Wisdom Worth Sharing (James 3:13-18)


May 17th, 2021

35 mins 41 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Hey everybody! Got an opinion you’re just dying for others to hear? Do you know the solution to all the world’s problems? If people just listened to you, would their lives be immeasurably better? If so, step forward! Let’s see how wise your wisdom really is — does it come from above? Is it characterized by gentleness and meekness? If your life shows humility, then you’re just the person we’re looking for!

Maybe that’s a bit over-stated, but not by much. James invites us to consider how our so-called “wisdom” really plays out in our lives. If we’re living according to heavenly wisdom, our lives will show humility and gentleness. If our lives don’t show humility, well, then…where does our “wisdom” really come from?

Join us for “Wisdom Worth Sharing” from James 3:13-18!