Faith Church Indy
Sermons from Faith Church in Indianapolis
About the show
Together, the people of Faith seek to connect with God, each other, and our needy world. Through biblical preaching and teaching, passionate worship, deep friendships, and a focus on loving and serving, our mission is to declare the glory of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
Faith Church Indy on social media
Cut for Time: Galatians 5:1-6
January 25th, 2022 | 14 mins 33 secs
cut, for, galatians, gospel, time
Pastor Jeff encourages us to live in the freedom of Christ, looks ahead to the rest of the book, and challenges us to apply the text to our lives.
Only Faith (Gal. 5:1-6)
January 24th, 2022 | 36 mins 44 secs
bible, church, faith, family, gathering, indianapolis, only, sermon
No Other Gospel Sermon Series
Cut for Time: Galatians 4:21-5:1
January 19th, 2022 | 16 mins 58 secs
cut, for, galatians, gospel, time
Pastor Jeff explains why he was pressed for time and what he wished he could have spent more time on or clarified in his sermon in the Galatians 4:21-5:1 section.
You Deserve Better (Gal. 4:21-5:1)
January 17th, 2022 | 36 mins 49 secs
better, bible, church, deserve, faith, family, gathering, indianapolis, sermon
No Other Gospel Sermon Series
Cut for Time: Galatians 4:12-20
January 12th, 2022 | 20 mins 49 secs
cut, for, galatians, gospel, time
Pastor Joey shares on the purpose of the sermon on Sunday and how the passage from Sunday prompts us to praise Jesus.
With Friends Like These... (Gal. 4:12-20)
January 10th, 2022 | 38 mins 41 secs
bible, church, faith, family, friends, gathering, indianapolis, sermon
No Other Gospel Sermon Series
Cut For Time: Galatians 4:8-11
January 5th, 2022 | 13 mins 46 secs
cut, for, galatians, gospel, time
Pastor Jeff shares what he wished he could have included in Sunday's sermon and gives us a tool for the new year.
No Going Back (Gal. 4:8-11)
January 3rd, 2022 | 31 mins 43 secs
back, bible, church, faith, indianapolis, no, sermon
No Other Gospel Sermon Series
From Slaves to Sons (Gal. 4:1-7)
January 1st, 2022 | 36 mins 40 secs
bible, church, faith, family, gathering, indianapolis, sermon, slaves, sons
No Other Gospel Sermon Series
Cut for Time: Galatians 4:1-7
December 29th, 2021 | 13 mins 59 secs
cut, for, galatians, gospel, time
Pastor Joey preached on Sunday and rebooted our series in Galatians following the break we took for Advent. We begin again in chapter 4, verse 1.
2021 Christmas Eve Sermon
December 26th, 2021 | 15 mins 28 secs
bible, church, faith, family, gathering, indianapolis, sermon
Coming home for Christmas Sermon Series
Finally Home (Revelation 21:1-7, 22-27)
December 20th, 2021 | 36 mins 5 secs
bible, church, faith, family, gathering, home, indianapolis, sermon
Coming home for Christmas Sermon Series
Homeward Bound (Hebrews 13:11-15)
December 13th, 2021 | 30 mins 1 sec
bible, bound, church, faith, family, gathering, home, indianapolis, sermon
Coming home for Christmas Sermon Series
Home-Making (Gen. 11:1-9)
December 6th, 2021 | 39 mins 26 secs
bible, christmas, church, faith, family, gathering, home, indianapolis, sermon
Coming Home for Christmas Sermon Series
Our First Home (Gen. 1:1-5, 26-31)
November 29th, 2021 | 35 mins 36 secs
advent, bible, church, faith, family, gathering, home, indianapolis, sermon
Coming Home for Christmas Advent 2021
Cut For Time: Galatians 3:23-29
November 24th, 2021 | 16 mins 27 secs
pastor joey does a geeky greek segment and gives us an advent preview.
Pastor Joey does a Geeky Greek segment and gives us an Advent preview.