Faith Church Indy

Sermons from Faith Church in Indianapolis

About the show

Together, the people of Faith seek to connect with God, each other, and our needy world. Through biblical preaching and teaching, passionate worship, deep friendships, and a focus on loving and serving, our mission is to declare the glory of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

Faith Church Indy on social media


  • Cut for Time: The Power

    June 21st, 2023  |  27 mins 42 secs
    acts, cut, for, spirit, time

    Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.

  • Faith Stories - Chelsea Mohler

    June 19th, 2023  |  37 mins 42 secs
    class, connection, faith, story, testimony

    Faith Stories 2023

  • The Power | Acts 2:1-13

    June 19th, 2023  |  36 mins 44 secs
    acts, church, faith, gospel, spirit

    This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?

  • Cut for Time: The Twelve

    June 14th, 2023  |  46 mins 58 secs
    acts, cut, for, spirit, time

    Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.

  • The Twelve | Acts 1:12-26

    June 12th, 2023  |  44 mins 43 secs
    acts, church, faith, gospel, spirit

    This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?

  • Faith Stories - Tom Waltz

    June 12th, 2023  |  1 hr
    class, connection, faith, story, testimony

    Faith Stories 2023

  • Cut for Time: The Kingdom

    June 7th, 2023  |  27 mins 3 secs
    acts, cut, for, spirit, time

    Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.

  • Faith Stories - Shirley Woolf

    June 6th, 2023  |  1 hr 48 secs
    class, connection, faith, story, testimony

    Faith Stories 2023

  • The Kingdom | Acts 1:6-11

    June 5th, 2023  |  34 mins 46 secs
    acts, church, faith, gospel, spirit

    This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?

  • Cut for Time: The Introduction

    May 31st, 2023  |  27 mins 52 secs
    acts, cut, for, spirit, time

    Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.

  • Acts of the Spirit: The Introduction

    May 29th, 2023  |  38 mins 57 secs
    acts, church, faith, gospel, spirit

    This series is our study of the origin story of the church—the book of Acts! In this series we are exploring how the gospel spreads throughout the ancient world, and how it continues to spread around our world today. The whole time, we’ll keep asking ourselves this one question: who and where is the gospel sending me today?

  • Cut for Time: Overcome the World

    May 24th, 2023  |  20 mins 39 secs
    1 john, children, church, faith, light, love

    Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.

  • Overcome the World

    May 22nd, 2023  |  35 mins 29 secs
    1 john, children, church, faith, light, love

    Children of Light and Love Series, Week 5

  • Cut for Time: Maintain Your Confession

    May 17th, 2023  |  25 mins 17 secs
    1 john, children, church, faith, light, love

    Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.

  • Maintain Your Confession

    May 16th, 2023  |  34 mins 55 secs
    1 john, children, church, faith, light, love

    Children of Light and Love Series, Week 4

  • Cut for Time: Walk in the Light

    May 10th, 2023  |  25 mins 23 secs
    1 john, children, church, faith, light, love

    Walk in the Light Series
    Each week we sit down with one of our preaching pastors to discuss their Sunday sermon. Cut for Time is a look behind the scenes of sermon preparation and they’ll share with us some things that we didn’t hear from the sermon.