82098-36cf-4fe2-a80c-ac477b6283f3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":87357044,"duration_in_seconds":2729}]},{"id":"a81c36b6-0e0e-413b-9c83-ed8c661dcbff","title":"Created to Worship (Colossians 1:15-23)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/created-to-worship","content_text":"The season of Advent is about anticipating and worshiping the Messiah. But we fully appreciate him when we see him as the one who fulfills God's promise to save, redeem, and restore. We start our Advent journey in Colossians 1:15-23 with the reminder that we are Created to Worship. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe season of Advent is about anticipating and worshiping the Messiah. But we fully appreciate him when we see him as the one who fulfills God\u0026#39;s promise to save, redeem, and restore. We start our Advent journey in Colossians 1:15-23 with the reminder that we are Created to Worship. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"O Come Let Us Adore Him Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-12-02T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a81c36b6-0e0e-413b-9c83-ed8c661dcbff.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":42819792,"duration_in_seconds":2618}]},{"id":"dda25329-0f31-4863-84cd-bef0b0b9b49c","title":"Our Joy In Christ (Philippians 1-4)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/our-joy-in-christ","content_text":"Paul’s letter to the Philippians has the most concentrated use in the New Testament of the words, Joy and Rejoice, comparable to Psalms in the Old Testament. And it’s not because life was always good for him by the usual measures. He was “in chains,” a prisoner, yet also “in Christ” and finding joy and contentment in Him. Join us as we wrap up the fall Philippians series with a focus on joy that is found throughout the whole letter. What is the source of true lasting Joy?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul’s letter to the Philippians has the most concentrated use in the New Testament of the words, Joy and Rejoice, comparable to Psalms in the Old Testament. And it’s not because life was always good for him by the usual measures. He was “in chains,” a prisoner, yet also “in Christ” and finding joy and contentment in Him. Join us as we wrap up the fall Philippians series with a focus on joy that is found throughout the whole letter. What is the source of true lasting Joy?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-11-25T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dda25329-0f31-4863-84cd-bef0b0b9b49c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":83449423,"duration_in_seconds":2607}]},{"id":"a414a0ce-be34-4c28-97cc-ba3605483cf3","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 4:10-23","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-012","content_text":"Along with a few special guests, Pastor Joey shares a few things that he had to cut for time on Sunday. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAlong with a few special guests, Pastor Joey shares a few things that he had to cut for time on Sunday. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"In our Philippians series, Pastor Joey shares a few things that he had to cut for time on Sunday. ","date_published":"2019-11-20T21:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a414a0ce-be34-4c28-97cc-ba3605483cf3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":21756844,"duration_in_seconds":1358}]},{"id":"a33e05bb-1c0f-4db2-9405-4fc8bb11c667","title":"Share the Wealth (Philippians 4:10-23)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/share-the-wealth","content_text":"Seems like the best way to break a friendship is to make it all about money. And yet, in Philippians 4:10-23, the Apostle Paul finds his friendship with the church in Philippi strengthened because of money, even when he didn’t need it! How do we share the wealth we have with one another as a sacrifice to God? Come to find out as we “Share the Wealth!\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSeems like the best way to break a friendship is to make it all about money. And yet, in Philippians 4:10-23, the Apostle Paul finds his friendship with the church in Philippi strengthened because of money, even when he didn’t need it! How do we share the wealth we have with one another as a sacrifice to God? Come to find out as we “Share the Wealth!\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-11-18T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a33e05bb-1c0f-4db2-9405-4fc8bb11c667.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":91092903,"duration_in_seconds":2846}]},{"id":"c288e367-eb9c-4057-8575-48241bb97978","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 4:2-9","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-011","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things that he had to cut for time during Sunday's sermon. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few things that he had to cut for time during Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things that he had to cut for time during Sunday's sermon. ","date_published":"2019-11-13T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c288e367-eb9c-4057-8575-48241bb97978.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":12850329,"duration_in_seconds":802}]},{"id":"121598e5-e922-4404-988c-a087c9253792","title":"Speaking Peace Together","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/speaking-peace-together","content_text":"An Arab and a Jew talking life, family, and following Jesus (without getting bogged down in politics).","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAn Arab and a Jew talking life, family, and following Jesus (without getting bogged down in politics).\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"GIC 2019","date_published":"2019-11-11T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/121598e5-e922-4404-988c-a087c9253792.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":98539680,"duration_in_seconds":6562}]},{"id":"01964e01-6ce2-46bd-b091-1131c1a98d2f","title":"Peace Be With You (Philippians 4:2-9)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/peace-be-with-you","content_text":"“Peace be with you” was the greeting regularly shared by Jesus’ first followers. But we live in a stressful world, we fight with each other, and we can be restless and worried. Even Paul talked about his anxiety for others. How do we experience the peace that Jesus promised? Join us as we look at Philippians 4:2-9.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Peace be with you” was the greeting regularly shared by Jesus’ first followers. But we live in a stressful world, we fight with each other, and we can be restless and worried. Even Paul talked about his anxiety for others. How do we experience the peace that Jesus promised? Join us as we look at Philippians 4:2-9.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-11-11T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/01964e01-6ce2-46bd-b091-1131c1a98d2f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":79735719,"duration_in_seconds":2491}]},{"id":"89ac61dc-f682-48e3-ab6c-3e5f7cde9f59","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 3:12-4:1","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-010","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares some additional thoughts from his sermon development that he needed to cut for time on Sunday.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares some additional thoughts from his sermon development that he needed to cut for time on Sunday.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares some additional thoughts from his sermon development that he needed to cut for time on Sunday.","date_published":"2019-11-06T20:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/89ac61dc-f682-48e3-ab6c-3e5f7cde9f59.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":10186892,"duration_in_seconds":635}]},{"id":"62019027-8761-401b-a52f-410059b15771","title":"Eyes on the Prize (Philippians 3:12-4:1)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/eyes-on-the-prize","content_text":"What is your life heading towards? Paul shows us how to make our lives really count in what matters most by living joyfully, humbly and purposefully for Christ. Join us as we look at “Eyes on the Prize” from Philippians 3:12-4:1.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat is your life heading towards? Paul shows us how to make our lives really count in what matters most by living joyfully, humbly and purposefully for Christ. Join us as we look at “Eyes on the Prize” from Philippians 3:12-4:1.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-11-04T12:30:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/62019027-8761-401b-a52f-410059b15771.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37426536,"duration_in_seconds":2225}]},{"id":"12d71f91-f79e-41ae-a9c2-33df11c7e2b3","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 3:1-11","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-009","content_text":"Jeff shares some more thoughts on how to \"Fight for Joy\" day to day. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJeff shares some more thoughts on how to \u0026quot;Fight for Joy\u0026quot; day to day. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Hear what Pastor Jeff cut for time during Sunday's sermon.","date_published":"2019-10-30T22:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/12d71f91-f79e-41ae-a9c2-33df11c7e2b3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":13360320,"duration_in_seconds":834}]},{"id":"3bee0337-8cbb-47f9-ba1c-38979dc00817","title":"Fight For Joy (Philippians 3:1-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fight-for-joy","content_text":"Jesus said that in knowing Him we would have real life and lasting joy. Why does it seem like that promise is difficult to experience? What works against us knowing joy? How do we find and keep real joy in life? Join us as we learn how to “Fight for Joy” from Philippians 3:1-11.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus said that in knowing Him we would have real life and lasting joy. Why does it seem like that promise is difficult to experience? What works against us knowing joy? How do we find and keep real joy in life? Join us as we learn how to “Fight for Joy” from Philippians 3:1-11.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-10-28T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3bee0337-8cbb-47f9-ba1c-38979dc00817.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":79495759,"duration_in_seconds":2484}]},{"id":"97ecb0c8-196b-4666-94e5-0bcac21dada5","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 2:19-30","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-008","content_text":"Just a few minutes from Pastor Joey Woestman on what he had to cut from Sunday's sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJust a few minutes from Pastor Joey Woestman on what he had to cut from Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Just a few minutes from Pastor Joey Woestman on what he had to cut from Sunday's sermon.","date_published":"2019-10-23T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/97ecb0c8-196b-4666-94e5-0bcac21dada5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":11611742,"duration_in_seconds":725}]},{"id":"38a32e34-f5f7-42a7-9a52-66d8d6c1c4f9","title":"The Low Road (Philippians 2:19-30)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-low-road","content_text":"After soaring on the theological and poetic heights of the last few paragraphs, the Apostle Paul lands on what seem to be mundane concerns: a travel itinerary. And yet these verses show us very real personalities, real situations, and real affection between Paul and the Philippian church. Join us as we explore Philippians 2:19-30, “The Low Road.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter soaring on the theological and poetic heights of the last few paragraphs, the Apostle Paul lands on what seem to be mundane concerns: a travel itinerary. And yet these verses show us very real personalities, real situations, and real affection between Paul and the Philippian church. Join us as we explore Philippians 2:19-30, “The Low Road.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-10-20T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/38a32e34-f5f7-42a7-9a52-66d8d6c1c4f9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":58096935,"duration_in_seconds":2420}]},{"id":"2df2d15a-2fdf-4fa5-be6e-98694ed124ba","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 2:12-18","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-007","content_text":"Just a few minutes from Pastor Jeff Schultz on what he had to cut from Sunday's sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJust a few minutes from Pastor Jeff Schultz on what he had to cut from Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Just a few minutes from Pastor Jeff Schultz on what he had to cut from Sunday's sermon.","date_published":"2019-10-16T19:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2df2d15a-2fdf-4fa5-be6e-98694ed124ba.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":11431047,"duration_in_seconds":713}]},{"id":"b225ddc9-f5cf-4a21-9ecb-1b344f23a597","title":"Shine (Philippians 2:12-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/shine","content_text":"Much like in our world, Roman culture in Philippi recognized people for their status, wealth, power, or celebrity. Jesus doesn’t tell us to hide in a corner and avoid being noticed, but he models a life that gets recognized for very different reasons. In this message we see from Philippians 2:12-18 how Jesus’ followers “Shine.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMuch like in our world, Roman culture in Philippi recognized people for their status, wealth, power, or celebrity. Jesus doesn’t tell us to hide in a corner and avoid being noticed, but he models a life that gets recognized for very different reasons. In this message we see from Philippians 2:12-18 how Jesus’ followers “Shine.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-10-13T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b225ddc9-f5cf-4a21-9ecb-1b344f23a597.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":53895591,"duration_in_seconds":2245}]},{"id":"4d42e070-7f7c-4b1e-9671-5e620f9c4091","title":"Step Up to the Plate (Isaiah 6:8)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/step-up-to-the-plate","content_text":"An incredible encounter with God Himself, in His temple in all His glory, gave the prophet Isaiah a burning passion to represent God wherever and to whomever God would send him. Where do we get the same passion Isaiah had? Join us for our Global Impact Conference Keynote message from missionary Mark Dodrill, “Step Up to the Plate,” from Isaiah 6:8!Special Guest: Mark Dodrill.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAn incredible encounter with God Himself, in His temple in all His glory, gave the prophet Isaiah a burning passion to represent God wherever and to whomever God would send him. Where do we get the same passion Isaiah had? Join us for our Global Impact Conference Keynote message from missionary Mark Dodrill, “Step Up to the Plate,” from Isaiah 6:8!\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Mark Dodrill.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"GIC Fall 2019","date_published":"2019-10-06T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4d42e070-7f7c-4b1e-9671-5e620f9c4091.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":9834768,"duration_in_seconds":1854}]},{"id":"37ae62c6-a617-49ba-a628-455758c1997e","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 2:5-11","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-006","content_text":"Just a few minutes from Pastor Joey Woestman on what he had to cut from Sunday's sermon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJust a few minutes from Pastor Joey Woestman on what he had to cut from Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Just a few minutes from Pastor Joey Woestman on what he had to cut from Sunday's sermon.","date_published":"2019-10-02T21:15:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/37ae62c6-a617-49ba-a628-455758c1997e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":14767313,"duration_in_seconds":922}]},{"id":"08563dbc-6672-46ab-8cc5-9d296df7da9f","title":"The Downward Call (Philippians 2:5-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-downward-call","content_text":"After a convicting admonition to the church to practice humility toward one another, Paul gives them (and us) a picture of what true humility looks like: Jesus. Jesus, who though he was equal with God nevertheless emptied himself, became a human being, and took on the role of a servant. And in this very action Jesus showed us what God is really like. Are we willing to follow God’s downward call as Jesus did? Join us for “The Downward Call” from Philippians 2:5-11.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter a convicting admonition to the church to practice humility toward one another, Paul gives them (and us) a picture of what true humility looks like: Jesus. Jesus, who though he was equal with God nevertheless emptied himself, became a human being, and took on the role of a servant. And in this very action Jesus showed us what God is really like. Are we willing to follow God’s downward call as Jesus did? Join us for “The Downward Call” from Philippians 2:5-11.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-09-29T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/08563dbc-6672-46ab-8cc5-9d296df7da9f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40792536,"duration_in_seconds":2676}]},{"id":"3b8ee274-4b9c-44e8-83c6-8ace6abda2e0","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 2:1-4","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-005","content_text":"On Sunday, Pastor Jeff preached on the difference Jesus makes. In this podcast episode, he shares a few things he wished he could include but couldn't because he was cut for time.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn Sunday, Pastor Jeff preached on the difference Jesus makes. In this podcast episode, he shares a few things he wished he could include but couldn\u0026#39;t because he was cut for time.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"On Sunday, Pastor Jeff preached on the difference Jesus makes. In this podcast episode, he shares a few things he wished he could include but couldn't because he was cut for time.","date_published":"2019-09-25T21:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3b8ee274-4b9c-44e8-83c6-8ace6abda2e0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":12875798,"duration_in_seconds":804}]},{"id":"9308e659-0cc3-4c02-adc4-96a421544dff","title":"The Difference Jesus Makes (Philippians 2:1-4)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-difference-jesus-makes","content_text":"When we really see who Jesus is and what he’s done for us, it changes the way we look at our priorities, the way we define success; it changes the way we look at each other; it creates a community that’s totally unique, challenging, and life-giving. Join us as we look at Philippians 2:1-4 and “The Difference Jesus Makes.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen we really see who Jesus is and what he’s done for us, it changes the way we look at our priorities, the way we define success; it changes the way we look at each other; it creates a community that’s totally unique, challenging, and life-giving. Join us as we look at Philippians 2:1-4 and “The Difference Jesus Makes.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-09-22T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9308e659-0cc3-4c02-adc4-96a421544dff.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":56562895,"duration_in_seconds":2356}]},{"id":"64e9404b-341d-4b26-a3e3-f04cf13cba9f","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 1:27-30","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-004","content_text":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things he wishes that he could have included in his sermon from Sunday on Philippians 1:27-30. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Jeff shares a few things he wishes that he could have included in his sermon from Sunday on Philippians 1:27-30. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things he wishes that he could have included in his sermon from Sunday on Philippians 1:27-30. ","date_published":"2019-09-18T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/64e9404b-341d-4b26-a3e3-f04cf13cba9f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":12663076,"duration_in_seconds":790}]},{"id":"60a15e48-139f-4e86-be97-11009b9820e5","title":"Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27-30)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/worthy-of-the-gospel","content_text":"Paul has said for him, dying for Jesus is not the true sacrifice – rather, it’s staying alive for the sake of others (1:23-25). Paul then encourages Jesus’ followers to take up the same mindset, living “a life worthy of the gospel” (1:27). We know we don’t demonstrate our worthiness to God in our lives, but what does that mean? And how do our lives demonstrate our commitment to Jesus and our confidence in him? Join us as we look at “Worthy of the Gospel” from Philippians 1:27-30.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePaul has said for him, dying for Jesus is not the true sacrifice – rather, it’s staying alive for the sake of others (1:23-25). Paul then encourages Jesus’ followers to take up the same mindset, living “a life worthy of the gospel” (1:27). We know we don’t demonstrate our worthiness to God in our lives, but what does that mean? And how do our lives demonstrate our commitment to Jesus and our confidence in him? Join us as we look at “Worthy of the Gospel” from Philippians 1:27-30.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-09-15T11:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/60a15e48-139f-4e86-be97-11009b9820e5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":59802895,"duration_in_seconds":2491}]},{"id":"f8e4e8a1-40a6-4973-a10a-bc15f909e910","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 1:19-26","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-003","content_text":"Pastor Joey shares a few things he wishes he could included in his sermon in Philippians on Sunday. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey shares a few things he wishes he could included in his sermon in Philippians on Sunday. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Pastor Joey shares a few things he wishes he could included in his sermon in Philippians on Sunday. ","date_published":"2019-09-11T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f8e4e8a1-40a6-4973-a10a-bc15f909e910.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":9927061,"duration_in_seconds":619}]},{"id":"09eecc65-7d97-4533-8858-68e540ffe5b5","title":"Yes, And... (Philippians 1:19-26)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/yes-and","content_text":"With utter disregard for his own ego, the Apostle Paul rejoices in the preaching of the gospel of Jesus, even if that preaching is done by those with mixed motives. And in a startling turn, he continues to rejoice in the physical and mental suffering he is undergoing at the hands of the Roman government. How do we find the same joy that Paul found? Join us for “Yes, And…” from Philippians 1:19-26.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWith utter disregard for his own ego, the Apostle Paul rejoices in the preaching of the gospel of Jesus, even if that preaching is done by those with mixed motives. And in a startling turn, he continues to rejoice in the physical and mental suffering he is undergoing at the hands of the Roman government. How do we find the same joy that Paul found? Join us for “Yes, And…” from Philippians 1:19-26.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-09-10T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/09eecc65-7d97-4533-8858-68e540ffe5b5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":71883343,"duration_in_seconds":2994}]},{"id":"457db7a2-ee8b-43dd-ad97-bf86cbeec1ee","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 1:12-18","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-002","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Pastor Jeff shares a few things he had to cut for time on Sunday's sermon on Philippians 1:12-18.","date_published":"2019-09-04T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/457db7a2-ee8b-43dd-ad97-bf86cbeec1ee.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":10922567,"duration_in_seconds":681}]},{"id":"7efca4e2-4590-448f-ad7e-0beffa688ea3","title":"Growth in the Grind (Philippians 1:12-18)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/growth-in-the-grind","content_text":"Pastor Joey helped us see how our destination determines our days. What happens when we head in the right direction and everything seems to go wrong? Paul has been faithful in following Jesus, but now he’s in prison. One of our greatest challenges is to make sense of God’s providence in suffering, hardship, and trials. Paul wants to assure God’s people that what has happened to him may not have been his plan, but it’s all part of God’s plan – and God often uses our difficulties to advance the gospel and shine his light in the darkness. Join us for “Growth in the Grind” from Philippians 1:12-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey helped us see how our destination determines our days. What happens when we head in the right direction and everything seems to go wrong? Paul has been faithful in following Jesus, but now he’s in prison. One of our greatest challenges is to make sense of God’s providence in suffering, hardship, and trials. Paul wants to assure God’s people that what has happened to him may not have been his plan, but it’s all part of God’s plan – and God often uses our difficulties to advance the gospel and shine his light in the darkness. Join us for “Growth in the Grind” from Philippians 1:12-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-09-01T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7efca4e2-4590-448f-ad7e-0beffa688ea3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34893168,"duration_in_seconds":2150}]},{"id":"34da796c-3b1c-4fe9-9558-0021612b522c","title":"Cut for Time: Philippians 1:9-11","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/cut-for-time-philippians1","content_text":"Pastor Joey spends a few minutes sharing a few things he wishes he had time for during Sunday's sermon. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePastor Joey spends a few minutes sharing a few things he wishes he had time for during Sunday\u0026#39;s sermon. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Weekly Podcast from Pastors","date_published":"2019-08-28T17:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/34da796c-3b1c-4fe9-9558-0021612b522c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":7533120,"duration_in_seconds":470}]},{"id":"7851055c-1fbd-45cd-843d-f5570fd57284","title":"Faith Stories - Ron Miles","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/ron-miles","content_text":"Balancing Act","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBalancing Act\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Connection Class","date_published":"2019-08-25T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7851055c-1fbd-45cd-843d-f5570fd57284.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38488012,"duration_in_seconds":2549}]},{"id":"f9c30750-600d-46eb-8786-3dc1d8606509","title":"More and More (Philippians 1:9-11)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/more-and-more","content_text":"In one of the most profound prayers in the whole New Testament, the Apostle Paul prays for his Philippian friends, that their love for God and for one another would continue to grow. But in Paul’s view, love is not mere sentimentality, love is an active force directed toward one another’s good. Join us as we unpack this prayer from Philippians 1:9-11 in “More and More.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn one of the most profound prayers in the whole New Testament, the Apostle Paul prays for his Philippian friends, that their love for God and for one another would continue to grow. But in Paul’s view, love is not mere sentimentality, love is an active force directed toward one another’s good. Join us as we unpack this prayer from Philippians 1:9-11 in “More and More.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-08-25T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f9c30750-600d-46eb-8786-3dc1d8606509.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":57213199,"duration_in_seconds":2383}]},{"id":"64b6a8ad-9545-4dcd-8490-b959fb1343ad","title":"Faith Stories: Matt Saefkow","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-stories-matt-saefkow","content_text":"Matt Saefkow shares his Faith Story, \"There and back again, redneck edition.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMatt Saefkow shares his Faith Story, \u0026quot;There and back again, redneck edition.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Series","date_published":"2019-08-20T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/64b6a8ad-9545-4dcd-8490-b959fb1343ad.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":57596234,"duration_in_seconds":2383}]},{"id":"1183f433-07f8-4ce7-a274-7653b7f4a6f7","title":"Gospel Partnership (Philippians 1:1-8)","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gospel-partnership","content_text":"We’re starting a new series looking at Paul’s letter to the Christians in Philippi. God has shined the light of his life and joy into our darkness through the gospel (the Good News) of Jesus Christ. As we follow Jesus, we discover true values, real life, and genuine glory, and our lives shine His light to the world around us. Join us this Sunday as we start our new series looking at Gospel Partnership from Philippians 1:1-8.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’re starting a new series looking at Paul’s letter to the Christians in Philippi. God has shined the light of his life and joy into our darkness through the gospel (the Good News) of Jesus Christ. As we follow Jesus, we discover true values, real life, and genuine glory, and our lives shine His light to the world around us. Join us this Sunday as we start our new series looking at Gospel Partnership from Philippians 1:1-8.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Philippians Series: Light in the Darkness","date_published":"2019-08-20T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1183f433-07f8-4ce7-a274-7653b7f4a6f7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":54015938,"duration_in_seconds":2250}]},{"id":"e6ec10ff-62a2-4eb4-9ffb-e67699f84a37","title":"For The World","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/for-the-world","content_text":"As we round out our three-week discussion about discipleship at Faith (remember, disciples are “a people who do life with God for the world”), we turn to 2nd Corinthians 5:18-21 to explore how Paul exhorts believers to be Jesus's ambassadors of reconciliation. How does our building renovation help us do that? How do our facilitates facilitate ministry for the sake of the world around us? Join us Sunday in “For the World,” our last sermon in Building Ambassadors.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we round out our three-week discussion about discipleship at Faith (remember, disciples are “a people who do life with God for the world”), we turn to 2nd Corinthians 5:18-21 to explore how Paul exhorts believers to be Jesus\u0026#39;s ambassadors of reconciliation. How does our building renovation help us do that? How do our facilitates facilitate ministry for the sake of the world around us? Join us Sunday in “For the World,” our last sermon in Building Ambassadors.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Building Ambassadors","date_published":"2019-08-12T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e6ec10ff-62a2-4eb4-9ffb-e67699f84a37.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":58729231,"duration_in_seconds":2446}]},{"id":"8f7391e2-e192-4f7a-bfcc-dd191461f45b","title":"Faith Stories: Matt and Audri Witham","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/matt-and-audri-witham","content_text":"Matt and Audri Witham thought things would get better for their family after spending much of a year apart, but a bigger storm was to come. Hear how God was at work behind the scenes during a trying time to ultimately strengthen their relationship with Him and each other. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMatt and Audri Witham thought things would get better for their family after spending much of a year apart, but a bigger storm was to come. Hear how God was at work behind the scenes during a trying time to ultimately strengthen their relationship with Him and each other. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories","date_published":"2019-08-12T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8f7391e2-e192-4f7a-bfcc-dd191461f45b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":66548564,"duration_in_seconds":2772}]},{"id":"366bde1b-3a34-4724-a59d-310f8605cda1","title":"Faith Stories - Jack and Katie Graham","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/jack-and-katie-graham","content_text":"Jack and Katie Graham share their Faith Story, \"God's Pursuit of Us.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJack and Katie Graham share their Faith Story, \u0026quot;God\u0026#39;s Pursuit of Us.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories","date_published":"2019-08-05T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/366bde1b-3a34-4724-a59d-310f8605cda1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":64471036,"duration_in_seconds":2685}]},{"id":"0fc607b0-1a6b-499e-a731-d980bd692fe7","title":"Life With God","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/living-life-with-god","content_text":"A greenhouse focuses light, heat, and life-giving nutrients for plants to enable their life, health, and growth. A church building can do that to encourage our spiritual growth as the people of God. Join us this Sunday as we discover what “Life with God” looks like from 2 Corinthians 3:12-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eA greenhouse focuses light, heat, and life-giving nutrients for plants to enable their life, health, and growth. A church building can do that to encourage our spiritual growth as the people of God. Join us this Sunday as we discover what “Life with God” looks like from 2 Corinthians 3:12-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Building Ambassadors","date_published":"2019-08-05T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0fc607b0-1a6b-499e-a731-d980bd692fe7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":55160335,"duration_in_seconds":2298}]},{"id":"56ce2015-8e8c-459f-bf0f-9c14f0807465","title":"Building Community","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/building-community","content_text":"As we finish up work on our facility redesign project, we’re going to spend the next three weeks exploring how a building can help us accomplish what God has called us to be and do. Join us this Sunday as we start in Acts 2:42-47 with a picture of the kinds of relationships God uses to grow us together in Building Community.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we finish up work on our facility redesign project, we’re going to spend the next three weeks exploring how a building can help us accomplish what God has called us to be and do. Join us this Sunday as we start in Acts 2:42-47 with a picture of the kinds of relationships God uses to grow us together in Building Community.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Building Ambassadors","date_published":"2019-07-29T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/56ce2015-8e8c-459f-bf0f-9c14f0807465.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":54753679,"duration_in_seconds":2281}]},{"id":"9054bb05-3abb-4d1d-a7d9-668aea69e491","title":"Faith Stories - Isaac and Jennifer Stough","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/stough","content_text":"The Baptizer and Barcelona","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Baptizer and Barcelona\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Connection Class 2019","date_published":"2019-07-21T13:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9054bb05-3abb-4d1d-a7d9-668aea69e491.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36549606,"duration_in_seconds":2416}]},{"id":"305b2c6b-093b-4434-86b0-dd576e1b6217","title":"Prodigal Prophets and God's Compassion","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/prodigal-prophets-and-gods-compassion","content_text":"We see how Jonah is like the ‘prodigal son’ of Jesus’ parable who ran away from his father. But he’s also like the ‘older brother’ who obeys his father but resents his kindness to repentant sinners. The story of Jonah ends with a question, as God invites his people to check their hearts. Join us as we explore “Prodigal Prophets and God’s Compassion” from Jonah 4:5-11.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe see how Jonah is like the ‘prodigal son’ of Jesus’ parable who ran away from his father. But he’s also like the ‘older brother’ who obeys his father but resents his kindness to repentant sinners. The story of Jonah ends with a question, as God invites his people to check their hearts. Join us as we explore “Prodigal Prophets and God’s Compassion” from Jonah 4:5-11.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jonah Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-07-21T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/305b2c6b-093b-4434-86b0-dd576e1b6217.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":56584783,"duration_in_seconds":2357}]},{"id":"babed482-1a9c-4300-873b-8589bef08cab","title":"Our Own Greatest Enemies","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/our-own-greatest-enemies","content_text":"As we continue learning from Jonah’s life, we encounter surprising twists and unexpected outcomes in Jonah 3:4-4:4. Join us this Sunday as we see how sometimes we are Our Own Worst Enemies, and how God graciously pursues enemies to turn them into friends.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we continue learning from Jonah’s life, we encounter surprising twists and unexpected outcomes in Jonah 3:4-4:4. Join us this Sunday as we see how sometimes we are Our Own Worst Enemies, and how God graciously pursues enemies to turn them into friends.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jonah: The World's Worst Missionary ","date_published":"2019-07-14T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/babed482-1a9c-4300-873b-8589bef08cab.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":52162169,"duration_in_seconds":2173}]},{"id":"1c570642-65ac-4062-99aa-3e7d1fa8e5b5","title":"Faith Stories - John and Louise Buben","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-stories-bubens","content_text":"John and Louise Buben share their story, \"How Might God Use Me Next?\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJohn and Louise Buben share their story, \u0026quot;How Might God Use Me Next?\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Connection Class - 2019","date_published":"2019-07-14T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1c570642-65ac-4062-99aa-3e7d1fa8e5b5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":44266486,"duration_in_seconds":2953}]},{"id":"299177de-bb58-4b88-92cc-bb41d49a615c","title":"Faith Stories - Catherine Curry","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/curry","content_text":"God's Faithfulness in Small Things","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGod\u0026#39;s Faithfulness in Small Things\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-07-07T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/299177de-bb58-4b88-92cc-bb41d49a615c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":49859068,"duration_in_seconds":3308}]},{"id":"7a47bdbc-f4b7-4bf1-80aa-33c4b8606bc8","title":"A Second Chance for the World's Worst Missionary","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/a-second-chance","content_text":"Jonah’s first response to God’s call didn’t go so well. He fled from God in disobedience and faced judgment for his rebellion, but then was gloriously rescued. In the second half of the book, God gives Jonah a second chance. Will he do any better? Has he learned anything? What does the Book of Jonah teach us about our obedience to God today?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJonah’s first response to God’s call didn’t go so well. He fled from God in disobedience and faced judgment for his rebellion, but then was gloriously rescued. In the second half of the book, God gives Jonah a second chance. Will he do any better? Has he learned anything? What does the Book of Jonah teach us about our obedience to God today?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jonah Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-07-07T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7a47bdbc-f4b7-4bf1-80aa-33c4b8606bc8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41517936,"duration_in_seconds":2495}]},{"id":"d42c7434-2e58-40f9-8820-aa090e369ff0","title":"Faith Stories - Anne Forbes","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/anne-forbes","content_text":"Room for Miracles","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eRoom for Miracles\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Connection Class","date_published":"2019-06-30T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d42c7434-2e58-40f9-8820-aa090e369ff0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":47808311,"duration_in_seconds":3142}]},{"id":"4368dc05-3ce6-44db-bf92-ad5367b9c3ad","title":"Face to Face with Grace","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/face-to-face-with-grace","content_text":"Through a storm that wiped away all of Jonah’s defenses, all of his pretenses, and all of his abilities to run away from God, the Lord brought Jonah face to face with his grace through the mouth of a great fish. What does God need to do to us to get us to look at his grace face to face? We’ll explore this question and more in “Face to Face with Grace” from Jonah 2:1-10.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThrough a storm that wiped away all of Jonah’s defenses, all of his pretenses, and all of his abilities to run away from God, the Lord brought Jonah face to face with his grace through the mouth of a great fish. What does God need to do to us to get us to look at his grace face to face? We’ll explore this question and more in “Face to Face with Grace” from Jonah 2:1-10.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jonah Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-06-30T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4368dc05-3ce6-44db-bf92-ad5367b9c3ad.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41218968,"duration_in_seconds":2397}]},{"id":"6881300f-7ddd-4882-91b2-91a034bab96b","title":"Accidental Evangelism","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/accidental-evangelism","content_text":"While running from God, Jonah faces unexpected difficulty: a storm that grows worse and worse, sailors who can’t navigate the tempest, and the dreadful realization that only by losing his life will others be saved. Yet as the prophet runs away from God, the pagans run toward him. Join us for “Accidental Evangelism” from Jonah 1:4-17.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhile running from God, Jonah faces unexpected difficulty: a storm that grows worse and worse, sailors who can’t navigate the tempest, and the dreadful realization that only by losing his life will others be saved. Yet as the prophet runs away from God, the pagans run toward him. Join us for “Accidental Evangelism” from Jonah 1:4-17.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jonah Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-06-23T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6881300f-7ddd-4882-91b2-91a034bab96b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":45010224,"duration_in_seconds":2962}]},{"id":"f3b84b41-d146-41d0-8b55-d6672cda984c","title":"Faith Stories - Claire Kingsley","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/kingsley","content_text":"Springtime","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSpringtime\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Connection Class","date_published":"2019-06-23T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f3b84b41-d146-41d0-8b55-d6672cda984c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":53070398,"duration_in_seconds":3523}]},{"id":"ddccd1a2-ecd7-4d72-97ea-bd33b7a1b9de","title":"The World's Worst Missionary","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-worlds-worst-missionary","content_text":"The book of Jonah records the story of a prophet, sent by God to an enemy nation, who does everything possible to avoid God’s call. Join us as we kick off six weeks studying Jonah, “The World’s Worst Missionary”!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe book of Jonah records the story of a prophet, sent by God to an enemy nation, who does everything possible to avoid God’s call. Join us as we kick off six weeks studying Jonah, “The World’s Worst Missionary”!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Jonah Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-06-16T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ddccd1a2-ecd7-4d72-97ea-bd33b7a1b9de.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":52289548,"duration_in_seconds":2178}]},{"id":"9bddaa84-83ed-4aed-ad56-2f8f47229d70","title":"Faith Stories - Stephen Camp","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/camp","content_text":"\"Our Father's Guidance.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u0026quot;Our Father\u0026#39;s Guidance.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Connection Class","date_published":"2019-06-16T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9bddaa84-83ed-4aed-ad56-2f8f47229d70.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":42039880,"duration_in_seconds":2799}]},{"id":"36389769-a39c-4827-8a91-64d4434a733a","title":"Faith Stories - Bob \u0026 Jeanne Blahnik","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/blahnik","content_text":"Finding God's Will for your Life.Special Guest: Bob Blahnik.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFinding God\u0026#39;s Will for your Life.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Bob Blahnik.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories Connection Class","date_published":"2019-06-09T15:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/36389769-a39c-4827-8a91-64d4434a733a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":21538115,"duration_in_seconds":3373}]},{"id":"5a660daa-d940-4d8c-9a74-bb2a294576f7","title":"Greater Mercy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-mercy","content_text":"In a fitting conclusion to his sermon, the author of Hebrews prays for his readers that God would equip them and work in them to do His will. We examine this prayer and apply it to ourselves as God works in us through His “Greater Mercy” from Hebrews 13:20-25.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn a fitting conclusion to his sermon, the author of Hebrews prays for his readers that God would equip them and work in them to do His will. We examine this prayer and apply it to ourselves as God works in us through His “Greater Mercy” from Hebrews 13:20-25.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-06-09T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5a660daa-d940-4d8c-9a74-bb2a294576f7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":56588815,"duration_in_seconds":2357}]},{"id":"bd70eaf4-c104-4666-8a46-63516b4bc254","title":"Greater Accountability","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-accountability","content_text":"The author of Hebrews reminds his readers that part of “acceptable worship” is a proper relationship with authority in the church. He encourages us, too, to remember our leaders, obey and submit to them, because they carry the heavy burden of accountability for our souls. What can we learn about leadership from Hebrews 13:7-19? Join us for Greater Accountability.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe author of Hebrews reminds his readers that part of “acceptable worship” is a proper relationship with authority in the church. He encourages us, too, to remember our leaders, obey and submit to them, because they carry the heavy burden of accountability for our souls. What can we learn about leadership from Hebrews 13:7-19? Join us for Greater Accountability.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-06-02T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bd70eaf4-c104-4666-8a46-63516b4bc254.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39726024,"duration_in_seconds":2586}]},{"id":"beb42c8c-2402-42b8-9c65-ba4083f81b96","title":"Faith Stories - Barry \u0026 Julie Foster","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fosters","content_text":"Barry and Julie Foster begin the Faith Stories series! The title of their story should be more than enough to intrigue you and make you want to come and listen as they share, \"Drop Kick Me, Jesus.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBarry and Julie Foster begin the Faith Stories series! The title of their story should be more than enough to intrigue you and make you want to come and listen as they share, \u0026quot;Drop Kick Me, Jesus.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith Stories 2019","date_published":"2019-06-02T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/beb42c8c-2402-42b8-9c65-ba4083f81b96.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34902997,"duration_in_seconds":2921}]},{"id":"436c9299-0c77-43f1-8ac5-560aa6103940","title":"Disruptive Worship","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/disruptive-worship","content_text":"Having brought his sermon to the height of exhortation, the author of Hebrews now shifts his focus to practical, moral application. This week we explore how the acceptable worship to which God calls us turns the world’s values upside down. Join us for “Disruptive Worship” from Hebrews 13:1-6.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHaving brought his sermon to the height of exhortation, the author of Hebrews now shifts his focus to practical, moral application. This week we explore how the acceptable worship to which God calls us turns the world’s values upside down. Join us for “Disruptive Worship” from Hebrews 13:1-6.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-05-26T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/436c9299-0c77-43f1-8ac5-560aa6103940.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":42933408,"duration_in_seconds":2715}]},{"id":"03dc4920-b5a2-4c45-86f8-59d0f831ed40","title":"Unshakable","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/unshakable","content_text":"In the last of the warning passages in Hebrews, the author enjoins his readers to pay attention to the message of God in the gospel! Only through the gospel will we receive an unshakable kingdom, one which will survive through the coming judgment. Join us for “Unshakable,” from Hebrews 12:25-29.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the last of the warning passages in Hebrews, the author enjoins his readers to pay attention to the message of God in the gospel! Only through the gospel will we receive an unshakable kingdom, one which will survive through the coming judgment. Join us for “Unshakable,” from Hebrews 12:25-29.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-05-19T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/03dc4920-b5a2-4c45-86f8-59d0f831ed40.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":53011402,"duration_in_seconds":2208}]},{"id":"41016e37-720c-453c-a1f0-75910926c14f","title":"A Better Voice","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/a-better-voice","content_text":"God calls us to respond to his voice by persevering in the race before us, pursuing holiness, and accepting his discipline. But how we perceive God’s voice – whether it’s angry, condemning, begrudging, loving, encouraging, welcoming – makes all the difference in how we respond. Join us as we listen for A Better Voice from Hebrews 12:18-24.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGod calls us to respond to his voice by persevering in the race before us, pursuing holiness, and accepting his discipline. But how we perceive God’s voice – whether it’s angry, condemning, begrudging, loving, encouraging, welcoming – makes all the difference in how we respond. Join us as we listen for A Better Voice from Hebrews 12:18-24.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-05-12T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/41016e37-720c-453c-a1f0-75910926c14f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33983040,"duration_in_seconds":2247}]},{"id":"6faf92fc-dc5b-4a0f-a8fa-e1805a552996","title":"Greater Sons","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-sons","content_text":"We will learn some helpful advice on how to keep running. How do we endure when we grow weary? How do we endure when we face persecution? What is God trying to teach us when we face persecution? Join us as we seek answers to these important questions from Hebrews 12:3-17.Special Guest: Bob Blahnik.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe will learn some helpful advice on how to keep running. How do we endure when we grow weary? How do we endure when we face persecution? What is God trying to teach us when we face persecution? Join us as we seek answers to these important questions from Hebrews 12:3-17.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Bob Blahnik.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-05-05T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6faf92fc-dc5b-4a0f-a8fa-e1805a552996.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31769136,"duration_in_seconds":2107}]},{"id":"432d39f3-33b8-4043-9594-104146161f66","title":"Greater Endurance","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-endurance","content_text":"The author of Hebrews pictures following Christ as a long-distance race. He’s reminded us of all the people of faith who have ‘run the race’ before us, and now it’s our turn. It’s a race that’s characterized by progress and victory, but also struggle. It requires focus and determination. How does God help and encourage us? Join us as we look at Greater Endurance from Hebrews 12:1-3.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe author of Hebrews pictures following Christ as a long-distance race. He’s reminded us of all the people of faith who have ‘run the race’ before us, and now it’s our turn. It’s a race that’s characterized by progress and victory, but also struggle. It requires focus and determination. How does God help and encourage us? Join us as we look at Greater Endurance from Hebrews 12:1-3.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-04-28T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/432d39f3-33b8-4043-9594-104146161f66.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":54744463,"duration_in_seconds":2280}]},{"id":"437bdb97-0f0e-4125-ab39-9b664e868961","title":"Something Better","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/something-better","content_text":"Even the best life offers never sees to satisfy us. And when pains and losses hit we definitely long for something better, something more – and for people to share it with. At the conclusion of Hebrews 11, we see that all who have gone before “did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us.” Join us as we see how Jesus’ resurrection points to the Something Better God has prepared for us and all who trust in Him.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEven the best life offers never sees to satisfy us. And when pains and losses hit we definitely long for something better, something more – and for people to share it with. At the conclusion of Hebrews 11, we see that all who have gone before “did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us.” Join us as we see how Jesus’ resurrection points to the Something Better God has prepared for us and all who trust in Him.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Faith Sermon Series - Easter","date_published":"2019-04-21T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/437bdb97-0f0e-4125-ab39-9b664e868961.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":28316376,"duration_in_seconds":1861}]},{"id":"99be0f91-fc43-4c36-8da8-7bc9931fb00a","title":"The World Was Not Worthy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-world-was-not-worthy","content_text":"The core of the Christian Faith—the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ—is compacted into this one week. In public worship, we re-enact key events of the last week of Jesus' life. This is not just a re-telling of events from 2000 years ago. This is not just an opportunity for uplifting worship services. This is not even about what emotions it produces in us. This is about what God is doing through Jesus Christ today in his people, and about the work Jesus will complete when he returns in glory. This is about rescue, purpose, community, hope, and life. Join us as we worship Jesus, our Prophet, Priest, King, and Savior.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe core of the Christian Faith—the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ—is compacted into this one week. In public worship, we re-enact key events of the last week of Jesus\u0026#39; life. This is not just a re-telling of events from 2000 years ago. This is not just an opportunity for uplifting worship services. This is not even about what emotions it produces in us. This is about what God is doing through Jesus Christ today in his people, and about the work Jesus will complete when he returns in glory. This is about rescue, purpose, community, hope, and life. Join us as we worship Jesus, our Prophet, Priest, King, and Savior.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Faith Sermon Series - Good Friday","date_published":"2019-04-19T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/99be0f91-fc43-4c36-8da8-7bc9931fb00a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":8348544,"duration_in_seconds":538}]},{"id":"009b125d-b97e-40a5-a687-25ac6826f565","title":"Faithful Perseverance","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faithful-perseverance","content_text":"Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets: what are they doing in Hebrews 11 alongside the pillars of the faith like Abraham and Moses? These men conquered kingdoms, put armies to flight, and obtained promises through faith. However, the ultimate promise has been fulfilled by God through Jesus Christ. This greater reward is provided to those who persevere in faith.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets: what are they doing in Hebrews 11 alongside the pillars of the faith like Abraham and Moses? These men conquered kingdoms, put armies to flight, and obtained promises through faith. However, the ultimate promise has been fulfilled by God through Jesus Christ. This greater reward is provided to those who persevere in faith.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-04-14T16:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/009b125d-b97e-40a5-a687-25ac6826f565.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":55106034,"duration_in_seconds":2295}]},{"id":"36d2c07e-feb7-482f-b72e-2524b715f614","title":"Faith in Odd Places","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-in-odd-places","content_text":"Can I be a person of faith? We’ve considered the exemplary faith of the greats like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Moses. What about ordinary people like me? What about faith in the midst of fear and doubt? What about faith when you aren’t in the acceptable group? Join us in Hebrews 11:28-31 for Faith in Odd Places as we consider three major faith stretching events in Israel as a nation, plus the example of a Gentile prostitute who joined the people of faith. Is there room for you? ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eCan I be a person of faith? We’ve considered the exemplary faith of the greats like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Moses. What about ordinary people like me? What about faith in the midst of fear and doubt? What about faith when you aren’t in the acceptable group? Join us in Hebrews 11:28-31 for Faith in Odd Places as we consider three major faith stretching events in Israel as a nation, plus the example of a Gentile prostitute who joined the people of faith. Is there room for you? \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-04-07T07:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/36d2c07e-feb7-482f-b72e-2524b715f614.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37729488,"duration_in_seconds":2502}]},{"id":"fe4dd39d-7124-4325-987d-1794ef8697a4","title":"Faith in Hard Choices","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-in-hard-choices","content_text":"Moses, the greatest leader of the Jewish people, faced more challenges in his life and leadership than any of us will. But his story is still informative and inspiring for us. We’re studying Hebrews 11:23-28, Faith in Hard Choices, to see how Moses’s faith in God gave him what he needed to serve well in difficult circumstances.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMoses, the greatest leader of the Jewish people, faced more challenges in his life and leadership than any of us will. But his story is still informative and inspiring for us. We’re studying Hebrews 11:23-28, Faith in Hard Choices, to see how Moses’s faith in God gave him what he needed to serve well in difficult circumstances.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-03-31T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fe4dd39d-7124-4325-987d-1794ef8697a4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":60827614,"duration_in_seconds":2534}]},{"id":"29a970b0-0220-44c4-91b4-a76fea522752","title":"Eyes of Faith","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/eyes-of-faith","content_text":"The examples of faith in the Old Testament had one thing in common: through the eyes of faith, they could see the coming fulfillment of the promises God had made to them, even if they didn’t see those promises fulfilled firsthand. What promises has God made to us? When will we see them fulfilled? Does having the same eyes of faith help us see God’s faithfulness? Join us as we dig into Hebrews 11:13-22, the Eyes of Faith.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe examples of faith in the Old Testament had one thing in common: through the eyes of faith, they could see the coming fulfillment of the promises God had made to them, even if they didn’t see those promises fulfilled firsthand. What promises has God made to us? When will we see them fulfilled? Does having the same eyes of faith help us see God’s faithfulness? Join us as we dig into Hebrews 11:13-22, the Eyes of Faith.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-03-24T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/29a970b0-0220-44c4-91b4-a76fea522752.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":64418398,"duration_in_seconds":2683}]},{"id":"27b75f3f-d48c-461f-b2c6-1599026c726b","title":"Greater Permanence","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-permanence","content_text":"As we journey through this life and season of Lent, we have the option of where we focus the expectations for our lives. Highlighting our example, Abraham, in Hebrews 11:8-12 and looking further to our example in Christ, Pastor Curtis Coston from Solid Word Bible Church will help us explore how our \"Greater Permanence\" can have a lasting effect on how we live in the present.Special Guest: Curtis Coston.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we journey through this life and season of Lent, we have the option of where we focus the expectations for our lives. Highlighting our example, Abraham, in Hebrews 11:8-12 and looking further to our example in Christ, Pastor Curtis Coston from Solid Word Bible Church will help us explore how our \u0026quot;Greater Permanence\u0026quot; can have a lasting effect on how we live in the present.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Curtis Coston.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-03-17T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/27b75f3f-d48c-461f-b2c6-1599026c726b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":53649617,"duration_in_seconds":2235}]},{"id":"9edfa0a5-7684-458f-98cd-2212ed863653","title":"The Life of Faith","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-life-of-faith","content_text":"Lent is the season leading to Easter. It’s traditionally a time of self-reflection and letting go of some things to focus on what matters more. We’ll spend time this Lent in Hebrews 11, seeing how those who have gone before us model faith in the unseen God and the greater life and hope he offers. Join us as we explore The Life of Faith from Hebrews 11:1-7.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLent is the season leading to Easter. It’s traditionally a time of self-reflection and letting go of some things to focus on what matters more. We’ll spend time this Lent in Hebrews 11, seeing how those who have gone before us model faith in the unseen God and the greater life and hope he offers. Join us as we explore The Life of Faith from Hebrews 11:1-7.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Faith Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-03-10T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9edfa0a5-7684-458f-98cd-2212ed863653.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":55013593,"duration_in_seconds":2291}]},{"id":"1ba3f0d3-1055-4fab-8dbe-694b27e71614","title":"Grace to Endure","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/grace-to-endure","content_text":"Jesus is worth more than anything, but following him can be hard, painful, and costly. Difficulty and opposition may tempt us to turn back or turn aside – with disastrous results. Join us as we discover how Jesus gives us Grace to Endure from Hebrews 10:26-39.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus is worth more than anything, but following him can be hard, painful, and costly. Difficulty and opposition may tempt us to turn back or turn aside – with disastrous results. Join us as we discover how Jesus gives us Grace to Endure from Hebrews 10:26-39.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-03-03T10:30:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1ba3f0d3-1055-4fab-8dbe-694b27e71614.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":52139644,"duration_in_seconds":2172}]},{"id":"9d9a75df-ced2-4082-9011-bb6cfa8c49ac","title":"Greater Community","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-community","content_text":"\"Since we…., Let us…” We’ve spent several weeks being reminded that Jesus’ death is the basis for our access to God, that we no longer offer sacrifices, and that the Old Testament sacrifices are but shadows of the only sacrifice that matters. We now come to the “so what” of this great truth in our relationships within the church. In light of Our Greater Savior who made the Greater Sacrifice, how does that affect how we live? Join us as we consider Greater Community from Hebrews 10:19-25.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u0026quot;Since we…., Let us…” We’ve spent several weeks being reminded that Jesus’ death is the basis for our access to God, that we no longer offer sacrifices, and that the Old Testament sacrifices are but shadows of the only sacrifice that matters. We now come to the “so what” of this great truth in our relationships within the church. In light of Our Greater Savior who made the Greater Sacrifice, how does that affect how we live? Join us as we consider Greater Community from Hebrews 10:19-25.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-02-24T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9d9a75df-ced2-4082-9011-bb6cfa8c49ac.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":56872060,"duration_in_seconds":2369}]},{"id":"4161f72d-0481-49ce-b044-ee6bb5e329d0","title":"No More Sacrifices","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/no-more-sacrifices","content_text":"Over and over again the author of Hebrews has told us that Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross was the final, ultimate, definitive sacrifice. No more sacrifices are needed. Where does that leave us? If there are no more sacrifices, how are we purified from our ongoing sin? Join us for “No More Sacrifices” as we look at Hebrews 10:5-18 and explore the ongoing work in our lives of Jesus’s final sacrifice.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOver and over again the author of Hebrews has told us that Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross was the final, ultimate, definitive sacrifice. No more sacrifices are needed. Where does that leave us? If there are no more sacrifices, how are we purified from our ongoing sin? Join us for “No More Sacrifices” as we look at Hebrews 10:5-18 and explore the ongoing work in our lives of Jesus’s final sacrifice.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-02-17T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4161f72d-0481-49ce-b044-ee6bb5e329d0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":59830972,"duration_in_seconds":2492}]},{"id":"669396ae-a05c-4366-ada8-7eb6c6cb22b1","title":"Greater Hope","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-hope","content_text":"As the writer of Hebrews tells us, the Old Testament law and the sacrificial system only had “a shadow of the good things to come,” they could never “make perfect those who draw near,” and they could never “take away sins.” Join us as we see the reality of all those good things and the “Greater Hope” we have in Christ from Hebrews 10:1-4.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs the writer of Hebrews tells us, the Old Testament law and the sacrificial system only had “a shadow of the good things to come,” they could never “make perfect those who draw near,” and they could never “take away sins.” Join us as we see the reality of all those good things and the “Greater Hope” we have in Christ from Hebrews 10:1-4.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-02-10T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/669396ae-a05c-4366-ada8-7eb6c6cb22b1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38349888,"duration_in_seconds":2532}]},{"id":"36326f2b-b7c2-47c2-8777-bd508ef331d3","title":"Greater Entrance","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-entrance","content_text":"As the author of Hebrews continues to explain exactly what he means when he says “He entered once for all into the holy places by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption,” we read Jesus, our great high priest, entering into the Holy of Holies in the final and true Day of Atonement ritual. But this time, when he comes back out, it won’t be to deal with sin or bring judgment but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. Join us for “Greater Entrance” from Hebrews 9:23-28.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs the author of Hebrews continues to explain exactly what he means when he says “He entered once for all into the holy places by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption,” we read Jesus, our great high priest, entering into the Holy of Holies in the final and true Day of Atonement ritual. But this time, when he comes back out, it won’t be to deal with sin or bring judgment but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. Join us for “Greater Entrance” from Hebrews 9:23-28.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-02-03T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/36326f2b-b7c2-47c2-8777-bd508ef331d3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36356448,"duration_in_seconds":2407}]},{"id":"7513ecd1-a89b-45dd-9e9a-e05db7bc29e5","title":"Greater Mediator","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-mediator","content_text":"\"Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” We read these words in Hebrews 9:22, and they make us pause. Why is something as archaic and cruel and barbaric as blood so necessary for our salvation? What can we learn from the Old Covenant purification rituals, which required the use of blood? Join us for “Greater Mediator,” from Hebrews 9:15-22","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u0026quot;Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” We read these words in Hebrews 9:22, and they make us pause. Why is something as archaic and cruel and barbaric as blood so necessary for our salvation? What can we learn from the Old Covenant purification rituals, which required the use of blood? Join us for “Greater Mediator,” from Hebrews 9:15-22\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-01-27T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7513ecd1-a89b-45dd-9e9a-e05db7bc29e5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36456528,"duration_in_seconds":2344}]},{"id":"103256aa-c715-4f9f-9c61-257dcf31c581","title":"Greater Redemption","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-redemption","content_text":"Do you ever wonder if God can really forgive you, or if the shame of what you’ve done could ever really be washed away? Is there anything you can do to make it right, to find peace, to live differently? Join us as we look at Hebrews 9:1-14 and how the sacrifices and rituals in the old covenant point to the reality of Christ and his “Greater Redemption.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDo you ever wonder if God can really forgive you, or if the shame of what you’ve done could ever really be washed away? Is there anything you can do to make it right, to find peace, to live differently? Join us as we look at Hebrews 9:1-14 and how the sacrifices and rituals in the old covenant point to the reality of Christ and his “Greater Redemption.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-01-20T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/103256aa-c715-4f9f-9c61-257dcf31c581.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36874800,"duration_in_seconds":2396}]},{"id":"d1bff934-df8a-4fa2-afe8-cfc2e597a87d","title":"Greater Covenant","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-covenant","content_text":"The writer of Hebrews has told us that “Jesus is the guarantor of a better covenant” (7:22). Join us as we see what that “Greater Covenant” looks like from Hebrews 8:7-13 and how we can live today in light of our confidence in Christ.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe writer of Hebrews has told us that “Jesus is the guarantor of a better covenant” (7:22). Join us as we see what that “Greater Covenant” looks like from Hebrews 8:7-13 and how we can live today in light of our confidence in Christ.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-01-13T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d1bff934-df8a-4fa2-afe8-cfc2e597a87d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34696464,"duration_in_seconds":2270}]},{"id":"7df17533-50b0-464c-a0c8-e33553a39c7f","title":"Greater Ministry","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-ministry","content_text":"Having completed his explanation of how Jesus is our Great High Priest, the author of Hebrews begins to show us why that’s important. Join us as we explore Hebrews 8:1-6, Greater Ministry, and begin to see how Jesus has a greater ministry to us.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHaving completed his explanation of how Jesus is our Great High Priest, the author of Hebrews begins to show us why that’s important. Join us as we explore Hebrews 8:1-6, Greater Ministry, and begin to see how Jesus has a greater ministry to us.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2019-01-06T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7df17533-50b0-464c-a0c8-e33553a39c7f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37617216,"duration_in_seconds":2430}]},{"id":"fc2fa0e4-ed03-4e0d-8fea-6ecdc1b69906","title":"Able to Save","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/able-to-save","content_text":"The words of the “angel of the Lord” to Joseph is one of the best summations of the Christmas event. “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21) Hebrews 7:11-28 details how Jesus saves and what this salvation involves. Join us for a post-Christmas celebration of our great Savior.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe words of the “angel of the Lord” to Joseph is one of the best summations of the Christmas event. “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21) Hebrews 7:11-28 details how Jesus saves and what this salvation involves. Join us for a post-Christmas celebration of our great Savior.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-12-30T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fc2fa0e4-ed03-4e0d-8fea-6ecdc1b69906.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41900424,"duration_in_seconds":2695}]},{"id":"57672533-667d-4176-8703-72dbab36041c","title":"Christmas Eve 2018","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/christmas-eve-2018","content_text":"Join us for a celebration of Christmas at either service. 5:30 pm will be more family-friendly, with a mix of traditional and contemporary music. 7:30 pm will be a classic Christmas Eve with hand bells, choir, and traditional hymns.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJoin us for a celebration of Christmas at either service. 5:30 pm will be more family-friendly, with a mix of traditional and contemporary music. 7:30 pm will be a classic Christmas Eve with hand bells, choir, and traditional hymns.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-12-24T13:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/57672533-667d-4176-8703-72dbab36041c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":15372768,"duration_in_seconds":1004}]},{"id":"4e83703f-f33e-4a7d-a4f1-2c2dbfe17421","title":"Greater King","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-king","content_text":"The King of Righteousness, the King of Peace. Jesus? Or Melchizedek? We look at Hebrews 7:1-10 and begin our exploration of Melchizedek, the great king and priest, who is a picture of the greatest King and Priest to come.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe King of Righteousness, the King of Peace. Jesus? Or Melchizedek? We look at Hebrews 7:1-10 and begin our exploration of Melchizedek, the great king and priest, who is a picture of the greatest King and Priest to come.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-12-23T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4e83703f-f33e-4a7d-a4f1-2c2dbfe17421.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39560016,"duration_in_seconds":2498}]},{"id":"641a4c64-cdb9-4d91-a710-6444bf16a3f9","title":"Greater Certainty","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-certainty","content_text":"Most of us have experienced things (or people) not living up to their promise – including ourselves! The writer of Hebrews has encouraged us to be like those “who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Can I be certain that I’ll make it? How can I trust that God will do what He’s promised? Join us as we discover “Greater Certainty” from Hebrews 6:13-20.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMost of us have experienced things (or people) not living up to their promise – including ourselves! The writer of Hebrews has encouraged us to be like those “who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Can I be certain that I’ll make it? How can I trust that God will do what He’s promised? Join us as we discover “Greater Certainty” from Hebrews 6:13-20.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-12-16T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/641a4c64-cdb9-4d91-a710-6444bf16a3f9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33891072,"duration_in_seconds":2214}]},{"id":"92d10325-c208-416d-8f53-fe6137875e12","title":"Between the Advents","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/between-the-advents","content_text":"Balancing a gentle rebuke, a stern warning and a compassionate encouragement, the author of Hebrews encourages his readers to imitate the giants of the faith who have come before them. It’s a challenge we need to hear today, as we explore how to live Between The Advents. Join us as we explore Hebrews 5:11-6:12 and discover the ongoing relevance of this passage for us today.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBalancing a gentle rebuke, a stern warning and a compassionate encouragement, the author of Hebrews encourages his readers to imitate the giants of the faith who have come before them. It’s a challenge we need to hear today, as we explore how to live Between The Advents. Join us as we explore Hebrews 5:11-6:12 and discover the ongoing relevance of this passage for us today.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-12-09T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/92d10325-c208-416d-8f53-fe6137875e12.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37492752,"duration_in_seconds":2411}]},{"id":"57275a49-d7a5-4670-8bb3-03d836d54d6e","title":"Better Mediator","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/better-mediator","content_text":"Advent is the season in which we prepare our hearts for the joy of Christmas by reminding ourselves who Jesus is and why he came to earth. We’ll continue in our Hebrews series, focusing on a theme that author has already introduced - Jesus’ unique role as our Priest. Join us as we look at what a priest does, why we need someone to stand between us and God, and how Jesus is the Better Mediator from Hebrews 5:1-10.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAdvent is the season in which we prepare our hearts for the joy of Christmas by reminding ourselves who Jesus is and why he came to earth. We’ll continue in our Hebrews series, focusing on a theme that author has already introduced - Jesus’ unique role as our Priest. Join us as we look at what a priest does, why we need someone to stand between us and God, and how Jesus is the Better Mediator from Hebrews 5:1-10.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-12-02T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/57275a49-d7a5-4670-8bb3-03d836d54d6e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34892880,"duration_in_seconds":2272}]},{"id":"5de26401-3fe5-4aac-b923-2cbaa0a341e3","title":"The Great High Priest","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-great-high-priest","content_text":"The nation of Israel always had a high priest, but only here in Hebrews is Jesus referred to as the great high priest. Join us as we explore Hebrews 4:14-16 to understand how Jesus as our great high priest gives us confidence to draw near to God in our times of need.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe nation of Israel always had a high priest, but only here in Hebrews is Jesus referred to as the great high priest. Join us as we explore Hebrews 4:14-16 to understand how Jesus as our great high priest gives us confidence to draw near to God in our times of need.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-11-25T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5de26401-3fe5-4aac-b923-2cbaa0a341e3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34095240,"duration_in_seconds":2220}]},{"id":"ffec42fc-052b-4250-b1ad-79c144cdd665","title":"Greater Rest","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-rest","content_text":"Throughout the book of Hebrews, Jesus is presented as greater in multiple ways. Greater than angels, greater than Moses and, in this Sunday’s text, greater than his namesake, Joshua. Joshua led Israel into the land of rest, but that rest points into the future where “there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” How can you be sure you will enter that Greater Rest? Join us as we consider Hebrews 4:1-13.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThroughout the book of Hebrews, Jesus is presented as greater in multiple ways. Greater than angels, greater than Moses and, in this Sunday’s text, greater than his namesake, Joshua. Joshua led Israel into the land of rest, but that rest points into the future where “there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” How can you be sure you will enter that Greater Rest? Join us as we consider Hebrews 4:1-13.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-11-18T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ffec42fc-052b-4250-b1ad-79c144cdd665.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41064768,"duration_in_seconds":2668}]},{"id":"bcab7667-3fbd-4ed6-908f-659a527a8e8d","title":"Entering God's Rest","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/entering-gods-rest","content_text":"Hebrews 3 is unusual in that it is based on Psalm 95, which is based on Israel's failure in the Book of Numbers. From these two passages, we are warned that entering God's \"rest\" depends on \"if we hold our original confidence firm to the end.\" Join us as we examine what this means for everyone who professes faith in Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHebrews 3 is unusual in that it is based on Psalm 95, which is based on Israel\u0026#39;s failure in the Book of Numbers. From these two passages, we are warned that entering God\u0026#39;s \u0026quot;rest\u0026quot; depends on \u0026quot;if we hold our original confidence firm to the end.\u0026quot; Join us as we examine what this means for everyone who professes faith in Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-11-11T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bcab7667-3fbd-4ed6-908f-659a527a8e8d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40986360,"duration_in_seconds":2681}]},{"id":"990e4877-c4d1-46be-b0bb-30bc6801bd99","title":"Greater Glory","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-glory","content_text":"All of us are wired for glory – for recognition, respect, purpose and significance. We either try to earn it ourselves or get it by association with someone or something greater. This week, we’ll see in Hebrews 3:1-6 how our “heavenly calling” leads us to a “Greater Glory” through our union with Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAll of us are wired for glory – for recognition, respect, purpose and significance. We either try to earn it ourselves or get it by association with someone or something greater. This week, we’ll see in Hebrews 3:1-6 how our “heavenly calling” leads us to a “Greater Glory” through our union with Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-11-04T12:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/990e4877-c4d1-46be-b0bb-30bc6801bd99.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":32173728,"duration_in_seconds":2106}]},{"id":"a7b7c791-3608-439c-9548-a0dad59308b4","title":"Greater Confidence","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-confidence","content_text":"The One who is higher than all was made, for a little time, lower than the angels – in order to bring many to glory. How does Jesus’ identification with us in our humanity give us confidence and hope? How does that make us Jesus’ brothers and sisters? And what does it mean that we his share in His glory? Join us as we discover “Greater Confidence” from Hebrews 2:10-18.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe One who is higher than all was made, for a little time, lower than the angels – in order to bring many to glory. How does Jesus’ identification with us in our humanity give us confidence and hope? How does that make us Jesus’ brothers and sisters? And what does it mean that we his share in His glory? Join us as we discover “Greater Confidence” from Hebrews 2:10-18.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-10-28T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a7b7c791-3608-439c-9548-a0dad59308b4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34092432,"duration_in_seconds":2226}]},{"id":"c9b69b09-d1c6-435b-9294-389eedb3e384","title":"A Little Lower","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/a-little-lower","content_text":"Even though we’ve focused on the first chapter of Hebrews, showing how the Son of God is greater than angels, greater than the prophets of old, greater than all, we haven’t read yet who the Son of God is. Now we find out! But how could Jesus be the Son of God? He was a man, wasn’t he? Find out how the author of Hebrews uses Psalm 8 to explain the unexplainable, as we study Hebrews 2:5-9, “A Little Lower.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEven though we’ve focused on the first chapter of Hebrews, showing how the Son of God is greater than angels, greater than the prophets of old, greater than all, we haven’t read yet who the Son of God is. Now we find out! But how could Jesus be the Son of God? He was a man, wasn’t he? Find out how the author of Hebrews uses Psalm 8 to explain the unexplainable, as we study Hebrews 2:5-9, “A Little Lower.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-10-21T10:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c9b69b09-d1c6-435b-9294-389eedb3e384.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38771952,"duration_in_seconds":2505}]},{"id":"ea76aa1e-7622-4b54-8047-e6dbbf6ac252","title":"Greater Danger","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-danger","content_text":"Jesus brings better news, higher hope, and stronger promises. The writer of Hebrews now warns us against the danger of “drifting away” from Jesus and his great salvation. How does that happen? How do we avoid it? Join us as we look at the “Greater Danger” in Hebrews 2:1-4.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus brings better news, higher hope, and stronger promises. The writer of Hebrews now warns us against the danger of “drifting away” from Jesus and his great salvation. How does that happen? How do we avoid it? Join us as we look at the “Greater Danger” in Hebrews 2:1-4.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-10-14T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ea76aa1e-7622-4b54-8047-e6dbbf6ac252.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31577736,"duration_in_seconds":2041}]},{"id":"3b9d754a-0f4f-4436-ad24-b4dece956fee","title":"Greater Than Angels","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/greater-than-angels","content_text":"We continue in Hebrews 1:5-14, where we’re told that Jesus is superior to the angels. Join us as we see how Jesus is the “Better Messenger” of God’s good news.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue in Hebrews 1:5-14, where we’re told that Jesus is superior to the angels. Join us as we see how Jesus is the “Better Messenger” of God’s good news.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-10-07T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3b9d754a-0f4f-4436-ad24-b4dece956fee.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34537728,"duration_in_seconds":2157}]},{"id":"0038ef27-2fed-4eba-af05-242109f284f3","title":"A Better Revelation","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/a-better-revelation","content_text":"In many ways and at many times, God has revealed himself. But the greatest revelation? His son, Jesus, the very image of God. Join us Sunday as we explore Hebrews 1:1-4, “Greater Than: A Better Revelation.\"","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn many ways and at many times, God has revealed himself. But the greatest revelation? His son, Jesus, the very image of God. Join us Sunday as we explore Hebrews 1:1-4, “Greater Than: A Better Revelation.\u0026quot;\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Than Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-09-30T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0038ef27-2fed-4eba-af05-242109f284f3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":29998800,"duration_in_seconds":1944}]},{"id":"22476404-2a91-4d91-a9b3-9e0f302fb60f","title":"Called to Mission","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/called-to-mission","content_text":"What would you say if you were told that God had called you to mission? How are you currently involved in His mission? In our Evangelical world today many believe that a calling to mission is something for a select (or unfortunate) few. But, God’s word paints a different reality for the follower of Christ. We are not only called to God, but also called into His mission. We are called to become fishers of men! Join us as we look at Mark 6:6b-30 and learn more about what it means to be called to mission, and the realities of that calling.Special Guest: Eric.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat would you say if you were told that God had called you to mission? How are you currently involved in His mission? In our Evangelical world today many believe that a calling to mission is something for a select (or unfortunate) few. But, God’s word paints a different reality for the follower of Christ. We are not only called to God, but also called into His mission. We are called to become fishers of men! Join us as we look at Mark 6:6b-30 and learn more about what it means to be called to mission, and the realities of that calling.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Eric.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Global Impact Conference Sermon","date_published":"2018-09-23T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/22476404-2a91-4d91-a9b3-9e0f302fb60f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41868240,"duration_in_seconds":2636}]},{"id":"08936e5e-f1a0-4e20-bc23-35466ca926f6","title":"Yours is the Kingdom","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/yours-is-the-kingdom","content_text":"This week we finish our study of the Lord’s Prayer by looking at a part of the prayer that probably wasn’t included by Jesus. How did “yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory” get into this prayer? What might these words teach us today? Join us Sunday for “Kingdom, Power, and Glory” from the Lord’s Prayer.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week we finish our study of the Lord’s Prayer by looking at a part of the prayer that probably wasn’t included by Jesus. How did “yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory” get into this prayer? What might these words teach us today? Join us Sunday for “Kingdom, Power, and Glory” from the Lord’s Prayer.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Teach Us To Pray Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-09-16T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/08936e5e-f1a0-4e20-bc23-35466ca926f6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41195856,"duration_in_seconds":2690}]},{"id":"7212b9c3-c419-4f65-aa7b-c8a911dcd4a1","title":"Lead Us \u0026 Deliver Us","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lead-us-and-deliver-us","content_text":"Lead us not into temptation…deliver us from evil… Why do we pray these words? What is Jesus teaching us from this part of the Lord’s Prayer? We’re almost all the way through our study of the prayer and Jesus now invites us to release our selfish desires to make our own decisions and to trust that our Father will lead and protect us. Join us for “Lead Us \u0026amp; Deliver Us” from the Lord’s Prayer.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLead us not into temptation…deliver us from evil… Why do we pray these words? What is Jesus teaching us from this part of the Lord’s Prayer? We’re almost all the way through our study of the prayer and Jesus now invites us to release our selfish desires to make our own decisions and to trust that our Father will lead and protect us. Join us for “Lead Us \u0026amp; Deliver Us” from the Lord’s Prayer.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Teach Us How to Pray Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-09-09T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7212b9c3-c419-4f65-aa7b-c8a911dcd4a1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":27857184,"duration_in_seconds":1846}]},{"id":"e37f616f-1603-4d98-bc2c-d2605124e852","title":"Forgiven and Forgiving","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/forgiven-and-forgiving","content_text":"We’re studying the second-to-last request in the Lord’s Prayer: the plea, “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” We’ll consider several questions that arise from this request. Are we supposed to ask for forgiveness over and over? Aren’t all my sins forgiven by Jesus already? Where does my sinfulness come from? Join us for “Forgiven \u0026amp; Forgiving” from Matthew 6:12, as we study the forgiveness of God and our forgiveness to others.Special Guest: John Crocker.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’re studying the second-to-last request in the Lord’s Prayer: the plea, “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” We’ll consider several questions that arise from this request. Are we supposed to ask for forgiveness over and over? Aren’t all my sins forgiven by Jesus already? Where does my sinfulness come from? Join us for “Forgiven \u0026amp; Forgiving” from Matthew 6:12, as we study the forgiveness of God and our forgiveness to others.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: John Crocker.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Teach Us How To Pray Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-09-02T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e37f616f-1603-4d98-bc2c-d2605124e852.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":32166816,"duration_in_seconds":2072}]},{"id":"54a236de-e673-45be-aed3-a94c257174c7","title":"Faith Stories - Larry \u0026 Bev Reed","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-reed","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"What do you get when you cross a redneck with a survivor?","date_published":"2018-08-26T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/54a236de-e673-45be-aed3-a94c257174c7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40088498,"duration_in_seconds":3423}]},{"id":"c9afeee1-d02e-48d1-8cab-d73dc5b1e954","title":"Our Daily Bread","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/our-daily-bread","content_text":"After we orient ourselves around God’s goodness, greatness, and purposes in prayer, Jesus encourages us to bring our requests to our heavenly Father (Matthew 6:11). Join us as we learn what it means to pray for “our daily bread” and what that tells us about God and ourselves.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAfter we orient ourselves around God’s goodness, greatness, and purposes in prayer, Jesus encourages us to bring our requests to our heavenly Father (Matthew 6:11). Join us as we learn what it means to pray for “our daily bread” and what that tells us about God and ourselves.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Teach Us To Pray Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-08-26T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c9afeee1-d02e-48d1-8cab-d73dc5b1e954.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":29307792,"duration_in_seconds":1832}]},{"id":"68ed2fcb-ea4b-41b1-a96a-7ebccba8d0bd","title":"Your Will Be Done","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/your-will-be-done","content_text":"In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed the hardest words he ever prayed: “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” When we pray in the Lord’s Prayer “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” we are praying the words Jesus taught us, the words he himself prayed when facing his greatest agony. What might these words and Jesus’ example teach us about the struggle of obedience to God’s will? Join us for “Your Will Be Done” from Matthew 6:10, in the Lord’s Prayer.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed the hardest words he ever prayed: “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” When we pray in the Lord’s Prayer “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” we are praying the words Jesus taught us, the words he himself prayed when facing his greatest agony. What might these words and Jesus’ example teach us about the struggle of obedience to God’s will? Join us for “Your Will Be Done” from Matthew 6:10, in the Lord’s Prayer.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Teach Us To Pray Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-08-19T14:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/68ed2fcb-ea4b-41b1-a96a-7ebccba8d0bd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36665568,"duration_in_seconds":2397}]},{"id":"2ea705c2-943c-4517-8e1a-eecedeae1b79","title":"Faith Stories - Lisa Meharry","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-meharry","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Knowing God, Knowing Others, Finding Me","date_published":"2018-08-19T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2ea705c2-943c-4517-8e1a-eecedeae1b79.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":32011676,"duration_in_seconds":2668}]},{"id":"4396ecef-4182-4300-890e-4a941671bdb0","title":"Faith Stories - Jacob Hash","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-hash","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Prepared with a Purpose","date_published":"2018-08-12T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4396ecef-4182-4300-890e-4a941671bdb0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31652466,"duration_in_seconds":2641}]},{"id":"a3c38672-0ee1-4aad-afa0-7a1025ba8944","title":"Kingdom Come","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/kingdom-come","content_text":"“Your Kingdom Come,” Jesus instructs us to pray. But what exactly are we praying for when we ask that? And how do we live as a people who bear witness to Jesus’ kingship in our own lives; in our jobs, families, schools, finances? Join us for “Your Kingdom Come” from the Lord’s Prayer.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Your Kingdom Come,” Jesus instructs us to pray. But what exactly are we praying for when we ask that? And how do we live as a people who bear witness to Jesus’ kingship in our own lives; in our jobs, families, schools, finances? Join us for “Your Kingdom Come” from the Lord’s Prayer.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Teach Us To Pray Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-08-12T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a3c38672-0ee1-4aad-afa0-7a1025ba8944.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":32774712,"duration_in_seconds":2076}]},{"id":"88c79dbf-eee3-4a44-8e3a-880d2932a5da","title":"Faith Stories - Brian \u0026 Andrea Preston","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-preston","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"God's Providence, Again and Again","date_published":"2018-08-05T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/88c79dbf-eee3-4a44-8e3a-880d2932a5da.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34444708,"duration_in_seconds":2889}]},{"id":"15336dfb-d608-4d79-a204-dec17403f633","title":"Hallowed Be Your Name","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hallowed-be-your-name","content_text":"In the Bible, a name is more than a collection of syllables – it’s the representation of a person. Why does Jesus invite us to pray first that God would be “hallowed” or revered? What would that look like in our lives? Join us as we continue our study of the Lord’s Prayer with “Hallowed be Your Name.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn the Bible, a name is more than a collection of syllables – it’s the representation of a person. Why does Jesus invite us to pray first that God would be “hallowed” or revered? What would that look like in our lives? Join us as we continue our study of the Lord’s Prayer with “Hallowed be Your Name.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Teach Us To Pray Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-08-05T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/15336dfb-d608-4d79-a204-dec17403f633.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":28649136,"duration_in_seconds":1871}]},{"id":"2a5cfda3-d1b4-4c36-915a-a877daa47cb9","title":"Faith Stories - Lina Lentsch","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-lentsch","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"What is a \"Missionary\" After All?","date_published":"2018-07-29T13:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2a5cfda3-d1b4-4c36-915a-a877daa47cb9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":21224318,"duration_in_seconds":1746}]},{"id":"a0990aee-da69-4f0b-9f11-f9622f03002b","title":"Our Father","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/our-father","content_text":"Jesus gave \"The Lord's Prayer” for God’s children to use in their regular meeting with their Father in heaven. God's children are those who have received Jesus and believed in his name and have been given the right to become children of God. We focus on the first two words of this most important prayer, \"Our Father.\" We'll look at what it means to call God \"Our Father” and the implications of this little phrase, which extend far beyond what immediately comes to mind.Special Guest: John Crocker.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus gave \u0026quot;The Lord\u0026#39;s Prayer” for God’s children to use in their regular meeting with their Father in heaven. God\u0026#39;s children are those who have received Jesus and believed in his name and have been given the right to become children of God. We focus on the first two words of this most important prayer, \u0026quot;Our Father.\u0026quot; We\u0026#39;ll look at what it means to call God \u0026quot;Our Father” and the implications of this little phrase, which extend far beyond what immediately comes to mind.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: John Crocker.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Teach Us To Pray Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-07-29T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a0990aee-da69-4f0b-9f11-f9622f03002b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39516720,"duration_in_seconds":2362}]},{"id":"2b08d490-373c-4c33-a042-40b982fa2e28","title":"Faith Stories - Chuck \u0026 Sally Rushmore","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-rushmore","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Ministry or Mission","date_published":"2018-07-22T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2b08d490-373c-4c33-a042-40b982fa2e28.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33713014,"duration_in_seconds":2840}]},{"id":"b2b7afd9-7681-4a8d-9faf-f71053f378cc","title":"Teach Us To Pray","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/teach-us-to-pray","content_text":"We begin a new series making the same request of Jesus his disciples made in Luke 11: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Join us as we walk through the Lord’s Prayer verse by verse and learn together from this model prayer.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe begin a new series making the same request of Jesus his disciples made in Luke 11: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Join us as we walk through the Lord’s Prayer verse by verse and learn together from this model prayer.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Teach Us To Pray Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-07-22T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b2b7afd9-7681-4a8d-9faf-f71053f378cc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40518504,"duration_in_seconds":2602}]},{"id":"a208dfff-9f0f-46e1-a8f2-b8af24f35588","title":"Glorious Impact","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/glorious-impact","content_text":"We were made to live for something bigger than ourselves. The gospel changes our priorities so that as we live for Christ and his glory we’re set free from apathy and aimlessness, and we find real joy. Join us as we look at Colossians 4:2-18 and finish our series in Colossians looking at the Glorious Impact God can have through your life.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe were made to live for something bigger than ourselves. The gospel changes our priorities so that as we live for Christ and his glory we’re set free from apathy and aimlessness, and we find real joy. Join us as we look at Colossians 4:2-18 and finish our series in Colossians looking at the Glorious Impact God can have through your life.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Glorious Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-07-15T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a208dfff-9f0f-46e1-a8f2-b8af24f35588.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37677840,"duration_in_seconds":2493}]},{"id":"f60d783c-fb92-4fc6-a224-395f644519c6","title":"Faith Stories - Mark \u0026 Miriam Pappas","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-pappas","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Traditions Turn to Grace","date_published":"2018-07-15T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f60d783c-fb92-4fc6-a224-395f644519c6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38405610,"duration_in_seconds":3159}]},{"id":"0054ec4a-7676-4744-8e6d-b874f774622b","title":"Glorious Homes","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/glorious-homes","content_text":"Colossians 3:1-17 switches from Paul’s theological teaching to practical ways for us to live out our faith as Christ-Ones. Last week, we looked at the architecture, excavations, and foundations needed to build our lives upon Christ. In Colossians 3:18–4:1, we will learn how to practically build our marriages and homes in ways that honor and glorify the Lord we serve.Special Guest: Bob Blahnik.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eColossians 3:1-17 switches from Paul’s theological teaching to practical ways for us to live out our faith as Christ-Ones. Last week, we looked at the architecture, excavations, and foundations needed to build our lives upon Christ. In Colossians 3:18–4:1, we will learn how to practically build our marriages and homes in ways that honor and glorify the Lord we serve.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Bob Blahnik.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Glorious Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-07-08T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0054ec4a-7676-4744-8e6d-b874f774622b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36517872,"duration_in_seconds":2366}]},{"id":"50d80e96-30b2-497b-8964-ae76f7c5c61d","title":"Faith Stories - Nick Carter","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-carter","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Adding Nothing","date_published":"2018-07-08T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/50d80e96-30b2-497b-8964-ae76f7c5c61d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":29090302,"duration_in_seconds":2414}]},{"id":"3a3e39ab-525e-46dc-8c4c-d64759b82129","title":"Glorious Foundations","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/glorious-foundations","content_text":"Colossians 2 clarifies that we don’t get right with God by following rules and extreme disciplines, but chapter 3 sets forth an expectation that the direction of our lives will be transformed by being in Christ. Glorious Foundations from Colossians 3:1-17 explains the basis for living in a way that honors the Lord and each other.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eColossians 2 clarifies that we don’t get right with God by following rules and extreme disciplines, but chapter 3 sets forth an expectation that the direction of our lives will be transformed by being in Christ. Glorious Foundations from Colossians 3:1-17 explains the basis for living in a way that honors the Lord and each other.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Glorious Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-07-01T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3a3e39ab-525e-46dc-8c4c-d64759b82129.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40717032,"duration_in_seconds":2564}]},{"id":"13361ce4-3470-4e21-a9eb-7f25a2a11cc8","title":"Faith Stories - Becky Lawrence","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-lawrence","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Pursued by God","date_published":"2018-06-24T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/13361ce4-3470-4e21-a9eb-7f25a2a11cc8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":29225072,"duration_in_seconds":2427}]},{"id":"5d3f0c23-a12a-4f80-87ae-bcb2df038ab9","title":"Glorious Freedom","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/glorious-freedom","content_text":"At first glance, it appears that in Colossians 2 the Apostle Paul is encouraging a young church to make sure they worship God the right way, not the wrong way. But is that really his point? Or is Paul referring to something much deeper in our relationship with God, something fundamental to how we are made right with God in the first place? Join us for Glorious Freedom from Colossians 2:16–23!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAt first glance, it appears that in Colossians 2 the Apostle Paul is encouraging a young church to make sure they worship God the right way, not the wrong way. But is that really his point? Or is Paul referring to something much deeper in our relationship with God, something fundamental to how we are made right with God in the first place? Join us for Glorious Freedom from Colossians 2:16–23!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Glorious Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-06-24T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5d3f0c23-a12a-4f80-87ae-bcb2df038ab9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41663136,"duration_in_seconds":2620}]},{"id":"bb40d016-1e05-41c0-b907-803687f29f27","title":"Faith Stories - Jerry \u0026 Rebecca Risser","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-rissers","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Our Timing, God's Timing","date_published":"2018-06-17T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bb40d016-1e05-41c0-b907-803687f29f27.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34367119,"duration_in_seconds":2870}]},{"id":"2c964666-c590-4c0f-969d-bfb9d2bc3b36","title":"Glorious Confidence","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/glorious-confidence","content_text":"Join us as we see how Christ clears away confusion in life and gives us clarity about our identity, our purpose, and our direction. Colossians 2:6-15 leads us to praise God for the “Glorious Confidence” we find in the gospel.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJoin us as we see how Christ clears away confusion in life and gives us clarity about our identity, our purpose, and our direction. Colossians 2:6-15 leads us to praise God for the “Glorious Confidence” we find in the gospel.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Glorious Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-06-17T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2c964666-c590-4c0f-969d-bfb9d2bc3b36.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34221552,"duration_in_seconds":2209}]},{"id":"4a5a92b2-8947-4375-8dc2-b633e1c3d8e5","title":"Faith Stories - John \u0026 Liz Crocker","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-crockers","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Two Pastoral Perspectives","date_published":"2018-06-10T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4a5a92b2-8947-4375-8dc2-b633e1c3d8e5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40439001,"duration_in_seconds":3404}]},{"id":"06135f80-7498-48fa-994f-007fc22f7e61","title":"The Hope of Glory","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-hope-of-glory","content_text":"As the Apostle Paul concludes his introduction of himself to the believers in the church at Colossae, he reflects on the riches of the gospel, Christ in us, the hope of glory. This message has become Paul’s mission, and the church’s responsibility to grow in maturity. Join us for “The Hope of Glory,” as we consider the mystery, the mission, and our maturity from Colossians 1:24–2:5.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs the Apostle Paul concludes his introduction of himself to the believers in the church at Colossae, he reflects on the riches of the gospel, Christ in us, the hope of glory. This message has become Paul’s mission, and the church’s responsibility to grow in maturity. Join us for “The Hope of Glory,” as we consider the mystery, the mission, and our maturity from Colossians 1:24–2:5.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Glorious Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-06-10T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/06135f80-7498-48fa-994f-007fc22f7e61.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":48239088,"duration_in_seconds":3079}]},{"id":"8ae8c1dd-5a8c-40c1-9597-548c0cef22d1","title":"Faith Stories - Marc West","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/faith-story-marc-west","content_text":"","content_html":"","summary":"Opportunities to Shine God's Light","date_published":"2018-06-03T12:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8ae8c1dd-5a8c-40c1-9597-548c0cef22d1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33788412,"duration_in_seconds":2728}]},{"id":"890b397d-9659-4329-ae03-38d9e40db386","title":"The Glorious Christ","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-glorious-christ","content_text":"Our lives – and this world – can sometimes seem chaotic, discouraging, and overwhelming. Is anyone in charge? Is there any hope, any point to it all? We find confidence, hope, sanity, and life in Jesus. It really is all about Jesus. Join us as we look at The Glorious Christ from Colossians 1:15-23.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur lives – and this world – can sometimes seem chaotic, discouraging, and overwhelming. Is anyone in charge? Is there any hope, any point to it all? We find confidence, hope, sanity, and life in Jesus. It really is all about Jesus. Join us as we look at The Glorious Christ from Colossians 1:15-23.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Glorious Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-06-03T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/890b397d-9659-4329-ae03-38d9e40db386.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":35419776,"duration_in_seconds":2295}]},{"id":"dd31a454-de5f-4871-98d5-3af5f5e14ec9","title":"Glorious New Lives","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/glorious-new-lives","content_text":"In his prayer, Paul paints a picture of the glory of Christ reflected in people who have been brought from darkness to light. We see how the life of Jesus is lived out in his people; not that our lives can be ‘worthy’ of the Lord, but that we walk in a way that is suitable to our new lives – which makes sense given who we now are! Join us as we look at Glorious New Lives from Colossians 1:9-14.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn his prayer, Paul paints a picture of the glory of Christ reflected in people who have been brought from darkness to light. We see how the life of Jesus is lived out in his people; not that our lives can be ‘worthy’ of the Lord, but that we walk in a way that is suitable to our new lives – which makes sense given who we now are! Join us as we look at Glorious New Lives from Colossians 1:9-14.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Glorious Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-05-27T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dd31a454-de5f-4871-98d5-3af5f5e14ec9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":42169488,"duration_in_seconds":2717}]},{"id":"face5d7d-1836-48db-b8ac-2b3d88d84c29","title":"The Glorious Gospel","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-glourious-gospel","content_text":"We start a new series in the book of Colossians. We’ll see how Christ reigns supreme over all, and how gazing on the glory of Christ encourages our hearts, and leads to worship, hope, confidence, and joy. We begin by looking at what makes the gospel so glorious, from Colossians 1:1-8. Join us as we (re)discover The Glory of the Gospel!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe start a new series in the book of Colossians. We’ll see how Christ reigns supreme over all, and how gazing on the glory of Christ encourages our hearts, and leads to worship, hope, confidence, and joy. We begin by looking at what makes the gospel so glorious, from Colossians 1:1-8. Join us as we (re)discover The Glory of the Gospel!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Glorious Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-05-20T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/face5d7d-1836-48db-b8ac-2b3d88d84c29.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40215792,"duration_in_seconds":2616}]},{"id":"09989f11-2ffd-4ebc-adb5-d1d76bf24b9d","title":"Missional Spirituality","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/missional-spirituality","content_text":"In this final message in our Flourish series, we’ll pull together all that we’ve seen about discipleship. Missional Spirituality is life with God, for the world; it’s the kind of life where human flourishing takes place, a life modeled for us by Jesus, a life in which we can pour ourselves out for our neighbors because of our relationship with the God who poured himself out for us. Join us as we look at John 17:13-19.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this final message in our Flourish series, we’ll pull together all that we’ve seen about discipleship. Missional Spirituality is life with God, for the world; it’s the kind of life where human flourishing takes place, a life modeled for us by Jesus, a life in which we can pour ourselves out for our neighbors because of our relationship with the God who poured himself out for us. Join us as we look at John 17:13-19.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-05-13T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/09989f11-2ffd-4ebc-adb5-d1d76bf24b9d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36748224,"duration_in_seconds":2434}]},{"id":"bea9f911-7902-4a1c-97a0-5fa4a0fa26dd","title":"Common Good","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/common-good","content_text":"In Jeremiah 29, God tells his people in exile not to hate or withdraw from the place they’re living, but to commit to, bless and even love their community in exile. That’s a helpful pattern for us as winsome ambassadors to our world. Join us as we look at what it means for us as Jesus’ disciples to seek the Common Good.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Jeremiah 29, God tells his people in exile not to hate or withdraw from the place they’re living, but to commit to, bless and even love their community in exile. That’s a helpful pattern for us as winsome ambassadors to our world. Join us as we look at what it means for us as Jesus’ disciples to seek the Common Good.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-05-06T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bea9f911-7902-4a1c-97a0-5fa4a0fa26dd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39799488,"duration_in_seconds":2547}]},{"id":"72de3826-f4a2-4e1a-b56e-17e0eef964c7","title":"The Same Mind","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-same-mind","content_text":"Part of our winsomeness towards a secular culture is to approach the world in the same way Jesus did. This doesn’t mean that we look to Jesus’s actions in particular, but to his mission in general. Can we identify with the world around us, pursue those in it, and offer them life through sacrificial love? We explore “The Same Mind,\" from Philippians 2:1-11.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePart of our winsomeness towards a secular culture is to approach the world in the same way Jesus did. This doesn’t mean that we look to Jesus’s actions in particular, but to his mission in general. Can we identify with the world around us, pursue those in it, and offer them life through sacrificial love? We explore “The Same Mind,\u0026quot; from Philippians 2:1-11.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-04-29T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/72de3826-f4a2-4e1a-b56e-17e0eef964c7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41211936,"duration_in_seconds":2644}]},{"id":"badd44a7-33f6-489e-9021-d5506f983623","title":"Gentle Defense","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gentle-defense","content_text":"The Apostle Peter’s first letter was written to be circulated among Christian communities scattered all over Asia Minor. These churches existed in areas that were overtly antagonistic to their presence. How is the church supposed to live in such a climate? How should the church posture herself to that world? We’ll explore 1st Peter 3:13-17, “Gentle Defense,” and learn from this ancient letter how we should relate to our modern world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Apostle Peter’s first letter was written to be circulated among Christian communities scattered all over Asia Minor. These churches existed in areas that were overtly antagonistic to their presence. How is the church supposed to live in such a climate? How should the church posture herself to that world? We’ll explore 1st Peter 3:13-17, “Gentle Defense,” and learn from this ancient letter how we should relate to our modern world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-04-22T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/badd44a7-33f6-489e-9021-d5506f983623.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":47727552,"duration_in_seconds":3083}]},{"id":"da47ecc4-8251-4626-9475-008f7fcf0d35","title":"Storytime","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/storytime","content_text":"We live in a world dominated by stories, and in many ways, we don’t know how to act unless we know what story we’re in and what role we’re playing. That’s one of the lessons we learn from Jeremiah’s famous letter to the exiles in Babylon. Join us as we reframe our lives within a larger story in “Storytime” from Jeremiah 29:1-23.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe live in a world dominated by stories, and in many ways, we don’t know how to act unless we know what story we’re in and what role we’re playing. That’s one of the lessons we learn from Jeremiah’s famous letter to the exiles in Babylon. Join us as we reframe our lives within a larger story in “Storytime” from Jeremiah 29:1-23.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-04-15T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/da47ecc4-8251-4626-9475-008f7fcf0d35.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40753776,"duration_in_seconds":2611}]},{"id":"33886416-0cd1-4b35-9e5d-798af4d876a7","title":"One Gospel One Household","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/one-gospel-one-household","content_text":"We live in a racially and ethnically fractured society. The Church has a wonderful opportunity to display the reconciling power of the gospel among all peoples as a powerful witness to our community. We welcome Dr. Peter Cha, Professor of Church, Culture, and Society at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, as he helps us grow in our understanding of the reconciliation that flows out of Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross.Special Guest: Dr. Peter Cha.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe live in a racially and ethnically fractured society. The Church has a wonderful opportunity to display the reconciling power of the gospel among all peoples as a powerful witness to our community. We welcome Dr. Peter Cha, Professor of Church, Culture, and Society at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, as he helps us grow in our understanding of the reconciliation that flows out of Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Dr. Peter Cha.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Global Impact Conference","date_published":"2018-04-08T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/33886416-0cd1-4b35-9e5d-798af4d876a7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37385208,"duration_in_seconds":2451}]},{"id":"0c79dcda-ba60-4f31-be22-0d481fd63726","title":"Being Winsome Ambassadors in our Now Global Community","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gic-pannel","content_text":"Our experienced panel will discuss the impact of Christ-centered relationships in reconciling people of different races, classes, and cultures. Dr. Peter Cha will be joined by Pastor Curtis Coston of Solid Word Bible Church and others involved in Faith's local international outreach.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOur experienced panel will discuss the impact of Christ-centered relationships in reconciling people of different races, classes, and cultures. Dr. Peter Cha will be joined by Pastor Curtis Coston of Solid Word Bible Church and others involved in Faith\u0026#39;s local international outreach.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Special event for Global Impact Conference","date_published":"2018-04-07T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0c79dcda-ba60-4f31-be22-0d481fd63726.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":79679006,"duration_in_seconds":6690}]},{"id":"9c130851-9023-4d8c-97a7-6df32c3d6fbb","title":"Seeing and Believing","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/seeing-and-believing","content_text":"“Unless I see, I’ll never believe.” These words were spoken by Thomas, the apostle who missed the resurrection and couldn’t believe what his friends were telling him. How did Thomas move from Doubt, to Faith, to Purpose? Join us as we explore John 20:24-31, “Seeing and Believing.” ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Unless I see, I’ll never believe.” These words were spoken by Thomas, the apostle who missed the resurrection and couldn’t believe what his friends were telling him. How did Thomas move from Doubt, to Faith, to Purpose? Join us as we explore John 20:24-31, “Seeing and Believing.” \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Easter Sunday","date_published":"2018-04-01T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9c130851-9023-4d8c-97a7-6df32c3d6fbb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":26104128,"duration_in_seconds":1679}]},{"id":"0d33f7fc-5373-49d1-8a7e-88be94432dbe","title":"Good Friday Devotion","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/good-friday-devotion","content_text":"As we focus on the reason for Good Friday, worship and remember with us what Christ has done. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs we focus on the reason for Good Friday, worship and remember with us what Christ has done. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Good Friday Service","date_published":"2018-03-30T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0d33f7fc-5373-49d1-8a7e-88be94432dbe.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":11443680,"duration_in_seconds":740}]},{"id":"4aa554cb-b729-43a0-a7b7-f11fb7022787","title":"The Palm Sunday Problem","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-palm-sunday-problem","content_text":"Many of the same people who hailed Jesus as king on Palm Sunday were calling for his death on Good Friday. Why the change? What happened? Join us as we look at what we have in common with those people as we explore “The Palm Sunday Problem” from Matthew 21:1-15.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eMany of the same people who hailed Jesus as king on Palm Sunday were calling for his death on Good Friday. Why the change? What happened? Join us as we look at what we have in common with those people as we explore “The Palm Sunday Problem” from Matthew 21:1-15.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-03-25T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4aa554cb-b729-43a0-a7b7-f11fb7022787.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34486104,"duration_in_seconds":2266}]},{"id":"3c014bcb-a598-4712-9e62-c1850dfc30be","title":"Gospel Renewal","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gospel-renewal","content_text":"The great reformer Martin Luther once wrote that the gospel has to be “beat into our heads continually” because believers are prone to forget the grace with which we have been saved. This week we turn to Titus 2:11-3:11 to explore Paul’s exhortation to a young pastor to declare the gospel, insist on the gospel, and remind people of the implications of the gospel. What might we learn about the ongoing applicability of the gospel to our lives today? Join us for Gospel Renewal.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe great reformer Martin Luther once wrote that the gospel has to be “beat into our heads continually” because believers are prone to forget the grace with which we have been saved. This week we turn to Titus 2:11-3:11 to explore Paul’s exhortation to a young pastor to declare the gospel, insist on the gospel, and remind people of the implications of the gospel. What might we learn about the ongoing applicability of the gospel to our lives today? Join us for Gospel Renewal.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-03-18T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3c014bcb-a598-4712-9e62-c1850dfc30be.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40592400,"duration_in_seconds":2612}]},{"id":"1641c948-7e94-4432-8fab-6bf9610a98c2","title":"Freedom","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/freedom","content_text":"“For freedom Christ has set us free,” says the Apostle Paul. But freedom from what? Freedom to do what? We’ll turn to Galatians 5 to explore the life of virtue we are free to explore through life in the Spirit of God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“For freedom Christ has set us free,” says the Apostle Paul. But freedom from what? Freedom to do what? We’ll turn to Galatians 5 to explore the life of virtue we are free to explore through life in the Spirit of God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-03-11T10:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/1641c948-7e94-4432-8fab-6bf9610a98c2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":45603552,"duration_in_seconds":2935}]},{"id":"a3763819-aabe-4acb-9b3b-58756b64b757","title":"Spiritual Friendship","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/spiritual-friendship","content_text":"We are made for relationship. We will not grow to be what God intends on our own. Join us as we look at how we grow as disciples of Jesus in the context of spiritual friendships from Acts 20:36 – 21:8.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe are made for relationship. We will not grow to be what God intends on our own. Join us as we look at how we grow as disciples of Jesus in the context of spiritual friendships from Acts 20:36 – 21:8.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-03-04T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/a3763819-aabe-4acb-9b3b-58756b64b757.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36360960,"duration_in_seconds":2360}]},{"id":"8cef46c3-c4f5-4356-9437-f4fb715b080a","title":"Habits of the Heart","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/habits-of-the-heart","content_text":"We’re all being shaped according to a goal or pattern – the question is by what? The patterns of our lives reflect our ultimate values. In 1 Corinthians 9:19-27, Paul encourages us that we can use our freedom in Christ to take on habits that will shape our hearts for God and his Kingdom. Join us in worship as we look at Habits of the Heart.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’re all being shaped according to a goal or pattern – the question is by what? The patterns of our lives reflect our ultimate values. In 1 Corinthians 9:19-27, Paul encourages us that we can use our freedom in Christ to take on habits that will shape our hearts for God and his Kingdom. Join us in worship as we look at Habits of the Heart.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-02-25T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8cef46c3-c4f5-4356-9437-f4fb715b080a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38417616,"duration_in_seconds":2506}]},{"id":"5f4fffb8-0f7a-404f-9cf8-dbb35f29c894","title":"Put On Love","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/put-on-love","content_text":"In light of our resurrection with Christ, Paul admonishes us in Colossians chapter 3 to put to death what is earthly in us and to put on virtue, bound together with love. Join us as we explore how God forms our character, in “Put on Love,” from Colossians 3:1-17.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn light of our resurrection with Christ, Paul admonishes us in Colossians chapter 3 to put to death what is earthly in us and to put on virtue, bound together with love. Join us as we explore how God forms our character, in “Put on Love,” from Colossians 3:1-17.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-02-18T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/5f4fffb8-0f7a-404f-9cf8-dbb35f29c894.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36516000,"duration_in_seconds":2369}]},{"id":"da9a2b8d-2fda-42f2-b5f9-467b20fb3918","title":"The Gospel of Our Loves","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-gospel-of-our-loves","content_text":"We’ve spent the last two weeks at Faith exploring the idea that our deepest orientation to the world is through what we love. So how do we share the gospel with friends, neighbors, and coworkers in a way that appeals to the heart? From 2nd Corinthians 4:1-12, we’ll discover how an encounter with the beauty of God in Christ radically transformed the Apostle Paul’s deepest loves.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’ve spent the last two weeks at Faith exploring the idea that our deepest orientation to the world is through what we love. So how do we share the gospel with friends, neighbors, and coworkers in a way that appeals to the heart? From 2nd Corinthians 4:1-12, we’ll discover how an encounter with the beauty of God in Christ radically transformed the Apostle Paul’s deepest loves.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-02-11T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/da9a2b8d-2fda-42f2-b5f9-467b20fb3918.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":45191232,"duration_in_seconds":2898}]},{"id":"13287520-4196-4040-81fb-e1fd0143b762","title":"Disordered Love","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/disordered-love","content_text":"Jeremiah was not known as a particularly encouraging prophet. So when he saw the faithlessness of the people of Israel, he used a provocative metaphor to try to shock the people into realizing the gravity of their sin. Putting the people’s relationship with God in the picture of a marriage, he challenged Israel to repent of their spiritual adultery. Join us as we study the contemporary application of Jeremiah 2 in the next sermon in our Flourish series, Disordered Love, from Jeremiah 2:1-13, 20-25, 32-33.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJeremiah was not known as a particularly encouraging prophet. So when he saw the faithlessness of the people of Israel, he used a provocative metaphor to try to shock the people into realizing the gravity of their sin. Putting the people’s relationship with God in the picture of a marriage, he challenged Israel to repent of their spiritual adultery. Join us as we study the contemporary application of Jeremiah 2 in the next sermon in our Flourish series, Disordered Love, from Jeremiah 2:1-13, 20-25, 32-33.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-02-04T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/13287520-4196-4040-81fb-e1fd0143b762.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40111440,"duration_in_seconds":2569}]},{"id":"95d1d8ea-6b84-4a7c-855c-513cb9049bf5","title":"The Priority of Love","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-priority-of-love","content_text":"When asked what the most important teaching in the Old Testament was, Jesus responded simply: love. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What might Jesus’ emphasis on the priority of love have to teach us about discipleship? Join us as we look at Matthew 22:34-40 and explore \"The Priority of Love.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen asked what the most important teaching in the Old Testament was, Jesus responded simply: love. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What might Jesus’ emphasis on the priority of love have to teach us about discipleship? Join us as we look at Matthew 22:34-40 and explore \u0026quot;The Priority of Love.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-01-28T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/95d1d8ea-6b84-4a7c-855c-513cb9049bf5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37705008,"duration_in_seconds":2452}]},{"id":"45de24bb-35ac-4ced-84bd-dabb161f80b6","title":"In Our Secular World","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/in-our-secular-world","content_text":"When St. Paul entered ancient Athens, he saw that the city was incredibly religious but spiritually dead. The secular age we inhabit is much the same. What can we learn from Paul’s approach in Athens that helps us as we seek to become informed and winsome ambassadors for Christ? Join us as we explore objects of worship In Our Secular World from Acts 17:16-23.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhen St. Paul entered ancient Athens, he saw that the city was incredibly religious but spiritually dead. The secular age we inhabit is much the same. What can we learn from Paul’s approach in Athens that helps us as we seek to become informed and winsome ambassadors for Christ? Join us as we explore objects of worship In Our Secular World from Acts 17:16-23.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-01-21T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/45de24bb-35ac-4ced-84bd-dabb161f80b6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":35784288,"duration_in_seconds":2282}]},{"id":"8b8d6a75-d83f-41a4-869a-629f734415f5","title":"Resident Aliens","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/resident-aliens","content_text":"Everyone is a disciple, a follower of somebody. The question is, Who am I following? We’ll look at 1 Peter 1-2 and the image of Christians as “chosen exiles.” The world demands our attention and devotion and seeks to conform us to its ways. Though we live in this world, we reflect the values and priorities of another king and his kingdom. Join us for Resident Aliens from 1 Peter 1:1-2, 2:4-12","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEveryone is a disciple, a follower of somebody. The question is, Who am I following? We’ll look at 1 Peter 1-2 and the image of Christians as “chosen exiles.” The world demands our attention and devotion and seeks to conform us to its ways. Though we live in this world, we reflect the values and priorities of another king and his kingdom. Join us for Resident Aliens from 1 Peter 1:1-2, 2:4-12\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-01-14T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8b8d6a75-d83f-41a4-869a-629f734415f5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":35670072,"duration_in_seconds":2313}]},{"id":"297c571b-677d-4a15-b48a-9b81681f33b3","title":"What Is A Disciple","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/what-is-a-disciple","content_text":"A new year means new possibilities, new directions, new priorities…or at least a chance to reinvest in priorities we need to tackle in new ways. This year Faith Church will invest in discipleship in our secular age as we seek to become informed and winsome ambassadors of Christ. Join us for “What’s a Disciple?” from 2nd Corinthians 3:18, the first in our new series, “Flourish”!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eA new year means new possibilities, new directions, new priorities…or at least a chance to reinvest in priorities we need to tackle in new ways. This year Faith Church will invest in discipleship in our secular age as we seek to become informed and winsome ambassadors of Christ. Join us for “What’s a Disciple?” from 2nd Corinthians 3:18, the first in our new series, “Flourish”!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Flourish Sermon Series","date_published":"2018-01-07T14:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/297c571b-677d-4a15-b48a-9b81681f33b3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37958304,"duration_in_seconds":2411}]},{"id":"70042ff5-368e-4b3e-a651-da770b213c86","title":"Family Gathering","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/family-gathering","content_text":"This past Sunday, we welcomed Pastor Don Beachy as our guest preacher. We celebrated Advent and Christmas through our series: Home for Christmas. We continue that theme and hear how God uses us to bring others home to Him. Family Gathering, from Matthew 28:16-20.Special Guest: Don Beachy.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis past Sunday, we welcomed Pastor Don Beachy as our guest preacher. We celebrated Advent and Christmas through our series: Home for Christmas. We continue that theme and hear how God uses us to bring others home to Him. Family Gathering, from Matthew 28:16-20.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Don Beachy.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-12-31T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/70042ff5-368e-4b3e-a651-da770b213c86.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":46271352,"duration_in_seconds":2888}]},{"id":"24d47a54-deef-4ca8-86b6-b0fbb5a39f1f","title":"Christmas Eve 2017","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/christmas-eve-2017","content_text":"On Christmas Eve we refocused on our Advent messages: we were lost, then found, bringing us home again through the one true King.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn Christmas Eve we refocused on our Advent messages: we were lost, then found, bringing us home again through the one true King.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-12-24T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/24d47a54-deef-4ca8-86b6-b0fbb5a39f1f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":16761888,"duration_in_seconds":1079}]},{"id":"8343e0ca-96a5-4b9a-ab96-a2d104cb77db","title":"Home Forever","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/home-forever","content_text":"Jesus left his home to bring us home to him – but we’re not home yet. We get hints and shadows of the goodness of the true, eternal home we’ll experience in Jesus’ second advent. We concluded our Advent series with, Home Forever from Revelation 21.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus left his home to bring us home to him – but we’re not home yet. We get hints and shadows of the goodness of the true, eternal home we’ll experience in Jesus’ second advent. We concluded our Advent series with, Home Forever from Revelation 21.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-12-24T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8343e0ca-96a5-4b9a-ab96-a2d104cb77db.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":12718080,"duration_in_seconds":2264}]},{"id":"95771007-68db-4b12-b46a-9f29017d772f","title":"Lost and Found","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lost-and-found","content_text":"How can we find our way back home? The Good News in the Christmas story is that it is not our pursuit of God, but God's pursuit of us that is the answer. Lost and Found from Philippians 2:5-11 is our third Advent message for 2017.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHow can we find our way back home? The Good News in the Christmas story is that it is not our pursuit of God, but God\u0026#39;s pursuit of us that is the answer. Lost and Found from Philippians 2:5-11 is our third Advent message for 2017.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-12-17T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/95771007-68db-4b12-b46a-9f29017d772f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":35019888,"duration_in_seconds":2295}]},{"id":"2b00ec12-ec0d-4b1b-968e-bda0b9d2e030","title":"Lost","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/lost","content_text":"“I’ll be Home for Christmas” is in some sense, the longing for all people, to find a place called home, reflecting Genesis 3, when all of humanity became lost, losing their God-given home and thrust into a world of suffering and death.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“I’ll be Home for Christmas” is in some sense, the longing for all people, to find a place called home, reflecting Genesis 3, when all of humanity became lost, losing their God-given home and thrust into a world of suffering and death.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-12-10T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2b00ec12-ec0d-4b1b-968e-bda0b9d2e030.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36540912,"duration_in_seconds":2383}]},{"id":"dc5d7978-55e8-49f8-92fc-28f416608172","title":"Home","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/home","content_text":"We start at the beginning: Where did we come from? Why do we long for security, meaning, purpose, relationship – for home? And how does Jesus fit into the picture?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe start at the beginning: Where did we come from? Why do we long for security, meaning, purpose, relationship – for home? And how does Jesus fit into the picture?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Home for Christmas Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-12-03T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/dc5d7978-55e8-49f8-92fc-28f416608172.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38485824,"duration_in_seconds":2498}]},{"id":"76e8a9f8-976b-4533-b2be-d836d5349446","title":"Hope","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hope","content_text":"We conclude our series on Goodness by looking at Psalm 145:13-21. God’s goodness is evident in who he is and what he does, and yet the world we live in doesn’t always reflect his good rule. How do we understand the struggle and pain of this world in light of God’s goodness?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe conclude our series on Goodness by looking at Psalm 145:13-21. God’s goodness is evident in who he is and what he does, and yet the world we live in doesn’t always reflect his good rule. How do we understand the struggle and pain of this world in light of God’s goodness?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Goodness Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-11-26T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/76e8a9f8-976b-4533-b2be-d836d5349446.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41392032,"duration_in_seconds":2682}]},{"id":"617b2d79-b14e-4c3b-be29-4d9f6a2015b7","title":"Reflection","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/reflection","content_text":"We continue exploring God’s goodness through Psalm 145. As King David invites us to reflect on God’s goodness, he calls us to respond by reflecting God’s goodness. If God is good and all He does is good, how do we reflect his goodness in what we say, do, and are?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe continue exploring God’s goodness through Psalm 145. As King David invites us to reflect on God’s goodness, he calls us to respond by reflecting God’s goodness. If God is good and all He does is good, how do we reflect his goodness in what we say, do, and are?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Goodness Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-11-19T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/617b2d79-b14e-4c3b-be29-4d9f6a2015b7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40060896,"duration_in_seconds":2575}]},{"id":"2a5efa6a-bd4f-4f0a-9166-b91db35df54c","title":"Action","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/action","content_text":"Jesus said, \"at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.\" - John 14:11. Last Sunday, Pastor Joey introduced Psalm 145 and the theme of God's goodness, focusing on goodness as essential to who God is. This week, I'll take us a little further in Psalm 145 as we focus on the works of God's goodness.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus said, \u0026quot;at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.\u0026quot; - John 14:11. Last Sunday, Pastor Joey introduced Psalm 145 and the theme of God\u0026#39;s goodness, focusing on goodness as essential to who God is. This week, I\u0026#39;ll take us a little further in Psalm 145 as we focus on the works of God\u0026#39;s goodness.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Goodness Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-11-12T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/2a5efa6a-bd4f-4f0a-9166-b91db35df54c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40171392,"duration_in_seconds":2592}]},{"id":"d72ff3ef-2d44-4e10-a13e-8e252a4d0d5d","title":"Essential","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/essential","content_text":"\"I will pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.” So says the psalmist as he contemplates the essential goodness of God. Does God’s goodness move you to worship? Join us this week as we jump into a four-part series on God’s Goodness from Psalm 145!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e\u0026quot;I will pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.” So says the psalmist as he contemplates the essential goodness of God. Does God’s goodness move you to worship? Join us this week as we jump into a four-part series on God’s Goodness from Psalm 145!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Goodness Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-11-05T09:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d72ff3ef-2d44-4e10-a13e-8e252a4d0d5d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36231552,"duration_in_seconds":2327}]},{"id":"bab966bc-b899-4120-8f3d-6277f590492d","title":"Soli Deo Gloria","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/soli-deo-gloria","content_text":"The Reformers insisted that God alone deserves the glory for saving us from sin, death, and hell; it is his gracious work in us. But they also insisted that we are saved for something. We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to live for God’s glory.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe Reformers insisted that God alone deserves the glory for saving us from sin, death, and hell; it is his gracious work in us. But they also insisted that we are saved for something. We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to live for God’s glory.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God Alone Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-10-29T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/bab966bc-b899-4120-8f3d-6277f590492d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37261728,"duration_in_seconds":2413}]},{"id":"c550bc15-e4df-4c9d-9a65-40826f61f00e","title":"Sola Fide","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/sola-fide","content_text":"Sola Fide (Faith Alone) is one of the rallying cries of the Reformation, the belief that people are declared righteous by God on the basis of their faith in him, not on any works they do to earn salvation. Sola Fide remains the cry of Faith Church, as we together are called from our attempts to justify ourselves to rest in God’s grace.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSola Fide (Faith Alone) is one of the rallying cries of the Reformation, the belief that people are declared righteous by God on the basis of their faith in him, not on any works they do to earn salvation. Sola Fide remains the cry of Faith Church, as we together are called from our attempts to justify ourselves to rest in God’s grace.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God Alone Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-10-22T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c550bc15-e4df-4c9d-9a65-40826f61f00e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33718560,"duration_in_seconds":2153}]},{"id":"0b05435c-ae09-41fb-b379-e28dc60d74f9","title":"Sola Gratia","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/sola-gratia","content_text":"“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.” One of the most well-known of all hymns, John Newton’s 18th-century lyrics celebrate what was almost lost in the Medieval church, God’s grace. The very heart of the Good News, that salvation is by grace, God’s gift, not earned by religious acts or good works. As we celebrate this month the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, I am privileged this Sunday to preach Ephesians 2:1-9 and address the 3rd of the five solas, Sola Gratia, Grace Alone.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.” One of the most well-known of all hymns, John Newton’s 18th-century lyrics celebrate what was almost lost in the Medieval church, God’s grace. The very heart of the Good News, that salvation is by grace, God’s gift, not earned by religious acts or good works. As we celebrate this month the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, I am privileged this Sunday to preach Ephesians 2:1-9 and address the 3rd of the five solas, Sola Gratia, Grace Alone.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God Alone Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-10-15T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/0b05435c-ae09-41fb-b379-e28dc60d74f9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36212400,"duration_in_seconds":2367}]},{"id":"258d752a-9170-4e50-845f-23f341f892af","title":"Solus Christus","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/solus-christus","content_text":"What was the Protestant Reformation about? Indulgences? Sacraments? Purgatory? The authority of the Pope? The answer is simple: Jesus. Specifically, the Reformation was about Jesus Christ’s death on the cross as our only source of forgiveness, life, and salvation. Luther said, “The cross alone is our theology.” When we look at Ephesians 1:15-23 we find what Solus Christus, or “Christ Alone” means for us!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat was the Protestant Reformation about? Indulgences? Sacraments? Purgatory? The authority of the Pope? The answer is simple: Jesus. Specifically, the Reformation was about Jesus Christ’s death on the cross as our only source of forgiveness, life, and salvation. Luther said, “The cross alone is our theology.” When we look at Ephesians 1:15-23 we find what Solus Christus, or “Christ Alone” means for us!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God Alone Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-10-08T09:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/258d752a-9170-4e50-845f-23f341f892af.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40444704,"duration_in_seconds":2615}]},{"id":"36c982a6-79c3-48e1-8362-40be1ec261e2","title":"Sola Scriptura","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/sola-scriptura","content_text":"This month marks the 500th anniversary of the start of Protestant Reformation, a key movement in the history of the church. Begun by reformers across Europe, it gathered steam when the monk Martin Luther posted ninety-five complaints against the theology taught by the Catholic Church on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. At root was the issue of Sola Scriptura, or “Scripture Alone.” A reaction against the Church’s use of tradition as an authority, Scripture Alone teaches that the Bible itself is sufficient and complete revelation from God.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis month marks the 500th anniversary of the start of Protestant Reformation, a key movement in the history of the church. Begun by reformers across Europe, it gathered steam when the monk Martin Luther posted ninety-five complaints against the theology taught by the Catholic Church on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. At root was the issue of Sola Scriptura, or “Scripture Alone.” A reaction against the Church’s use of tradition as an authority, Scripture Alone teaches that the Bible itself is sufficient and complete revelation from God.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"God Alone Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-10-01T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/36c982a6-79c3-48e1-8362-40be1ec261e2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36881232,"duration_in_seconds":2374}]},{"id":"accf15d8-b991-4db5-873f-a73f156a63ee","title":"Run the Race","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/run-the-race","content_text":"On September 24, 2017, we \"Ran the Race\" together as a church family with our missionaries from around the world. It was a weekend packed with opportunities to hear personal stories of how God is expanding his kingdom around the globe. Ruth Hubbard, VP of Urbana for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, was our keynote speaker.Special Guest: Ruth Hubbard.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn September 24, 2017, we \u0026quot;Ran the Race\u0026quot; together as a church family with our missionaries from around the world. It was a weekend packed with opportunities to hear personal stories of how God is expanding his kingdom around the globe. Ruth Hubbard, VP of Urbana for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, was our keynote speaker.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Ruth Hubbard.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Fall GIC 2017","date_published":"2017-09-24T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/accf15d8-b991-4db5-873f-a73f156a63ee.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":64474944,"duration_in_seconds":4125}]},{"id":"ce25a686-52d9-405e-8d43-40c43c34f4ff","title":"The God Who Secures Us","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-secures-us","content_text":"All of us struggle with doubts and fears – about ourselves, about our relationships, about the future, even about God and his promises. And we all look for someone or something that offers security, hope, and direction for our lives. There’s good news in God’s word about the security we have in Christ; “The God Who Secures” from Ephesians 1:11-14.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAll of us struggle with doubts and fears – about ourselves, about our relationships, about the future, even about God and his promises. And we all look for someone or something that offers security, hope, and direction for our lives. There’s good news in God’s word about the security we have in Christ; “The God Who Secures” from Ephesians 1:11-14.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-09-17T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ce25a686-52d9-405e-8d43-40c43c34f4ff.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31096416,"duration_in_seconds":2027}]},{"id":"d0677414-6176-4344-897e-ccaaf3ea7f63","title":"The God Who Makes Peace","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-makes-peace","content_text":"In Ephesians 1:7-10, we see the “big picture” of God’s plan to unite all things in Christ, making it possible for us to have peace in ourselves and with others.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Ephesians 1:7-10, we see the “big picture” of God’s plan to unite all things in Christ, making it possible for us to have peace in ourselves and with others.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-09-10T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d0677414-6176-4344-897e-ccaaf3ea7f63.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36591456,"duration_in_seconds":2388}]},{"id":"131d07aa-6236-4d77-8ceb-3234a1aaf10b","title":"The God Who Adopts","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-adopts","content_text":"Ephesians 1 contains one of the Apostle Paul’s most-used analogies for salvation, that of adoption. We’ll explore that theme in Ephesians 1:3-10 and discover how being adopted into God’s family gives us a new identity, a new family, and a new purpose.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEphesians 1 contains one of the Apostle Paul’s most-used analogies for salvation, that of adoption. We’ll explore that theme in Ephesians 1:3-10 and discover how being adopted into God’s family gives us a new identity, a new family, and a new purpose.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-09-03T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/131d07aa-6236-4d77-8ceb-3234a1aaf10b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":47853384,"duration_in_seconds":3078}]},{"id":"8ae90db3-ae6f-4347-8062-699a69e6f581","title":"The God Who Chooses","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-chooses","content_text":"In Ephesians 1:3-4, we find a God who blesses us in accordance with his will and character.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Ephesians 1:3-4, we find a God who blesses us in accordance with his will and character.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-08-27T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8ae90db3-ae6f-4347-8062-699a69e6f581.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37852656,"duration_in_seconds":2493}]},{"id":"e11bd130-de10-4b52-ac7f-6b49858c5545","title":"The God Who Blesses","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-god-who-blesses","content_text":"Ephesians chapter 1 gives us a picture of an amazing God who exists beyond our understanding; a God who is the source of all life and goodness and joy; a God who invites us to experience the fullness of life he has in himself. This Sunday, we’ll look at how the real God is different from all the other gods and idols of our culture, and how he alone freely blesses us.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEphesians chapter 1 gives us a picture of an amazing God who exists beyond our understanding; a God who is the source of all life and goodness and joy; a God who invites us to experience the fullness of life he has in himself. This Sunday, we’ll look at how the real God is different from all the other gods and idols of our culture, and how he alone freely blesses us.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Greater Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-08-20T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/e11bd130-de10-4b52-ac7f-6b49858c5545.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38180760,"duration_in_seconds":2499}]},{"id":"11a2376e-ddd8-40a0-a007-d986d9927dd2","title":"Anger","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/anger","content_text":"Anger: Is it a holy emotion, one we’re called to express? Or is it a hellish passion, something we should repress? As we turn to Psalm 109 to learn from King David’s expression of anger at injustice, we’re reminded that we can express our anger before God, while trusting in his sovereignty to work his will.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAnger: Is it a holy emotion, one we’re called to express? Or is it a hellish passion, something we should repress? As we turn to Psalm 109 to learn from King David’s expression of anger at injustice, we’re reminded that we can express our anger before God, while trusting in his sovereignty to work his will.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-08-13T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/11a2376e-ddd8-40a0-a007-d986d9927dd2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40059792,"duration_in_seconds":2563}]},{"id":"c1f5abc0-e5a7-4873-bdd0-6e1293212a2c","title":"Guilt","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/guilt","content_text":"What do you do when you know you’ve blown it? In Psalm 51, God helps us find the way forward when we’re broken, lost, or trapped in sin.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat do you do when you know you’ve blown it? In Psalm 51, God helps us find the way forward when we’re broken, lost, or trapped in sin.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-08-06T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c1f5abc0-e5a7-4873-bdd0-6e1293212a2c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36476784,"duration_in_seconds":2369}]},{"id":"cfe03e32-d5d2-4526-aed3-eb3cfd0c0217","title":"Grief","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/grief","content_text":"This past Sunday, we welcomed Pastor Andrew Rogers, a former counselor with Soul Care, College Park's counseling ministry, and currently serving as Assistant Professor \u0026amp; Program Coordinator of Biblical Counseling at Boyce College.\n\nFrom Pastor Andrew: There are seasons in our lives, some longer and more intense than others when we are consumed by grief and despair. When we feel like we are in the deepest darkest gully in between the mountains. We feel like we are in a pit that we have no idea how to get out of. We are full of grief, we are tired, we are sore, we sense the darkness coming in on us, all hope seems lost – we are stuck in a gully of gloom. We see the mountaintop, which promises tranquility, calmness, and serenity, but we don’t see how to get there. David expresses that feeling in Psalm 13. He shows us the path from the gully of gloom to the summit of serenity.Special Guest: Andrew Rogers.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis past Sunday, we welcomed Pastor Andrew Rogers, a former counselor with Soul Care, College Park\u0026#39;s counseling ministry, and currently serving as Assistant Professor \u0026amp; Program Coordinator of Biblical Counseling at Boyce College.\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003eFrom Pastor Andrew: There are seasons in our lives, some longer and more intense than others when we are consumed by grief and despair. When we feel like we are in the deepest darkest gully in between the mountains. We feel like we are in a pit that we have no idea how to get out of. We are full of grief, we are tired, we are sore, we sense the darkness coming in on us, all hope seems lost – we are stuck in a gully of gloom. We see the mountaintop, which promises tranquility, calmness, and serenity, but we don’t see how to get there. David expresses that feeling in Psalm 13. He shows us the path from the gully of gloom to the summit of serenity.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Andrew Rogers.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-07-30T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/cfe03e32-d5d2-4526-aed3-eb3cfd0c0217.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37368240,"duration_in_seconds":2459}]},{"id":"9c666661-475d-49d4-b425-51c89692973f","title":"Walking in the Wilderness Part 2","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/walking-in-the-wilderness-2","content_text":"We finished examining the difficult and universal experience of Walking Through the Wilderness, in part 2, with a focus on Psalm 23.Special Guest: Randy Beaverson.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe finished examining the difficult and universal experience of Walking Through the Wilderness, in part 2, with a focus on Psalm 23.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Randy Beaverson.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-07-23T09:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9c666661-475d-49d4-b425-51c89692973f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40219680,"duration_in_seconds":2574}]},{"id":"6de030df-1672-4b68-ab01-e190fc00c486","title":"Walking in the Wilderness Part 1","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/walking-in-the-wilderness-1","content_text":"What do we have in common with Moses, Elijah, Jesus and John the Baptist? Whether short visits, extreme excursions or prolonged journeys, we all experience a season in the wilderness. We examine this difficult place and how to traverse it. Both scripture and story will permeate our study, starting with a focus on reasons for being in the wilderness and what takes us there.Special Guest: Randy Beaverson.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat do we have in common with Moses, Elijah, Jesus and John the Baptist? Whether short visits, extreme excursions or prolonged journeys, we all experience a season in the wilderness. We examine this difficult place and how to traverse it. Both scripture and story will permeate our study, starting with a focus on reasons for being in the wilderness and what takes us there.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Randy Beaverson.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-07-16T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6de030df-1672-4b68-ab01-e190fc00c486.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41407416,"duration_in_seconds":2685}]},{"id":"ede1d0b7-9b2c-4137-aeb0-35ab02538669","title":"Disappointment","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/disappointment","content_text":"High expectations, wrong motives, limited perception and mistaken priorities can lead us to disappointment. How does the Lord by His grace allow disappointment to show us His appointed purpose? Pastor Luis Martinez of Iglesia de Fé takes unpacks Psalm 71.Special Guest: Luis Martinez.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHigh expectations, wrong motives, limited perception and mistaken priorities can lead us to disappointment. How does the Lord by His grace allow disappointment to show us His appointed purpose? Pastor Luis Martinez of Iglesia de Fé takes unpacks Psalm 71.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Luis Martinez.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-07-09T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ede1d0b7-9b2c-4137-aeb0-35ab02538669.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41275008,"duration_in_seconds":2768}]},{"id":"f6625097-bff1-4241-b36f-247de4b7a534","title":"Gratitude","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gratitude","content_text":"Psalm 136 summarizes the Old Testament story, God’s rescue of Israel; and illustrates the ultimate rescue of both Jews and Gentiles in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003ePsalm 136 summarizes the Old Testament story, God’s rescue of Israel; and illustrates the ultimate rescue of both Jews and Gentiles in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-07-02T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/f6625097-bff1-4241-b36f-247de4b7a534.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39314640,"duration_in_seconds":2520}]},{"id":"72c12663-96b6-4f89-84b4-c55a62df6085","title":"Joy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/joy","content_text":"Expressing joy is so natural to us that it seems odd to think we need to be trained to do it well. But that’s exactly what the psalmist teaches us to do in Psalm 33. Learn with us how to express joy through praise!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eExpressing joy is so natural to us that it seems odd to think we need to be trained to do it well. But that’s exactly what the psalmist teaches us to do in Psalm 33. Learn with us how to express joy through praise!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-06-25T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/72c12663-96b6-4f89-84b4-c55a62df6085.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39074640,"duration_in_seconds":2549}]},{"id":"3768e99b-96d3-4565-a435-5241206bbe37","title":"Envy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/envy","content_text":"Sometimes it seems that everyone has it better than us. It's hard not to let envy rule our hearts and rob us of our contentment in Christ. The writer of Psalm 73 almost lost his faith because of his envy, but eventually came through with a stronger faith than before.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eSometimes it seems that everyone has it better than us. It\u0026#39;s hard not to let envy rule our hearts and rob us of our contentment in Christ. The writer of Psalm 73 almost lost his faith because of his envy, but eventually came through with a stronger faith than before.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-06-18T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/3768e99b-96d3-4565-a435-5241206bbe37.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37522944,"duration_in_seconds":2434}]},{"id":"80036bb9-eb7c-4ee8-a8dd-c83113f30a70","title":"Fear","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/fear","content_text":"The world can be a scary place, with accidents, assaults, disease, violence, conflicts. What are your recurring fears? We continue our series in “Songs of Rescue” looking at Psalm 55. We’ll look at what causes fear and how we tend to respond to it, and we’ll see how to find peace in the middle of fear.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe world can be a scary place, with accidents, assaults, disease, violence, conflicts. What are your recurring fears? We continue our series in “Songs of Rescue” looking at Psalm 55. We’ll look at what causes fear and how we tend to respond to it, and we’ll see how to find peace in the middle of fear.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-06-11T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/80036bb9-eb7c-4ee8-a8dd-c83113f30a70.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33133416,"duration_in_seconds":2182}]},{"id":"839362e4-dece-4299-a4de-ea10dde87217","title":"I Will Call Upon The Lord","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/i-will-call-upon-the-lord","content_text":"They have been called the hymnbook for God’s people, instruction in the life of faith, and an anatomy of every part of the human soul. In Psalm 116 we find the encouragement to cry out to God in trust with all our joys, hopes, needs, concerns, and fears because he is caring, wise, and powerful.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThey have been called the hymnbook for God’s people, instruction in the life of faith, and an anatomy of every part of the human soul. In Psalm 116 we find the encouragement to cry out to God in trust with all our joys, hopes, needs, concerns, and fears because he is caring, wise, and powerful.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Songs of Rescue Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-06-04T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/839362e4-dece-4299-a4de-ea10dde87217.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":32759880,"duration_in_seconds":2140}]},{"id":"9816ab49-e216-43f7-adf0-693fae3fdf23","title":"Hope For Exiles","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hope-for-exiles","content_text":"We finish our exploration of Josiah’s life by following the destruction and exile of the nation he led. Can there ever be hope for exiles? What does that hope communicate to us today?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe finish our exploration of Josiah’s life by following the destruction and exile of the nation he led. Can there ever be hope for exiles? What does that hope communicate to us today?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith for Pagans Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-05-28T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9816ab49-e216-43f7-adf0-693fae3fdf23.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38905704,"duration_in_seconds":2506}]},{"id":"8ef26603-ee34-446e-9700-d4f33d667829","title":"Tragedy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/tragedy","content_text":"Josiah’s tragic death led Judah into a downward spiral from which it would not recover. The faithful can’t expect that their faith will make everything go right, so how are we to respond when tragedy strikes? (2nd Chronicles 35:20-27)","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJosiah’s tragic death led Judah into a downward spiral from which it would not recover. The faithful can’t expect that their faith will make everything go right, so how are we to respond when tragedy strikes? (2nd Chronicles 35:20-27)\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith for Pagans Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-05-21T08:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/8ef26603-ee34-446e-9700-d4f33d667829.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38451264,"duration_in_seconds":2477}]},{"id":"c0e7a830-1984-406a-987d-d4509a299252","title":"The Passover","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-passover","content_text":"Holidays can evoke either sentimentality or cynicism. At their best, though, holidays point us to something significant that’s bigger than us. They show us what really matters and how we should respond. And they point us to a lasting hope. We’ll see how all that comes together in the Passover celebration from 2 Chronicles 35:1-19.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHolidays can evoke either sentimentality or cynicism. At their best, though, holidays point us to something significant that’s bigger than us. They show us what really matters and how we should respond. And they point us to a lasting hope. We’ll see how all that comes together in the Passover celebration from 2 Chronicles 35:1-19.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith for Pagans Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-05-14T08:30:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/c0e7a830-1984-406a-987d-d4509a299252.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31261536,"duration_in_seconds":2030}]},{"id":"fcd46564-8cb4-4492-a2d5-45e12e42722b","title":"Law and Love","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/law-and-love","content_text":"We’ve watched King Josiah lead his people into a deeper relationship with God. Learn about his recommitment to their covenant, in 2nd Kings 23:1-20, the marriage of Law and Love.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’ve watched King Josiah lead his people into a deeper relationship with God. Learn about his recommitment to their covenant, in 2nd Kings 23:1-20, the marriage of Law and Love.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith for Pagans Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-05-07T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fcd46564-8cb4-4492-a2d5-45e12e42722b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34107024,"duration_in_seconds":2226}]},{"id":"fba98faf-52e9-491c-9939-daa89f7e9ffc","title":"Hidden Treasure","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hidden-treasure","content_text":"As Josiah grew deeper in faith, he began a work project to restore the Temple. In the process, a hidden treasure was found. We explore 2 Kings 22:3-20 and uncover what that treasure means for us today.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eAs Josiah grew deeper in faith, he began a work project to restore the Temple. In the process, a hidden treasure was found. We explore 2 Kings 22:3-20 and uncover what that treasure means for us today.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith for Pagans Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-04-30T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/fba98faf-52e9-491c-9939-daa89f7e9ffc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33060240,"duration_in_seconds":2157}]},{"id":"d9f19578-8a96-4ea4-bf76-3bf5165cf847","title":"The Boy King","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-boy-king","content_text":"Explore the life of Josiah, the boy king. Discover how a life of faith flourished in the midst of a formerly religious society gone pagan.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eExplore the life of Josiah, the boy king. Discover how a life of faith flourished in the midst of a formerly religious society gone pagan.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Faith For Pagans Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-04-23T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d9f19578-8a96-4ea4-bf76-3bf5165cf847.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39882192,"duration_in_seconds":2610}]},{"id":"02e012aa-5dd0-495c-b7c7-f8c426d44f80","title":"Life From Death","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/life-from-death","content_text":"We run at the gym, at work, at the airport; we run with pleasure, concern, hurry, or even joy – but who runs through a cemetery? What was it about the first Easter morning that caused people to run? And how do we respond to Jesus’ resurrection? Each year on Easter, Christians around the world celebrate Jesus’ victory over death! He is risen indeed!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe run at the gym, at work, at the airport; we run with pleasure, concern, hurry, or even joy – but who runs through a cemetery? What was it about the first Easter morning that caused people to run? And how do we respond to Jesus’ resurrection? Each year on Easter, Christians around the world celebrate Jesus’ victory over death! He is risen indeed!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To The End Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-04-16T11:45:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/02e012aa-5dd0-495c-b7c7-f8c426d44f80.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":30748656,"duration_in_seconds":2021}]},{"id":"4d775cef-8cda-4680-ba29-7c97e14574a5","title":"Good Friday 2017","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/good-friday-2017","content_text":"Good Friday sermon at Faith Church, 2017","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGood Friday sermon at Faith Church, 2017\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To The End Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-04-14T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4d775cef-8cda-4680-ba29-7c97e14574a5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":15819696,"duration_in_seconds":1012}]},{"id":"b38642ff-1dc5-46b3-bcfa-274354e4ceaf","title":"Triumph From Tragedy","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/triumph-from-tragedy","content_text":"The cross looks like a tragedy. And Jesus warns us we will have difficulty in life. But he also overcomes the world. Join us Sunday as we explore how God can use trials and loss to bring hope and accomplish his good purposes.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThe cross looks like a tragedy. And Jesus warns us we will have difficulty in life. But he also overcomes the world. Join us Sunday as we explore how God can use trials and loss to bring hope and accomplish his good purposes.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To The End Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-04-09T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b38642ff-1dc5-46b3-bcfa-274354e4ceaf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40499160,"duration_in_seconds":2650}]},{"id":"4576bd06-1150-4cf7-a095-e43481840971","title":"Guided In Truth","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/guided-in-truth","content_text":"Have you ever been confronted by someone who shared a bit of truth you didn’t want to hear? Jesus tells his followers in John 16:5-15 that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. See how love leads Jesus to speak challenging, important, and life-changing words to us, and through us, to the world.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHave you ever been confronted by someone who shared a bit of truth you didn’t want to hear? Jesus tells his followers in John 16:5-15 that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. See how love leads Jesus to speak challenging, important, and life-changing words to us, and through us, to the world.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To The End Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-04-02T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4576bd06-1150-4cf7-a095-e43481840971.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":35903616,"duration_in_seconds":2358}]},{"id":"7dc3fe79-fe08-4a32-aaa7-8dc5babc2054","title":"Hate and Love","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/hate-and-love","content_text":"Love him or hate him - those are the only two choices Jesus gives us. But do people really see Jesus that way? And how should his followers respond?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eLove him or hate him - those are the only two choices Jesus gives us. But do people really see Jesus that way? And how should his followers respond?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To The End Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-03-26T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/7dc3fe79-fe08-4a32-aaa7-8dc5babc2054.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39280512,"duration_in_seconds":2559}]},{"id":"128bb1eb-95b8-4c24-84be-efb528186d93","title":"Life In the Vine","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/life-in-the-vine","content_text":"In Jesus' last words to his disciples before his crucifixion, he told them to \"remain in me”, and in so doing, he promised they would bear much fruit. But what does it mean to bear fruit, and how do we remain in Him?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn Jesus\u0026#39; last words to his disciples before his crucifixion, he told them to \u0026quot;remain in me”, and in so doing, he promised they would bear much fruit. But what does it mean to bear fruit, and how do we remain in Him?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To The End Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-03-19T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/128bb1eb-95b8-4c24-84be-efb528186d93.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39904152,"duration_in_seconds":2583}]},{"id":"9f15304d-3217-43b1-8580-f512ea9fe1d2","title":"God's Home in Us","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/gods-home-in-us","content_text":"Jesus warns his disciples of his departure, his seeming defeat, and his delay in coming back. When is he going to come back? How long will he be gone? And what will happen to us? How will we live in this world with the evil one in it and Jesus departed? Jesus reassures his disciples that though he is gone, we are not alone and helpless; Jesus will send the Spirit to live in us, to guide and empower us, and to reassure and remind us of all we need to know.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eJesus warns his disciples of his departure, his seeming defeat, and his delay in coming back. When is he going to come back? How long will he be gone? And what will happen to us? How will we live in this world with the evil one in it and Jesus departed? Jesus reassures his disciples that though he is gone, we are not alone and helpless; Jesus will send the Spirit to live in us, to guide and empower us, and to reassure and remind us of all we need to know.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To The End Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-03-12T11:00:00.000-04:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/9f15304d-3217-43b1-8580-f512ea9fe1d2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":38810256,"duration_in_seconds":2537}]},{"id":"15986641-bd23-460e-93e9-ffdecb9e43ed","title":"Our Home in God","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/our-home-in-god","content_text":"We’re starting a series leading up to Easter looking at Jesus’ final words of instruction and encouragement to his disciples from John’s gospel. This week, we start with some of the most offensive and intolerant words Jesus ever spoke: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We’ll see how Jesus’ exclusive claims actually give us confidence, hope, and purpose. Join us as we discover what it means to have “our home in God” from John 14:1-14.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe’re starting a series leading up to Easter looking at Jesus’ final words of instruction and encouragement to his disciples from John’s gospel. This week, we start with some of the most offensive and intolerant words Jesus ever spoke: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We’ll see how Jesus’ exclusive claims actually give us confidence, hope, and purpose. Join us as we discover what it means to have “our home in God” from John 14:1-14.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"To The End Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-03-05T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/15986641-bd23-460e-93e9-ffdecb9e43ed.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":36210048,"duration_in_seconds":2378}]},{"id":"00d2c074-05ce-4cb6-a208-f32053ff4c53","title":"Winsome to Win Some","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/winsome-to-win-some","content_text":"Faith Church’s Directional Vision Statement calls for us to be “informed and winsome ambassadors of Christ to our secular culture.” To do that we must boldly stand for God’s truth but do it in a way that will attract our neighbors to the Gospel. Micaiah, an obscure prophet in the Old Testament, serves as an example for us as we learn to be “winsome to win some.”Special Guest: Bob Blahnik.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eFaith Church’s Directional Vision Statement calls for us to be “informed and winsome ambassadors of Christ to our secular culture.” To do that we must boldly stand for God’s truth but do it in a way that will attract our neighbors to the Gospel. Micaiah, an obscure prophet in the Old Testament, serves as an example for us as we learn to be “winsome to win some.”\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Bob Blahnik.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Looking Forward Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-02-26T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/00d2c074-05ce-4cb6-a208-f32053ff4c53.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40679064,"duration_in_seconds":2610}]},{"id":"40b51e2a-940a-4778-b4b0-ae3cd8db5531","title":"Bless the City","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/bless-the-city","content_text":"How do you respond to a society that’s opposed to your beliefs and values? How do we live faithfully and reflect God’s character and purposes in a fragmented culture? God’s message to the exiles in Jeremiah’s day gives encouragement to us who live our lives here “as strangers and exiles on earth.”","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eHow do you respond to a society that’s opposed to your beliefs and values? How do we live faithfully and reflect God’s character and purposes in a fragmented culture? God’s message to the exiles in Jeremiah’s day gives encouragement to us who live our lives here “as strangers and exiles on earth.”\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Looking Forward Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-02-19T11:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/40b51e2a-940a-4778-b4b0-ae3cd8db5531.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39868464,"duration_in_seconds":2580}]},{"id":"b40b572c-bca4-4452-930c-a71804377ae7","title":"Living a John 3:16 Lifestyle","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/living-a-john-316-lifestyle","content_text":"Dr. Paul Borthwick, professor at Gordon College and author of Western Christians in Global Mission, shared a reflection from John 3:16, and challenged us in our commitment to reach the world with the gospel of Christ.Special Guest: Dr. Paul Borthwick.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDr. Paul Borthwick, professor at Gordon College and author of Western Christians in Global Mission, shared a reflection from John 3:16, and challenged us in our commitment to reach the world with the gospel of Christ.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Dr. Paul Borthwick.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Looking Forward Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-02-12T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/b40b572c-bca4-4452-930c-a71804377ae7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39728352,"duration_in_seconds":2549}]},{"id":"4251e185-ee97-48db-b8ff-b651b6e95127","title":"On A Mission","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/on-a-mission","content_text":"What’s the mission of the church? It’s an easy question with an easy answer – after all, Jesus told us to “go and make disciples.” Watch as Pastor Joey digs into this command of how God is leading us to live it out at Faith Church!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhat’s the mission of the church? It’s an easy question with an easy answer – after all, Jesus told us to “go and make disciples.” Watch as Pastor Joey digs into this command of how God is leading us to live it out at Faith Church!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Looking Forward Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-02-05T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/4251e185-ee97-48db-b8ff-b651b6e95127.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":42698256,"duration_in_seconds":2758}]},{"id":"ca08ce4a-d2bf-4e91-9de1-59587dc0534e","title":"Loving Community","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/loving-community","content_text":"God is a community of love between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are made in God’s image to experience and reflect his love. And through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are adopted into God’s family. So why is real community so hard to find? And what does a loving community look like, anyway?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eGod is a community of love between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are made in God’s image to experience and reflect his love. And through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are adopted into God’s family. So why is real community so hard to find? And what does a loving community look like, anyway?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Looking Forward Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-01-29T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/ca08ce4a-d2bf-4e91-9de1-59587dc0534e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":35885640,"duration_in_seconds":2343}]},{"id":"91dcb0dd-5033-4ac9-a0e0-dab80ada1544","title":"Kingdom Worship","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/kingdom-worship","content_text":"If you were called before God, could you stand in his presence? The prophet Isaiah records that in 740 BC, he saw the Lord on his throne, and the experience drove him to his knees. His response shows us that worship is more than an event or an activity, it is a heart aligned toward God, one we can only have through God’s gracious initiation.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIf you were called before God, could you stand in his presence? The prophet Isaiah records that in 740 BC, he saw the Lord on his throne, and the experience drove him to his knees. His response shows us that worship is more than an event or an activity, it is a heart aligned toward God, one we can only have through God’s gracious initiation.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Looking Forward Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-01-22T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/91dcb0dd-5033-4ac9-a0e0-dab80ada1544.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":45459024,"duration_in_seconds":2924}]},{"id":"6d43964c-98f0-40f0-8256-3d36a1a481a2","title":"Humble Leaders","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/humble-leaders","content_text":"Where do we go from here? As we start a new year and a new season of ministry together, we look back at our vision and values to guide us. We have a new structure for pastoral leadership at Faith. But it’s based on Jesus’ example of servant leadership. Finding our identity in the gospel frees us to joyfully love and humbly serve others to the Father’s glory. Let's focus on Jesus’ call to humble leadership.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWhere do we go from here? As we start a new year and a new season of ministry together, we look back at our vision and values to guide us. We have a new structure for pastoral leadership at Faith. But it’s based on Jesus’ example of servant leadership. Finding our identity in the gospel frees us to joyfully love and humbly serve others to the Father’s glory. Let\u0026#39;s focus on Jesus’ call to humble leadership.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Looking Forward Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-01-15T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/6d43964c-98f0-40f0-8256-3d36a1a481a2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39632136,"duration_in_seconds":2573}]},{"id":"d1522c84-a24e-433c-b0c9-ad51f6456da8","title":"Looking Back","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/looking-back","content_text":"2017 starts with big changes at Faith as I start my new half-time role and Pastors Jeff and Joey step into their new roles. I look back with deep thankfulness to God and to you, the Faith Church family; but also a look forward with you to serving under our new pastoral leadership. We rejoice in the truth of Philippians 1:6. I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e2017 starts with big changes at Faith as I start my new half-time role and Pastors Jeff and Joey step into their new roles. I look back with deep thankfulness to God and to you, the Faith Church family; but also a look forward with you to serving under our new pastoral leadership. We rejoice in the truth of Philippians 1:6. I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Looking Forward Sermon Series","date_published":"2017-01-08T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/d1522c84-a24e-433c-b0c9-ad51f6456da8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":50047056,"duration_in_seconds":3213}]},{"id":"16923140-ef3b-42b6-980a-c43429f08376","title":"You Don't Have to Stay the Same","url":"https://faithchurchindy.fireside.fm/the-same","content_text":"“This year I’m going to …” January rolls around, and many of us look at things we’d like to do better or differently. And many of us know what it’s like for our resolutions to crash on the rocks of reality. Is there hope for lasting change? Can I really become the person I want to be and God created me to be? How does God help us change? We’ll look at Genesis 32 for hope and help. You don’t have to stay the same!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e“This year I’m going to …” January rolls around, and many of us look at things we’d like to do better or differently. And many of us know what it’s like for our resolutions to crash on the rocks of reality. Is there hope for lasting change? Can I really become the person I want to be and God created me to be? How does God help us change? We’ll look at Genesis 32 for hope and help. You don’t have to stay the same!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"New Years Sermon","date_published":"2017-01-01T10:00:00.000-05:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/76360799-af48-4217-a889-e8dc9f3681de/16923140-ef3b-42b6-980a-c43429f08376.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":40808544,"duration_in_seconds":2671}]}]}