Faith Church Indy
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
740 episodes of Faith Church Indy since the first episode, which aired on January 1st, 2017.
Peace (Philippians 4:4-9)
May 22nd, 2020 | 35 mins 25 secs
bible, church, faith, fruit, life, mission, peace, spirit
Fruit of the Spirit Series
Cut for Time: An Update from some Faith Kids
May 21st, 2020 | 13 mins 58 secs
cut, faith kids, for, ministry, time
We interview 3 kids - Karis Ho, Callie Saefkow, and Johnny Derksen - in this episode of Cut For Time. They share their thoughts on what's going on in the world and what life has been like.
Joy (1 Peter 1:1-9)
May 15th, 2020 | 37 mins 28 secs
bible, church, faith, fruit, joy, life, mission, spirit
Fruit of the Spirit Series
Cut for Time: An Interview with Kendra Carter
May 13th, 2020 | 21 mins 43 secs
cut, faith kids, for, ministry, time
Kendra Carter, Director of Kids Ministry, shares about life and ministry and what we're looking forward to this summer.
Love (1 Corinthians 13)
May 8th, 2020 | 38 mins 27 secs
bible, church, faith, fruit, life, love, mission, spirit
Fruit of the Spirit Series
Cut for Time: An Interview with the Shambaughs
May 7th, 2020 | 18 mins 54 secs
balance, covid-19, cut, for, parenting, time
We interview Steve and Ann Marie Shambaugh on family life, parenting, and the balancing act they're managing right now.
Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)
May 1st, 2020 | 38 mins 42 secs
bible, church, faith, fruit, life, mission, spirit
Fruit of the Spirit Sermon Series
Cut for Time: Life Centers in Indy
April 29th, 2020 | 20 mins 1 sec
cut, for, indianapolis, life centers, time
We interview Becky Lawrence, center director at the Life Center in Hamilton Co. She shares ways for us to to partner with and pray for their ministry.
Walk By the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)
April 24th, 2020 | 37 mins 29 secs
bible, church, faith, fruit, life, mission, spirit, walk
Life in the Spirit Sermon Series
Cut for Time: An Update from Joey Woestman
April 22nd, 2020 | 31 mins 1 sec
Pastor Joey gives us an update on life, ministry, and the mission of Faith.
Life In The Spirit (Galatians 5:25)
April 17th, 2020 | 35 mins 20 secs
bible, church, faith, fruit, life, mission, spirit
Life in the Spirit Sermon Series
Cut for Time: An Update from Jeff Schultz
April 15th, 2020 | 18 mins 19 secs
church, covid-19, cut for time, faith
Pastor Jeff updates us on his health and his new normal.
Death Interrupted (Matthew 28)
April 15th, 2020 | 21 mins 42 secs
bible, church, death interrupted, easter, faith, indianapolis, sermon
Interrupted Sermon Series
Cut for Time: For Such a Time as This
April 8th, 2020 | 19 mins 37 secs
In this episode of Cut for Time, we interviewed Nick Carter, entrepreneur and CEO of Market Wagon.
Good Friday 2020
April 8th, 2020 | 7 mins 21 secs
bible, church, easter, faith, friday, good, indianapolis, sermon
Interrupted Sermon Series
Love Sees, Feels & Acts (Luke 7:1-17)
April 3rd, 2020 | 31 mins 10 secs
bible, church, faith, indianapolis, interrupted, sermon
Interrupted Sermon Series